The Circular Object Mark I and II story, characters and concept copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish 2001, 2002 et al except the following: Zig Zag is copyright \xA9 Max Black Rabbit. Everything contained in this document \xA9 Gregg G Guydish, all rights reserved.


The Circular Object MARK II

\xA9 2001, 2002 Gregg G Guydish


Part I

"A Foxzee Fantasy Come True II"


WARNING: This version is rated for Adult Consumption Only


Chris has a surprise for his lover, if he can get her to participate, that is…


Present day…


Christopher Vulpes whistles happily to himself as he opens the box he received in the mail that morning, examining the various items he purchased off of the ZZ Studios website, amused that his new girlfriend should work at a place that sells such stuff, and revels in the delicious irony.   After a moment, he gathers up the various packages and carries them into the bedroom, dumping them ignobly onto the bed. Reaching out a paw he fishes out the package of Extra-ribbed, Super Sensitive lubricated condoms and slips them into his sock and underwear drawer, with the rest of his regular supply. He closes the drawer, then thinks a moment and, crouching down, slides open the bottom drawer. Pushing his winter clothing aside he picks up the top most video cassette and stares at the picture of the bound female on the cover as an evil grin crosses his face.  He lingers over it a moment, then puts the cassette away and closes the drawer, standing awkwardly for the sudden constriction in his trousers.


He looks down and touches himself lightly through the fabric. "Down, boy, there's plenty of time for that later." He drops his paw and looks back up, smiling in anticipation of his mate's arrival. Looking at the time, he realizes he'd better get busy, and sets about cleaning his place up for her. He steadily works his way through the various rooms of his apartment and eventually stops when he finds the original shipping box that his toys came in. He picks it up as he realizes he needs to get rid of both it, and the other packages before she arrives. He marches straight into the bedroom and gets to work. First, he strips the bed, then he sits on its edge as he opens the first large box and examines the buckled leather straps and padded restraints, figuring out how best to attach them to the four points needed on his bed frame. Once that's done, he adjusts their length to his lover's specifications and remakes the bed, covering up the odd little bulges at the corners as best he could.  He sits back down and opens the other two boxes, thinking this is going to be the hardest part to get her to accept.  He holds the complicated things in his paws as he figures out how they work, then slips them into the drawer of the night stand beside the bed, the smaller one on the left. He closes the flaps on the box and steps quickly toward the door. He peeks into the hall, and, gratefully seeing no one, steps out and rushes down the back stairwell to dispose of the boxes, leaving his door slightly ajar.


"Hey, Chris?"  Amber called out as she pushed the door to his flat open and stepped inside, looking about for her date. She frowned slightly as she padded in, and called out again. "Yo, Chris, you here?" After several paces she stopped, about midway into the living room, and stood there, looking around in perplexity, until she heard a voice behind her.  "Amber? That you?" She turned suddenly to take in the tall red fox standing in the doorway and shot him a wry grin, placing her paws on her svelte hips as she did so. "You were expecting some other femme, Mister Vulpes?" Christopher grinned back and entered the room, pushing the door shut behind him, being careful to flick his bushy tail out of the way first. "Well," he tilts his head to the side, "that would be telling, wouldn't it?" She appraises him coolly with a small scowl, then decides to give him the benefit of the doubt and plays along. She sashays towards him, her long, ringed tail swaying behind her, and drawing his eyes to her hips in a barely concealed leer. "There better not be, Christo, or you're going to find yourself very lonely, very shortly."  His paws come up to hold those same hips as she loops her arms around his neck and looks up at him. He loses his smug, playful grin and sobers instantly.  "I swear, babe, there's nobody but you in my life." She narrows her eyes before dropping her lids to an alluring expression, looking back at him through her long eyelashes. "Uh, huh." She draws a paw down his chest, poking him there with one strong finger.  "There better not be, buddy boy," she says lowly but with serious intent, "I don't give myself away lightly." Christopher swallows nervously, suddenly all too aware of how fortunate he really is to have gotten in good with his little Amber Ailurus. 


An awkward moment passes between them before Ambers' natural playful spirit pushed to the fore again, and she stepped out of his embrace, swatting him on the rump with a paw as she did so. "You ready to go, studly?" Chris dropped his paws and released her, jumping slightly from the unexpected pat.  "Whoa! Watch it girl!" He stepped out of her range suddenly. "That's a protected natural resource!" She made a face as she trooped towards the door, while Chris dodged to the couch for his dress jacket and she spoke teasingly under her tongue. "Yeah, if we ever deplete our natural gas reserves." As he shrugged into his jacket his ears flicked round towards her.  "What was that?" She smirked and leaned against the door frame before replying in a louder voice. "Nothing. Just, uh, where were you?" He turned to her as he settled his clothes. "When?" She wagged her head slightly side to side. "When I came in. You left your door open." "Oh," he started towards her, checking his pockets to be sure he had his keys and money clip with him. "Just down at the dumpster," he motioned vaguely with a paw as she opened the door, "you know, cleaning up and stuff." She shot him a sidelong glance. "And stuff?" He sent back a slightly embarrassed grin along with a half shrug. "Think of it as a surprise for later, if you're feeling adventurous…" he struggles vainly for a moment, desperately seeking a way to divert the suddenly unpleasant topic of discussion. Just before he pulls the door shut behind them, he poses a new question in a slightly whiny voice. "Why do we always halfta take your car?" Her laughter floats back through the rapidly closing door. "Because it's about a hundred times more stylish than that heap you drive."  The door closes with a snick of the lock setting itself and his booming voice can still be heard from without.  "C'mon! It's a classic! It'll be worth real money someday!"  


Later, upon returning to Chris' place, they snuggled on his couch as the evening wound to a close.  "So," Amber said as she lightly drew a paw over his chest, barely hiding the grin on her muzzle, "what kind of … adventurous surprise do you have waiting for us, anyway?"  Chris ducked his head and pretended as if he were watching her caress in a feeble attempt to hide his sudden blush.  He chewed his lip for a long moment before setting his nightcap of Frangelico aside and lifting his head to face her, twisting as he did so. "Amber," he began hesitantly, the red panda lifting her own head to regard him, curiosity clearly painted across her muzzle. "You remember that time you let me tie you up? Way back, at the beginning of our relationship?" She shot him a slightly wary glance, unsure where his thoughts lie. "Yes, I remember." She said with a neutral tone, causing Chris to doubt himself even more. "Well, honey, I was kinda hoping we could…" he fumbles for a moment, then continues just a little more shyly, "well, do that again, tonight." A pause passes between the two young lovers as Amber tries to imagine what's brought this on. Eventually she speaks, her curiosity piqued. "What do you have in mind?" Christopher grins slightly, then stands, holding out a paw and drawing her up next to him, then leading her to his bedroom, and the surprise waiting there.


Pulling her into the bedroom behind him he turns and closes the door, even though there was no especial reason to. He took her in his arms then, hers coming up to embrace his back, and lowered his muzzle and kissed her soundly, their tongues playing together for several long minutes before they break as if by mutual consent, and he looks adoringly down on her.  "Babe," he swallows nervously, his breath quick in his throat, "I think we can have a lot of fun tonight, but I need to know if you trust me. Do you?" He's pretty certain she does, but he wants to hear it from her before he goes any further.  She watches him with a serious stare before a playful grin breaks across her muzzle and her affectionate nature lets itself be known. She blinks prettily up at him and silently nods her head in a slow affirmative. He smiles back and shifts his paws to the buttons of her blouse, grinning as he begins to undress her. "Then let us begin, shall we?"


He slowly strips her, batting her paws away when she tries to reciprocate his attentions, then leads her over to the bed, watching her face carefully as he pulls down the covers.  Her jaw drops open as she sees the leather bindings at the corners, and looks up at him in something approaching shock.  He looks nervous as she turns and presses herself against him, stretching her tail lithely out behind her and looks up, her voice mischievous. "And just where did you get that?" He grinned at her. "Three guesses and the first two don't count." She closes her eyes and runs her paws over his chest, brushing against his erect nipples and causing him to let out a shuddering breath of anticipation. "You have a dirty mind, Foxzee." She teases as she pulls him down onto the bed with her as she sits. "It's a joy forever, babe." He replies as she willingly assumes the position, her long tail tucked beneath her, pinned under her, and twitching in suspense. She stretches her limbs out as her lover straps her down, wondering yet again what on earth has happened to her usually shy lover to embolden him so tonight. While she did so, Chris had similar thoughts running through his own head. He watched her face carefully as he buckled the restraints around her ankles, not truly believing that she so willingly accepted his proposal, and his paws shook as he worked, worried he would bind her too tightly and inflict unintended pain on her. He moved on to her wrists, securing one, then the other, pleased that he got the length just right for her slighter frame. He moved down and straddled her body, his hips pressed against hers as he looked deep into her eyes, his fantasy almost, but not quite, ready to come true.


Having her thus restrained he slowly removes his shirt in an erotic striptease just for his lover's benefit, Amber cooing appreciatively as his muscular chest is revealed. He lowers himself to her and she eagerly runs her tongue over his chest as he had intended, breathing hard as his desire wells within him. He pulls back and lowers his muzzle to hers and they kiss, fleetingly, as he keeps moving his head out of her limited reach until she gives up, and her head falls back onto the pillow behind her. He grins before he speaks. "Now, you are learning the rules of the game, my little Amba." He moves to her ear and whispers into it, but not before taking a moment to politely chew on it, Amber twisting her head away, but unable to escape. "You know I wouldn't ask you to do anything I myself am unwilling to do, right, Amba?" He feels her shudder as he runs his paws down her delicious sides.  "Yeeessss." She draws out breathlessly. "This is the surprise." She opens her eyes as his paws leave her body, and feels the bed shift as he leans away from her. He opens a drawer on the night stand and pulls out a thing of many buckles and straps, her eyes widening when she recognizes what it is. Her jaw drops open as he sits up in front of her holding the thing and smiling evilly. "Uhhhh, Chris," she says nervously, "I'm not sure about that." "Come on, Amba, it's just in fun." He pauses for the briefest moment, then "I won't do it if you're not comfortable with it, but I have another one just my size, for later."  Amber swallows then looks beyond the unexpected thing in his paws and up into his eyes and sees that this is something he really wants. "You do?" She asks, still on guard. Chris nods his head, and, setting the complicated thing down on her chest, reaches over to the side of the bed and withdraws the larger one that he fitted to himself earlier and shows it to her. "See?" He says with a smile. She still looks unsure, though. "And you're going to let me put that… thing, on you?" He silently nods his head in an affirmative. Another moment passes between them as she considers his words, then, after a nonce more, decides that since she's come this far, what's one more kink? She smiles nervously and nods her head and Chris tosses the larger of the two aside, then picks up the first one and lowers it, finally fitting the gag over her muzzle.


He got up then, and stepped away from the bed, a muzzled Amber watching his every movement with intense curiosity as he made his way to his dresser and removed two slim packages.  He turned and threw the bulky little envelopes onto the bed next to her and began to remove his trousers with theatrical slowness, Amber staring at him with definite interest.


When he was bereft of his clothes, he slowly climbed back up her bound body and laid his erection on the side of her head, running it over the laces of her muzzle, his eyes closed as he feels her cheek fur brushing against his naked sex. He cradles her head with one paw as he holds his shaft against her and hears her whimpering mews for the organ she cannot take into her mouth. He withdraws his erection and slips it between her breasts as his paws come up on either side and he rolls her bosom against his hips, looking down into his lovers eyes as she bucks against him, pressing herself into his erotic caress.  He thrusts his hips gently against her, the tip of his glans pressing repeatedly against her chin as he squeezes her breasts forcefully. After a few minutes, he lowers himself again, reaching one paw down to grasp himself, and the other to lightly caress his lovers flower, his tongue teasing her nipples at the same time as she squirms against him. Her inarticulate moans tell him that his tease is working, as she simultaneously tries to escape his ministrations, and press herself into them. 


His fingers slip inside her and caress the walls of her sex as he takes her engorged nipple in his mouth and chews contentedly on it, Amber's head pressing back into the pillow, and a strangulated cry coming from deep in her throat. A body shuddering moan comes along with the first of many orgasms, exploding behind her eyes like a fireball of pain, and pleasure. Chris shifts to her other breast as he deftly works his fingers inside his lover, her body racked with her orgasmic shaking.  Finally deciding she is ready, he gives her one last thrust with his paw, then withdraws and tears open one of the little packages, sliding the odd looking prophylactic over his organ, all the while watching her in delight. He maneuvers himself to mount her, then pauses and looks into her eyes, the tip of his covered glans just touching her lips. He teases her with the tip of it, first a little ways in, then a little ways out and again, watching the expressions cross her face with incredible rapidity. She tries to order him to take her, but it just comes out as frantic gibberish as she strains against the ties that hold her fast, submissive to his will beneath him.  He smiles evilly as he continues to tease her, she finally giving up, and falls back onto the bed, trembling in anticipation.


He slides his paws down to her hips and mounts her suddenly, thrusting hard and penetrating deep inside her, watching her gasp as her back arches for the unexpectedly rough push.  She relaxes her muscles to allow him to penetrate her deeper and struggles mightily to return his strong bucks against her hips, another orgasm sweeping through her for the strange sensations his prophylactic has on her. She throws her head back and howls, an oddly muted scream of joy as the erotic feelings rip through her, knowing that the best is yet to come, and shuddering, as her mate pounds against her, stroking himself insider her, building to his own moment of release. He lowers himself until he's pressing against her as he pumps and rubs her in his frantic movements, his staccato breath chuffing heavily in her ear, knowing she can do nothing but lie there and take what he deems to give her. His mind is aflame with the feel of her, the smell of her sex, and the whimpering cries of his lover, and he finally reaches the penultimate moment of orgasmic release, howling as he powerfully thrusts into her and his seed splashes forth into its little receptacle. His eyes go unseeing as he feels his lover shuddering against him, as yet another mind numbing climax sweeps through her, blanking out all rational thought as she mutely howls inside her head, feeling the warm slippery wetness of his organ cream inside her.


He continues to buck against her for several long moments more before finally slowing, and coming to a stop, lying atop her, his sex still inside her as they both lie panting, exhausted for their efforts. After a while, Chris raises himself and looks down on his lovely, disheveled mate, her hair ruffled, drool and spittle gracing her delicious lips. He slowly withdraws from her and slips the spent little condom from his growingly flaccid organ, and drops it with a wet sounding splat into the trash can he placed by the bed for that purpose. His lover turns to him and strains to speak through the muzzle. "Mmgmm." He shakes his head, not understanding her. He lowers himself and places his ear against her muzzle and she tries again.  "Amgm!" He looks at her in surprise as he realizes what she's asking him. "Again?!" She nods vehemently. "Plmms." She begs as his jaw drops open at her lust, and his sex begins to rise to the call of duty.  He closes his mouth and smiles lovingly down on her. "I love you" are the simple words that fall from his mouth, and Amber lays back and closes her eyes, shuddering once again at his much desired caress.


Amber giggled as Chris spread out before her, face up on the bed as she had been, amused to see her big, strong male taking such a submissive position before her. She set to work strapping him down, taking less than even a moment to adjust the straps to his larger frame, then changing position to secure his wrists, Chris enjoying the view as her breasts dangled and bobbled below her while she worked. Once she had him where she wanted him she reached over to the night stand and removed the larger muzzle from its open drawer. She settled back onto his hips and held the thing in front of him, her lover's gaze shifting from her, to it, then back again.  "Well?" He asked, an amused grin gracing his features. She tilted her head slightly. "You really gonna let me do this?" She asked, still slightly incredulous. He nodded his head as his tail attempted a delusory wag beneath him. "You looked like you enjoyed it, I wanna try too. Besides, I've already fitted it." "Really? Well in that case," she says, lowering it to his muzzle, "it's time to shut you up, babe." And she fastens it in place, pulling it taught and buckling it securely to keep his trap shut. She runs her paws lightly over his chest as she grins down on him, pausing for just a hairs breadth of a moment as cold look flicks through the back of her eyes, then slips from the bed and pads silently to the door, her tail bobbing distractingly behind her. Chris watches in amazement from his restrained position, completely bewildered that she should leave him like this. "Mmmff!" He tries to yell to her. "Mmffrmgmgmmm." She turns and smiles playfully back at him over her shoulder. "See you later, honey." And she disappears behind the door, stopping out of his view and holding her sides as she silently laughs for his position, almost losing control for his desperate, muffled cries to her.


Chris lies on the bed, staring at the empty doorway, eyes wide and not believing she left. He can't imagine where she would go, or even that she would leave him like this. He cries out to her but can't make himself understood through the gag and eventually gives up, sagging back onto the bed, and stares at the ceiling, thinking hard to try to figure out what her game is. He lay there for a very long time before motion at the door caught his eye and he turned toward it.  "AmMmm?" Amber smiles mischievously, holding something unseen behind her back. She enters the room slowly, using the walk, being certain to keep his eyes riveted on her.  "You know," she says as she climbs onto the bed, still not revealing what she's secreted away behind her, "I should sell tickets and invite my friends to see this.  Otherwise," she states innocently, and pulls it off with the guileless expression she wears on her muzzle, "no one is going to believe that you," she pokes him in the chest, "my big, brave, dominating canidae, let little old me tie you up, gag you, and," she finally reveals what she has in her paws, "blindfold you." Chris's eyes go wide in his head when he sees what she's planning.  "Mmmflmmd?' She reaches out and places one delicate finger on his bound lips. "That's right, honey, and there's not a single, solitary thing you can do about it, is there?" Chris swallows and shakes his head slightly, trembling with the thought of what she's going to do to him. She climbs on top of him and neatly folds the kitchen towel and holds it up as he closes his eyes. "You see?" She says as she binds it around his head, depriving him of his sense of sight.  "You're not the only one with a dirty mind."


She reaches out and takes hold of Chris's head, one paw on either side of his cheeks and lowers her breasts till his muzzle is pressed between them. She rubs herself against him for a few moments, then guides his muzzle over to her hard nipple, pressing it against the tip of his mouth where he struggles valiantly to lick it, but fails. She looks down on him. "Aww, my poor baby wants to taste his mommies widdle present, does he?"  She sits back and scoots up till she's sitting on his chest, her loins just to the front of his head, and presses her belly against his chin. "Well, mommy has something for her widdle fox to sink his tongue into."  And she raises up and places her love organ over his constricted muzzle, Chris getting a snoutfull of her sex, inhaling the delicious scent deeply as his tongue tries desperately to escape its bondage. "That's my good boy," she purrs as she presses herself against him, her sex dripping with her juices as she bucks against him, one paw on the top of his head, and the other cupping her own breast, her thumb caressing her hard nipple.  Chris tries to bury his snout ever deeper in his lovers groin, the lips of her sex sliding and smacking wetly together as his rubbery lips caress them, feeling her paw on the back of his head pushing him against her. He can only imagine the look on her face but it's enough to drive him into a frenzy of lust as he strives to pleasure her, trying to bare his teeth so he can touch her with them, knowing how crazy it makes her. He hears her breath coming in short pants and knows how close she is and he lurches upward, driving himself hard against her crotch and is rewarded with her sudden gasp and sigh as her pleasure possesses her. Her thighs close tight around him, clamping his head in a vise-like grip, as she holds herself poised against him, her orgasm pushing the lubricating fluids out of her body and down his snout. He sucks fiercely as best he can while her joy juice makes slick little runnels through his fur, soaking his muzzle and leaking into his nose, mouth and eyes. Her head falls to her chest and she drops her paw from her breast as she breathes heavily, and looks down on her lover sandwiched between her legs.


She pets him on his head as she climbs off, sliding down to sit on his chest, his wet muzzle pressed against her belly again. "What a good little boy you are." She says breathlessly before lowering her own muzzle and kissing him sweetly on his nose, enjoying the taste and smell of herself on him. "Now it's time for your reward." She moves slowly downward, her claws lightly ruffling through the fur of his torso and sides, her mouth delicately covering his body with little kisses, as Chris turns his head and breathes forcefully through his nose to try to clear it so he could breathe. He trembles as he feels her warm, soft breasts brush against his erection, and quivers when she buries his organ between them and begins to hump him with her chest. "Is this what you were trying to do earlier honey?" She asks innocently as she squeezes her tits around him, forcing him to reply with an inarticulate gurgle of pleasure. She lowers her head and licks his glans when it reached the top of each of her thrusts, driving her lovers' head back into the bed, a whimper escaping his lips. She stops then, and draws back, feeling him quiver, telling her how close he is to climax. She lays her paws on his thighs and waits for him to calm down, waiting till his back was once again resting on the bed and his breathing took on a more normal cycle.  She smiled playfully as she lowered her head again. "Or this?" And she runs the sides of her muzzle and cheek against his erection, ending with her nose buried in his furry sac, inhaling his spicy scent, her breath hot on his skin as her paw caresses him between his legs, touching all the right spots.  Her tongue snakes out and she laps at his fuzzy balls, lingering over them before she uses her other paw to grab him at the base of his shaft. He gurgles again, a strange, choked articulation, as he lifts his head in a vain attempt to see what she's doing to him. She glances up at him and says, her voice sultry, "these are the rules to my game, dear, " before looking back down, and attending to the task at paw.


She reaches up to her hair and pulls on a ribbon she had tied there earlier, it coming free with a firm tug, and uses it to wrap her other surprise for him. She ties it tightly around the base of his cock, Chris swallowing in terror for the constriction on his delicate organ, completely disoriented by the actions of his lover. "Now," she says quietly to herself, as she rises to straddle him, slowly guiding him into her as she lowers herself down, "for a little trick I picked, oddly enough, up at work." She takes him inside her then, his naked organ gracing her insides for the first time in their relationship, and she has to clench her jaw shut tight to keep from squealing out in joy for the contact. Chris chokes for what she's doing and struggles vainly against his bonds to stop her, not understanding what she's doing, but eventually succumbing to her desires anyway. She bucks against him, moaning deeply for the pleasure as she towers over him, her tail twitching in its excitement as her lover wails through his gag, his breath short and ragged as he pants over his exertions. She rides him strongly for a long time, her inner muscles squeezing against her lover's organ in a rhythmic cycle intended to draw the seed out of him. He fights it like he's never fought an orgasm before, knowing she couldn't possibly want what he thinks she wants, and howling in frustration as tears fall from his eyes for the battle within. Finally, when he feels he can hold back no longer she slips him from inside her and bows her head, pulling the ribbon from his cock, and takes his orgasm full in her mouth, greedily lapping at his semen, and sucking hard to encourage the flow.  He bucks his hips against her muzzle not even aware that it was her mouth he came in and not her loins, and not caring in the explosive moment that drove all but one thought from his head, his deep passion for this lover.


When his ejaculations became short, and his seed stopped flowing, Amber took a moment to attend to her own needs. She ran her tongue over her lips and muzzle to clean herself up a little, before turning her attention to the stuff she couldn't quite swallow before it dribbled out of her mouth. Chris became aware of reality when he felt, more than heard, her quiet lapping on his belly and groin as she licked up his spilled seed before it could set into his fur, and become difficult to remove. He was sleepy and sated and simply lay on his back, accepting his lovers gentle ministrations, as the siren song of sleep lulled him to its unfathomable depths, not even realizing that he was still bound paw and foot. He jarred awake slightly as his lover undid his muzzle for him, and pulled his blindfold off, and a satisfied sigh escaped his lips as his last coherent thought manifested itself in his head. His fantasy has finally come true, for Amber, was his mate.


End Part I