Ode to a Castellated Nut

A Poem

by Gregg G Guydish

\xA9 2002


I gaze upon your steely walls,

That hold your keep secure,

Hexagonal battlements,

That protect which you hold dear.


Bind that stud close to your heart,

Safe within your keep,

A holey task you must preserve,

For to lose it is to weep.


But man is stronger than mere bands of iron,

And he pries your merlons free,

There to wrest you from your grasp,

Ignorant of your quiet plea.


Though your defenses have been breached,

And your ramparts so assailed,

You will resume your silent task,

Or my steering will be failed.


Spun again onto your home,

Lo these twenty years past,

I torque you up nice and tight,

So continue, you may be, to last.


As I cinch you down to your prescribed FLB,

And align your crenels with your hole,

I ponder the battles your walls have seen,

Time, and elements, that scathe along your boll.


Here beneath my merry chariot,

You labor valiantly to hold,

Against the onslaught of nature and earth,

Persevering through the heat and cold.


But just to be certain that you do not fail,

I slip in the pin and so it arose,

Then bent it over and secured it,

With a bang across your nose.