Sin City 2000 Type IX Rated Poodle Generation 13 Old Corpse by Fixate Intro "There is no such thing as a perfect plan; no matter how much time you put into it", a highly respected and feared red fox had once advised his poodle assistant in the CG's building's male head. "Aye, sir, as there is no such thing as a perfect fur", the poodle responded as he scanned through his ever present green book, looking over all the tactical notes he had accumulated and refined through his many years of service, "That is why both are vastly strengthened in numbers, and each one themselves honed to perfection." "And if they are not 'honed to perfection' accordingly, Marcel?" Edgar Polipopicopilus, Commanding General of the United Species Mammal Corpse, quizzed as he finished fastening his trousers, and then as he was turning back around to face his poodle confidant, pulled a pistol out from inside the front of his trousers, and aimed to shoot the poodle between the eyes. Not losing face, Sergeant Major of the Mammal Corpse Marcel Poodle stepped forwards, parried the pistol, a shot went wild to the left, shattering a head mirror, and before the glass had hit the deck, the poodle was holding the pistol and aiming it at the approving red fox. "Furs that join the Mammal Corpse and fail to attempt achieving perfection, deserve to die, sir", Marcel replied with a sly smile, considering if he should go for the muzzle or the groin as a leopard Lieutenant walked into the head and yiped instinctively from the scene before him. "Very well then, Marcel. Carry on", Edgar mused, flashed a quick sideways glance at the leopard. "Aye, sir", Marcel replied, swung his aim over towards the leopard, the leopard yelped again, dove painfully up against the door, fell backwards onto the deck, and Marcel all the while kept his aim on the middle of the leopard's skull. "Well, Sergeant Major Poodle? What is your major malfunction? Dispose of the worthless bag of ass, now", Edgar sneered, combing his claws through his long, bushy tail. "Aye, sir", Marcel replied thoughtfully as he walked towards the petrified feline, the barrel of the weapon always on its mark. When he was finally standing over the leopard, he casually dropped the pistol onto the leopard's lap, pointed sternly at the fox, and commanded to the leopard, "Dispose of that bag of ass, now!" "S-Sergeant Major?" the lieutenant stammered as he looked at the polished weapon on his well-creased blouse. "Lieutenant? Did I stutter? Are you deaf? What is your major malfunction? Kill, him", Marcel growled through clenched teeth. "NOW!" The lieutenant looked hopefully at the higher-ranking fox farther away, but his face was unreadable as he inspected his claw to see if any of his long, silk tail fur had been pulled out. The green lieutenant had found himself caught in the middle of a wicked game, and he had no idea what the rules were. He'd heard various scuttlebutts about the higher ups playing games like these behind closed doors, but he'd never seen it for himself. Was this some perverted form of hazing, where he and some better-qualified General were going to be promoted tomorrow for following through with this order? Was this a test in loyalty and he'd instead go to jail if he didn't retaliate and make the poodle do as his Commanding General ordered. He wanted to leave, but one of them would probably kill him for acting soft. "Aye, sir. Aye, Sergeant Major", the leopard replied as he gingerly gripped the pistol and got up. As the poodle stepped to the side so the leopard could get a clear shot, the leopard took a breath, slowly let it all out, aimed in on the fox's twisted smile, and the fox flashed a quick glance at the poodle as the poodle was drilling his gaze on the lieutenant. With almost no hesitation, the leopard dove in the opposite direction of the poodle, rolled back into a kneeling position, quickly aimed in on the running poodle, pulled the trigger, and wailed as the pistol exploded in his hand. "How did you know, Marcel?" Edgar questioned the poodle standing almost nose to nose with him as the leopard on the other end of the head wailed and moaned and dripped blood everywhere. "The bullet did not chamber correctly, sir. There was definitely a lot of time and effort put into the manufacturing of that pistol. Other than a subtle difference in its tone, it was almost perfect, sir. You did an excellent job", Marcel commented as he commenced to smooth out the fox's uniform, "and the way you hid it was superb also, sir. I almost did not know you had it." "Very well, Sergeant Major Poodle, but you did disobey a direct order. I am your Commanding General, and when I tell you to shoot me, I mean for you to shoot me", Edgar stated sternly, standing stone faced and stiff as a rock as the poodle dropped to all fours and spent a lot of time making sure that the fox's trousers' custom fitted tail hole and front gig line were positioned correctly and snuggly via the use his nose and teeth. "You were hesitant also, Sergeant Major Poodle. Disciplinary action will definitely have to be charged up against you." "Hoorah, discipline", Marcel replied slyly as Edgar reached down the back of Marcel's blouse via the neck and pulled out a thin white leash wrapped and hidden within, which was attached to a thin white collar that almost blended in with his tee shirt if he positioned it correctly. "We shall continue this discussion in my office, Sergeant Major", Edgar stated as Marcel got up, reached down into the vulpine's trousers, and started making sure that Edgar's blouse was properly straightened and bloused all the way down and around his fluffy creamy white sheath. Though his breath a bit more shallow and his trousers a bit more tight, Edgar acted like Marcel wasn't even touching him and instead studied the whimpering leopard in the corner. "I expect to see a valid medical chit for that flesh wound on my desk by oh eleven hundred, lieutenant." "Hoorah, medical chit", Marcel commented with an evil grin as he glanced over his muscular right shoulder at the now blouseless, damaged, government property. "Aye, sir. I'm on my way right now, sir", the leopard coughed, and then walked out the door with his right hand and lower arm in a makeshift tourniquet and wrapped up tightly in his blouse. "Ah, yes, destruction of government property. That is a federal offense, Sergeant Major. I could give you a dishonorable discharge for that act alone", Edgar growled, slamming his fist into his hand as Marcel decided to undo the fox's trousers' fly and tighten his shirt stays. "I want you in my office immediately, Sergeant Major", Edgar announced in a stifled yiff, re-fastening his trousers and nearly knocking Marcel down as he headed for the door, with Marcel's leach held firmly in his grasp. Edgar's tail slapped Marcel's muzzle as he walked by, and Marcel was quick to drop to all fours again and get in step before the leash choked him. Edgar, to put it mildly, was a dedicated rock, and that's why Marcel found him so awe-inspiring. Edgar's only family and friends were those furs of his beloved Mammal Corpse, his only thoughts were military events, rules, and regulations, and the only one that could get close to him alive and healthy was Marcel. Before they discontinued it and all the other military branches of service in favor of the Rulemasters and Regulators, Marcel Tibias Poodle IV had been one of the most decorated Sergeant Majors in the United Species Mammal Corpse, second to his fellow officer, Edgar Polipopicopilus. If even the smallest uprising appeared anywhere in the world, he would make it his or some other officer under him's top priority to make sure his troops were the first ones over there to completely obliterate and eliminate the threat. Then, after the debriefing, if he discovered that some enlisted fur in his unit hadn't done it exactly within rules and regulations, including the proper disposal of the inedible parts of the enemy's bones and removing all traces of blood and violence, he would hold a formation on the spot and have that fur and the next one up on that fur's chain of command beaten to death by their superiors. Then the carcasses would be attacked and eaten on the spot to demonstrate proper military fashion. If it was a non-poodle officer that didn't go by the rules, then the furs that worked under him would do the sentencing instead. If Marcel found out that a poodle had screwed up, then he would yell at and beat up that poodle himself, and then have him or her written up, put on restriction, and possibly receive a reduction in pay. For reasons unchallenged by any other fur except for Edgar, Marcel put all domestic furs, and especially poodles, in all the officer positions, and all other 'scum' furs as his expendable enlisted. If a disapproving fur was placed into one of his battalions, then Marcel saw it as an automatic approval to have that fur properly disposed of by the other battalion or boot camp. Before the Mammal Corpse was discontinued, Marcel's battalions were one of the most feared and respected forces in the world, but he wasn't bitter about the government's decision. It no longer mattered that he had forever lost the chance of receiving Edgar Polipopilacopilus' title as Commanding General of the Mammal Corpse. Having the rest of his life paid for without the worry of ever needing a civilian job gave him time to finally be a father and raise his pups the way the Mammal Corpse had raised him. Part 1 Marcel Tibias Poodle IV looked at his wristwatch and grimaced. He didn't know why he had agreed to stay home alone with the pups, giving his beautiful mate some free time by herself. She had explained that it was necessary and that the puppysitter had been busy. She had explained and wrote down every possible situation that might come up at his request, and he had watched her do almost everything she had explained at once on a day to day basis, but this was still the first time he had ever really been left to tend the pups all day long. After a couple hours of whimpering and yipping, he started to get the impression that the pups knew that he had to take care of all eight of them by himself and that he really had no idea what he was doing. The pups were unruly and extremely undisciplined, and though they had provoked him many times to fall back on his military training to beat some sense into them, they were pups, his pups, and a Mammal did not harm unarmed pups. They had squirted him a few times, but it was out of fun not anger and as the hours went by he realized that a loving voice was a hundred times more effective with the pups than an angry growl and scolding. "*Hmmm* Seventeen hundred. No pups are crying, but I might as well check on them anyway", Marcel told himself as he got up out of his recliner and headed for the stairs. Marcel had already heard all the current world events and other than that, he saw television as a complete waste of time. Maybe later he'd play another online VR war game, but the other furs were getting too predictable, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, he was getting tired of combat and weaponry. Also, no matter how involved he got into it, he knew it wasn't really the Mammal Corpse. No fur ever did or would make a VR program on the day to day training of other fighters so that they could eventually be as good as he was. His reality now was his eight purebred poodle puppies, which he couldn't really tell apart, but knew that there were four males and four females. His mate had given them regal poodle names, all of which he approved of, but if he couldn't match them with the appropriate pup and they couldn't remember them, then they were completely useless as far as he saw. Newborn poodles needed more suitable names until they got older. As he stood over the female pups' crib, admiring the cute little pups happily sleeping in a small pile inside of it, one of them woke up. Instead of immediately crying, she blinked up at him with her big purple eyes, yawned, and then pawed up at him as her face slowly went sour. "No. It's not revile yet... Christina?" Marcel softly scolded in his baritone voice as he snatched up the little pink rubber muzzle beside her and held it over her mouth. Taken completely by surprise, the little puppy's eyes went wide and then she started making a bunch of weird faces as she wiggled around and tried to paw the muzzle off of her. So as not have her waking up her sisters, Marcel finally picked her up and let her blow the muzzle off of her. Just in case she tried to yip before they got out of the room, Marcel quickly bent down, scooped up the muzzle, and popped it back over her mouth. She made a happy little squeaking sound as her eyes momentarily went wide again and as Marcel walked back into the hallway, his daughter directed all her attention to the bright pink thing over the bottom half of her face. Every time he let go of the muzzle, she'd blow it off and then giggled as he bent down to pick it back up, so he walked down the steps, he held her by the back of her neck and let her bounce freely with each step he took. Once he'd gotten to the living room, Marcel took hold of his daughter's left arm and leg, swung her around in a circle as few times, and then made her dive-bomb and zoom over the furniture. Next, he flipped her onto the couch, walked back over the rubber muzzle at the foot of the stairs, and, on a whim, and popped it backwards into his mouth. As his daughter bounced herself on the couch cushion and looked at him, Marcel knelt in front of her and noisily chewed on her squeaky muzzle. Then he took it out of his mouth, smiled at her, and stated, "I see no problem with your muzzle, daughter Poodle. It is no chew toy, mind you, but there is no reason why you should spit it out." Marcel placed the muzzle in front of his daughter and watched as she looked up at him, then at it, sniffed it, and then started licking the outside where he had been chewing on it. "Hmmm. Maybe it is a chew toy after all. Very well then, belay my last and carry on." Marcel's daughter started happily yipping at him, and he waggled his finger at her, jokingly commanding, "At ease, daughter Poodle, eh, *hmmm* Fluffy. Yes. At ease, Fluffy." Marcel playfully poked her in the nose, she looked at and wiggled it, then looked back up at her father, and started to yip again. Before she could get out a second yip, he stuck one of his fingers in her mouth and said as she went from gnawing to looking at to licking and sucking on his finger, "That, Fluffy, is 'at ease'. Now if you stay quiet, like. That. *Hmmm* you like the taste of Daddy's finger, do you not, Fluffy? Very well then." Thoughtfully, Marcel popped his finger out of Fluffy's tiny little mouth, looked her over skeptically, looked at his watch, looked up at where the pups' bedroom was, and then looked over at his reading chair. As his daughter watched him curiously, he walked over to the television, took a drab green book off the top of it, went back to the couch, picked up his daughter by the back of her neck, and sat down in the recliner. Then, with his daughter nuzzling him on her lap, he opened up the book with one hand as he scritched the top of her head with the other. Finally, he spread his legs and watched her giggle as she fell in between them and settled on the soft cushion. "Your Mommy has trained you, and I suspect all of your brothers and sisters, very well in the Basic Suckling MOS, Fluffy. I, Marcel Poodle, or if you prefer, Daddy, hereby state that I am very impressed with your performance and have recommended you for the intermediate course of Gun Cleaning. As a fellow Poodle, I, Daddy, expect you, Fluffy Poodle, to study long and hard and take every opportunity available to be a perfect Gun Cleaning Specialist", Marcel awarded as he undid his belt and unzipped his fly. Being that it was her first time, Marcel didn't make his daughter work that hard to see the reward for her effort. Then, after burping her and washing her fur to a pristinely fluffy white, he laid her back down in her crib and smiled at the tiny pile of happy little poodle pups snoozing before him. Now, more than ever, Marcel Tibias Poodle IV was determined to create an entire Corpse in his own image. Part 2 Young Buttons Poodle came running up to her father, Marcel, whimpering with her collar on and her leash in her mouth. Marcel lowers his newspaper a little bit and glances skeptically down at her. "Daddy, Buttons needs walkies", she whimpered urgently, threateningly crossing her legs, "Buttons needs walkies!" From the gurgling of Buttons' little bloated belly, Marcel could tell that she really was ready to burst if left alone and that this was definitely premeditated. He could probably mop the entire living room floor with her with the amount of liquid she'd crammed into her belly, and it looked so painful holding it there, waiting for him to respond. Better yet, he hadn't seen this coming. She knew she'd be whipped if caught drinking out of any of the faucets, and he would have been notified if this were the case, so she had probably been drinking out of the toilet again. How sly of her, and what discipline. She was definitely going to go far. Maybe he should kick her anyway and make her piss all over herself for disobeying him. He had been going soft on this pup and the last thing he wanted was to show himself as soft and defy able. He'd let her have her fun now, but he'd have to note to beat some sense into her later in front of his other pups. "Gawddamn it! Bad girl, Buttons Poodle! Bad girl! You are definitely going to be written up for this later, but for now, follow me into my backyard. I do not need you ruining my floor with Gawddamn puppy piss", Marcel barked as he folded up his newspaper, hooked Buttons leash onto her collar, slapped her hard across the muzzle with the newspaper before setting it down centered and square on the middle of the coffee table, and then ran her through and out the back of the house just fast enough that she was almost choking all of the way. When they finally stopped next to a lone tree, Buttons quickly sided up next to it and let go, some of it sprinkling back onto her pristine fur. Despite her trying not to call attention to her tiny mistake in calculation, Marcel did see this and with a gruff growl, kicked her off balance. "Bad girl, Buttons Poodle! Do you like pissing on yourself?" Marcel growled at the fallen puppy, slamming his foot on the middle of her back and grinding her into the edge of the piss pool. "No, Daddy!" Buttons responded confidently as she quickly jumped back onto her feet when her father stepped away, her underbelly dewed with piss. "Do you like getting piss on your Gawddamn fur?" Marcel reiterated louder, unzipping his pants as he cast an ominous shadow over his daughter. "No, Daddy!" Buttons replied just as confidently, standing her ground as she glared up at her father's sheath. Unless it's yours, Daddy. "Very well then. See that that does not happen again, Buttons Poodle, or I will show you what it is really like to be pissed on", Marcel stated menacingly as he pissed over her and off to one side of the tree. "Aye, Daddy", Buttons yipped boldly, standing over a small puddle of piss as she finally finished subconsciously continuing to relieve herself. Buttons was going to wipe her belly off herself, but then Marcel barked as he zipped up his pants again, "Buttons, heel!" at which she yipped once and jumped to his side, and then when he followed that up with, "Play, dead", she immediately dropped to the prone position and barrel rolled onto her back. The last order was, "Rest", and the young poodle spread herself out on the ground. "Well now, you obviously have no idea how to keep yourself clean, so I am once again forced to demonstrate proper poodle hygiene skills to you", Marcel instructed as he marched around to in front of Buttons' tail and dropped down to a quad sitting position. Then, he started fingering her tiny muff thoughtfully with his right hand as he gently rubbed her belly with his left and hissed, "It sickens me to see a naive puppy like yourself messing up my genes with such disgraceful acts like that." "Aye, Daddy. This puppy'll try harder to be a perfect Poodle", Buttons mrrred as she scooted herself closer to her father and lifted her rear up towards his muzzle. "Buttons Poodle's ready for cleaning and inspection, Daddy." "Very well", Marcel responded with a sly smile before wrapping his maw around his petite daughter's crotch and playfully nibbling on her as he lowered himself to the prone position and her onto her back. Next, Marcel let go of his daughter and commenced to passionately tongue her. Overcome in elation, Buttons cooed and giggled despite herself, to which Marcel stopped and glared at her across her belly. Once the petite little puppy had composed herself, Marcel dropped back to fingering her. The thought of instead having bit her and made her squeal crossed his mind and he momentarily cracked a smile for a second. Then, when he stopped to suck briefly on the musky juice on his finger, Buttons yipped, reached down, grabbed hold of her muff, and opened it as best as she could for his probing. Her father met her invitation with an icy glare, and followed that up by huffing and growling at her again. "Do I look like I want to stick anything into that nasty cunt of yours, Buttons Poodle?" Marcel growled loudly at his juicy daughter, laying a immaculately groomed and manicured paw down on her taunt tummy, pressing just hard enough that, if he were so inclined, he could arch his hand forwards and draw blood with his perfect gold painted claws. "No, Daddy", Buttons responded and then found his other paw on her, too. "Buttons Poodle requests permission to clean your tongue, Daddy." "Very well", Marcel barked after a pause to snarl at her, and then laid down and opened his mouth to her crotch. While her father stayed there unmoved, Buttons started humping her father's tongue, holding onto his muzzle and rubbing her fluffy rear lightly against his lower teeth. Then, when he figured she'd worked herself enough, he started assisting her, stroking her sides and squeezing her tight little bottom. Out of sight of both her father and sister, Schnookums slipped out of her gold trimmed violet gown and pink training panties, sneaked up behind her distracted father, and started unzipping his pants. He felt her crawling underneath him and definitely felt her unzipping his pants, but didn't actually acknowledge her until she wrapped her paws around his sheath. "And what do you think you are doing, Schnookums Poodle?" Marcel asks gruffly as he glares at her across his rock hard chest, drops of mixed saliva and pussy juice dripping from his mouth in spittle as he talked. While still licking the protruding head of her father's member eagerly and rubbing his sheath and playfully batting the solid gold cock ring on the tip of his sheath with one of her petite paws, Schnookums mrrred to him, "Can I play, too, Daddy? Schnookums wants to be a perfect Poodle, too." "Very well then. Schnookums, fall in. Buttons. Schnookums. Cen-ter!" the distinctively shaven, hard-bodied poodle commanded gruffly. Wagging their little puffball-tipped tails happily, the two puppies yipped and lied down shoulder to shoulder in front of their father. Then, as they tried to refrain from giggling and bicycling their tiny little legs, their grand and upstanding father commenced to taste test each one again and again, pretending to be trying to judge who was the sweeter puppy, shaking his head every once in a while disapprovingly. Unnoticed by all three of them, Marcel's wife, Brittany, had come home earlier than expected, and after setting her bags down at the foot of the stairs, she started slowly making her way towards the group. Deep into her husband's inspection of their daughters' privates, she padded over curiously up to the three of them, and gasped when she saw what was going on. Marcel just stopped, closed his eyes, and cracked his neck, as Schnookums and then Buttons giggled, "Hi, Mommy." "*Gasp* Angelica! Tiffany Ann! *growl* Gawddamn you, Marcel Tibias Poodle! I- *huff growl*", and then as the two young poodles yiped and hid behind the tree, Brittany pounced on her husband tooth and claw, barking obscenities. Growling and cursing her back under his breath, Marcel took her tantrum in stride and just sits there fuming as he blocked and parried her blows to his more vital areas with expert precision. Then, when she'd worn herself out and saw that the fight was going nowhere, she growled at him one last time, turned, snatched up Angelica and Tiffany Ann, started herding them back into the house, deaf to their pleas that their father hadn't done anything wrong. As she approached the back door and was close enough to run inside and lock the place up if he decided to retaliate, she turned and barked back at her unmoving husband that she'd report him and get him shot, put behind bars for life, and or fixed. At the mention of the last, Marcel growled audibly to Brittany and got up with clenched fists, but waited until she was a comfortable distance in and way before slowly trudging back inside the manor. As Marcel momentarily staying downstairs, Brittany lead Angelica and Tiffany back to their rooms and told them to stay there as she turned and headed for the phone in the master bedroom. To her discomfort and fear, she found Marcel in there, quad sitting patiently on the ornate canopied bed, waiting for her. "Out! Out! Get out! How could you?" Brittany began, stamping her foot and pointing at the door. "Brittany, darling. I love you. You mean everything to me, as do all of our wonderful offspring, and it was ungrateful of me to carry on as I have behind you back, but I only did it that way because I knew you could not possibly understand, and would blow it way out of proportion", Marcel stated as he slowly got off the bed and started towards the door on all fours. "'Could not understand'? What the fuck is there to understand, Marcel? I caught you molesting our daughters in broad daylight. I am going to make sure they have you fixed live on every major television station. How is THAT for understanding?" Brittany growled as she pounced and lunged at him again. "You are nothing but a pampered, stuck-up civilian, Brittany. It would be a waste of my time to even try explaining the big picture to you, so shut up and settle down before I make you regret interrupting my training session", Marcel growled back as he grabbed her wrists, blocked her kicking, and kept his neck out of reach of her snapping teeth. With that Brittany went even more irate as she resumed her tantrum of bites and clawing and attempting to draw blood, twisting and pulling herself free from his strong grasp time and time again. Finally, seeing that things were just getting worse by the minute, Marcel decided to discipline his unruly wife and started raining blows on her. Not saying a word more and looking coldly at her, he backhanded, kicked, and then right hooked her into the hallway and up against the wall. He followed that up by lacerating her cheeks and underbelly with his claws and then uppercut her, her head slamming up against the blood speckled wall with a sickening thud. All the puppies heard the loud knock and, hearing them coming towards the doors to investigate it, Marcel cursed Brittany as he snarled at her. Finally, grabbing her by her perfect full breasts, he stepped sideways, bent at the knees, dragged and pushed her into the air, and arced her over the hallway banister and let her land face first onto the marble floor below as the first door opened. "Daddy?" one of the male puppies asked as he poked his head out, scared and wide eyed. "Everything is fine. Everyone, stay in your rooms until I say so. Your mother and I are just having a small spat. Remember your discipline", Marcel barked as he cleaned his hands off on his pants legs, smiled comfortingly down at the son that'd peeked out and spoke. "Mommy?" Marcel's son whimpered, looking up into his father's eyes uneasily. "Mommy is fine. She is downstairs waiting for me. This whole mess should be over very soon. Mommy will most likely be leaving up, but I swear on my life I will take good care of her no matter where she may disappear to", Marcel said as he momentarily scritched his son between the ears, then turned him around, kicked him lightly back into the room, and closed the door behind him. Sighing and shaking his head, Marcel went back to the blood marked spot of the hallway and looked down at Brittany over the banister. After taking one last look in the direction of his pups' rooms dejectedly, he sighed again and headed for and down the stairs, mumbling stuff about unforeseen events, collateral damage, and unnecessary mishaps. When he got downstairs, he found that Brittany was bleeding externally and internally and paralyzed from the neck down, but had managed to land at an angle instead of the straight dive he'd hoped for and so was still barely breathing, her lungs ready to collapse and fill with liquid. "Well, my narrow-minded beauty, I must commend you on your dedication to life. A lesser fur would have been dead my now. I swear to make sure your life and our offspring were not in vain. Though your morals are misguided by your cushy civilian upbringing, I shall make sure you live on and strengthen our pups in their journey to becoming perfect Poodles", Marcel whispered to his wife as he quad sit beside her and looked into her glassy eyes and watched the blood bubble from her mouth. With a nod of approval, Marcel marched back upstairs and into the master bedroom, and located and unsheathed the officer sword Edgar had given him when the Mammal Corpse has been disbanded. After wiping a synthetic handkerchief over the thin golden blade, he about-faced, marched back down the hall and stairs, and stopped back over his mate's fallen body. Taking one knee, he raised the ornate, polished gold and silver crafted sword, slowing brought it down to tap his mate on the neck, then brought it up again, and with a fluid thrust of his arm and body, sent the suave, tempered blade through his mate's narrow neck and singing stingingly onto the polished marble floor. Admiring how cleanly it went through her neck, he congratulated himself silently on keeping perfect maintenance all these years on it as he wiped the blood off of it and rotated and weighed it in his dainty hands. Next, after laying the sword down parallel with his mate's body between him and her, Marcel cupped the handkerchief around the stump between her shoulders and tied it down tightly with his belt. Then, after setting her head on top of her taunt body, he cradled her in his arms and carried her into the kitchen. Using the gold-trimmed marble countertop as a chopping block, he uses a retrieved buzz saw to chop his mate into potable chunks, seasons her, and starts pressure-cooking her. In the meantime of her stewing up, Marcel commenced to field day the upstairs hallway and downstairs floor below. Once back in the kitchen and while he was working on preparing a few more conventional domestic side dishes, his son, Pooky followed the delicious smells into the kitchen and poked his head in. "Daddy? Where's Mommy? What're you cooking? It smells delish", Pooky riddled, him being the same pup Marcel had talked to earlier. "Did I not give you a direct order to stay in your room until I called for you, Pooky Poodle. *sigh* Your mother was acting very un-poodle-like and had to leave before she caused a problem to everything I have provided to you and your siblings. Brittany Poodle is in preparation of being dishonorably discharged. I am preparing the court marshalling meal right now", Pooky's father intoned at she looked distantly at the wedding photo he'd brought down and taped up on the cabinet door over the stove. "Now, be a good Poodle and fetch me a few potatoes from under the sink." Pooky didn't understand much of the terminology of what his father was telling him and while he obediently went and got a few potatoes for the stew, Marcel stepped away and puréed Brittany's head in the blender. Before returning to his cooking, Marcel set a couple of bowls on the floor, emptied half the blender's contents into each of them, and then set down six more bowls. Finally, after sending Pooky to get some vegetables out of the fridge, he blended his mate's lower limbs and distributed the contents into the other empty bowls. "Here Pooky. Here is something to remember your mother by. She was a wonderful Poodle, but head strong. May a piece of her live on within you, but nothing spiteful or un-poodle-like", Marcel stated as he offered the protein shake in one of the first two bowls to Pooky, "Buttons! Fluffy! Muffy! Peaches! Schnookums! Snowball! Tootles! Fall in!" At the word, Marcel's other pups were eager and obedient to run down the stairs and see what the good smells were. As all them drink up before dinner and Pooky licked his bowl clean, his belly now noticeably bulging, possibly heightened from him grabbing quick sips gulps from few of the other bowls while his father was calling down the rest of the family, Peaches reiterated Pooky's question about the reason for their special treat. Marcel, in turn, told everyone exactly what he'd told Pooky as Pooky looked nauseous and gingerly rubbed a paw over his swollen tummy. "It is a holiday in commemoration of weeding out and taking down the enemy within", Marcel commented right before Pooky clutched his tummy, screwed his eyes shut, and farted. "*Giggle* Gas. Gas. Gas", Muffy coughed, fanning a hand at Pooky before going back to sipping down his fill like everyone else. Later, just about when all the pups had finished, Pooky yelped as he momentarily clutched his legs up underneath himself and asked self-consciously, "Um. Daddy. When's Mommy going to be discharged? Pooky needs walkies." "Very well. Everyone, on the command fall out, fall out of the kitchen and fall back in at the front door for leashing and walkies. I will tell you all about the history of the Mammal Corpse while we are out, and then, upon our return to the manor, Brittany Poodle's final court marshal dinner will commence. Poodles, fall out!" Later, as one not to let a misdeed go unpunished, Marcel called all his pups down early the next morning to that same tree and called Buttons forward, him in his old Alpha Service Uniform and his sons and daughters in their pajamas and nightgowns respectfully. "Buttons Poodle. You have been charged with disobeying a direct order and drinking in excess in the attempt to make a mess on the floor and or compromise the daily walking schedule. You have proven yourself from time to time to potentially be a good leader and I have noted this when weighing your sentence. Do you understand all this, Buttons Poodle?" "Yes, Daddy!" Buttons Poodle barked confidently, standing up with her arms at her side. "Buttons Poodle. Disrobe." "Aye, Daddy!", they yipped in unison and then quickly and efficiently did so. "Buttons Poodle. As a leader in training, you are ordered to command each of your siblings to kick you in the stomach, since you did so well to strain it yesterday for your benefit. Starting with Schnookums Poodle." "Aye, Daddy", barked back with a slight tinge of fear in her voice as she turned to her sister. "Schnookums Poodle. I, order you to kick me in the stom, ach." Schnookums looked doubtfully at Buttons, and then up at her father, and all she received was a cold stare from him. With a grimace, she yipped, walked up to her sister, and kicked her in the groin, almost falling over in the process. "In the stomach, Schnookums Poodle! In the stomach! You do know where the stomach is, do you not?!" Marcel roared down at his daughter. "Shall I show you where your stomach is, Schnookums Poodle?! Shall I show you how a perfect Poodle kicks?!" "No, Daddy!" Schnookums cried, her vision blurred by tears. "Schnookums Poodle'll kick Buttons Poodle like a perfect Poodle, Daddy", and with that, she backed up, charged towards her sister, and delivered a flying kick to her midsection. "What is pain, Buttons Poodle?" Marcel barked at his fallen, natural daughter as she clutched her tummy and balled tears. "P-Pain's. Pain...Is.. P-pain's w-w-weakness, le-leaving, the body", Buttons sobbed as she tried to control herself. "Good, Buttons Poodle. Now suck it up like a perfect Poodle, get up, and call forth Fluffy Poodle to act out your punishment." "*Whimper whimper* Aye, Daddy", Buttons answered obediently as she slowly stood up again and glanced over at Fluffy. Upon watching his sister perform Buttons' request swiftly and justly, Pooky lost his nerve and ran back into the house. The other pups watched him leave and then looked at each other uncertainly, but none of them left and after the moment had passed, they composed themselves the best they could and tried to pretend that he'd never been there. With a tight smile, Marcel nodded approvingly and then said, "Well, carry on, Buttons. Tootles you are next and then that will do." For the rest of the day, Buttons was "queen" and Pooky was "exiled" or invisible. Part 3 Marcel Poodle nonchalantly looked up from his afternoon paper as the thick, double front doors opened autonomously and let the four trim and muscular young male poodles into the grand mansion. They were all subconsciously in step with each other so that their footsteps towards the ornate staircase sounded like one macro poodle. All were dressed in their immaculately starched and creased, high collared, long-sleeved, silver lined, jet black, male academy uniforms, with their silver trimmed, black, Greek fisherman's caps in their left hand and their black leather briefcases in their right. To protect themselves against the blistering cold wind, over their uniforms they wore long, jet black, silver and gold buttoned, insolated all-weather coats that dropped to an inch and half above their foot paws, the academy emblem of a scarlet swastika turned at a forty-five degree angle over a golden cross embroidered onto the left shoulder. After lining up their briefcases beside the staircase's golden banister, the four poodles marched over and lined up in front of the male poodle in the plush leather reading chair. As he gravely folded up his newspaper, Marcel looked over at his four sons. "Report", Marcel barked as he stood up at attention. Peaches saluted his father, looking distantly straight ahead, and then replied, "All male Poodles ready and accounted for, Daddy." Marcel looked at Peaches, chopped a quick salute, and then ended it with, "Very well. Carry on", to which his sons about faced and marched towards the stairs, in step though their puffball-tipped tails not necessarily so. Partially up the stairs, Snowball glanced back down at his father and slowed down momentarily as he winced slightly. He'd gotten a trophy and medal for getting first place in the state scholastic awards the night prior, and afterwards his father had held a formation. His medal had been removed from his uniform, the pin clasps had been pocketed, and then his father had ordered him to strip to natural. Once done and an encouraging rub of his sheath by his father, the metal had been pinned and punched directly onto his right breast, and after that, his father had ordered his brothers and sisters to congratulate him accordingly. They had eagerly done so by punching and grinding the sharp pinned metal in succession in appreciation of a job well done. It'd hurt like hell, but afterwards he couldn't have felt prouder. Marcel smiled as Snowball momentarily and gently rubbed the area over the closed pinpricks, and then Snowball impulsively punched Peaches in the middle of his back. Peaches yiped as Snowball hopped to all fours and dashed past him, and a moment later everyone was on all fours racing to the bedroom. Marcel chuckled to himself and then went back to reading his paper. Elsewhere, just outside the female academy, Buttons Poodle couldn't wait to get home. As usual, her classes had been degrading to her intelligence. She didn't like the idea of her, or any poodle for that matter, being grouped with the same common furs who weren't nearly as good looking as poodles were. She wanted to be home schooled, but her father wouldn't have it. He wanted all of his offspring to see the world and interact with the other furs, no matter how inferior they might seem. They were not afraid to express their superiority to the other types of furs, encouraging fights and challenges to their intellect, so those that didn't revere and respect them, rumored them to be satanic canines of the worst kind, but since they were so high ranked academically and never physically started the fights they tended to end, there was nothing the authorities or faculty could or would do about it. Know thy enemy, and learn from their mistakes. Adapt and overcome through dedication and motivation. Semper Fidelis. Up in Poodle Manor, the male side of Marcel's litter had come back downstairs, stripped themselves to natural, retrieved and put their shiny blue leather collars on around their proud, thin necks, and was practicing their studies on the glossy marble floor in front of their father. Behind their father's reading chair, all four of them had neatly folded and stacked their uniforms perfectly. "Snowball. Do you think you could proofread my essay later?" Muffy asked as he grabbed Pooky under the armpits, bumping his dick a little bit harder and faster up Pooky's ass. Snowball swiveled his muzzle off of Pooky's dick and replied, spitting spooge onto Pooky's left leg, "Oh, why yes, dear brother. It would be my pleasure." Working on Muffy's new rhythm as he straddled Snowball's body, Pooky sucked and licked Peaches to climactic whimpering, and then asked sarcastically, "What would you know about pleasure?" There was heated silence as Muffy spooged inside Pooky and collapsed in and on him, and then Pooky happily whimpered before licking his maw clear and glancing over at Snowball, "What does any poodle know about pleasure?" "Poodles, fall in", Marcel barked after glancing again at his watch, which was punctuated by a yelp from Peaches as Pooky gagged and nipped accidentally on his member. Snowball cursed under his breath more for not being able to finish up than for choking Pooky. The wagon wheel of young poodles quickly cleaned themselves off and sprang to all fours before dashing to either side of their father's chair. On his left were Muffy and Pooky, and on his right were Peaches and Snowball. The trick now was to calm down and act like unfeeling sentries until instructed otherwise, which was easier for some than others. The four sat there at attention, flanking their father, silent and watchful, thinking of nothing but their dislike for the other furs. Peaches smirked a little as he thought about a couple Siamese that had been tailing him, asking to be tutored and inducted, for which in turn, they would instruct him on swifter and more deadly offensive attacks. Snowball had acquired a Kodiak and a cocaine addicted silver wolf as bodyguards, the thought of which he had mixed feelings about, but it gave them a purpose in his life and an bit of admiration in his mind. Several minutes later the front door opened again and the female half of Marcel's litter sauntered into the grand foyer and towards the stairs. None of the four younger males moved or said a word as Buttons, Fluffy, Tootles, and Schnookums lined up before their father, Buttons reported them in, and then they methodically started walking up the stairs. The fives watched them leave with solemn interest. Their starched, yellowish white, trousered and long sleeved uniforms were much less revealing than they would have liked, leaving much to the imagination, but it did accent their fur and cuts nicely and, when they moved, it did hug their bodies quite well at the hips and breasts. Though it didn't show through the pockets, the males imagined that their female counterparts' developing breast nipples were standing at attention from the cold air. A couple minutes after they all disappeared upstairs, Buttons came swaggering back on down the stairs, her and her sister's resent coming of age of developing breasts accenting her movements quite nicely. They all couldn't wait until the females were grown enough to have full deep cleaved breasts versus the cute teat-topped mounds right now. Once again, Buttons stepped to and stood at attention before her father, thrusting her chest out, and stated, "Buttons Poodle requests permission to speak, Daddy." A brief, tight-lipped smile showed on Marcel's muzzle as he lowered his newspaper a bit and glanced over it at his favorite daughter. "Very well. What is it, Buttons?" "I am finding, as are probably all the Poodles, that having to deal with the lesser furs day in and day out is growing be veeery taxing", Buttons began as she stepped and leaned forwards, placing her hands on her father's lap and tilting her head to the side slightly as she stared lustfully into her father's eyes. "We are better than they could ever be, Daddy. We do not need them. We do not need to be with them. We know enough. More than they could ever retain. Why, Daddy? Why do you keep tossing us out into that gutter world? It is making me suffer just looking at them and thinking about it. I do not want to become weak and lazy, as they are. Really, Daddy, I do not... Why, Daddy? Please, please tell me." Marcel smiled tightly as he nodded his head. Then, after a bit of mock thought and considering, he set his newspaper down on his lap, reached up with right hand, ruffled her long, silky, violet headfur for a bit, traced his hand down her slim muzzle, stopped with his palm pad over her cute little nose, and shoved her hard away from him, assisting it with an upwards slap with his other hand. Buttons reeled back, surprised and dishearten, but quickly caught her balance in a few steps and went back to standing at attention, acting as if his blow hadn't fazed her. Though it was an obvious denial, her father hadn't dismissed her yet. Back to reading his paper, Marcel's tight smile is only partially hidden from his daughter. She was determined and he'd gauged her correctly, of course. Time to check his sons' conducts and proficiencies, but first... "Buttons, they, and the social battlefield outside this manor, are not worth putting wrinkles on your pretty little face over", Marcel explained with a dignified smile as he neatly folded the newspaper he had now only been partially glancing at and instinctively sat it down squared and trim on Peaches' head, which normally would be where his coffee table would be. Peaches had moved the table back behind himself, and when his father took his hand away and went back to engaging Buttons, he quickly turned and set the newspaper on top of the table as his father would have intended and reestablished his position. Their father then put his heels together, his hands on his knees, and suggested distantly, his dark brown eyes soft and comforting to her, "Buttons, my favorite daughter, possibly my favorite offspring. Why do you not hop onto my lap and tell me the specifics about all your troubles and vexes. Let me be your comfort in this world of irrational furs." "Oh, yes. Definitely, Daddy", Buttons responded, looking sweetly down at herself as she curtsied to her father, dropping her ruffled violet lace panties in mid move. "I would so like that." When Buttons had been in elementary school, her father had removed her clothes for her, but over the years, she'd gotten a lot of practice in doing it herself prim and properly. Her body was too perfect for anyone's but a poodle's viewing and she was all too happy, no, selectively obliged to show off her genetically athletic curves, and her father's exacting poodle-style fur cut. Only proper furs shaved their fur, and the world was choked full of improper furs. Oh, there were those wanna-be's that mocked the Poodles by shaving themselves, especially the Holy Roller sheep, but that's all it was. Inferior mocking. Buttons had gone one step better, asking that her father dye her unshaven fur light purple to make herself look that much more distinguished. Her father had thought it over and had eventually obliged after relentless requesting and denial of servicing, and, as eccentric as the coloring seemed in his way of thinking, he eventually ended up calling her his poodle gem as he had her model every angle of herself to her brothers and sisters in just her new diamond and emerald studded violet collar. She wore that now, and it sparkled and enhanced her natural and unnatural beauty. Every Tuesday and Thursday, their father would get the entire family together in just their collars and have them all do tricks in formation on his command. Drill. Performing tricks without question or hesitation showed discipline, superiority, and, depending on the trick, endurance and strength. It also brought the family closer together, as did their personal time with their father. It was Wednesday, but there was no standard on the max days to drill. Marcel raised his right hand into the air and drew an invisible circle over his head. All four of his sons got upon all fours in unison, circled clockwise in a single file around him three times, and then lined up in front of him before standing up in unison. Poodles were always efficient and synchronized. "Right, face", Marcel commanded, his sons barked once sharply in unison, and turned to the right. "About, face." Another sharp bark as one and they all did a sharp one-eighty. Good form. Not very amusing though. "Close, march." Bark. Zero, and one, and two, and three. "Mark times, march", a.k.a. the steam engine for instructional purposes. The trick was for one poodle to move in the opposite direction of the poodle right in front of him while moving at exactly the same pace as the poodle in front of that poodle, while all four of them swung their arms in unison, all but the one in front sheath to base of tail. After a while, and a satisfactory long while at that, Pooky cringed, so it was time to move on, right, just, about, the moment of, now. Marcel barked sharply, and all four son's sharply faced him and locked their bodies at attention as Pooky tried to maintain what baring he had left as he spooged on the floor in front of himself. Pooky didn't whimper and didn't smile. Good, but his appearance was no longer poodle perfect, so... Marcel pulled a gold and silver rippled rubber ball from within the seat, held it over his head, the three other sons did an about face and dropped to all fours, the ornate front double doors opened autonomously as the three poodles wagged their tails in unison, Pooky sat down facing them right in front of his father, Marcel threw the ball out the door, and the three sons dashed after it. Both who was the cleanest and had the ball when they all came back would decide the winner. Rarely had they ever come back marred, using tripping, shoving, and eventually preplanned gang-ups to prove themselves the craftiest. Finally, they figured out that it wasn't really worth risking getting hurt that much over and started taking turns being the winner. They'd run around the mansion a few times to work up a sweat and a sweet little musk and then the poodle picked for the day would come back willing and ready. Today it was Peaches. That was nice. He probably would have won one on one with his brothers anyway. Snowball was the smartest and Peaches was the strongest. In the all-poodle runs, Fluffy was the fastest of the litter. From time to time the others would beat them, but in the long run, that's how they rated. Peaches, with the ball in his mouth and in line with Pooky and their father, the other two poodles flanked him and then, at the bark of, "Post", from Pooky, signaled by a casual light kick up under the base of his tail by his father, the two flanking poodles dropped to all fours, high stepped to both sides of their father's chair, turned, and sat down at attention. They still looked good. They would be rewarded appropriately, but to the winner goes the prize. Marcel snapped his fingers and Peaches turned around towards Buttons, dropped to all fours, high stepped up to her, and slipped his muzzle under her skirt. One whiff of her sophisticated musk was all it took to strengthen his desire for a poodle only world. Damn, did Peaches love being a poodle. He wished he had enough rank that he could actually yiff the beautiful, exhilarating flower before his nose, but he was getting close. He knew he was getting close. Daddy was getting more lenient when it came to letting him prepare dear Buttons. The other three had to maintain their baring, but he was already great at that. "At ease", Pooky barked in response to another nudge from his father, strengthening Peaches case. Actually, this time it was more of a placement than a nudge. As they both watched Peaches bump his cold nose up and under Buttons' skirt, producing a brief gasp and then a tight smile from her as he proceeded to lick her, Pooky could feel his father's foot methodically bump and rub his sheath, always managing to get it between his father's toes. It felt, well, weird. No matter how many times he had to sit here and take it, and despite its weirdness, it only added to the spooge facture of the scene in front of him. Though poodle's were not suppose to and had no reason to envy other poodles, and especially other furs, it was hard not to watch Peaches clutch Buttons' firm figure and consume her crotch without feeling at least a little bit of jealousy. All Buttons could think about right now was, Gawddamn was her brother one hell of an oral yiffer, but why not. By the time they'd gotten to Peaches' rank, they'd been on both sides of it enough times to be perfect at it. Practice did make perfect if you were striving for perfection every time you did it. Now writhering on the floor and recovering a first class organism, she didn't even realize that their father had called Peaches to attention again. Still panting, she rolled over onto her taunt stomach, got up onto all fours, and headed towards Pooky and their father. As she passed him, she looked at Peaches' glistening erection and mrrred. It just wouldn't right to pass up a taste of such finery. Their father's had always been too big. He'd always had to get the females ready and, when they were younger, had only been able to tease them for fear of scarring them in some way, because scars were ugly and un-poodle-like. Peaches looked like he'd fit quite nicely. He'd probably seem to prove otherwise the first few times, but that was because he was inexperienced. Their father worked his dick like a bow, slipping and sticking to such perfection that he made his daughters sing sweet melodies all night long. Now she was in front of Pooky and started climbing up and over him to get to their father. When she was completely on top of Pooky, she faked slipping and rubbed her juicy muff up against his nose. Call it a constellation prize. Something to think about as your finishing off Peaches. Their father gently helped her up and onto his lap, and as he ran his manicured fingers in and around her dripping wet muff, she unbuttoned the bottom of his shirt, undid his belt, and unzipped his pants, freeing the large, unsheathed poodle dick that had been forcefully creeping up his rock hard chest. Then, as Pooky headed towards Peaches, Buttons wiggled her way down and over her father's dick, mrrring over the tightness within her. As she worked herself up and down on him, she knew that he wouldn't spooge. It'd make an unsightly mess on their clothes and the chair. The floor was not much different, though it was easy enough for Pooky to just lick up his own mess now and wash and wax the entire floor later. Nonetheless, Pooky was just as great with Peaches as Peaches had been with Buttons. Buttons' musk was still perfumed on Pooky's nose, driving him to work Peaches so eagerly that Peaches actually collapsed on top of him whimpering, during the moment of climax. The attention completely off them, Snowball and Muffy looked at each other with raised brows and twisted smiles, and then smiled hungrily at Pooky, who rolled Peaches off of him and stifled a belch. He had become a very good loser, possibly even a perfect loser, but he'd never admit that he was. He feared, which in itself was un-poodle-like, that if he accepted his role as the grand reward for a job well done, then he'd never amount to anything more than that, and if he was too good at being the prize, then everyone else would expect him to always be and always want to be the prize. Despite Peaches' reaction, Pooky had done himself many times and never considered himself that good at all, which, of course, was yet another un-poodle-like attitude, but a necessary one as far as he saw it. "Daddy, we would like to play, too", Fluffy requested, both her and Schnookums standing at the foot of the stairs with their arms crossed behind their backs, chest out, their legs and back straight, and their feet together, "Please." "Have you started your homework yet?" their father asked as he started undoing Buttons' shirt from the top down. "It is all easy stuff, daddy. Just trifling busy work as usual", Schnookums commented. It wasn't really, but she was willing to stay up late studying and finishing the homework if only she could get some personal time with father like Buttons did. Buttons was the alpha pup, and that was respected as a poodle should, but she didn't have to always have to get solo training. "Very well then", their father answered, and Schnookums and Fluffy snapped to attention. Then he looked up at the ceiling, whistled past it as he slipped Buttons off of himself, and called to the missing offspring as he set Buttons down in front of himself, "Tootles! Drill time!" Upstairs, Tootles looked up from her physics book as she casually stroked her underbelly, pricked up her ears, and smiled proudly at the command. Jumping off the bed, she dashed on all fours to the make-up stand, snatched up three pink leather collars in her teeth, and then bounded down the hall and stairs, quickly handed a collar to both of her other sisters and then she and Buttons positioned herself in flank at attention with the first two waiting sisters, now all of them with their collars in their left hands by their sides. Standing up, their father pointed at the ceiling and all four females put their collars on in unison. Then, with a snap of his manicured fingers, the three waiting poodles stripped and folded their skirted uniforms nice and neatly along their creases in front of themselves. He did a satisfactory nod as they snapped back to attention in unison, glanced momentarily at Buttons, and smirked. Yes, his Poodle gem definitely stood out from the rest, and in a very nice way. Marcel pointed downwards and everyone dropped to all fours again. After quickly circling and looking his four daughters all over for uniformity, other than color, Marcel started to issue the next silent command, and then looked at Tootles again. Dropping to all fours, he pranced completely around the four poodles again, this time more intently, and then stopped in front of Tootles, who was now looking noticeably nervous. "Tootles Poodle. Are you putting on weight?" Marcel asked gravely, stirring up hushed gasps. Poodles did not let themselves get fat. A fat poodle was an improper poodle and must be dealt with accordingly. Pooky had, on various occasions, snuck in-between meal snacks and let himself go, and had thus paid accordingly each time. After being forced to drink water until he vomited when it was found out, he had then been put on half rations, remedial, and consecutive fire watch duties until he was zombified and his stomach was groaning louder than he was. If it had been back in the time of Marcel's beloved Corpse, Pooky would have gotten a page eleven and then after a couple more of the same offenses, nonjudicial punishment and restriction. It, of course, wasn't, so the charges were more severe. "Y-yes, daddy", Tootles whimpered as her father traced a circle in front of her that meant that she was to roll over. There was more to it than her just eating more than she was suppose to though, and from her father's smug, tight-lipped smile as he thoughtfully high-stepped back around to the other side of her and sniffed her tight muff, she could see that he knew that, "and I do think I very much will be getting bigger. Daddy." "Very well then", Marcel agreed after a brief pause as he rubbed his hands over his daughter's tight bulge, stopping momentarily at each of her half dozen newly emerging teats. For a brief moment there was a twisted smile on Marcel's face as he let out a small wisp of breath, and then he was stern again. Glancing down, Tootles smiled at the fact that her father hadn't zipped up his pants, and she knew he'd love to stick that rock hard piece of meat back inside her and counsel her on hiding this from him. To this, she wriggled invitingly and smiled happily down her bulge, looking up into her father's eyes lustfully. Casting off his daughter's advances, Marcel nod matter-of-factly, stood up, and echoed as he walked unreadably back towards his chair, "Very well then." Tootles had been unsure of how it would be taken that she'd stopped taking birth control pills in a hope to have an early litter. From her father's brief event of rubbing, she knew that it'd gone well. If she wasn't up to Buttons' status with their father, she was hopefully close. For the moment, her father just sat there working his jaw in consideration as he looked past them all. "Buttons", Marcel called thoughtfully, looking at Tootles again as he tapped his right leg. Buttons immediately dashed over to his right side, he pointed upwards, and she stood up facing her sisters, "Buttons. It is time you got some real leadership training. From now on, Tootles is your sole responsibly. You shall feed, care for, and clean up after her as deemed fit. Return later so that I may give you her leash. Tootles. You will file weekly progress reports. I will come by from time to time for a personal inspection of your progress. Be sure to correct Buttons if she makes any mistakes, Tootles. Peaches, Muffy, Snowball. Pooky. Tootles is now a safe zone. Feel free to PT with her as she and Buttons sees fit. That is all. On the command fall out, everyone fall out and carry on with the plan of the day." Buttons and Tootles looked at each other, and then at their father. "Poodles. Fall out." This could be an interesting turn of events. Part 4 Thoroughly worked up, Peaches turned up the speed on the finishing sprint through the house and back up to the master bedroom. Once there, he stood up, bounded towards the end of the large, ornately engraved, canopy bed, jumped and grabbed hold of the exposed horizontal support beam, and start doing his thirty-two pull-ups, Tootles quad sitting on the bed eagerly lapping at his sheath and then his rigid pinkish member every time he pulled himself up. Most of his weight, like all but Tootles' bodies, was pure lean muscle mass. Once done and thoroughly encouraged, he has worked up a panting sweat as well as a bit of pre, and all the others in the room drink up the musky scent of it. On the bed with Tootles, Snowball was on his back with Tootles' heavy rump in his maw. His narrow poodle muzzle was but a toothy pad over the ripe bitch's musky bits, wetting itself with the help of a probing tongue and a hot, sucking breath. Once Peaches was finished, she got off of Snowball's face, rolled onto her back and spread herself again invitedly to her brother. Snowball turned over, gave his sister's swollen muff one last lick, and then mounted and shoved himself within her. Soon enough, the heavy bulge on Tootles middle was bouncing and bobbling stiffly in time with the knocking canopied queen-size bed. Off to the side of the grand bedroom, Pooky and Muffy were yiffing each other in a much more dominated fashion. Muffy had been gagged and bound under his own suggestion in duct tape like they were electric chair straps to a metal folding chair. Though not necessarily suppose to accent the feel of an electric chair, he had previously bound a metal pipe fastener around one of his nuts and one around his hardened member, and the screws to both connected to wires that ran to a string of nine volt batteries. Between one of the wires and in Pooky's chubby hands was a variable amp controller. Between experimentally adjusting the setting and sliding up and down on his brother's electrified post, Pooky would every once in a while yank off the duct tape muzzling Muffy, Muffy would scream from the waxing, and then everyone else would howl and yip in response as Pooky panted and reapplied some new duct tape over a slightly new area. After a brief rest, Peaches does one hundred four-count push-ups as his father does fifty one-handed push-ups with each hand. Once both are finished, Marcel barks everyone to attention, and everyone but Muffy gets to the floor and stands. "Let us pray", Marcel then instructed and everyone closed their eyes and bowed their heads. Snowball, it being his turn to lead the family in evening prayer, then howled, "Oh, mighty Lord. Gawd of all furs great and small. Thank you Gawd for watching over us and letting us make it through one more day. Gawd. Blessed be we all as your perfect likenesses. Lord, we humble ourselves before the gifts and talents thou hath given us. We stand before you tonight, oh might Lord, in hope that some day, when you, our awesome savior, will grant us superiority over all other furs. Furs that thou hath also breathed life into, Lord, and made in your omnipotent image, but to a lesser degree than the master race of Poodles. As we lay down now, oh supreme of all beings, we carry you in our hearts and souls as your mortal vessels. Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuehrer. Amen." Everyone that could, then traced a cross; mouth to groin, shoulder to shoulder. Like their academy, their father believed that religious belief and foundation was vital to a long and healthy upbringing. Just as important as a military upbringing, their father had said, and so they had studied the Bible just as long and hard as their schoolbooks, picking it apart for its faults and misinterpretations, and retranslating the correct way. Nonetheless, and more to please their father than the academy, they had sought out Jews, Muslims, and the like, and had given them the choice of converting or being crucified. Most, and especially if they didn't stick with the true faith on a follow-up inspection, were crucified, the Poodles dressed up in NBC and armed with flamethrowers so they wouldn't be readily recognized and retaliated. After one minute of silent individual prayer, they opened their eyes, snapped their heads up, and finally all, Muffy standing awkwardly under the weight and support of the chair, stood at attention as Pooky yips and barks Taps. Once all the end of evening formalities were done, Marcel climbed into bed with ripe Tootles, cuddling and listening to her belly as he felts with his muzzle and cheeks for movement within her. Tootles looked like she could almost whelp a healthy litter now, but she was still just ending her second trimester. This, of course, pleased her father to no end, the thought of what she'd look like at full term always dancing around in his mind. Nipping at and licking his daughter's ripe belly, Marcel turned his head slightly and winked at the surveillance camera in one of the upper corners of the room. There was a subtle hiccup or nudge within, and he rewarded it by scritching and stroking her gravid underbelly. Be it the bedroom, bathroom, closet, wherever, he'd programmed the cameras to record Tootles' every moment, so that, when she'd whelped and was too busy tending to the needs of the new litter, he could edit and watch the choice clips over and over again in his own privacy. Not showing any jealousy or anger towards Tootles for all the attention she's harboring from their father, Buttons fed Tootles steaks with one hands as she fondled Tootles' breasts with the other hand, and all the while their father was lower down on the bed tonguing his swollen daughter and lapping up her sweet nectar. Mrrring at his inability to see any of her upper body over the multi-teated, fuzzy semi-naked dome, Marcel licks his lips and then drills his nose into her soft, thick muff, sneezing hot air into her as he darts his tongue at her rear. Peaches and Schnookums were now perpendicular to their father's lower half, facing each other, and they took pleasure in taking turns licking their father's member and each other's noses. Before Peaches and Schnookums' game could make him spooge, Marcel rolled Tootles over and started yiffing away earnestly on her swollen, over sensitized muff, using one hand to reach across, stroke, and scritch her ripe belly, and the other to lightly choke her. Beside them, Buttons and Peaches started to foreplay, taking turns kicking, slapping, and going down on each other in various positions every few minutes. Once exhausted and thoroughly satisfied, Muffy had Fluffy untape him from the chair and then they both hopped into bed with most of the rest of the family. After a tight orgy, the blankets and comforter were pulled back up onto the bed, everyone but Fluffy slipped under them to some degree, and started dozing off in a steamy dog pile around Tootles. All the while, the room was lit by the candlelight of two seven-candle candelabra held by Fluffy at full breath from each other. All she could do was stand there watching them all mournfully, dressed only in a long sleeve, button down shirt, a long metal pole slipped through both sleeves and across her back, meant only to keep her arms spread than to help support the candelabra. Even if she wanted to let go of the golden holders, they had been duct taped within and into mittens over her hands. In the midst of PMS, she'd gotten huffy and belligerent with her father and he'd made her walk around on and off for most of the day like this. Now, she just stood there with her leash attached to an overhead hook, loose enough to let her shift and bend comfortably, but short enough that she couldn't lean against anything or sit down without choking herself. After a soft, pleading whimper from the overwhelming tightness in her gut, Fluffy crossed her legs, bent over slightly, and watched herself maneuver and piss away the stubborn little flecks of dried blood staining her inner thigh. Off to the side of her was the now overturned, empty pot Muffy had used to force feed her earlier just for the amusement of the rest of the family, thick and meaty spaghetti sauce until she thought she was going to burst and or puke. Surprisingly against the uncomfortable groans and straining of her belly, she hadn't, but now the scat of her previous meals wanted out badly. If she could help it, Fluffy didn't want to make any bigger a mess than she really had to. Her father would probably make her clean the floor with her tongue, and her siblings would only encourage him to command so. Across the room, Muffy poked his head farther out and looked over at Fluffy from under the tight body of Pooky, his slender wrists now tape bound behind his back and his brother's member tight up his rear in one final yiffing. He'd watched his sister piss on herself with great amusement, and smiled coyly when she caught his gaze and growled at him. As he watched her shift and tense up, he swore he could hear her belly gurgling and groaning in aggravation and warning. Pooky now fast asleep and soft, Muffy turned around to face and watch his sister by candlelight. Oh, what a laugh he would have when that bottle of laxatives he'd mixed into the gravy kicked in. Part 5 In continuation of the long-standing routine to do so, Marcel called reveille upon his house, though not with intent to wake everyone within it, and thus rousing up only his grown poodles early for their morning walk. Exiting the house and initially double-timing through the backyard, they were all dressed in their usual leashed leather collars, as well as semi-matching florescent pink and blue bullet-proof cammies, Tootles' of course being preg-sized, and rifles with a single round in the chamber strong-side muzzle up, weapons on safe, no magazines. Marcel had Tootles' rifle on his back as well as his own pistol on his hip. Tootles, now pregged cumbersomely large with the nineteen due puppies within her, waddled gingerly on all fours, her well-exercised preg teats swollen to tight hopper breasts which couldn't help but ooze a couple drops of milk with each rocking step of her hind legs and brush of her cammies. Unfortunately, her pregged state also made her bladder equally tight and sensitive, and she seemed to feel the need to piss on something every couple hundred yards, sometimes not being able to undo her cammie bottoms in time and pissing on herself. More to help her stay hydrated than to add to her bladder problem, her father had made her drink a half canteen of lightly salted, watery juice every time she piss as well as having her constantly nibbling on crackers and lightly salted liver, steaks, and the occasional heart. Eventually, for fear of getting her privates chafed by dried, overly pissed cammies, Tootles talked her father into letting her go natural, and he had everyone guard her as he led from the rear with her cammies drying over his left shoulder. Moving over to and walking along the side of the path, she started taking great pleasure in slinking her overripe underbelly across the dewy grass, which in turn enticingly swelled her nipples and muff more so than the cammies had. The fact that she was getting close to slowing the group down to a crawl was completely ignored, and she became the center of everyone's attention. Also, agitated by her earthen belly tickling, light bumps rippled around her great tummy from time to time as her puppies explored the innerspace around themselves. Precisely where he wanted to be, Marcel watched and sniffed at his daughter and eventually she caught on that she was causing a furotic tailwind, so, impulsively, she stopped, squirmed, and smiled back up at her father, wagging her fat bottom up at him. A couple more litters, she figured, and she very well could be twice as wide as her brothers and sisters, which wasn't all that bad considering how flexible pregging made her, too. Taking it as the yiffy invitation it resembled and just as impulsively, Marcel stopped and ordered to Tootles, "Play, dead." With a warning nudge from one of her due pups, Tootles yelped, turned around to face her father, and whimpered, "Oh no. Wait. Daddy, no. We cannot. The pups, Daddy. I am too close to whelping. It-" "Stop your sniveling this second! Are you questioning me, Tootles Poodle? I said, play, dead!" Marcel, having just been yiffily teased and not liking it, growled as he raised a grizzled hand in warning of slapping her hard across the muzzle. "Daddy", Tootles pleaded, but slowly and carefully rolled onto her side, crossing her thick legs across her sensitive belly. Though weakened somewhat now by age, no one would stop him. Well, almost no one. "Stay off her, Daddy", Pooky growled in Tootles defense, taking a stand over her, setting one footpaw gently on her ballooned midriff and balancing on the other behind her back. "You know full well it might hurt her and the unborn Poodles. Remember what happened with the first litter, Daddy. I know that you of all Poodles, as impervious of feeling and mistakes as you may play off as being, could not bare to go through a incident like that again." Though grim-faced and standing with clinched fists, Marcel nodded solemnly and stood his ground with his hands to his side. As before, he'd gotten overzealous on the yiffiness of his favorite daughter's body and, then inexperienced on her frailness, had at that time gone down on her too violently. Back at the time of that mishap, she hadn't been as ripe or had such a packed litter within her as she had now, but she'd torn, bled, and ended up whelping early. Much too early, some thought, for the litter's health. Though premature, the litter had been saved, but by then it had scarred him psychologically for a time more than it had scarred his beloved daughter physically. He'd had the top surgeons patch her up like new, and had come very close to having himself fixed. She was practically on her due date now, and, no matter what, he would be gentle with her. From that point on, he was always gentle with her. The others, they could and did take up her slack. Maybe he should send one of the females back for puppy watch, though he had faith that they would still be sleeping by the time his first offspring got back. "And what of you, Peaches, Buttons?" Marcel asked, looking out to the horizon with knitted brow. "Appointed leaders of the sexes. What have my other underlings have to say of the matter?" Buttons remembers when, out of a fit of jealousy, she'd hired a chocolate Labrador indirectly to organize a small posse to beat her up, gang rape Tootles, slice open her sister's ripe womb, pull out her half termed litter, and crush, stomp, and devour them to death. As Buttons saw it, without her due litter, Tootles was just another fat fur, poodle or not, and fat furs deserved to suffer long and painfully. The gluttonous scums of the earth would pay, and Buttons wanted to be on the frontline leading them forth. By word of the lab the next day in a secluded place, the fetuses had been like pred candy, to which Buttons had congratulated the lab on a job well done, they'd shook hands, and then she'd bit out his throat, followed by his nuts, and ended the meeting by disemboweling him for a snack later. To her admiration, he seemed to still have been fighting for life as she swaggered away. Being that he was the only one that had known she was involved, it was easy for her to pin it all on him. As thus, her father wasted no time in not only organizing a black op on the unorganized mob itself, but also their immediate families. As Tootles was once again surgically repaired and kept under twenty-four seven watch by their father, the Poodles beat down, lacerated, and hung the families of those that were tied to Tootles ghastly cesarean before having their houses napalmed and bombed. That, of course, had been the end of their public education, especially for Tootles, and though it never was traced back to her, Buttons lost her billet and leadership over Tootles. Now, Buttons wished she'd pinned it on Pooky, or appropriately, one of her other lesser sisters. Who needed them anyway? It would have made things easier in the weeks after that incident since there was a whispered rumor that it might have been an inside job, and she had to walk on eggshells trying to act caring and distraught without seeming suspiciously so. Nonetheless, the unbreakable poodle gem had been tarnished and bumped down under the frail shadow of the generator's oven, and their father was taking his frustration of this and that out on everyone else in his bed. Neither Buttons, nor Fluffy or Schnookums could have litters now even if they wanted to. "I refuse to stand by and let you call our Daddy weak, Pooky", Peaches growled as he pounced on his brother, knocking him backwards and to the ground, "You may be a Poodle by blood, but you have always acted like a lesser fur. For that you shall suffer greatly." "Arrogant, mindless fool", Pooky growled back as he kidney punched his brother, "I am but speaking the truth." For a short while, Peaches and Pooky tumbled, bit, and clawed at each other, and then Muffy and Snowball joined in against Pooky. Realizing that he was losing and possibly could get killed, Pooky dodged, jumped, and rolled out of the middle of the fight and opted then and there to flee for his life. Unfortunately for him, they had nearly made it to the middle of a fairly large personal meadow-like park. Not wanting to play the easy target, Pooky hoped to zigzag about and ultimately make it to the safety of the city edge. From that point on, well, maybe his father would be merciful and give him outside help and money to stay disappeared. As much as he figured his father might despise mutiny, he hoped his father couldn't stand seeing one of his own begging on the streets any more so. "Poodles. On the firing line, stand", Marcel barked as he watched Pooky turn tail and run. Obedient and stern-faced, all seven on Marcel's first litter lined up at attention in a squad behind him, watching Pooky. Poodles do not desert. Even Tootles, though knowing that Pooky had put himself in grave danger under her defense, could not deny that fact. "Tighten, slings ", Marcel barked as he started to pace the line of poodles. All but Tootles then reached under their right arms with their left hands, grabbed their rifles by the hand guards, and pulled them off their straightened right arm. Next, they rested the end of their rifles' buttstocks on their beltlines, popped their heads down intently, and watched themselves tighten the slings to flush against their weapons, the sling keeper tight in the groove of the magazine release. Tootles, her weight and balance compromised by her extreme ripeness, was then allowed to drop back down to all fours, though she had to remain on line. Pooky, pretty much in mortal danger as it was, took this opportunity to dive, remove his own weapon from his shoulder, roll, and aim in for a shot back at his father and siblings from the prone position. His son only a couple hundred yards away, Marcel pulled his pistol out, pointed it in Pooky's direction, and fired a round that ripped a searing gash through the lesser dog's left shoulder. Though comparably less painful than the time his brothers had taped him down to a chair, shaved his sheath carelessly with a straight razor, and then doused his blood freckled groin with rubbing alcohol, he did get the message. While hurriedly slipping his rifle to cross body sling arms, he turned and continued dashing away on all fours. "Order, arms", Marcel barked with a sly grin as he holstered his polished silver and gold pistol. His loyal pups, snapping their heads up to look distantly straight ahead, slapped their right hands around the compensator and front sight, nudged their rifles slightly with their left, and then used that hand to guide their weapons to tight against their right sides once it'd dropped to parallel with their bodies. Now standing before Muffy, who was in the middle of the poodle firing line, Marcel turned to face him square on, and barked sternly to him only, "In-spec-tion, arms." In precisionist response, Muffy pulled his weapon up centered and parallel with his body, the muzzle tip at eye level, and grabbed the middle of the hand guard with his left hand. Then, he dropped his right hand down to the charging handle, setting the weapon from safe to semi as he did this, and, after pulling the charging handle to the rear and hearing the bolt catch and secure as the ejection port popped open, he reset the charging handle as Fluffy, who was to his immediate right, caught the single round no longer within. Fluffy quickly followed this up by tossing and catching the round in her left hand and dropping both hands back to her sides, her right hand once again clutching her unwavering rifle, never having turned her eyes away from watching the horizon. At the same time, Muffy turned the weapon with the ejection port facing him as he grasped the top of the buttstock and raised the weapon so the ejection port was now slightly above eye level, but he too was still staring past it into the distance. "Ready on the right. Ready on the left", Marcel barked as Muffy turned his rifle around so the open ejection port was facing his father. Buttons and Snowball, both flanking the firing line on either end, popped their rifles into the air with a curl of their right arms, and caught them by the hand guards in midair on the way down with their left. Then, after rotated the buttstock high into pocket of their right shoulders with inertia and skill, they clutched the hand grip with their right hands, flipped their weapons to semi as they stepped forwards with their left foots, and aimed in. "You may fire when your taaargets appear", Marcel commanded as he reached into his pocket, pulled out a hollow-point round, and slipped it into the chamber of Muffy's rifle as Buttons and Snowball took a shot in unison at Pooky. Neither sibling hit him. Neither were meant to hit him, but Pooky did hear the dual rounds whistle past his ears and it made him try to run faster. Their rifles now empty, Buttons and Snowball dropped the buttstocks of their weapons to waist level, their rifles at forty-five degree angles and centered with their bodies. In continuation, Muffy turned his rifle back to the front sight post pointing at him, pressed the bolt release and then closes the ejection port with a smooth rock of his left hand, and then drops the rifle so the compensator tip was once again at eye level. The command to his son now complete and done flawlessly, Marcel stepped forwards, snatched the rifle out of Muffy's hands aggressively, and Muffy dropped his hands back down to his sides as his father turned at the waist and raised the reloaded weapon to his right shoulder. Now in the Russian offhand, the elder poodle pressed the bolt assist a couple times, aimed in on Pooky until he judged him to be five hundred yards away, and shot him in the left butt cheek, letting loose a satisfactory splash of blood and meat from the tagged mark. Pooky, now in a great deal of pain and resentment for his family, tumbled end over end as his father snapped back to facing Muffy and thrust the rifle back at him. It unavoidably punched Muffy in the muzzle, but he caught it, momentarily taking a single step back to regain his balance, and dropped it back down to his right side, ignoring a tiny stream of blood that had started to drip from his nose. Everything going well regardless, Marcel next barked, "Peaches. Schnookums. Retrieve Pooky." As the two siblings did this, Buttons, Muffy, and Snowball decided to make use of the downtime by breaking out their rifle cleaning gear from within the buttstocks of their weapons with the intent to hone their weapons to like new cleanliness. Smirking at them, Fluffy opened hers up and pulls out a vibrator, with the intent to hone herself to a timely orgasm. Fluffy's smile of lust to her electronic dildo was immediately wiped away as Tootles let out an exasperated yelp and whimper. Everyone available's attention back on her, Tootles, standing in a puddle of musky warm water, yelped and whimpered again as she pointed down accusingly at her slowly dilating muff. "I think I can already feel one of them on the way out", Tootles whined, crossing her legs and holding her hands tight against her pups opening exit way. The inner workings of her body were on her pups' side, so she exaggerated the situation by adding, "I know not *yipe* just how long I can hold them *nnngh* off. Do something, Daddy. *grunt* Do something before I start spitting out puppies left and right." "Yes. Quite right, Tootles darling. Buttons, Muffy, Snowball. Help me run your sister back to the house. Fluffy. Tail us and watch for emerging pups. Now everyone! Go, go, go!" Marcel commanded as four poodles locked arms, Tootles laid down face down between them, and they quickly started back home with Fluffy trailing behind and then running back to help and inform Peaches and Schnookums. Over the next few hours, nineteen healthy new additions to the family were born. The last litter nature would let Marcel Poodle father himself. Part 6 "Your life is a luxury, not a right Pooky! I chose to have you and raise you in the ways of the true Poodle, and I can choose to kill you as well. I am your father and Commanding General. What I say goes because I am older and smarter than you are, and most of all, I outrank you. Your own brothers and sisters outrank you, second lieutenant. You are pathetic and will always be pathetic", Marcel growled to the tall, thin, and withdrawn poodle standing before him in nothing but a thick, dark brown, leather collar. "If that is how it is going to be, Daddy, then I would rather I be dead. Then I would no longer have to deal with all your proper Poodle crap and you can pick another sibling to abuse", Pooky responded gruffly, his body stiff and defiant as his head drooped slightly from the weight of the chain that bound his thick leather collar to the center of the grand room's marble floor. With an air of utter indifference, Marcel unfastened and removed the holster strap bound diagonally across his chest, opened up the holster, removed the ornately stenciled, gold and silver plated, .45mm pistol, tossed it to Pooky's feet, and dropped the holster to his own left side. "So be it then, Pooky. You have my authorization to kill yourself. You will not be missed", Marcel stated all too matter-of-factly as Pooky groaned in frustration. While muttering incoherently about how much better his life would have been if he hadn't been born a poodle, Pooky knelt down and picked up the highly polished weapon. His father's full name and social security number were neatly engraved on the left side of the silver handle, and as he turned it over and over, the minute sweat from his pads left incriminating smudges on its otherwise spotlessly shiny casing. Then he briefly removed the silver magazine clip and saw that it did have a full case of rounds inside it. "Aye, Daddy", Pooky barked as he pointed the pistol at the base of his right ear, and then, right before he pulled the trigger, he quickly aimed the pistol right between his father's eyes. Marcel Poodle didn't even blink. The first shot should have killed Marcel, but just let out a small, harmless muzzle blast. By the second blank, Marcel was already on the move, and Pooky grimaced from the pain in his wrist as his father grabbed it, turned it sideway, and brought it closer to him, momentarily throwing Pooky off balance. The third round was real, but was now aimed too far to Pooky's right. By the fourth round, the pistol was harmlessly pressed against Marcel's hip and Pooky could do nothing but loosen his grip on the pistol and relax his arm muscles as his father slammed his bent elbow down on the side of Pooky's elbow. As a surge of pain shot up his arm and he heard and watched the pistol clatter onto the floor, Pooky instinctively relaxed his entire body and accepted the forceful elbow to his jaw and uppercut that he knew would follow. As Pooky nearly flipped over backwards, white-hot pain momentarily blinding his eyes, a downtrodden yelp escaped his lips as he wondered why his father had been so nice to him. Pooky knew his father could have moved faster and not given him time to soften the blows. He knew his father could have turned his wrist completely around and hit his elbow on the bone, thus completely breaking his arm. He knew his father could have then decided to lay him face down on the ground, take his other arm, and push it diagonally across his body to the base of his tail so that he would have two broken arms. Hell. Marcel could have even picked up his pistol, put it back into Pooky's hand, and shown Pooky how to correctly kill himself. If he had been angered or surprised by Pooky's actions, Marcel could have done a lot of things to compensate for it, but he didn't. Instead, he just disgustedly walked over to his son, unzipped the fly of his perfectly creased green trousers, and commenced to piss on the whimpering poodle. When he was done, he casually zipped up his trousers, adjusted his uniform, and then watched emotionlessly as Pooky slowly got onto all fours, and then stood up as tall and rigid as he could muster. Pooky's defiant anger was now replaced with hopeless pain and bottled up suffering. "You are not fit to wear a true Poodle's brass, Pooky," Marcel sentenced ominously, his eyes narrowed into soul burning slivers, "but I am not letting you out of living by the Poodle ways yet. You are from this time forward, a second-rate Poodle of the rank of... Private." Pooky unconsciously dropped his jaw, ears, and shoulders in defeat, and then quickly caught himself and sucked it up. "Your new rank structure shall be discussed later, but no matter how high up it you get, you shall generously salute and call 'sir' or 'mam' any true Poodle, no matter how low in rank. Do you understand, Private Pooky?" Marcel finished as a third poodle silently slipped into the room. "Yes, Daddy. Sir", Pooky answered monotonously, the weight of his chain and collar making his head hurt more. "Belay my last. You, Private Pooky, as a second-rate Poodle, shall address every Poodle only by their rank and shall address every true Poodle as 'sir' or 'mam'. Do you understand?" Marcel hissed, as he picked up his holster and started securely fastening it across his chest. "Yes sir, Commanding General, sir", Pooky angrily replied, suddenly finding himself aliened from the entire family by all means now. "Good. Then clean this mess up right now, Private Pooky, and then I will consider having one of the true Poodles take you for a walk outside, but only a walk", Marcel concluded as he wiped off his pistol with a small rag from inside the holster pocket, and then placed both back into the holster before snapping it closed. "There will be no fraternization between true and second-rate poodles." "That is so cruel, Daddy. At least let us play with him like when we were younger", Major Tootles suggested as she waddled in closer from next to the doorway, her well defined, pear-shaped body bouncing and waving regally with every dainty step. "Yes. I guess that is going just tad too far, but second-rate Poodles are not allowed to touch true Poodles. True Poodles on the other hand can play with, but not yiff second-rate", Marcel stated as he looked with mixed emotion at how Tootles had unbuttoned her perfectly creased blouse just enough to freely display the tight, basket ball sized bulge of her semi-ripe, shaved belly, and how her little bellybutton stuck out like a fuzzy extra teat. "That is the end of discussion on that matter." "Daddy. One more thing. Please. If you are going to make him a Private, can he at least be a First Class Private", Tootles continued as she moved into Marcel's embrace and mrrred as he started massaging her belly. One of his new siblings got the hiccups and she started panting from the dual-sided sensation. "*mrrr* I do believe he has earned at least that much, Granddaddy." "Granddaddy? Yech. I told you I did not like the sound of that, Tootles", Marcel lightly scolded before wrapping her in a furotic embrace and letting a couple minutes slip by as he kissed and licked her face. When he finally, momentarily pulled himself away from his daughter's groping, provoking her to start undoing his trousers, he commented to Pooky, "I hereby promote you to Private First Class. After you finish with the floor, brief the rest of the Poodles about new second-rate Poodle policy, and then have Fluffy walk you." "Aye sir, General", Pooky sighed, thought about it, and then went back to lick up all the piss on the floor. Physical pain was only temporary. Pooky's jaw would heal in due time, but a possible lifetime of solitude? He father had come very close to making him actually kill himself this time. First chance he got, Pooky was going to make sure he somehow repaid Tootles for softening their father's verbal blows and for letting him watch her and their father foreplay and yiff right in front of him.