WARNING: This story has been written and posted free of charge solely for entertainment purposes. Fox McCloud Jr, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, Venom, Corneria, Fara Phoenix, General Pepper, Andross, and all other principle characters and places created by Nintendo are copyright (C) 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. Used without permission. Star Fox is copyright (C) 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. Used without permission. All characters and places created by me, Theodore P. Perrotti, are copyright (C) 1995 Theodore P. Perrotti. (However, feel free to use all of this story's characters, events, and places as you wish as long as you abide by the conditions described in the next paragraph.) This story may be redistributed, stored, or archived in any way just so long as it is unaltered, this entire disclaimer remains with it, and such action is taken free of charge. In short: DON'T SELL OR ALTER THIS STORY! Also, please give me credit if you use any of my creations. Parts of this story were based on characters, places, and events in both the Star Fox video game and the Star Fox comic which appeared in Nintendo Power. You may also notice a "Star Trek" influence in this story. This is no coincidence. Specifically, this story has been influenced by the original series episode "Mirror-Mirror", the Next Generation two-parter "The Best of Both Worlds", and the Next Generation novel "Dark Mirror". I welcome your comments. Please e-mail them to me at author@galaxycorp.com. _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 12: Newly-Fallen Snow Fara stopped briefly to get up her courage. Ahead of her was a thick metal door with the words "Detention Area-Authorized Personnel Only" printed across it in large black letters. Considering what she was about to do, Fara could understand the purpose behind that warning now more than ever. Ever since the day they had brought Andross here to await trial, she had felt a cold, calculating air emanating from the place. When Fox conceived of the notion of someone consulting Andross, he probably didn't have Fara in mind as being that someone. Fara was sure of that, but, like Fox, she hated sitting idly by while someone else did her job. At first, Fara had been surprised that no one had thought of the idea sooner. After all, it seemed the most logical thing to do. But then she realized: Perhaps they had subconsciously thought of it earlier, but the prospect of being in his presence was so ugly, perhaps they actually preferred the threat from the other, unseen, Andross. Only now that they had no other choice was anyone able to let the idea reach beyond their subconscious. Then, a guard came up to Fara and gave her the obligatory "Keep well back from the field" speech, then entered his passcode into the door's control panel. The door slid open, revealing a room filled with an eerie, tense silence. Cells lined the walls on either side, separated from the middle walkway by what seemed to Fara the flimsiest of force fields. At each end of the room stood armed guards at the ready. Only the worst criminals were kept here, and Fara felt her muscles tense in preparation for a life-and-death struggle. Fara looked down one end of the room, and saw the hulking form of Andross standing by the field of one of the cells. Much to Fara's dismay, he had a maniacal smile on his face, as if he were going to enjoy her visit. Eager to get this over with and knowing that the Alternates would soon be there, she quickly walked over to his cell. ALL RIGHT. I CAN'T LET HIM SEE JUST HOW MUCH TROUBLE WE'RE IN NOW, OR HE MAY DECIDE THAT THE IRONY OF THIS CONSULTATION IS TOO GOOD TO PASS UP, EVEN TO SAVE HIS OWN LIFE. I ESPECIALLY CAN'T LET HIM KNOW THAT HIS COUNTERPART IS LEADING THE ASSAULT. I'M SURE GLAD THEY WERE ABLE TO RE-TUNE HIS CELL'S FIELD TO BLOCK HIS MIND POWERS! Andross' eyes fixed on Fara as she arrived at his cell. "Well, Emperor (Andross still insisted on being called this)" Fara said calmly, "I trust you know what this is all about." Still wearing that smile, Andross replied, "I don't believe I caught your name, Captain." "My name's not important," Fara began. "Of course it is," Andross said coolly, "I like to know the name of the enemy begging me for help." Fara had no time to argue the point. "Very well," she conceded, "I'm Capt. Fara Phoenix, and I've been sent by the base commander to consult you on a possible enemy attack on Corneria." Fara used her maiden name because she and Fox had decided it best that Andross be unaware of their relationship, lest he should ever escape and come after her. Still, Fara was haunted by the feeling that he somehow knew. "As I recall," retorted Andross, "the SpaceForce is my enemy. So why would I want to help them? Really, you must be so desperate to even ask." "Why would you want to help us," Fara asked, "To put it bluntly, Emperor, if we die, so do you. Now, we can handle this ourselves if you wish. But your cooperation would simplify things greatly." "I don't think you really believe that, Capt. Phoenix," Andross replied smugly, "You're as nervous as a person with a gun pointed at their back." "If that's true, Emperor," Fara said, leaning forward until she was almost touching the field of Andross' cell, "Then that's all the more reason for you to cooperate." "Ah, but seeing you squirm and die has been my lifelong ambition, well worth even the forfeiture of my own life," Andross answered smugly, staring Fara straight in the face. "Why such intense malignity for your 'Force?" Andross asked coldly, as if reading Fara's mind, "I'll tell you why. I was orphaned when I was very young. At the time, the Cornerian authorities couldn't decide what to do with me, so they bounced me from one foster home to another like some old rag doll that nobody wanted. Then, after eight years of neglect, I was finally given a home where I was loved and wanted. A pig couple from the farming village of Toorik adopted me and raised me as their own along with their natural son, my brother. There was a SpaceForce testing sight about five miles from the village. One day when I was twelve, my brother and I went fishing in the nearby Lake Calisco. We were talking when I suddenly saw an object pass high overhead, headed toward the village. We quickly started back, but were knocked to the ground by a tremendous explosion. We ran back to the village, but found nothing but a charred crater where it had once been. Under the treatment of a doctor from the nearest surviving town, which was five miles away, I survived the radiation I had been exposed to, but my brother succumbed to it. Two days later, I was looking out the window of the Doctor's home when I saw groups of people in radiation suits flying rovers bearing the SpaceForce insignia. They were headed back the way my brother and I had come. That was when I knew what had happened: The SpaceForce had destroyed my home, killing my family and friends. Then they had done nothing for two days, absolutely nothing!" His voice gradually grew louder. "I vowed vengeance on them! To that end, I joined them so as to learn the best way to destroy them. Eventually, I was able to access the files on what had happened. The SpaceForce was conducting a "controlled test" of the first prototype nova bomb! The bomb was supposed to hit the testing sight but veered off course and hit near our village instead! And the incident was barely even investigated! It was just swept under the carpet as if it had never happened! That was when I decided to build the gravity bomb!" His voice was filled with hysteria now. "You thought I was the bad guy! You thought I started the war!" he challenged, "Now who do you think started it?" Finding herself unable to answer his question, Fara retreated out of the cell bay, saying only, "I didn't know!" before leaving.