A Change Of Life styles



            Shela opened her eyes slowly her head ached and her vision was a little blurred. The last thing she could remember happening was she heard strange sounds and blacked out. Her vision slowly cleared and she realized she was in a large cage. Shela started to remember what had happened, she was hunting a gazelle when humans came from the north in their speed machines. She started to run and was hit by something, and then she fell asleep. She looked out the side of the cage; she was on the back of a speed machine. Where was she? The land was different it wasn’t nearly as warm here and smells were different as was the landscape. Where have I been taken? She wondered. She saw the humans that had captured her they were getting into the machine, when one noticed she had awoken. Shela growled and began to pace, occasionally she would roar at them but they were unaffected. They started the truck and drove onto a road; she had never seen a road like this it was black and looked like it was made of one long stone. What did they want? Where were they taking her? She thought to herself. The truck stopped in a forest, but nothing like she had ever seen, the trees were tall and large not like the plains she lived on. There were small creatures that came in site occasionally but not anything she recognized. Shela was intrigued but also worried by this development. Many questions were in her head and none of this made any sense. The truck stopped at a large gate with two humans in front of it. She saw a large building in the background and wondered if they were taking her there. The gate opened and the speed machine started to pull in, she noticed a large double door open and the speed machine moved in.

The men went to the cage door after getting out and threw a small cylinder into the cage, it started to smoke and Shela saw her chance. She had seen a device like this before once, the fumes would put her to sleep but she had an idea. She laid down and held her breath waiting for them to open the door. They waited a few seconds and opened the door to carry her out. The second the door opened she sprung into action jumping from the cage and making a sprint for the still closing door. By the time they could react she was almost to the gate but it was closing. Shela used all her strength and speed to reach it and got through only moments before it shut. She continued running at full speed until she was exhausted, knowing that if she didn’t cover some distance she would be recaptured. She was deep in the forest when she finally collapsed not being able to breath. Shela fell asleep in that spot not able to move any further.

Shela awoke to the sounds of birds but not ones she knew, these were different everything here was different. She was very hungry and didn’t know what she would be able to hunt here. She didn’t blend into this place everything was green here and she was tan. As a cat she was a natural tree climber so at least she would be safe she thought. After wandering a ways she found a clearing with a stream. There was tall grass and an endless field of beautiful flowers. Shela had never seen anything like it, her homeland had a limited supply of water that all animals went to but plants grew in such abundance here the water was plentiful and all seemed peaceful. It was like a dreamland except she didn’t know how to survive in it.

Shela ducked behind a bush when she saw something come into view, it looked like a gazelle but had no horns and was wider, like it was fattened or something. Her mouth began to water and she thought of a plan of attack. Hunting gazelle was hard they were fast enough to tire her but they also had an uncanny grace that allowed them to change direction. As she moved closer she noticed a red figure on the far side of the opening, the creature wasn’t very large but the red coat of fur made it stand out. She changed her attention back to the prey and wondered if it would be able to out run her. She was ready to run for it and couldn’t wait to finally eat.

Recko was sitting on the opposite side of the clearing; he was just watching the field on another peaceful day. He saw something strange moving through the tall grass and curiously watched. Suddenly a creature like nothing he had ever seen jumped from the grass to tackle the deer in the middle of the field. Wow, he thought, I’ve never seen anything move like that before. The creature was large but thin and had very developed muscles. Its fur was tan and had black spots all over it. The muzzle was more like a mountain lion than a canine and he thought it looked quite stunning. He watched as it almost instantly closed the distance between it and the deer. The deer was knocked to the ground almost instantly and in less than a minute its teeth sank into the throat. He moved a little closer to get a better view. A long thin tail with the same fur as its body flickered around aimlessly as it began to feed on the dead deer. A female he decided no visible male genitals could be seen. He couldn’t help himself he was intrigued and so he went into the clearing.

Shela was surprised at how easy it was to kill this animal, no fight or chase as if it never saw her coming. She was eating quite furiously and had forgotten about the creature at the edge of the clearing. She saw him come into the clearing and jumped to face him. He strolled in and looked at her not considering her a threat. He walked like a dog but had a beautiful red coat with a white underbelly. He wasn’t threatening and she just watched as he made a circle around her, he seemed curious and non-threatening. In her land all animals could talk and she wondered if the same was true here. She decided to ignore him and continue her meal, if he wanted to say something he would, she figured. She continued to eat at the deer and he sat down. He had a bushy tail that wagged behind him as he stared at her. She looked at the deer and figured maybe he was hungry so she moved back for a second and pointed at the dead animal with her paw. He looked at her then the animal and back again. He smiled and walked over to take a bite.

Recko was very curious at this point, she was friendly and didn’t consider him a threat, and although this didn’t surprise him he was obviously no match for her. He decided to strike up a conversation with the strange creature. If nothing else he could at least thank her for the food it was rare to find someone who shared.

“Hello,” he said calmly.

Her voice was quite beautiful, “Hello, so tell me what are you? A coyote or something.”

He smiled, “No I’m a fox, haven’t you ever seen a fox before?”

“Well no I’m not from a place like this,” she started eating again.

“I’m surprised I’ve never seen a creature like you before I thought I knew all the animals in this area,” he said as he started licking his paws of the blood.

“Well I’m new here, where ever here is?” she replied.

“So what are you?” he asked curious.

“I’m a cheetah,” she replied as she finished.

“By the way I’m Recko, can I ask your name,” he said politely.

“I’m Shela,” she replied with a smile.

            Recko watched as she began to clean herself delicately licking her paws and her front legs. He was mesmerized by her but didn’t know why. She started licking her paw and rubbing her face with it. He wanted to get closer to her so he searched for a reason that she wouldn’t mind.

“Wait I can help you with that it will be easier for you,” he was anxious to get closer to her.

            Shela wasn’t sure about this situation but she decided he wasn’t going to try anything so she decided to let him.

“Ok, I guess I will accept,” she said as she laid down.

He smiled excited and walked over. He began by her check slowly worked his way around her muzzle and the bridge of her nose. His tongue was smaller than hers and it wasn’t nearly as rough. It was quite enjoyable and she smiled as he continued.

            Recko loved every second of this experience, he liked the way she smelled and her fur tasted interesting. He licked all over her face tasting her saliva at her lips and as he moved up to her ear he watched it twitch under his touch. He continued to lick the side of her ear occasionally snacking his tongue to the underside. He could tell she was enjoying it and she rolled onto her side relaxing. As he continued he was startled by a vibration sound that he thought was a growl. He backed off quickly thinking he may have angered her. She looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

“Why did you stop, is something wrong?” she asked.

“Well you growled I figured you were angry,” he answered still afraid of what she might do.

“I didn’t growl I purred, its something I do when I’m happy,” she said with a giggle.

Recko relaxed, “I feel better, for a second I thought you might hurt me.”

“I liked your tongue, could you do that to my other ear?” She asked interested.

“Sure, I would enjoy that,” he said pleased.

            Recko began licking her head again working his way to her ear and she stretched on the ground. She was purring again and her eyes were closed, she was enjoying it, he thought to himself. After a short while he finally stopped and lay next to her in the grass. Her eyes opened and met with his as they lay. He was startled when Shela suddenly tackled him pinning him to the ground. He let out a whimper of fear and closed his eyes thinking she was going to kill him. He felt a long raspy tongue lick his cheek and opened his eyes. She had him pretty well pinned but was smiling as she towered over him. He let out a sigh as she started to slowly wash his head with her tongue.

            Shela returned his tongue bath with one of her own; he shook a little as her tongue pulled at his fur. He started to relax and wanted to roll onto his side but he was held very firmly in place by her strong paws. He just closed his eyes and smiled as he felt her tongue stroke every part of his head. He relaxed and put up no resistance as she rolled him over still holding him in place. Shela was enjoying herself licking his chin and neck. She started to purr and laid down still on top of him and feeling his warmth against her. She was starting to feel a little cold, she had been used too much higher temperatures then this place had and with the sun beginning to set she was catching a breeze that quickly wisped through her fur. Her purring stopped from the feeling and she got up.

“What’s wrong,” Recko asked curious.

“Its getting cold and dark I need to go find a place and rest for the night,” Shela answered.

“Well if you want my burrow is only a short ways from here, its not huge but your welcome to stay if you want to,” he said happily.

“Thank you, I’m glad there are friendly creatures in this land,” Shela said as she rubbed her body against him.

“Its no problem, I like having someone to talk to, so just follow me and we’ll be there in no time,” he said.

            Recko smiled and started to run into the woods. Shela easily kept up with him and he hurried to his small abode. It only took him a few minutes to widen the entrance so she could easily enter and she walked past him her tail tickling his chin. He was happy and wondered if she was just friendly or if she was interested in him. It had been a long time since his last mating and his balls hung down quite full from non-use. Inside he saw her lye on her side and smile at him as he entered and walked over.

“Is there anything you want, I could get some leaves and branches for you to lay on it wouldn’t be any trouble,” Recko asked.

“No you’ve been quite generous, and I hope I can repay you for your kindness,” she said and got up.

            Shela moved over to Recko and gave him a lick on the nose. She gently pushed her head against the side of his head and purred.

“Thank you for caring, I’ve felt very unsure of things and a bit worried since I got here and I feel better to have someone so reassuring. I’m glad you are so nice and generous now please lay were you want in your home and I will take a spot were I won’t bother you,” she said calmly and in a soft voice.

Recko thought about it for a second and sat near the entrance, he knew she would get cold so he choose to sit at the entrance so she would sit in the back of the burrow were it was warmer. He laid down and closed his eyes to go to sleep. He smiled and heard her walk around for a moment. He then opened his eyes to see her sprawled out at the back of the burrow and smiled. He wasn’t going to get to cold at this time of the year and it was worth it for her to be comfortable. He fell asleep and dreamed of what tomorrow would bring. He woke up in the morning to realize he was alone. Had it been a dream he thought to himself. Then he smelled her scent, nope I guess she just didn’t like it here. He was so involved with his thinking that he didn’t hear her coming into the burrow. She saw he was in thought and smiled, his tail wasn’t moving so she slowly went behind him. She put her paw under his tail and lifted until her paw touched his sac. He let out a yelp and almost jumped across the burrow.

Shela giggled and he smiled at her, “Am I your prey today Shela,” he joked.

“Not yet but the day is young,” Shela answered running her body across the side of Reckos.

“Is that a show of affection in your land?” he asked very curious.

“Why do you not like it?” she asked running her body length against him again.  

“No, No it feels great I just well,” he wasn’t sure how to tell her how arousing her rubbing was and that he didn’t want to embarrass himself.

Recko ran out the burrow hole and into the brook next to his home. He had done it just in time to avoid his maleness from coming into her view. It only took a few minutes for the cold water to clear his arousal and when he came out of the water Shela was looking at him.

“Did I do something wrong, I didn’t mean to upset you,” she said sadly.

“No, please, don’t be sad its not you its me, you are perfect I just didn’t want to insult you,” he said already blushing.

“What do you mean you haven’t done anything to upset me, you’re a wonderful creature,” Shela was a little puzzled.

“Maybe I’ll tell you sometime can we forget about it for now?” he asked trying to change the subject.

“Ok, how about we have breakfast are you hungry,” she smiled.

“Actually yeah I am kind of hungry want to go hunting,” he smiled back at her.

She came closer and licked his dripping muzzle, “I already went hunting I figured it was the least I could do.”

He shook some of the water off and followed her to the burrow. She had killed two rabbits and was waiting for him to take the first bite.

“I think I’m going to like it here, all the prey here are slow,” she laughed.

“I’m glad you like it, I’ll be back in a bit, I have to go mark my territory,” he said.

When he was on the trail he noticed a powerful scent near all his normal markings. It was a strong female scent but it wasn’t fox it was familiar but he couldn’t place it. As he was finishing he heard something in the forest near by. He searched for the noise and found more markings he stopped to smell a recent mark. The scent was even stronger and he was quite aroused. He wasn’t in a hurry back and didn’t care if he had to wait before going back to the burrow so he allowed himself to be stimulated from the scent. As he thought about Shela his arousal rose and he became very erect. Suddenly he heard a noise in the trees. He looked up just in time to be startled by Shela jumping from a tree. He immediately laid on the ground to hide his member and she looked down at him.

“What’s up, why are you laying there?” she asked.

“Well, um, I didn’t know you were in the trees and um,” he was out of excuses and very embarrassed.

“You were enjoying my scent weren’t you?” she smiled she had been watching him.

“”Yes, I was I mean no disrespect but you are very beautiful and I find you very attractive,” he was covering his muzzle with his paws expecting her to get angry.

“I know,” she said happy.

“What, you knew and you’re not angry,” he looked up in shock.

“Of course, I’m attracted to you to that’s why I marked the spots, I knew you’d smell them,” she smiled.

He stood up forgetting his erection. When the air hit his underbelly he remembered and immediately went back to the ground. He blushed and just sat there.

“Let me see you, I want to look at you,” she said.

Shela started to circle him pushing at his sides gently to try and push him over. Finally beginning to get frustrated she stopped and lay in front of him and rolled over onto her back. Her legs were spread in front of him and he could see her moist mound, her scent was so strong he thought he was going to die from pleasure. She looked up at him and smiled.   

“Well maybe I can get you to come to me,” Shela said waiting for him to make a move.

He slowly gave in to his desire and finally got up to move to her rear. Her tail flicked up to tickle his chin and then snaked to his member. He stopped with his nose only a few millimeters from her sex and inhaled her scent deeply. It was amazing and the effect it was having on him was astounding to him.

“I’ve wanted you since I saw you at the clearing but, I feel like I’m acting out of lust instead of conscious thought. I’m sorry but I can’t do this. I think I’ve fallen in love with you and I can’t take you, not like this. Please understand I need to feel this is right for myself and you,” he said as he turned and started to run away.

            Shela sat up and watched as he left her sight, she almost cried as she thought about what he had said but then realized why he said it. She was only with him for one day and she was throwing herself at him just for lust. Shela realized what he apparently already knew, she was in heat and he left before he could no longer resist her. She could easily catch up to him but that wouldn’t help things any. He was a better creature than she could have realized and noble too. She had strong feelings for him but he needed to know they were more than instinct. Recko was special to her she knew she would still like him after she was out of heat she just had to wait it out. Shela wasn’t sure if he would come back though, he was obviously going to avoid her but what should she do to show she understood. Shela decided to not go back to the burrow, it was his home and he deserved to be there.

            Shela followed his scent and tracks staying out of site and trying to see where he went. She found him at a waterfall he looked sad and distracted. It hurt her to see him this way but knew that right know her being close wouldn’t comfort him. She still needed to talk to him though. Her speed and agility offered her a solution she could yell to him from the trees and talk to him from a distance. She easily climbed a near by tree and watched for a few more minutes. He got up and started to walk in her direction.

“Recko, please stop I need to talk to you,” she said from the trees hidden in a branch.

“Where are you? I can’t see you.” He replied looking around.

“I’m staying away from you like you wanted but I’m not angry. I understand why you didn’t want to mate with me, I do have feelings for you It’s not my heat that speaks for me. I want you to go home, I’ll come back in a few days. I’m sorry I was so forward, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she tried not to cry as she spoke.

“I want you to stay at the burrow you’ll get cold. Your not used to the temperatures here and I care about you,” he said worried.

“No that is your home, I’ll be fine, I’ll see you in a few days, goodbye Recko and don’t worry,” Shela said as she jumped from the tree and gave him a quick lick before she sprinted into the woods.

            Recko knew he couldn’t catch her she was easily five times faster than him and was able to hide in the trees. He accepted what he couldn’t change and went to the burrow. He slept with his head out the entrance of the burrow the first two nights hoping to catch a glimpse of Shela in the morning. He wanted her to come back so badly and wondered if he should have been with her when she wanted him to be. Would she still have feelings for him, he thought. It rang in his mind he couldn’t let go of her words at the waterfall. He only ate one rabbit in the time she was gone only left the burrow when it was necessary. He missed her greatly and hoped she was ok.

            On the third morning Shela decided to go see Recko it was time to see if he still liked her. She went to the burrow to find him still asleep, he wasn’t very happy looking and wondered if something was wrong. She laid next to him and put her front paws on his back. He awoke quickly and looked at her with surprise and excitement. Shela was caught off guard when he leaped up onto her and began to lick her face.

“I’m so glad to see you I’ve been so worried about you,” he said still in shock.

Shela wrapped her front paws around him and licked his neck, “I’ve missed you and I want you to know I still like you and desire you.”

He smiled lying on her stomach and feeling her body pressed to his. His penis unsheathed out of excitement of seeing her and when he realized it was rubbing her stomach moved off her. She got up and tackled him from behind forcing him to his side. He struggled for a second and then stopped resisting as he felt her long tongue stroke the full length of his maleness. He was in bliss as she did it a few more times before letting him up. Shela laid down with her rear in the air and her tail whipping back and forth. He immediately went to her and took a deep breath of her scent. He let his tongue taste her heavy musky juices and she purred lowering her rear a little. Recko positioned himself to penetrate her and stopped as the head of his member rubbed against her slit.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked.

            Shela answered by backing a little making the end of his member penetrate her. He let out a moan as her lips parted and her tightness closed around him. He was much larger than any of the males she had been with in the past and it hurt a little so she went slowly. She took him all the way to the sheath and he moaned. She waited for her muscles to loosen a little so they would be more comfortable. He started to slowly thrust and they moaned as their excitement rose. He was amazed at her tightness and heat, her muscles contracted around him so tightly it almost hurt. He started to thrust harder and faster as he was almost ready to come. His knot was large and Shela could feel it trying to penetrate her. She was so close to orgasm she couldn’t move. She let out a moan of pleasure and pain as his knot forced its way into her and she went into orgasm. Her body rippled with pleasure and she continued to let out whimpers of pleasure. Her panting was so erratic she looked like she had just run a marathon. Recko continued to thrust until he let out a howl and came hard. Her tight pussy was still constricting at him and milking him. He lay on her still twitching and moaning as his seed filled her spurt after spurt. She felt the overflow on her leg but he was still coming and moaning. They stayed in that position for almost an hour until his knot had shrank but her grip on his member hadn’t weakened. They were very exhausted and finally dropped to the floor of the burrow.

“That was great you are a wonderful lover,” she said giving him a lick on the cheek.

“And you are amazing,” he said as he laid against her his body totally exhausted and needing rest.

Shela purred as they fell asleep together and smiled not wanting to ever leave their comfortable positions against each other.


The End



            Thomas A. Scheck