Kat, the slave All chars in this story are copyright their respective users. The Black Kat is copyright to me and V. Flux is copyright his player. He is used with permission. This story shows graphic depictions of sex. Do NOT read unless you are of legal age in your area. ============================================ Kat walked silently down the halls. Her head hung down. She wondered what was going to happen. Only moments ago, a slave master had bought her. She had been a slave before but she was not sure what to think of him. His first words to her in the pen were "You're beautiful." She had responded with "So, I am told." He smiled. "Well, it's true." She had nodded. "Thank you." "You actually a slave? I heard some of em are just people wanting a good yiff." He leaned on the railing. She shrugged. "Depends on what my master wants." "Where is he?" He had asked. She shrugged again. "Don't have one. That's why I'm here." He had looked curious. "Why do you wanna be a slave?" "It's funner than being a mistress," she said with smile. "Would you like to be my master?" He had nodded. He was young. She noticed it as they were walking to his private rooms. He was barely 18. His lithe cat muscles bound tightly over his arms. His leather jacket and jeans made him look even younger. His backpack almost made him look junior high age. Then there was his fangs. They didn't seem very odd. They just hung there like normal fangs. But these seemed a bit larger than most. They were prominent and he often liked at them with his tounge. He pushed open a large wooden door. "This is it. The Top Hat." It looked more like a dungeon. There were chains on the wall and a single bed. The bed actually looked comfortable. "So." He said, "you wanna be the submissive one, huh?" She nodded. He leaned in and kissed her. He wrapped one arm around her and fiddled with her navel ring with the other. "Want to be chained?" She kissed back. "I don't mind." He ended the kiss and pointed to the chains. "Mind much?" She considered. "Death." "Death bad." He said. She smiled warmly up at him. "Where are you going to chain me?" He pointed at the chains on the wall. "Over there or you could have the bed." "I like the sound of the wall." She said. He smiled and hooked her in. Clamps went around her neck, wrists, ankles, and more. He stood back to admire her. "You really are beautiful." He started to undress. He took off his clothes and stacked them in a pile in a corner. She saw his naked form and got very aroused. Her pants showing a bit of wetness. He raised and eyebrow and moved to undo her bra. She could hardly even push herself forward to feel his hands over her breasts. He reached down and slid her khakis off. "Very nice." He said. "Thank you, master." She said in response. He leaned down and licked his tongue across her belly. He played with her navel ring a bit and then her breasts and neck. Kat gasped as she felt her nipples harden under his licking. He heard the gasping and worked his way back down. He bit slowly down on her nipples. His feline fangs avoided her flesh. Kat moaned and tried to move in the chains. "What's your name, master?" He smiled and teased her inner thigh. "Master will do for now." He said as he moved up to kiss her. Kat felt really horny. She wanted to tell him to fuck her right there. He loosened the chains and helped them to stand up. But then as soon as he was standing he pushed her back down. She did so, noticing how moist her pussy was. "You wanna have foreplay or just get to it? I can do it either way." He said. "I want what you want." She replied. He smiled and pushed her head gently closer to his 'head'. Kat leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. "Tastes good." She said. "Glad it does." He moaned as she quickly took the whole cock in her mouth in one motion. His eyes widened. "Damn, you're good at that." She quickly worked to please him. She just held the cock in her mouth and used her lips to brush against his balls. His mouth hung silently. "You can sure get a lot in your mouth." She sucked backwards and kissed the tip as she went. "Just a matter of holding the neck right." She licked at the large amounts of pre. She did not suck, but instead licked at the sides of his cock. She took a long lick all the way back to his balls. He smiled and felt cum begin to flow beneath him. He wondered how she would like his unique abilities. She had her tongue almost back to the tip when a large wad of cum hit her on the face. She grinned and sucked hard on his cock. She tickled his balls again with her lips. He gasped in pleasure and more cum flowed. She suckled the tip, surprised by how long he could cum. After a moment she pulled off and let some of the liquid wet her head fur. He found her very arousing and did not stop cumming. He leaned down jerkily and unchained her hands slightly. Kat quickly used her free hands. She kept sucking but now continually squeezed his balls. Her other hand worked down along the center of this crotch back to his tailhole. She started to let some of the cum dribble out of her mouth. She knew he might be cumming for a while. She prodded gently at his asshole and then started pushing harder. Kat noticed an questioning look on his face. "Some men realy like their asshole fondled while they fuck." She said. He reached down and caressed her wet face. His face showed a kind smile. "Its different. GO ahead." Kat couldn't help but feel grateful. She paused for a moment to rub some of the cum into her moist lips. When she finished, she moved her hands around to knead his ass and started sucking again. He leaned back a bit. "Have any more kinky tricks?" "I'd have to think." She said around his large cock. "Let me know if you remember. Or," he said with a grin, "just do it." She smiled and sucked on the tip while massaging just the bottom of his cock with a finger. She brought the finger to the tip and then back to the balls pushing gently along his length. He purred. "That's good. Real frisky." She leaned back and rubbed the flap of skin on the bottom of his cock. "How would you like it?" He cummed hard again and had a hard time speaking. "Y-you pick." Kat growled around his cock and bit into it lightly. She let more of the cum spill out of her mouth and used her tounge to spread it all over his length. She pushed on his hole with more force. "I know I'm the master, but is there anything you want?" he asked as his eyes rolled back. "A little bit longer and we'll see." He smiled. "All right." She shoved a finger all the way into his ass. His eyes widened. "That was different. Very different." He did not look hurt and he reached down to stroke her face more. She continued growling loudly around his cock and thrust slowly into his ass. As he started to grind his hips with her she thrust faster. She noticed a large increase in the amount of cum flowing from him. She took a long suck on his cock and shoved her finger in as far as it would go. She used her free hand to smear the cum all around the inside of his legs. He panted above her. His tongue lolling out of his mouth. He wondered briefly what she was going to want and he flicked his tongue over his fangs quickly. To be continued...