Star Fox by Theodore P. Perrotti ---------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This story has been written and posted free of charge solely for entertainment purposes. Star Fox, Fox McCloud Jr, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, Venom, Corneria, Fara Phoenix, General Pepper, Andross, and all other principle characters, places, and other indica created by Nintendo are TM and copyright (C) 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. Used without permission. Vessic and all other characters, places, and other indica created by me, Theodore P. Perrotti, are copyright (C) 1996 Theodore P. Perrotti. (However, feel free to use all of this story's characters, events, and places as you wish as long as you abide by the conditions described in the next paragraph.) This story may be redistributed, stored, or archived in any way just so long as it is unaltered, this entire disclaimer remains with it, and such action is taken free of charge. In short: DON'T SELL OR ALTER THIS STORY! Also, please ask my permission before using any of my creations (any characters or events I've created) and give me credit. Parts of this story were based on characters, places, and events in both the Star Fox video game and the Star Fox comic which appeared in Nintendo Power. This story has also been influenced by the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "The Defector", as well as the movie "Star Wars" and the TV series "Babylon 5". Those of you who are familiar with the comic and the backstory established in the game's instruction booklet will probably notice that, in some places, my version deviates from the "cannon" version presented by those sources. I tried to keep the basic story intact, and made only changes that I felt would result in a better story. You can think of this story as an alternate version of the events that led up to the attack on Venom. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor. WARNING: Recommended for mature readers only. Contains some adult subject matter. (Seriously, this story is darker than its predecessor, Star Fox: Armageddon) I welcome your comments. Please e-mail them to me at ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Sneak Attack The compound was dark and quiet. A single figure moved stealthily amongst the buildings. His objective was simple: make Andross pay, somehow. Fox knew that Andross often worked in his lab late at night. HE'S ALWAYS IN THAT LAB, Fox thought as he quickly made his way across the compound. Fox was not thinking of the guards and security systems present in Andross' lab at all times. His only thought was of revenge. Finally, Fox approached the lab. But, much to his surprise, the lights were out. He looked inside the building, but could see no one in there. DAMN! he thought. HE'S NOT HERE! He quickly ran around the building, trying all the windows and doors. They were all locked tight. Then, he remembered the men he had seen take Andross earlier. They had been dressed in military uniforms, which was not unusual at the Academy. However, to the best of Fox's knowledge, Andross never left the grounds during the day without a reason. GUESS, WHOEVER THEY WERE, THEY'RE STILL NOT DONE WITH ANDROSS. It's strange. The most reclusive man at the Academy, and so many have come to know his habits. Probably so they could better avoid him. SO, SOMEONE ELSE ALSO FEELS THAT ANDROSS'S GUILTY. That might have made him feel better, but right now he didn't just want Andross punished, he wanted Andross dead. Andross wasn't there, but the building was. Fox needed to vent his anger on something. He clenched his fist and drew back his arm. The fist connected, knocking Fox sideways. "Now who's being stupid?" demanded Falco, standing over Fox. Slippy was standing quietly behind Falco. Fox rubbed his jaw as he rolled over. "Get out of here, Falco," he warned. "Andross killed my father." "So you're gonna' beat up an empty building?" Falco quipped. "Now that makes sense!" "Listen, Fox," Falco continued. "We can talk about this somewhere else! You're just lucky Slippy heard you leave and decided to call me. Now let's beat it before we're caught." "OK," Fox said, getting up. Suddenly, he took a swing at Falco. Falco ducked and delivered an uppercut. Fox, who had already been stunned by the first blow, fell to the ground, unconscious. "C'mon, Slippy." Falco and Slippy picked Fox up by either arm and carried him quickly back to his room. "Sorry, buddy," Falco said, "but I couldn't let you throw away your life on something stupid, either. This is the only way to calm you down." "I-Is he OK?" Slippy asked. "Yeah, he should wake up in a few minutes. Question is, what do we do with him when he wakes up? Once Fox gets riled about something, it takes him a long time to really calm down again. He may seem calm, but inside he's really boiling." Slippy nodded. "It w-was s-so unlike F-Fox, suddenly g-getting up and l-leaving in the m-middle of the night. Guess it's a good th-thing I'm such a l-light sleeper, or I-I'd never have heard him l-leave. I s-saw his D-Dad's book on his b-bed, and kn-knew something was wr-wrong." "I'm glad you decided to call me. I just knew that Andross would be the first guy Fox would somehow blame for his dad's death. No one likes Andross, but there's always been something more between him and Fox. I can tell," added Falco. "Pretty d-deep, Falco," kidded Slippy. "I try," Falco joked wryly. Later on, Fox awoke to find himself back in his bed. Falco and Slippy were standing at the foot of it. Thankfully, his clothes were still on (even Falco didn't have the nerve to start undressing him, knowing full well that Fox might wake up and catch him in the act). "So, Fox," demanded Falco. "Just what's going on here? You trying to get yourself kicked out or something? Your father..." "Was murdered," snapped Fox. "I know your father's dead, and I'm sorry," Falco said, more gently this time. "But wh-what has th-that got to do with t-tonight?" Slippy asked. "You said something about Andross k-killing your d-dad. H-how do you know he d-did it?" "I know from reading this," Fox said, showing them the journal. "It was kept by my dad. It contains all his most private thoughts since well before I was born. In it, he wrote that Andross was obsessed with my mom and tried to go after him to get him out of the way. But, something went wrong and she was the one who was killed. Unfortunately, he had no proof of this." "What else did he say?" Falco asked, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. "W-wait," interrupted Slippy, uncomfortable at hearing another's secret thoughts spoken aloud. "Are you sh-sure we sh-should be hearing this, F-Fox?" "I don't think my father would have minded," Fox said. "Besides, I can trust you two not to repeat any of this to anyone else. Right?" "Right," Falco replied. "R-right," Slippy echoed. "Anyway," Fox continued, "my father mentioned his last mission in his final entry. It was classified top-secret. The page it was on was even torn out by someone before the book got to me. Fortunately, my father thought that might happen and had a friend send it to me via optic mail. He didn't say what the mission was exactly, just that he was transporting a weapon of Andross' for testing. That doesn't sound like any "mercy mission" to me. I think that Andross sabotaged the mission to kill my father." "But why?" asked Falco. "Revenge for my mother's death, I guess. Twisted revenge." "I g-guess that explains the rumor, th-then," said Slippy. "What rumor?" Fox asked curiously. "Supposedly A-Andross's b-been arrested an-and's gonna' b-be tried for treason." "I hope you're right," Fox said, "because that would mean that at least someone in power has a case against him." He then got up and headed over toward the closet. "Besides, I'm afraid if I see him again, I'm gonna' kill him. That's what I was out to do tonight." Falco and Slippy stood in stunned silence, looking at Fox as if they suddenly didn't know him. Then, Falco spoke up. "Are you going to be okay, Fox?" "I don't know," Fox said quietly, staring into the closet as he spoke. "Listen. It's been a long day and I'm tired. Could we finish this conversation some other time?" "Sure," Falco said hesitantly, wearing the same look of fear Fox had noticed months before on the compound. Only, this time Fox did not see it, as he was still facing the closet as Falco made his way out the door. Finally turning, Fox called after him. "'Night, Falco. And thanks." Falco turned his head and replied, "Now we're even," and then continued down the hallway. Fox closed the door and quickly undressed for bed. "'Night, Slippy," he said, yawning. He had forgotten just how tired he was, but thoughts about his mother, his father, and Andross still raced through his mind and sent a dull rage through his body and tears down his face. Turning away from Slippy, he wept quietly. Well, the rumor seemed to be correct. Several weeks after Fox had seen Andross taken away, it was announced that he had officially resigned as head of the Academy, effective immediately. Slippy had made some "contacts" during his time at the Academy, an information underground of sorts. It was through these channels that he learned of Andross' quick and quiet banishment from Federation territory. Also, Andross' lab had been completely cleared out in record time. One day, Fox was talking with Slippy while they walked to class. Fox told him, "Thanks for getting me that info. about Andross. It may only be rumor, but it's a lot more than I've gotten from official channels. I just have to know what's been done to him." "Wh-what are f-friends for? Anyway, I g-guess the people in ch-charge w-wanted this over w-with before anyone c-could f-figure out wh-what had really happened," Slippy explained to Fox in their room. "Kinda' m-makes me wonder, though. Wh-what was that i-invention that the 'Force doesn't want a-anyone to know about?" "Doesn't matter to me," Fox replied. "I'm just glad the bastard's gone. 'You sure your sources are reliable, though? I don't usually put much stock in rumor." "As re-reliable a-as any sources of r-rumor could b-be," Slippy replied. "I hope I never have to look at his ugly face again," Fox commented. SO DO I, thought Slippy. FOR YOUR SAKE. Chapter 8: The Evergreen Planet Planet Venom: one year after Andross' Banishment from Federation Territory As he walked, he surveyed the Venom landscape. Vessic, a native of Venom, tried to imagine the land as it had been twenty-five years before. Before the civil war had ravaged it. He was barely twenty years old, but had already been greatly hardened by a life in which he was forced to fight and kill his own people. It had all started with the overthrow of the Venom government by the Venom military. The military had been a most impressive force, even more technologically advanced than any other such force in the Lylat system. But, the people soon learned that technological might did not necessarily make for good government. Bad feelings brewed between those who were in power and those who were not, and even amongst those who were in power. Those feelings exploded into a bloody, chaotic war that lasted more than two decades. Technologically, the war had been a boon to Venom, especially in the area of air power. Since the warring parties were spread out across the planet, air power was essential. Every faction had its own scientists working on making its own ships faster, more maneuverable, and more powerful than anyone else's. The military, it was believed, held bases on several of Venom's moons. That belief fueled the development of better, more advanced spacecraft to be used in the conquest and acquisition of those bases. For closer, hand-to-hand combat, many of the Venom fighters had undergone extensive physical and chemical treatment to increase their endurance and physical strength and that of their progeny. This arms race persisted despite intervention efforts by the SpaceForce, which was very much concerned with the balance of power on a planet so close to its border. Unfortunately, so filled with hatred were the Venom Lizards and so volatile was the war, that the SpaceForce was forced to evacuate its people from Venom. They evacuated those personnel that hadn't been captured, that is. Since then, the SpaceForce had attempted several times to determine the fate of the others, but Venom had ignored all attempts at communication. They were busy fighting each other. As the war dragged on over the years, even the military (if, in fact, the entire population of Venom couldn't be considered military) had grown weary of the fighting and endeavored to put an end to it. For no other reason that they were tired and had no fight left in them. Vessic, as did many of the Venom people, felt the need for strong leadership after so many years of chaos. Such was his state of mind as he walked across the land in search of food for his family. Like so many others, he and his family had been forced to fend for themselves (Much of the planet's food distribution network had been decimated during the war). As he peered across the landscape for the day's catch, he noticed a small craft lying on the dry ground in the distance. Instinctively, he drew his gun and approached it with caution. A minute or two later, he came upon the craft and started looking for any emergency supplies it might hold. As he searched, he noticed that the containers he found all bore a strange symbol and some writing he couldn't understand. Then, he smelled something. SMELLS LIKE SOME SORT OF FUEL, AND SMOKE. THERE COULD BE A LEAK. I'D BETTER HURRY. Quickly, he completed his search but found not a crumb. Then, he gave up and prepared to leave. However, as he rose he heard a low groan emanating from the opposite side of the wreckage. He pointed the gun toward the source of the sound, looked around quickly, and then made his way around to the other side. There he saw Andross lying on the ground, half conscious. He had obviously crash-landed on the planet, and was in pretty sorry shape as a result. "I guess I can't just leave you here like this, " Vessic said. He then reached over and, unwilling to put down the gun even for a second, picked Andross up with his free hand. "Can you walk?" he asked Andross, not sure if Andross would even understand his words. When he received no reply, he simply pulled Andross closer to him and headed back the way he had come. Some time later, he appeared at the door of his family home. It was a small place, more a shack than a house, but at least it provided them with shelter. His mother, Kasa looked at him in surprise when he entered. "What's this? I thought you were looking for food?" "I still am," he explained, lying Andross gently on the ground. "I found the wreckage of a small ship not far from here. When I approached the ship to search it for food, I found him instead. I've never before seen anyone like him. He must have crash-landed here. Anyway, I think his ship was leaking fuel. And I doubt he'd have been able to survive the night out there in his condition." "So you brought him back here," Kasa said, anticipating her son's next words. "I don't know what we'll be able to do for him. We can barely take care of ourselves." "Yes, well. I'd best get back to the hunting. I'll be back when I've caught something." Several hours later, Andross awoke to find himself in strange surroundings. There was a tall Lizard creature standing over in the corner. It seemed to be doing something, but he neither knew nor cared what. Kasa turned toward him and said, "Des, ce eran? (Hello, what is your name?)". Andross merely gazed back at her with a puzzled look. This was one time he wished he had one of those damn linguistic implants that most SpaceForce officers had. It would make learning to communicate with these creatures much easier. Despite his arrogance, Andross knew that he would have to communicate with them in order to even survive on this world, let alone thrive. Slowly but surely, Andross regained his strength under the care of Kasa and Vessic, and even felt some gratitude toward them. Eventually, he was strong enough to leave their home. He travelled from one settlement to another, trying to learn as much of their language and history as possible, so that he might become trusted here. As time passed, Andross found he had a talent for languages and learned to speak several local dialects fluently. Because of this, he was able to learn of the war, the people's desperate need for leadership, and above all else, the impressive arsenal of weaponry they had developed. The war was just winding down, but much of that weaponry could still be readily seen in action. THESE SHIPS! THESE WEAPONS! WITH SOME MINOR CHANGES, THEY COULD BE COMBINED WITH SOME OF MY "SECRET PROJECTS" TO BECOME A SPACE FLEET THE LIKES OF WHICH THE UNIVERSE HAS NEVER BEFORE SEEN! THESE PEOPLE NEED A LEADER. WELL, I'LL BE THAT LEADER! FINALLY I'LL HAVE THE MEANS TO EVEN BETTER EXACT MY REVENGE AGAINST THE SPACEFORCE! THE DESTRUCTION OF ONE SQUAD OF SHIPS WILL PALE BY COMPARISON TO WHAT I WILL DO TO THEM WITH AN ARMY! Andross thought gleefully after seeing some of that action. WHAT GOOD FORTUNE BROUGHT ME TO THIS PLACE! THIS TIME, I WILL MAKE NO MISTAKES! IT IS MY DESTINY TO SUCCEED! ONCE THAT FOOLISH SPACEFORCE HAS PAID FOR ITS CRIMES IN FULL, THE REST OF THE SYSTEM COULD BE MADE MINE AS WELL. The next day, Andross made his way to a meeting area where the leaders of several of the factions were trying desperately to put an end to their disagreements. They were having little success. How could they succeed? They had been fighting each other for so long that none of them could really remember what those disagreements were. Their efforts were sincere, but they didn't know how to end the underlying bitterness. Outside, Andross stood and listened intently, waiting for the right time to make his entrance. As he watched, he noticed that one of the participants was Vessic. Finally, when the discussion grew especially heated, Andross decided to enter. "Gentlemen," he said calmly as he stepped into the room. "Forgive me for this interruption, but I couldn't help hearing your discussion. If I may be so bold, I believe I can help you get back on track." One of the Lizards gave him a strange look. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name's Andross. Several months ago, I crash-landed here and was found and graciously helped by one of your citizens. I have since learned your language and of the war you're trying to end. And I also know that your planet was once extremely beautiful. 'The Evergreen Planet' I believe is what it was called." "What's your point, Andross?" Vessic asked skeptically. "My point is that you can have a home like that again. You see, I'm something of an inventor, and my parents were farmers on Corneria. Using some of your resources, I believe I can in time devise a way to re-fertilize the soil so that it may again grow crops. You won't need to go out hunting for food all the time." Vessic was intrigued. "How do you plan to do this? And what about the air pollution?" Andross smiled confidently. "I have been working on a few ideas to solve both problems as I have travelled these last few months. And, I have found that your planet is one of only two planets in this galaxy that has a critical element I need to fuel the device I've designed. I call it calorium." He held a large, black chunk of it before him. "We'll think about it," one of the Lizards said tentatively, confident that he spoke for everyone present. WHY SHOULD YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT? IT'S YOUR BEST HOPE TO REGAIN YOUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET. AND, IT WILL GIVE YOUR PEOPLE AN ADDED INCENTIVE TO MAKE PEACE. "You know, maybe we don't have to discuss this," he said in retraction of his previous statement. "You will have the support of our people, though I cannot guarantee that the other groups on this planet will be as supportive." There was no opposition to his words. "After all, we know so little about you. Why you left Corneria, for example." A pained expression replaced the smug look on Andross' face. "That is a private matter, but I assure you, I mean only to help you." OF COURSE. WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR IDEA TO WORK? "Of course. What will you need to put your idea to work?" the Lizard asked. "I'll let you know," said Andross. "Now, I've got some more travelling to do before dark. So, if you'll excuse me." As Andross walked out the door, the smile returned to his face as he thought, THEY'RE SO DESPERATE, I BARELY EVEN HAD TO CONTROL THEM! AND TO THINK, ALL I COULD DO TO THE CORNERIANS WAS TO MAKE THEM HEAR VOICES! ONCE THE TELEKINETIC AMPLIFIER IS BUILT, I'LL BE ABLE TO CONTROL THEM ALL! AND THEY'LL EVEN HELP ME BUILD IT! I'LL BUILD THEM UP INTO AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE. THEN, WITH THE CALORIUM AND MY SECOND DEVICE, I'LL EXTEND THEIR REACH INDEFINITELY! Andross continued his travels, and convinced more and more people to give him their resources with no questions asked. The news of his "ideas" spread like wildfire, until all of the planet was talking about him. Months passed, and Andross worked busily at building his Amplifier. He knew that the device would be much more than he could build alone, but he could not let anyone find out what he was really building in that cavern. He had to get the device working without them knowing what it really was. Only using it could he make them all do his bidding. For now, he had convinced them not to contact Corneria to inquire about him. Andross found relief in the fact that those that questioned him were still too disorganized to perform an effective investigation of his background. Even as they tried to obtain peace, Andross could sense that they still didn't really trust one another. They had been too long at war. Besides that, he represented the only hope they had (or so they thought) of ever returning their planet to its former beauty. They wouldn't call Corneria lest they lose him or find out he's a fake, and lose that hope in the process. Andross decided to employ a select few of the scientists and engineers who had produced the planet's weapons to construct the various components of the device to his specifications, and then to assemble those components into a whole. No one scientist or engineer would see more than one of the components. Alone, each component could belong on any type of device, and he could control the workers who put the pieces together. Using his mind powers to get the workers he needed and to fend off any who would question him about his project, Andross soon had the construction well underway. ONCE THIS IS FINISHED, OUR REAL MISSION WILL BEGIN. THEY'LL GET THEIR HOME, ALRIGHT, BUT NOT HERE. SOON, I WILL BE IN COMMAND OF THE SUPREME FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE. THEN, THE SPACEFORCE WILL PAY DEARLY FOR WHAT THEY DID! So much anger welled up inside of him that he began to tremble. Then, he dropped down to the ground and started sobbing heavily. Vessic headed out on his daily hunt, ever vigilant in watching for attackers. But, even as he did so, he couldn't help but think that things looked a little bit brighter now. For the first time in his life, he thought he might live to see his planet return to being the heaven his father described to him when he was little. The lush green grass, the tall trees, and the clean water had always seemed to him like a fairy tale. But not now. He could feel it, taste it, and even see it. All because of the stranger he had picked up not far from where he was now. He would do anything to make that dream come true. Chapter 9: The Second Coming Corneria: 8 years after Andross' banishment It was a beautiful day on Corneria as Lt Fox McCloud Jr strode through the tall grass. It had taken some time to get over the death of his father enough to get on with his life, but he had finally managed to do so. He knew he would never get over it completely, just as he had never completely gotten over his mother's death. In a way, he was glad he never would, as he felt a complete recovery would be somewhat akin to forgetting them. That was something he never wanted to do. It had also been several years since Fox had really thought about Andross, though anyone that knew Fox would still advise against mentioning Andross' name in his presence. Fox was now a promising young officer in the 'Force, as well as the leader of his own squadron. Fox then looked over at the Flight Academy off in the distance. Memories of his Academy days flooded back to him, both good and bad. He remembered Andross and his father's death, but he also remembered all the good times he had had there with his friends, with Slippy and Falco especially. During one training exercise, a particularly harsh instructor had yelled a question at Falco. Falco replied loudly enough for the entire Academy to hear, but the instructor yelled to him, "I can't hear you, Cadet!" Without hesitation, Falco yelled back, "Then maybe you need a hearing-aid, Sir!" Everyone who heard, Fox included, just barely managed to hold back their laughter. Falco had done something they had all secretly wanted to do, TELL THE GUY OFF! Of course, Falco's candor got him in trouble in that case as it often did in those days. Even Falco himself admitted that he wasn't sure how he had managed to stick around long enough to graduate. But graduate he did. He was now a sergeant serving on Starbase Alexus, a base orbiting the planet Titania. Slippy was always the shy one of their trio. Fox found that shyness refreshing. Most of his other friends were very outgoing and sometimes cocky. Slippy, on the other hand, was always able to keep his own abilities and limitations in perspective. He never overestimated himself or underestimated his opponents. Soon after his graduation, Slippy had been assigned to base Guilford on Macbeth. He was a sergeant now as well. Fox hadn't seen either of them much since Fox and Slippy graduated, but the three of them had managed to keep in touch through optic mail. Fox checked the time on his chronometer and hurried back to the base. He had completely lost track of time and it was almost time for his next duty shift to start. Slippy paced back and forth nervously in his room. During a recent leave, he had met a woman, Darla, the likes of which he had never before seen. Like Slippy, she was an amphibioid. She was beautiful. Unfortunately, by the time he worked up the courage to go talk to her, he was so nervous that he was positively tongue-tied! All he could get out were sounds even he didn't know the meaning of. But, somehow, the woman understood. It was almost as if she could read his mind. She told him that she thought he was cute and asked him if he'd like to go for a walk with her. As they walked, her disarming personality put Slippy more at ease. Finally able to talk to her, Slippy got to know her and she got to know him. It was a night he'd never forget. Now, he was back on the base and she was about to come via shuttle to see him. It had been planned weeks before, but Slippy still grew nervous as the time of her arrival approached. He wanted everything to go perfectly during her time here. Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Sgt Toad, your guest's ship has just passed the outer marker and should be landing at any moment, Sir," said a voice over Slippy's hand-comm. "Thanks," Slippy replied, picking the hand-comm up off the table on which he had placed it. He quickly rushed out the door to meet her ship. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, which was remarkably fast. With each stride, he would spring at least two feet off the ground and about three feet forward. It almost looked as if he were dancing. In his hurry, he barely even noticed the barren land around the base. Macbeth definitely wasn't pretty, but its inner surface served as a good location for a military base. In there, no one on the outside could see what was going on. Several centuries before, the core of the planet had shrunk while the outer crust remained the same size, resulting in a gap between the two. Scientists were still trying to determine the cause of the phenomenon and just what had happened to the core's mass when it shrank. However, none of that concerned Slippy now. As he reached the runway, he saw Darla's ship and two M-class escorts pass through a SpaceForce-made hole in the outer crust and begin their final approach. Soon after they were through the hole, it was closed up by two large metal doors so as to keep out any other ships. The shuttle then touched down on the runway and the escorts followed. Slippy started running toward the ship, speeding up even as he ran. As he reached the ship, she disembarked. He quickly walked up to her and embraced her. "It's been too long," she said. She looked around, "Nice place you got here." "You g-get u-used to i-it," Slippy replied, shrugging. The shuttle pilot walked out of the ship carrying a small black bag. "Here's your luggage, Ma'am," he said. "Thanks. You can set it down right there," she said. Then, the three of them noticed a low rumbling sound coming from the sky. Quickly, they began to look around as the sound continued to grow in volume, but they could see nothing. Apparently, the escort pilots heard it too, as they both rushed back to their ships. Quickly, the shuttle pilot returned to the cockpit. "D-Darla, get back in the sh-shuttle and get out of h-here. N-NOW!" Slippy commanded. Darla then opened her mouth to say something to Slippy, but she was interrupted by an explosion. Slippy quickly dropped to the ground, pulling Darla down with him. They then turned their heads to see what had happened. Both escorts were engulfed in flames, and Slippy could barely make out what looked to be a body lying in the blaze. Two beams of nearly continuous laser fire were burning tracks down the runway, heading toward the base's fighters. SOMEONE'S STRAFING THE RUNWAY! BUT WHO? thought Slippy. Suddenly, two of the fighters exploded, hurtling debris everywhere. One of the larger chunks pierced the shuttle's cockpit, killing the pilot and destroying the controls. It then sailed out of the other side of the shuttle and just missed hitting Slippy and Darla. "Follow m-me!" Slippy yelled as the shuttle burst into flame. "And k-keep low!" They ran toward the base as quickly as they could, with utter chaos all around them. As they ran, several pilots came dashing out of the base, desperately trying to reach their ships in time. Meanwhile, things were pretty chaotic in the control room as well. "Communications are out. They must have hit the transmitter!" "Raise the shields around the base. We don't want any more attackers getting in." "Eye, Sir. Shields are up." "Where are they?" one officer yelled. "I don't know, Ma'am," said the flight controller. "The sensors aren't picking up any enemy ships out there!" "Well, those laser blasts aren't coming from thin air," replied the officer. Even this planet's atmosphere isn't that hostile! Are the sensors working properly?" "Yes, Ma'am. They were just checked out." The officer looked out the window. Indeed, the laser fire did seem to be coming from thin air. "How'd they get in here, anyway? The hatch is sealed!" "Maybe they spotted the shuttle and followed it in." Slippy and Darla finally reached the hangar, where Darla dropped against a wall from sheer emotional exhaustion. Slippy then turned to head back toward his fighter. "Where are you going?" Darla asked. "You'll be killed if you go back out there!" Slippy turned his head to face her. "I h-have to g-go." With that, he ran back out into the chaos. He wasn't even wearing his flight suit, but he knew he had to get out there. SOMETIMES I REALLY HATE THIS JOB! Suddenly, he heard a scream. He looked to the side as he ran and saw one of the pilots pinned under a pile of rubble. He turned and ran toward the pilot, then dropped to his knees and started throwing off one piece of debris after another. He finally saw what had the man pinned. A wing from one of the fighters had his leg trapped. Some debris remained on top of the wing, increasing its weight. Slippy then looked at the man's face for the first time and recognized him instantly. Lt Daniels. He was a friend of Peppy Hare's. Peppy had introduced them one time during Slippy's senior year at the Academy, when both he and Lt Daniels were serving as flight instructors. He had made quite an impression on Slippy. Lt Daniels' face, horribly burned, winced in pain. Slippy quickly looked back at the wing. He grabbed it and lifted with all his might, but could not budge the heavy wing. He quickly began removing the remaining debris so as to lighten the load. "Help me!" Daniels yelled, apparently unable to move his head or arms at all. As Slippy removed the debris, he saw one of the laser beams blazing a trail straight toward them! He grabbed the wing and once again lifted with all his might. He managed to lift the wing slightly. "T-try to p-pull your l-leg out!" Slippy yelled. Daniels tried, but his leg was still stuck tight. "Help me!" he repeated. Slippy pulled harder than he had ever done before, desperately trying to lift the wing higher. But, it wouldn't budge. Slippy saw that the beam was almost upon them. He let go of the wing and quickly turned and ran. "Help m..." was all Lt Daniels could get out before the laser hit him. Buffeted by the blast, Slippy was knocked to the ground, unconscious. The next thing he knew, a medic was standing over him. "What ha-happened? Where's th-the e-enemy?" Slippy asked, still groggy. "Try to lie still," the medic replied. "They destroyed all our ships and then their own as well. I guess they knew there was no way back out again and didn't want to be captured. Can't say I blame them after what they did." "Where's D-Darla?" Slippy asked, trying to sit up. "She's m-my girlfriend. I-I've g-got to f-find her." "I'm not sure," said the medic, gently pushing Slippy back down. "However, I'll try to find out if you promise to lie still while I dress your wounds." That, at last, got Slippy to lie still. A couple hours later, Slippy was resting on a bed in sickbay. His head still hurt from the explosion. However, that pain seemed far weaker than another pain he was feeling right now. In his mind, he could still hear Lt Daniels calling out to him for help. He felt ashamed. He felt like a coward. Slippy sighed. At least he had learned that Darla was safe. She had had quite a traumatic experience, but physically she was fine. Soldiers were expected to experience a baptism of fire, but not civilians. Especially not such a horrific one. Thoughts of her, of the burned body of the escort pilots, and all the other horrible events of the massacre mixed together to form a hellish nightmare. However, his most vivid memory by far was that of Lt Daniels calling out to him. Then, a young Avian (Falco's race) approached his bed. "Sgt Toad, communications have just been restored, and there's an incoming message for you from Corneria, Sir." "Th-Thanks, I'll t-take it here," Slippy said, reaching for his hand-comm. AT LEAST IT DIDN'T GET BLOWN UP! "Hel-hello, Sgt Toad here," Slippy said into the communicator. "Slippy, it's me, Fox. What happened out there? I understand you guys got hit pretty badly by someone." He sounded understandably concerned. "I'm not sh-sure. One m-moment everything was p-peaceful, then the next th-thing I know everything is going up in f-flames and everyone's r-running around," Slippy replied. "The attackers w-were invisible, F-Fox. I c-could see their l-lasers but not them! W-We don't kn-know what h-hit us." "Are you OK?" Fox asked without hesitation. "I th-think so," Slippy replied, not sounding at all sure of himself. "I j-just g-got a f-few bumps and bruises." Fox was about to press the issue further when suddenly they were cut off. The next voice he heard sent chills through his body. "Attention all members of the Federation, and especially of the SpaceForce that serves it. This is Emperor Andross of Venom." Fox looked around at those around him. They seemed to be looking around in confusion as they, too heard the message. Fox reached down and turned off his hand-comm, not wanting to hear any more. But, the message continued loud and clear. DO NOT TRY TO TURN ME OFF OR TUNE ME OUT, AS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DEACTIVATE ONE'S MIND. EIGHT YEARS AGO YOU BANISHED ME. NOW, I AND MY NEW PEOPLE WISH TO LAY CLAIM TO CORNERIA. ANYONE WHO STANDS IN OUR WAY WILL BE DESTROYED. WHAT HAPPENED ON MACBETH IS JUST A DEMONSTRATION OF OUR POWER. YOU NEED NOT WORRY ABOUT OTHER SHIPS BEING THERE; OUR PURPOSE THERE HAS BEEN SERVED. HOWEVER, SHOULD ANY PLANET OPPOSE ME, IT WILL PAY DEARLY! JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED. SPACEFORCE, YOUR TIME HAS COME. Chapter 10: The Aftermath Andross had no sooner finished his threat than Fox was out the door, headed for Command Central. He walked briskly through the hallway, eager to find out what the senior officers made of Andross' words or if they had even heard them. He was in such a hurry that he failed to notice the dog coming around the corner. The two collided. "Sorry, Sgt Pepper," Fox apologized. "I wasn't watching where I was going." "That's alright, Sir," Pepper returned. "Neither was I. I just can't get Andross' words out of my mind." "So you heard it, too," said Fox. "Everyone heard it, I think. Sounds like trouble to me." "Me too. I had the misfortune of getting on his bad side once at the Academy," replied Fox, glancing down the hallway. "Listen, I've got to go." Pepper called after Fox as he left. "He said we'd banished him. I don't remember that happening." Fox stopped and turned back toward Pepper. "A lot of people don't." He then turned back again and continued on his way. Fox could hear voices ahead of him as he entered Command Central. Thankfully, none of them were Andross'. He could see the Base Commander, General Kao. Kao was a large, powerful creature, somewhat resembling Andross. Fox shook off the chills that he was feeling. Fox had served under the General for several years now, but had neither noticed nor reacted to the resemblance for almost as long. Until now. Now, Andross was back in his life. The old feelings of anger began to return. He set his feelings aside and approached the General. At this point, Fox was sure that everyone on the station had heard the message. ANDROSS MUST HAVE SOME SORT OF SPECIAL MIND POWER. I CAN REMEMBER HEARING VOICES IN HIS PRESENCE BACK AT THE ACADEMY. "General, Sir. May I have a word with you?" Fox asked. "Yes, of course, Lt....," General Kao replied, trying to recall Fox's surname. "McCloud, Sir," Fox replied politely. In his mind, the General had earned some patience from him. "What do you want to discuss with me, Lt?" "Sir, I'm sure you know about the message that Andross sent just now. I was wondering, how do you think the SpaceForce will respond?" The General looked at him strangely. "I don't know. But, surely you know that I'll keep everyone informed if anything important happens." Fox nodded, "Yes, Sir. I know. You see, Andross has somewhat of a history with my family. I really need to know what is going to be done about his return." "I see," said the General. "I wish I had something more to tell you, but all I can say for sure is this-the SpaceForce will take his threats seriously. Venom has a powerful military force, and if Andross has managed to unite them, they could prove just as dangerous a threat to us as he thinks they are. The SpaceForce may try to negotiate with him to avoid a war." "And if Andross refuses to negotiate?" Fox asked, a mixture of emotions welling up inside of him. The General paused for a moment before speaking. "Then, if he has managed to get the Venom people behind him, may The Creator help us all." "Now that Andross knows Guilford's location, do you think it'll be moved, General? I've got a friend there." "I don't know. Perhaps it'll be moved to another part of the planet. But, it's a large base. That'll take some time." Fox thought about that answer for a second, then asked, "What do you think he meant by, 'Justice will be served'?" "I don't know. All I know is that most of the Federation's worlds are peaceful, not planets of warriors. The Lizards could definitely be a threat." Meanwhile, Maj Vessic was also having a conversation with his commander. "Emperor," he said, "I have been wondering about some things. First, you came to us saying that you could restore our world. Then, you had us secretly raid our neighboring planets to take slaves, supplies, and equipment. Also, you've had us design and build new military ships and weapons. And now, we have attacked the SpaceForce, possibly starting a full-scale war. Why?" Andross attempted to quell Vessic's doubts mentally, but for some reason, could not gain access to the man's mind. Finally, he gave up and tried the verbal approach. "I tried to restore your planet as I had promised, but it proved to be far more difficult a problem than I had anticipated. However, I am still determined to find our people and myself a suitable new home. That home is Corneria. Its beauty is unrivaled in this galaxy. However, it is a member of the Federation. They are a cold and callous group. They would never allow us to occupy space on one of their planets." "But the SpaceForce tried many times to negotiate an end to our war..." "Only to attempt to control a situation so close to their border," Andross countered. Then he paused and asked, "Do you know why I left Corneria?" "No," Vessic answered tentatively, "You've never told anyone that." "Well now you, my friend and confidant," said Andross, smiling ever so slightly, "shall hear the truth. When I was young, I lived in a small village on Corneria. One day I was out fishing with my brother, and the SpaceForce bombed my village. Upon returning to the village, my brother succumbed to radiation poisoning. Somehow, I survived. But, my entire family was dead. The SpaceForce just went on about its business, never even bothering to explain why the bomb had been dropped. I know it was them because I saw a bomb fragment lodged in a piece of stone. The fragment bore the SpaceForce emblem." "What happened then?" asked Vessic, with a surprised look on his face. "When I was old enough, I joined the SpaceForce, hoping to find the parties responsible for the bombing and bring them to justice. But, when I started asking questions about the event, they banished me from Federation space. You see, they are cold and ruthless. They would sooner kill us than give us some of their land. After the civil war, we didn't have the resources to fight them." ESPECIALLY SINCE I COULD NEVER GET MY GRAVITY BOMB TO CLOSE ITS BLACK HOLES LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO! Andross thought to himself. Then, he continued, "I was able to make...covert deals with the governments of some of our neighboring planets, but others weren't nearly so reasonable. That is why the raids were necessary, to give us the strength to take from the Federation what we need and then to keep it. No formal relations exist between the Federation and the planets we raided, so the chances of the Federation finding out about the raids are minimal. It was a good risk, for the Federation is strong, but now we are stronger." "But the attack on Macbeth, and your decision to tell them that we were the ones responsible for it...," Vessic questioned. At this, Andross grew angry, "I have given you my answer, now question your Emperor no more! I am grateful to you for rescuing me, but that gratitude does not allow you to question me! Now go before I get angry!" Vessic left, now more doubtful than ever. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. There wasn't supposed to be any fighting or casualties, and there certainly wasn't supposed to be another war that he and his people would have to fight. Before Andross arrived, his people had desperately wanted to end their war and live in piece. Now, Andross had ended that war only to lead them to the brink of another, bigger, one. And the same people that had tried so hard for peace back then now seemed perfectly willing to follow Andross into another bloody conflict. People who had fought each other so bitterly for so long were now functioning as an efficient team. How had Andross accomplished this? What sort of hold did he have over them? Did that device Andross had told him about have anything to do with it? Vessic could remember sometimes feeling as if someone else were in his mind with him, and he could hear a voice in his mind speak words just before Vessic spoke them aloud. Vessic's people had become so conditioned, so used to taking without question orders from a superior, that perhaps they'd lost the ability to recognize a bad order. They needed a leader, so Andross assumed that role. And, perhaps they had been at war so long that they no longer knew how to function in peace. Vessic then turned to see Kasa heading toward Andross' throne room. She walked by him silently. Over the years, she had grown very distant from him. However, she was always glad to show her support for Andross when someone showed even the slightest doubt about him in her presence. His whole family had changed. His father, mother, and two sisters were all avid supporters of Andross. And his friends, well, they had changed as well. One time he had seen them shoot a man as a traitor because he had refused to follow Andross. As dark as his world had seemed eight years ago, it seemed even darker today. As he walked through the halls, he saw an older woman walking the other way. He stopped and looked at her, then looked at his chronometer. YUP, IT'S ABOUT THAT TIME OF DAY. SHE SURE IS PRETTY. He watched her as she, like his mother had before her, headed for Andross' throne room. She was the only Cornerian he'd ever met in person. Strangely enough, she had been among the captives in one of their raids. Andross apparently took a liking to her, and made her his consort. Soon, she entered Andross' throne room at the end of the hall. At the same time, Kasa came out of the throne room. As she emerged from the doorway, Vessic slowly turned and continued on his way.