The Circular Object

Part IV


Part IV of The Circular Object was inspired by the artist K8 and her gosh, wow attitude when I approached her to request permission to use her lyrics. I'm not sure where Part IV came from, or where it was going, I just felt a need to write it. Just a need to explain a few things about the story. The main characters you'll read about are from my novel "Alexi The Dark Ferret" which I am currently developing. Chris Yost wants to break down the 4th wall. Well, if Part IV doesn't do that, then I may as well pack up my toys and get out of the sandbox, 'cause I apparently have no business playing with the big boys. Enjoy.


Alexi The Dark Ferret is Copyright \xA9 2001, 2002 Gregg G Guydish


Character Alexi Emmanuell Fontantine, Alexi The Dark Ferret, and Alexi as the Twilight Master are Copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish


Characters Mary Elan Sotares, Wrotyen Kan'Do, Ferrex Carsell Dominane, and Captain/Commander Alexander Markus Cotan, (all additional ranks included), are also Copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish.


Legal Notice: This story is Copyright \xA9 2001, 2002 by Gregg G Guydish. All rights to story content are reserved to the author.


This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any other Internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums. Permission is provided to print one hard copy of this story for private viewing solely to the person who downloaded it. Any further reproduction of the story will be considered a Copyright violation.


Character ZigZag is Copyright \xA9 Maxx the Black Rabbit

Characters Clarence Skunk, Wanda Vixen, Cindy Lapine, Chris Foxx, Dexter Collie and Angel Collie are Copyright \xA9 Chris Yost.

Character James Sheppard is Copyright \xA9 James Bruner.

Character Marvin Badger is Copyright \xA9 James Bruner after a description by Chris Yost.

Character Sabrina Mustelidae is Copyright \xA9 Eric W. Schwartz.

Characters Mike Mezcal, Amber Meeya Ailurus, and Kate Kit the kit fox are Copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish.

All rights to additional characters reserved by their respective owners.


Part IV:


Ferrex Carsell Dominane, Alexi Emmanuell Fontantine, Alexander Markus Cotan, Wrotyen Kan'Do and Mary Elan Sotares are all characters from my novel: Alexi  The Dark Ferret & are making a guest appearance in Part IV to demonstrate the fluidity of the written word.


Cindy Lapine, Chris Foxx & Dexter Collie also make cameo appearances in Part IV thanks to Chris Yost.   Kate the Kit Fox vixen makes her debut in Part IV. Characters listed in chronological order of appearance.


Ferrex Carsell Dominanae

Alias: Ferrex

Species: Ferret

Markings: Coloration is white belly and legs, brown with white guard hairs on his arms and back, the colors reversing on his tail and paws, giving him a white tail tip and white fingers. Has a white head with brownish spots around the base of his ears and a brown patch under his right eye giving him a raffish look. A golden white patch of fur fluffs out below his chin and down his throat that flares out on his chest.

Physical Characteristics: Has dark, ruby eyes. Taller than Mary but shorter than everyone else.  His height is closest to Alexi. Has the slim, svelte form of your average ferret.

Defining Features: Wears full marching plate armor including chain and a helmet. Carries a massive, two-pawed battle sword mounted in a scabbard on his back. Fully armored, he is an imposing sight. Wears, beneath his gauntlet, a gold band of interwoven strands on his finger.

Sex: Male

Orientation: Primarily heterosexual

Age: 18

Country of Origin: The Avalon of Kent

Rank: None

Name of Weapon: Avenger.

Mate: Roxilynn Trobere


Biography: Ferrex was traumatized at an early age having seen his parents brutally murdered by his despised brother, Porrex. For his own safety, the Potentate of Kent had him removed from Frith, where he was born, and raised by distant relatives in the tiny, backwater town of Merrow. His new family did not care for him outside of their obligations their King, and only sought to gain favor with the royalty. When he turned sixteen he found he could not stand another day in that loveless household and set out on his own with nothing more than his armor and the sword on his back. He met Alexi and Wrotyen after losing a seriously outmatched fight in Ardell, where the two rescued and cared for him until he recovered. After seeing the kindness Alexi showed him, he pledged his life to fulfill Alexi's Quest, and considers him not only his friend, but the father figure he never had.


Alexi Emmanuell Fontantine

Alias: Alexi, The Dark Ferret, The Twilight Master

Species: Ferret

Markings: Sable with dark brown "raccoon" mask.

Physical Characteristics: Taller than all save Wrotyen, lean and muscular with a sharply angled head and snout. Glossy black eyes and long black whiskers that sweep back across his muzzle and head.

Defining Features: Wears a dark cloak that covers him head to foot, hence the moniker "The Dark Ferret." Wears plate armor on his chest, back and arms, as well as a codpiece and thigh armor.  Prefers to leave his paws and feet unclad. Carries the sword of his Father on his belt and wears the twin rings of Vin Y Kari Mastery on his right paw. When going into battle, he wears the Ribbon of Tears on his right arm, otherwise, it resides around his neck.

Sex: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 20

Country of Origin: The United Lands of King Mifune

Rank: Twilight Master of the Vin Y Kari

Name of Weapon: Gjom\xE8gjeh. Not yet translated.

Mate: Mary Elan Sotares


Biography: Alexi was the only child from one of the last pureblooded lines of Vin Y Kari Twilight Masters, the Fontantines. He was born and spent the formative years of his life in the Mediterranean Providence of Rob\xE2n. There, he was primarily raised by his Mother, Roschelle, on his uncles estate, until, when he turned nine, his Father, Emmanuell, moved them all to the, then, Capitol City of Karfoon to be nearer to his King, Lord Mifune. Alexi idolized his father and studied the ways of his ancient, quazi-religion of the Vin Kari in hopes of one day becoming a Twilight Master and joining the ranks of Mifune's Imperial Army as a General, as was his birthright.  But in the beginning of the Great War that cost Mifune his kingdom, and split the land into many little factions and fiefdoms, Emmanuell was struck down when his lines were over run by superior numbers. In the shock and aftermath of his loss, Alexi, then only a lad of seventeen, left his home on a Quest not wholly of his own making, lost and forever forlorn that he would now never fulfill his dream, and become a Twilight Master like his Father had wanted him to be.       


Alexander Markus Cotan

Alias: Alex, (especially to Wrotyen), Sweets and Alex san, (Wrotyen only), Cotan, The Captain

Species: Ocelot

Markings: Gray with spots and rosettes that form a stripe pattern from his head, across his back and down his tail. Light gray from under his chin, down the front of his throat, chest, belly, crotch and thighs, then blending to the darker gray of the rest of his body.  Upper arms a light gray, then blending to the darker towards his paws. Gray eyes match his fur.

Physical Characteristics: Tall and lithe. Sinuously muscular with an elongated look that makes him look swift and powerful. Ropy, sinewy musculature and very nearly Wrotyen's height.

Defining Features: Wears heavy plate including chain and a helmet with the Crest of The Avalon embossed on both his breastplate and his shield. His Shield also bears his family Crest. Wields a long, fairly broad, one-pawed sword.

Sex: Male

Orientation: Homosexual 

Age: 34

Country of Origin: The Avalon of Kent

Rank: Commander of the Crimson Phalanx

Name of Weapon: Divinity.

Mate: Wrotyen Kan'Do


Biography: Alexander was born to a litter of three, his oldest brother, Taur, is older by only a few hours, and his other sibling, Ryn, his twin sister, was born shortly after him.  His father was a military male serving in the Avalonian Imperial Army, and Alexander and his brother took on a similar bend. He earned his way up through the ranks to Captain of the Guard at the Border Station separating the Lawless Lands from The Avalon's ally, The Shire, and has earned many awards and honors including the right to carry the Eagle for his battalion.  His military career took an enormous boost when he impressed Alexi by remembering and practicing the ancient traditions of alliance between The Avalon and the Vin Y Kari. So much so, in fact, that he found himself the first Commander of the Crimson Phalanx, the Honor Guard for the Vin Y Kari, in nearly twenty years. In Alexi's company he met the love of his life in Wrotyen Kan'Do.


Wrotyen Kan'Do

Alias: Wrotyen, Wroty (to Alex only)

Species: Giant Panda Bear

Markings: Black and white with clearly defined borders. Black legs and extremities as well as black arms and a black band that extends around his back and across his chest between his arms. White belly, back and tail. White shoulders, the division between black and white at the top line of his deltoids on his chest. White head and neck with a triangular black patch under his chin, highlighting his jaw. Black eye patches surrounding completely black eyes. Rounded Black ears peek up from his white head. Short white whiskers surround his black nose.  

Physical Characteristics: A very tall and large bear. The tallest and strongest member of the Party, he moves with a fluid, and easy grace.

Defining Features: Wears distinctive armor consisting of brass, steel, chain, lacquered bamboo and both hard and soft leather. Wears the crest of House Kan'Do on shoulder armor, and wields two long, slim, curved swords, one just a little shorter than the other. Soft spoken and very polite, he's regarded as "Elegant and Demure." Wears a silver band made of interwoven strands on his right wrist.

Sex: Male

Orientation: Homosexual

Age: 44

Country of Origin: Sh'ka Nordo 'Ewell

Rank: Was pending Master of House Kan'Do, now has no rank.

Name of Weapons: Dokerojet, <Brothers>. The name was bequeathed by Alexi, his closest friend.

Mate: Alexander Markus Cotan


Biography: Wrotyen is the oldest of five siblings, and the first born to House Kando, Emperor Sh'ka Nordo's favorite House in the reigning city of Quar Zokan in his native homeland of Sh'ka Nordo 'Ewell. Being first born, he was graced with his fathers name, and he spent nearly the first twenty years of his life being groomed to take his fathers place as the Master of House Kan'Do. In his nineteenth year his future was stolen away from him by a rival House, and he was forced to flee the country or face political prosecution. He traveled alone for another twenty plus years before meeting Alexi. He was humbled by the young Twilight Master, and was bested in fair battle. Having never before met another that could rival his skill, he was immediately drawn to the young male, and found much needed solace and companionship with him, and pledged himself not to Alexi's Quest, but to Alexi himself and the two have become inseparable friends.  


Mary Elan Sotares

Alias: Mary, Mar\xE8 (to Alexi only)

Species: Coyote/Brown Fox Vixen hybrid

Markings: Brown legs, back, arms, paws and head. Black ears and tip of tail. Brown muzzle but white fur around her eyes, across her cheeks and under her chin, extending down her throat, across her breasts, down her belly and her crotch terminating with a white patch on the inside of both thighs.

Physical Characteristics: Looks physically like a common brown fox vixen, but has a denser structure, compact and muscular. Also, considerably shorter than everyone else in the party. Has doe brown eyes.

Defining FeaturesLikes to wear green and does so whenever possible. Wore simple dark green clothes until things started to get excessively dangerous, then changed to full steel plate engraved with gold and a matching gold helm and gauntlets. Does not wear chain or padding beneath the armor. Wears a dark green robe with the hood drawn.  Wears a long blade similar to Alexi's on her belt and carries a large wooden staff.  Wears a gold ring with markings similar to the rings Alexi wears.

Sex: Female 

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 22

Country of Origin: Seven Arches Providence

Rank: Disciple of the Vin Kari. Also a Healer and Medic.

Name of Weapon: Has not yet named her weapon.

Mate: Alexi Emmanuell Fontantine


Biography: Mary was born a hybrid mix from her coyote father, and her brown fox mother, Janine.  She was raised by both her mother and older sister, Erin, after their father abandoned their mother shortly after she was born. When she came of age she was infected with wanderlust and made her good-byes and left her home in Feldspur, and eventually settled down in Ovin with Tyrone, a wolf who turned out to be an abuser. She met Alexi when he interceded on her behalf one night, when a drunken Tyrone was beating her for not getting him more gold to feed his drinking habit. After that incident, Alexi asked her to travel with them as their healer, and has since begun training her in the ways of the Vin Y Kari. She has since fallen deeply in love with Alexi and pledged herself to marry him and issue his children.


Cindy Lapine

Aias: Cin

Age: 22 years old

Species: Lop-eared Rabbit

Distinguishing marks:  Darkish gray fur over most of her body with light gray paws, feet and fluffy rabbit tail with a darker gray on her muzzle, cheeks and throat. She has long brown hair and her ears lay across the back and sides of her head.

Bio: A lop-eared rabbit in her sophomore year in college. She's athletic and she's very shy when away from her friends in the Clique. She is majoring in writing and seeking a minor in music, which she loves. She lives with her parents and is very self-conscious and trusting. Currently the girlfriend of Clarence Skunk.


Kate Kit the Kit Fox vixen

Alias: K8

Species: Vulpes velox, Swift Fox.

Sex: Female

Fur Color: Light golden brown body and legs, off-white back with black at tip of tail

Eye Color: Light grey with flecks of green, blue and brown and an odd defect in her right iris.

Occupation: Musician

Bio: Kate is a talented musician trying to make a name for herself by working the musical scene in Columbus, Ohio, building herself up to, hopefully, one day share the national limelight. She does not crave stardom per se, but a recording contract and some recognition in the industry would be nice.


Chris Foxx

Alias: Chris

Age: 27 years old

Species: American Brown Fox

Distinguishing marks: Black socks and gloves, with a tail tipped in white. He has green eyes and wears glasses to correct his nearsightedness and has a mop of light-medium brown hair atop his head. He's 5'8" and around 175-180 pounds.

Bio: Chris is a network technician working for a large IT company in Butler, Pennsylvania. He likes to surf the internet, engage in marathon relay chat sessions, watch hockey and feast on hot wings, (the hotter the better), though not necessarily in that order.  He's currently engaged to Sabrina Mustelidae.


The Circular Object

Part IV

Copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish

2001,2002, 2003