To Dream of A Fox



            I woke on the beautiful satin sheets next to my lover Adrian. He had his cute muzzle resting on my chest, as I could taste his breath slowly rolling over my chest to my face. He was completely peaceful and happy I could tell he was enjoying his dream. I slowly pulled my still somewhat hard member out of him getting a whine from his lips as his muscles contracted around me. Even asleep he wanted me with him, it was a comforting thought. I took a while to pull free slowly working so he wouldn’t awake. In the process he came on my stomach but still didn’t wake. I licked him clean along with my self and just giggled at the salty pleasant taste. I gently rolled him onto his stomach and started to lick his entire back and hind glossing his red fur. His natural fur oils tasted wonderful as did his sweat and other fluids. As I worked my way to his rear still slowly licking his fur I cheeked to make sure he was still asleep and then continued. He was panting lightly from the attention but was still asleep a light murring noise constantly rumbling from his throat. I loved to watch him enjoy himself the smirk on his face more satisfaction than I needed. I spent a long time on his tail grooming it with my tongue. I slowly went down one leg and up the other sucking on each toe and listening to his reaction. He squirmed a little as I moved back up to his butt cheeks for my own enjoyment. As I slowly moved my tongue along his rear cheeks he started to squirm uncomfortably. I had a pretty good idea why and gently and slowly turned him over to see his glistening cock waiting for its pleasure. I decided to save that for last and moved back up. I worked my way down each arm slowly and sensually putting each hair in its place. As I licked at his palms his fingers curled in attempt to hold my tongue. I worked on his chest next feeling his muscles spasm as my rough tongue went across each muscle and avoiding the nipples. I was enjoying this way too much to let him awake and I knew that might do it. His breathing was starting to get a little heavy but he wasn’t awake. As I moved down his white furred front I spent time at his stomach to fix the fur and then to his abdomen where his musk was very heavy. The smell and taste fogged my mind and it took a lot of will power not to wake him and enjoy his embrace. I moved his legs apart and very slowly licked his inner thighs as not to wake him. Finally I licked his balls gently making the fur nice and straight his light moaning and whimpering echoing through my ears like a perfect Beethoven composition. I did his length in four slow licks paying close attention to the tip and I felt a hand on my head gently rubbing my ear driving me wild. I smiled and looked up seeing Adrian finally waking and I moved to his side giving him one long passionate kiss.

“Sit still while I finish,” I said licking the side of his muzzle.

“Finish what?” he asked not totally aware of what I had been up to.

“Why grooming your beautiful fur silly. I don’t want you to get up a mess,” I said grining as I continued.

He sat back and let out a sigh as I continued his face and laughed when I slowly went up the bridge of his nose. I continued around to the back of the head and then went to each ear. I spent longer than I had to at the ears because I liked to watch them twitch. As I moved down to his neck I gently nibbled getting a long murr out of him as I continued. I ended at his throat my final lick on the bottom of his chin. He smiled and took me in another long kiss before turning me onto my back. He then got up and posed for me. He looked himself over and then smiled at me.

“Wow, you are wonderful its great,” he said then he smiled at me, “So how do I look,” he took on one of those model poses designed to accent his features.

“Puuurrrrrrrrfect,” I purred out as I smiled.

            With my grooming his fur was now close to his muscles and skin accenting his rear and chest perfectly. His fur was smooth glossy again and I hadn’t left a single knot. His tail was bushy but not totally fluffed out and it swayed in approval. The site of him like that made me want to jump him right their but I wouldn’t make that much of an aggresive move even though my cock was eager to come out and play. In instinct I was a cat that just loved to pounce on my favorite toy but I was also a civilized individual and always liked to enjoy things. He moved back towards the bed and I ducked under the satin sheets to play a little hide and seek. Somehow I had a guess he liked to play games and would love and catch me. In the end I knew I was stronger and faster but everyone likes to play the part of the submissive sometime. It was a thrill to be told what to do and how to do it. A sort of learning of what your partner wanted without the odd feeling you got when asked to do it bluntly.

“The hunt is on,” he said with a laugh as he started to crawl over the sheets trying to find my tail.

            He chased my tail around trying to catch it and after a solid half hour he finally took firm grip of it. He tugged it hard to show I wasn’t going to get away and I purred as he pulled me next to him. We laid back on the bed after we had enjoyed our game and looked up through the skylight. I let a tear of joy fall from my cheek as he held me close and we watched the moon and stars slowly move in the heavens. It felt like an eternity as I continued to snuggle close purring and feeling the wonderful reassurance of his arms around my shoulder. I wished only to stay like that forever but he had more fun things in mind.

“Hidden, I was wondering where did you get the scar on your chest?” the sincerity in his voice made me want to answer but my heart didn’t want to remember.

I felt I had to answer but the pain in my chest wouldn’t let me tell my past, “It’s a reminder. A reminder of love not returned by people in the past.”

I started to cry from the pain in my chest but he stopped me by bringing me close and taking me in a kiss. I soon forgot about the past and only felt his tongue. It was warm and friendly its only aggressive quality being the fact it was in my mouth. It was a feeling of being appreciated or wanted. Only inspiring the feelings of happiness and peace. Finally it ended and he started to kiss his way down my neck and chest now lying on me the way I was on him only moments earlier. He worked his way to my left nipple and began to lick and gently suck. My nipple hardened almost instantly from the feeling of being nursed from and I let out a long sensual sigh as I could feel my heart beat quickening. My paws were on his shoulders and kneading his muscles slowly. He started to murr gently moving to my right nipple and nipped it. I let out a soft yippee and purred as my breathing became a bit heavier. I didn’t realize how much he seemed to know about pleasuring me until he moved to the center of my chest. I had a small patch of white fur with the scar. It was very sensitive and in most cases if someone moved there I would be worried about them hurting me but I trusted Adrian. My pulse quickened as I tried to suppress my fear of what he might do. I looked up as I felt his paw rub my muzzle. I felt an amazing amount of reassurance as his eyes met mine and the warmth and love replaced my fear. He slowly ran his velvet tongue across the scar kissing it occasionally and miring in a low tone. My purring increased as I began to cry, I felt loved and cared for an almost perfect serenity flowing through my heart. I trembled as he laid his head on my chest his throat lying on the scar and he let a low level half growl vibrated into my chest. He stayed in that spot comforting me for what seemed to be an eternity. All my suppressed fears and despair came out and fluttered away into oblivion. I felt strong and light, the weight that so heavily compressed my heart suddenly lifted.

“How do you feel Hidden?” he finally asked me.   

I held him tight and gave him a passionate kiss, “better than I have ever felt in my life, I owe you my essence my very being,” I replied the tears falling in joy.

            He got up for a second to stretch and smile and told me to relax. I closed my eyes and put my hands at my sides and awaiting whatever he wanted. I would not resist him I was his to enjoy and command the only thing I could think of to repay him. He told me to put my arms up over my head and spread my legs. I quickly complied trying to slow my breathing as I heard him moving too the left side of the bed. My ears followed his movements my mind at ease and giving total trust to Adrians’ desires. His claw ran up the length of my arm and then took gentle hold of my wrist. A strong thick velvet rope slid over my hand and he tightened it at my wrist. I smiled, I had no worries or concerns I knew in my heart he would never intentionally hurt me. He was aggressive but also loving. He pulled the rope tight but not uncomfortably and tied it off. He moved slowly down with his claw in constant contact to my skin and tied my left ankle the same way. He moved back up running his claw up the inside of my leg and down the other. I shivered in pleasure as the claw went under my sac. He tied my other ancle and finally my other wrist and I struggled a little, playfully. I had a smile on my face and I finally opened my eyes.

“What A wonderful sight,” he laughed before seductively moving back towards the bed.

My eyes widened as did my smile with excitement. He laid back on the bed next to me and started to run his claws across my chest fur. I started to purr and he reached his muzzle up to meet mine. We kissed endlessly as he massaged my stomach, chest, and neck giving me a feeling of being covered completely by him. My passion was rising and so was my member. He gently began to claw at my sides making me giggle from the ticklish feeling it produced. As I squirmed slightly he began to laugh a little enjoying the tickle torture he inflicted. In the end I knew it was all fun and games because he loved another but when he was with me it was pure enchantment.

He slowly moved down to my inner thighs and began to run his claws against them. I found my teeth chattering with anticipation and amazement as he expertly teased every nerve in my thigh. I was in bliss as his hands slowly moved up to massage my swelling sac and under fur. In case you don’t have an Idea what the under fur is it’s the area between your rear and your front. That small sensitive area that in the case of a male starts at the rear and ends at the base of the sac. Needless to say I was squirming like crazy with excitement my back arching off the bed as his claws gently racked my under fur. I was aching for release and the tension was almost painful. He stopped to look at my face, to enjoy the tortured look that was accented with the sweat that soaked my muzzle. He moved his muzzle to my balls taking each one in to his mouth slowly and sucking and tugging them gently. All I could do was moan and pant trying to hold out as long as possible before I exploded with enough force to cover the wall beyond the bed. He moved his muzzle further up and took my tip in his mouth. I felt his teeth gently against me as his head slowly moved down to engulf my shaft. He was intentionally moving slowly to increase the time and torture to get even with me for teasing him the night before.

            I was ready to explode when he clamped his paw onto my sac and pinched the top to stop me from coming. It was only a temporary pause but the longer he made it last the more unbearable the wait became. He began to increase his pace of sucking his head bobbing and his right paw holding my sac, while his right paw held my abdomen down to stop me from thrusting. It was only a matter of minutes before I cried out and he released my sac so I could orgasm. A pain shot through my sac as it jumped. My hot seed shot with such force I thought it would go through the back of his head and he loved it. He sucked like a ravenous vampire on me as I whimpered with pleasure I all but blacked out as the most passionate orgasm to rake my body started to subside.

            After a few minutes my strength returned and I began to pull at my bonds again. Adrian undid the bonds allowing me to curl into a ball. My balls ached like they had been pumped up with a tire pump but it was worth it. Besides the pain wasn’t that bad and it faded quickly. I held him tight to me my only wish to make him as happy as possible. I began to stroke his chest while licking his neck and then he turned over onto his back. I quickly laid over him to see his reaction and he didn’t move. My weight was on him and my purring was sending a vibration through his body. I scratched behind his ears and he squirmed as his foot twitched. His arms were pinned under him and he just enjoyed it since he couldn’t stop me. I wrapped my arms around him and rolled over keeping him on top of me. His body stayed limp at my touch and I wondered if something was wrong. I turned his head and he smiled licking my muzzle to tell me in his suddle way that I was free to do what I wanted. The fact was I was spent from his adventure but I still hadn’t felt his seed.

            I put him next to me and got on my hands and knees waving my rear around him my tail swishing from side to side. He didn’t take the hint until I let my rear almost land on his crotch and my tail wrapped around his erect manhood giving him a wave of pleasure. He began to murr as my purring began again. He got to his knees and pulled my rear back to him with his claws. He had a firm grip on my hips and the excitement of being taken by him made me hard again. He moved his nose to my rear entrance and his soft tongue began to play with my tight anus. He had only taken me once before but this time I thought it would hurt less. He continued to lick my entrance putting a thick layer of saliva around it as I panted in exstacy. He moved back for a second and then gave me a sharp nip on the rear that made me stiffen for a second. I arched my back and my tail moved to the side giving him an easy shot at me. He slid slowly forward onto me and positioned himself to penetrate me. I pushed back a little his head parting my muscles, which I tried to relax. He slowly moved forward while I moved back our mutual movements bringing us closer together. He slid his length all the way to the knot and I stopped. I could feel all six inches of his pulsating cock in me as I contracted around it. He began to thrust gently at first but picking up speed as I contracted him. I began to slowly thrust back as he began to pant as I purred. I reached between my legs to feel his balls swelling with desire in my paw. I began to moan with pleasure and his thrusting increased. His knot began to hit my ass with force demanding entry and I wanted it to lock my to him in a bond that reached the pinnacle of souls bonding. I felt his sac jump and slammed back as he thrusted forward the force making his knot part me even further and then locked within my depths by my tight muscles. I felt his seed filling me his howls of pleasure driving me to my own orgasm. I came again onto the sheets as I felt his seed continue to spurt relentlessly. His arms were locked around my waist and we fell onto our sides still locked together. I purred as I continued to contract around his amazing love tools’ advances on my depths.

            I waited a little while before I began to move a bit feeling my lover still inside me. He let out a small moan and I reached back massaging his balls with my paw. He began to thrust again although this was somewhat hard since his knot was still in me. It was a wonderful feeling and I rolled onto my stomach pulling him on top of me. He let out a quick yippee and then put his hands on my back as he began to thrust a bit harder and faster. I was in a state of bliss as he reached under me to stroke my erection. I began to thrust into his hand as we moved in unison his thrusting matching mine. He howled and thrusted harshly deep as he came again and fell onto my back. A second wave of his hot lupine semen filling my emptiness and giving me a warm feeling like no other, I have ever felt before him. He filled more than one void with his passion, he took a need that plagued me and cured it like it was his sole purpose in life. I just leaned down my head resting on my elbows as I wiggled a little listening to him release another moan. The longer this went on the better it felt and I understood what thrilled him so. I was just a friend to him one of many but to me he was more, he was a reason to move and go through another day.

            He pulled me to the side and we laid body against body for almost an hour. My insides still felt him as my side felt an arm go to my stomach. He began to gently rub my belly as I felt his breath hitting the back of my neck. He didn’t say a word cuddling and allowing his body to explain all. His other arm came under my head and rubbed my cheek with an almost intoxicating slowness that made me relax. A series of thoughts began to run through my head with the speed and power of a freight train. Each made part of an invisible puzzle that would never be revealed to me. I knew a plethera of knowledge that contributed pieces of the puzzle but only Adrian could put them together.

            My first thoughts were of a night we spoke and he told me of his boyfriend. “I’m not looking for a relationship” he had told me that evening. I understood it and accepted it but at the time wondered if he might love me one day. I wasn’t sure if I just had a crush or if I truly loved him so I wasn’t about to push the issue. I would never try to get involved with a creature that was already happy. I have always considered that a sure fire way to disgust myself with the idea of being self serving and shallow. In the end its too bad my high morale fiber can’t prevent my feelings. They however did prevent me from making the mistake of telling him how I felt until I was ready.

            My second thoughts were of a question I wish I had never asked, “Do you have other people online you talk with like you do me?” That was probably the single dumbest thing I have ever asked in my life. His answer still sends a tear to my eye when I think about it, “well…actually I do.” The answer had almost killed me and to this day I wished I had never asked. He had other people that were as important to him as I and wondered if it meant I wasn’t special. I wasn’t surprised just hurt by the answer but I’m glad he told me. His honesty showed me that even if he didn’t love me as his only he loved me as a true friend. I am glad he is my friend and without him I wonder were I would be. I guess its best I know my place.

            My final thoughts were of his beuty and absolute perfection. I got sheer pleasure out of watching his sculpted body move and flex. Every muscle and tendon working in smooth agility that created a poem of motion with more grace than an Olympic figure skater. His fur was soft and silky with a perfect set of colors. He had beautiful red fur that ran down his back and legs. The symbol his red fur represented was his passion for love and life that only I and a few others would be given the grace to share. Then there was the black fur on his feet and for arms that beckoned to feel my body. This fur symbolized his dark desires, his wants and needs. The fact that this fur was much smaller in quantity than the rest proved his ability to put other peoples needs before his. His white fur was my favorite. Not only did it cover almost all his pleasure spots but proved much to me. First it was asymbol of all the good inside him. The magnificent show of pure enlightenment that I can only hope to achieve one day. The other thing it symbolizes is his devine essence. It shows his angel type status in my mind and all the protection and comfort it implies. These qualities were what made me gain my crush on him that I will always to some degree hold.

            I woke from my trance to the feeling of his tongue on the baclk of my neck. His arms wrapped around me pulling me close and giving me the warm embrace I have come to love and relax in. Nothing in his mind was of Ill intent or for himself. It was all for my benefit and healing. I only wished I could do the same for him but I would have to settle for pleasuring his body and therefore his memories would be of me. I turned my muzzle to meet his and he gave me a kiss. It always made me warm and tingly when he kissed me and that made him all the more lovable. I felt at ease the thoughts of the past and of his friendship melting away to be replaced by the embrace we shared.            


A Conclusion of Thoughts


            I have known Adrian for quite a while now and I talk to him almost every day. He has been with his boyfriend for more than a year and is very happy. I still love him but not as a soul mate as a friend. He will never truly understand what he has meant to me and I will never forget him for that. He has filled a special place in my heart and soul that will effect everything I do for the rest of my life. He has inspired me to write some of my recent works and I think I have a deeper understanding of things because of it. He has also enlightened me to the pleasures of male company and made me wonder if I’m gay myself. This has been a puzzle to me ever since I first yiffed him and I am glad to of shared such a gift with him. He is also a writer and one of the most talented I have ever had the privilage to talk to. Thank you Adrian for everything you have done for me. You are a caring and loving person with a true talent for writing that surpasses anything I could ever do. If you my fans think I am a good writer I would like you to email Adrian and thank him for his encouragement and love that made me post my work and gave me the determination to leave it up. I also think you should read his work and I think you’ll agree he is good. I leave his website below along with his email address and hope you can make him understand what he has done for me and my work. I hope you treat him with the same respect and opinion you show me. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon on my latest work. Thank you for reading.