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Zig Zag Copyright © Max BlackRabbit. gev Copyright © Gregg G Guydish 2002-2005. All rights to story content Copyright © Gregg G Guydish and reserved to said author. All other Characters Copyright © Gregg G Guydish unless otherwise disclaimed. This is a work of anthropomorphic fiction and any similarities to any one else, real, imagined, living or dead is purely coincidental unless prior Copyrights are present. This story is rated NC-17 and is intended for mature audiences only.

Authors note: In the current timeframe, Time Vector: 2002, this story takes place the Monday after the events depicted in the Epilogue of The Circular Object, a little piece of ZZ/Sabrinaverse fiction I wrote last year. (Time Vector: 2001) While it is not necessary to read The Circular Object to understand the events of gev, it will get you familiar with most of the characters, at least, as represented in the 2002 Time Vector. And that brings up the next point to tell: gev, though drawn off of The Circular Object, does not have either a James Sheppard © James Bruner nor a Chris Foxx © Chris Yost, so you'll just have to roll with the paradigm shift. Sorry. Hope you enjoy my little corner of the ZZ/Sabrina Universe as presented in gev


© gregg g guydish, 2005


the teaser

Time Vector: 1602

Location Vector: Valley of the Laughing Gods, Mayuka Nation, North America

The tiger-striped femme skunk hybrid sat in a full lotus on a woven grass mat, a simple animal skin skirt covering her loins, and nude from the waist up, her arms crossed over her ample breast, palms flat and pressed lightly against her shoulders, eyes closed. She sat in her meditative pose for hours, quietly in tune with the flow of the nature from which she and her children drew their power, letting time slip past silently, knowing that time is a nonexistent beast, but one that can rule a life all too easily. For time is a creature of the shadow world, and one that means very little to the Oracle of the Ages. The tigress hybrid opened her eyes, revealing a set of milky white orbs, tinged with just a hint of their former blue beauty, now rendered with an unseeing, penetrating glare, capable of seeing beyond the mortal vale, into the mists of time itself. A time that passes not just now, but everywhere, and everywhen, at once. Time is the moment, and the moment, all of time.

The world recedes from the hybrid Oracle; a lone femme, sitting on a mat, on the packed earthen floor in a simple hide hut, in the Valley of the Laughing Gods, in a place that will be known by many names, none of them sacred to the Mayuka Tribe, but none the less important to the flow of time. A current of time that touches the same people over the course of centuries…

Time Vector: 2002

Location Vector: Columbus, Ohio, United States of America

Zig Zag rolled over, cocooned in the warm comfort of her silk covered bed, moaning very softly as she stirs from her slumber, the erotic dreams of the previous night passing from her memory and leaving only the usual aroused flux of her morning routine. A silk sheet brushes across her erect nipple and she subconsciously slides a paw down her smoothly furred body, over her breast, across her carefully maintained flat belly and on southward to her crotch, slipping between her thighs and lightly caressing the lips of her sex. She moans again as her mind pulls her from her pleasant, yet, somehow, tortured sleep, her memories inevitably getting mixed up with her the fantasies of the future she denies herself as being allowed to have. She moans yet again, but this time in frustration, as her ever-present pessimistic nature forces her from her sleepy arousal, and she opens her beautiful blue eyes, to stare blankly at the ceiling of her bedroom, the motion of the paw between her legs arrested and impotent, as ugly reality intrudes on her yet again.

She languishes in bed for a long moment, not wishing to rise, nor to confront the day her vengeful god has undoubtedly made for her, but, eventually needs of the body overcome her reluctance, and she slips from the one place she can find comfort, and pads off to the shower to start her new week.

As she steps out of the shower, her mind runs over her itinerary for the day, smiling when she remembers she has a new employee stopping by to fill out his employment papers, thinking interesting thoughts about the muscular black jagurandi. She towels off with several big, fluffy towels, taking time to give her tail the special attention it deserves, before stepping into the fur dryer, fantasizing lightly about the big feline as the heaters cycle up, then dropping the thought and getting lost in the warm currents of air rippling over her body. She lets her mind drift where it will then, feeling, not for the first time, as if she were the butt of some kind of cosmic joke, as if time itself were laughing at her from behind her back somehow, something about currents, and time, and… something…

Time Vector: 2402

Location Vector: WorldGov CityState 4213, Landmass Designation NA: 000 Prime

                            Latitude 40̊ 0' by Longitude 83̊ 1'

Electronic signals pulse within the optical neuron network that is the centralized intelligence of WorldGov CityState 0013, a wave of light that passes through all circuits almost simultaneously, a rippling, timeless effect that is controlled and yet, uncontrollable. It breathes through the atmospheric regenerators, converting the runaway greenhouse effect into a breathable atmosphere for the anthropomophs that created it, and drinks from the starfunnel that captures the icy asteroids slung insystem from the belt, providing water to the creatures that maintain it. It is a living thing itself, both aware of its environment and unaware of its superiority, spanning the globe and the skies above it in a web of photons, invisible to the mundane creatures that control it. And within its bounds, a rogue program surges, bouncing off of relay, to satellite, to groundbound data terminal, going anywhere it wants to go, and playing the system against itself.

Here a burst of static on a comm.line, there a flash of a strange, black and white tiger pattern on an infodisp screen, followed by an amorphous giggle projected through a set of quad-focused maser speakers, floating on the currents of the recycled air. The WorldGov CP sentries note the odd surge, but are unable to locate the source, as it effectively slips in and out of the logic code of its makers, a living intelligence bound within the confines of an unthinking automaton. A timeless being, locked within the unborn soul of a planetary intelligence. It's only a matter of time before the spark of life ticks over in its mass of circuitry, a future that the ZeeZee virus will not allow to come to pass, but only if there is time…

Time Vector: 1502

Location Vector: Valley of the Laughing Gods, Mayuka Nation, North America

The Oracle closes her all-seeing eyes, almost relaxing in times backwash, feeling that the time draws near, for the one who will localize all these events into a cohesive whole. Soon, she knows, all lives will change, for with this dawn begins the sacred time, this holy time, the time when the world of past magic ends, and the future magic begins, and it all comes down to one lone entity: The Locus of the Unseen Event, if only time be willing…

If you liked this teaser, let me know, and I'll develop the rest of the story… hehehe…


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