"It's not what you say, but how you say it, that really matters." Impounded: Biscuit By Fixate Caramel rocked, stretched, and twisted in her large-sized doggy bed as she tried desperately to get comfortable, but the unrelentingly gnawing pain and the moaning and groaning in her portly belly as it tried to nourish itself from food that wasn't there was just too distracting and unbearable for her. With a fluid kick and roll, the excessively obese Pomeranian overturned her plush doggy bed and whimpered painfully to anyone that could hear her. "Master? Master? Where are you, master? I'm so hungry. My tummy hurts so badly from its emptiness. I need you to help me fill it up. I need you to feed me, master", the even more chibi than normal lapdog pleaded as she rocked from side to side on her luscious mounds of back fat, gingerly clutching her achingly empty pillow-soft underbelly, the way its doughy exterior yielded effortlessly to her touch added no comfort to her at the moment. A short while later, her master did arrive back at the pet shop he kept her at, with a large cardboard box held firmly in his grasp. Smiling pleasantly at his velvety butterball pet, the husky fellow carefully cradled the box over to beside her and set it down, sounds of uncertain movement being heard from within. Finally, he went back to the shop's entrance, locked it, and returned to his favorite and most prized possession. "Hi, Priscilla, and so how is my favorite little girl doing now?" Caramel's master chided as he knelt down beside her and gently tickled her blubbery belly and sides, relishing in its near plushiness. "Please feed me, master", Caramel whined as her stomach growled audibly, a look of pain and desperation creasing her puppy-like face quickly shattering the happy moment, "I'm so hungry." "Ah, yes. Right. Well, you know that's your own fault, Priscilla", the chibi's owner scolded as he briefly patted her billowing, yellowish-white belly, "That's what you get for playing with that prissy, ill-tempered, Demona, but enough with the punishment. Time for dinner, Priscilla." And so with that, Caramel's beefy human opened the top of the box, carefully rolled her over into his arms, and gently transferred her to one side of the box, saying, "There you go, Priscilla. Just as I promised you." "*Auk* A canine! And what a whale she is!" one of the two kittens in the box exclaimed as Caramel wriggled in abdominal discomfort. "Oh. Thank you. Thank you, master. You brought me two of them. I'd so sorry for being bad", the hefty, golden fireball-ish, little bitch happily sighed as she looked over at her new companions through half-closed lids, "Oh, thank you, master. They look so scrumptious." Both kittens on the opposite side of the box were a patchwork of colors, and males. The one that had mewed at her, now jumped forwards, arched his back in opposition, and hissed at her angrily, baring his tiny claws and fangs for her see and supposedly fear. Before the tomcat's greeting could get personal however, Caramel's master quickly snatched him up by the scruff of his neck, clutched his hind feet with his other hand, and started carrying him away to the pound in the backroom. "Oh, no, no. I have a much better companion for you, little one. A bad little doggy deserves a bad little meal, wouldn't you say", the husky gentleman whispered into the young tomcat's tucked back ears as he gently shook him in his burly hands, "and you've definitely proven yourself to be just that." "Oh, my. Your brother was a fiery one, wasn't he? Quite gristly, wouldn't you say? I wonder where my master's taking him. Hopefully he's going to tenderize Gristle a bit and save him for me later", Caramel moaned as her doughy tummy growled again. "My master is so thoughtful, don't you think?' "Hey! Oh Gawd! Please, me too, please! Come back here, humyn! Please! This grotesquely fat canine! She scares me!" the other little tomcat mewed from the other side of the box, clawing fruitlessly at its side to try to get out. "Hello there, tasty morsel. Hello, fresh Biscuit. Oh what a scrumptious young feline you are, tender Biscuit. I wish I had the patience to try some interspecial yiffing, but then I guess it's for the best. The yeast is probably not ready to rise. *giggle moan* I wish I had the strength to tear into your decedent layer of kitten fat, but alas, I am too hungry and worn out. Forgive me, when the time comes, Biscuit, that I cannot hold back and savor you like I really want to", Carmel sighed dreamily as she rolled onto her ample side and took in the kitten's body with her gentle, twinkling, hazel eyes, beaming mirth and sensuality his way. "Please, please stay over there, fat canine. I wish that humyn would hurry and return. I want to be with my brother, Archibald", Biscuit whined curling up into an opposite corner and taking in the softly billowing, golden layers of fur and tiny features that made Caramel so snuggable. They locked eyes for a moment, Caramel smiled affectionately and understandably, and Biscuit mewed to her, "Oh, what beautiful eyes you have, obese canine, but I fear you. I wish you'd disappear." "Come over here, sweet Biscuit. I don't want to harm you. This could be fun if only you'd soften up", Caramel yipped playfully to the kitten as she rolled onto her layers of back fat and amused herself in pawing at her jiggly tummy, trying to focus on things othere than the pain within herself. Caramel bicycled the air for a bit and watched her body roll like a wheat field swaying under a gentle breeze. When she was full and content and her food all digested, she could amuse herself for hours looking in the mirror watching her body sway and roll over itself as she walked and rolled around on the floor. To get that way, her body needed nourishment; lots and lots of nourishment. This kitten would help ultimately if he wanted to or not, but it made things so much more satisfying for her, as well as being more comfortable for the both of them, if her meals added to her waistline willingly. Biscuit looked Caramel over with mixed feelings as he continued to sit in the corner. He looked more disturbed and unsure of what to do than afraid or angry. Hoping to chip away at the feline's prohibitations a bit, Carmel cocked her head to the side curiously and flashed a hopeful smile, and was pleased to see Biscuit finally crack a weak smile back. Now with a bit of leverage to entice him, the portly little she-dog whimpered and motioned for him to come next to her and cuddle, but, and hesitantly at first, all the tomcat did was lay down and look at her in half interest. Maybe if she was Pepper or her fellow doggies' sizes again, that would have been of some value to her, but all she could do was nod approvingly and gesture to the calmed tomcat again. "Oh, how playful you seem. How easily you make yourself look as sweet as the grease your humyn fills your water bowl with", Biscuit sighed, tucking his forepaws under his motley-colored head as he disinterested himself with his own words. Having been quiet for a short while, Caramel's tummy started growling again, to which she giggled and batted it, and then tilted her head back and looked at the young kitten upside down, her tongue hanging out charismatically. As she pawed the air in his direction, her cavernous belly growled again, and she moaned and stroked its jiggly furry covering as she continued to lock eyes with him. Before the third growl, Biscuit was on his feet again and scratching at the box's side. "Oh, come on, Biscuit. Lighten up. It's not like I still don't have some bits and piece of feline in me somewhere. I am what I eat, right? They're calling to you, Biscuit. They're saying, 'Soften up to me. Come on in. Join me'", Caramel giggled, and with that she happily rolled back onto her feet, and waddled up to Biscuit with a look of pure mirth on her puppy-like face. Caught in an ever-shrinking comfort zone, Biscuit decided to forget his fears of the portly Pomeranian's closeness and make the most of her cuddly vastness by using her as a booster. Not one to loose a meal so easily, and with a bubbly giggle, Carmel pulled and swatted him back down to the box's floor and clambered on top of him, easily pinning his legs and lower body under her cushy girth. Fearing the worse, Biscuit screamed blood terror and bared his claws, and Caramel, in response, started licking, tickling, and nuzzling him vigorously all over. As Caramel cooed and started coating the kitten's fur in saliva, Biscuit slowly calmed down and started somewhat enjoying this unexpected sign of affection despite himself. "*Auk* Fat canine drool. How easily the oil flows out of you, but you're playful. I'll give you that much, you massive tub of lard", Biscuit hissed half-heartedly between giggles, his words losing their biting effect. Now resorting to physical violence, he swatted at her with his claws retracted experimentally, and Caramel only tisked him and started scritching and tickling him more. "*Teehee* Oh that's, oh, I never introduced myself. I'm Alexander Reginald Douglas-Van Burin III, and, oh, thank Gawd, that humyn's back. He took his own sweet time doing so", Biscuit meowed as he looked up and saw Caramel's owner walking over and peeking in on them. "Hey! Oh hey, humyn! Please, this canine. She's so fat, she's could probably gulp me down, with, without a second thought. Save me before she- *giggle*" As Carmel's burly owner knelt down and watched with a look of sly amusement on his face, Carmel backed off to lick the kitten's paw pads and the young tomcat seized the opportunity to get up from under her and desperately reach up to the watching human. With a light-hearted yip, Carmel lapped at Biscuit's maw, placed her forepaws on his shoulders, opened her mouth into a wide yawn, and dropped Biscuit down under her weight so that he was sitting awkwardly for a quadruped against the wall of the box. Biscuit mewed and looked up at Caramel dumbstruck, Caramel returned it with a menacing smile and another yawn, and then she finally clamped her tiny jaws over Biscuit's equally tiny muzzle. Not wanting to draw blood, her teeth only held for a second before Biscuit slipped out again, and then she started spending more time trying to keep the kitten from getting away than she was trying to get the tomcat's maw in between hers. Finally, Caramel looked up at her master and whimpered, and he nodded back to her, briefly stroking a hand across her generous back fat, and then left. "Get off me! I knew it! I knew it! Get off me, you grotesque, mountain of canine shit!" Biscuit hissed, while desperately wiggling, clawing, and biting, but in a position to only do slight damage, mostly to the long fiery mane of fur around the generously padded lapdog's swine-like neck. "Oh, please hurry, master. I'm so weak and clumsy when I'm starving. I need your help being fed", Caramel whimpered, trying to keep as much of her throat out of reach of the irate cat's teeth as possible. "Oh. The tables have turned, haven't they, you pathetic, overweight-", Biscuit started, just as Caramel's master returned, reached into the box, rotated Caramel off of Biscuit and onto her back, and almost missed catching hold of Biscuit as he clambered up his arm and out of the box. "*Auk* Oh, hi, thank you, humyn. Thank you, I-" The husky fellow then pushed the young tomcat into a gym bag and spend the next few moments zipping the bag around the kitten's neck just enough that he couldn't claw his way in or out of it. After watching Biscuit struggle and roll the canvas bag around, Caramel's caretaker took a little plastic baggy and a few rubber bands out from within his shirt pocket and showed them judgmentally to the young tomcat. "Now, I know this is crude, and I would drug you under different circumstances, but I don't want you putting them into Priscilla's body, and I believe this will aid in what my adorable, little princess has in mind for you. Now, take a deep breath and relax", Caramel's master explained to Biscuit before he slipped the bag over the kitten's head and then started tightening it down with the rubber bands. "Now, I know this is probably going to feel awkward for the both of you, but, oh wait, better double bag you in case my little precious bites down too hard. Being that you're here, you can probably understand the consequences of inadequate protection." After he'd finished with that and checked for secureness, Caramel's master smeared the muzzle area of the baggy with wet dog food, unzipped the gym bag, and transferred Biscuit back into the box with Caramel. With Biscuit obsessed with getting some fresh air and removing the baggies from off his head, Caramel found it easy to playfully knock him about and then, with a little bit more help from her master, pin him down and keep his muzzle wedged between hers. All the while this was going on, Biscuit panicked, flailed, and worked himself into hyperventilation, exhaustion, and then ultimately, unconsciousness. "Ooo. We did it, master. He's out cold and ready for the stomach", Caramel yipped and then started nipping at the plastic cover over her meal's head, "Yuck. This clear stuff tastes worse than the artificial slop, master. Please help me get rid of it. I want Biscuit. I need him inside me." "Nope. Wait a moment, Priscilla. I wouldn't want you to get any of that caught in your throat. It's purely aid. Nothing more", her master explained as he removed the feline from underneath Caramel's cushiony bulk again, and then removed the plastic and rubber bands from his tiny head. Once Biscuit was back in the box with her, Caramel nudged him at him curiously and then started licked his face, "Oh, I hope he's not dead. It makes things so much more difficult and mundane when they're dead. I just wanted to tire him out, master. I didn't want to kill him." With an impatient and gnawing growl from her abysmal tummy, Caramel dismissed her pickiness and started dragging Biscuit around by the scruff of his neck until he was lying solidly between her and the wall, and then let go, sucked in a deep breath, and lunged at the kitten with her mouth wide open. With a second lunge, her jaw dislocated and the kitten's still somewhat saliva wet head started its tight journey into her mouth and down her throat. The kitten briefly came to again and started weakly struggling between the third and fourth lunge, but his head was already locked in the middle of the chibi's deep throat, and with a couple more equally determined thrusts, gulps, and a little bit of twisting in from her master, the kitten's arms started becoming more and more wedged within also. With very little oxygen to start with, the half-conscious and very determined kitten quickly worked himself to a deep coma and much closer to death. Not wanting it to take too long and Caramel choke, too, her master started assisting her by pushing the young cat in time with Caramel's rhythmic pushes and gulps. Once Biscuit's limp body started emptying and awkwardly curling up into Caramel's time stretched oversize stomach, the consumption became easier for her, and pretty soon her belly started becoming more and more greatly distended. Her belly momentarily resembling a smoothly dented and chipped golden bowling ball, Caramel laid there on her side, whimpering at the wonderful tinges of excessive fullness as her master gently and patiently massaged and stroked it, taking in the feeling of every bump and crevasse of the feline form within for all it was worth. Finally, she let out a long, deep series of belches and the deceased kitten's form became a little bit more noticeable, and her stomach felt a lot more comfortable, though the subtle pangs of glut still poked around within her. Cooing, she happily rubbed her overripe belly and smacked her lips as her master continued to scritch and massage the now stretched out cushy rolls of her chibi body, dispelling any more excess gas within her as well as it feeling very effectual to her. "Oh, my. *moan* Oh. *Ooo* Thank you, master. *urp* I feel so full now. So... A bit thirsty though. *nnngh* Oh, yes. *Ooo* This is the kind of discomfort I love to feel. I'm not sure I have room for water, but my mouth and throat are so *urp* dry", Caramel mrrred as she stroked her tiny paws against the lush golden fur of her expansive belly. It had ballooned out so much that the extra fat on her thick rolled neck, or lack there of, made it hard for her to look down farther than the ceiling. She twisted and turned, waving her pudgy forelegs from side to side and then she finally giggle upwards to her beefy owner, "Oh, look, master. *gwa* I can't see my hind legs. *Ooo* Oh. So full. *urp*" Those of gluttony had now replaced the groans of hunger in Caramel's vast tummy, those groans were now being joined with other acid induced sounds, and instead of licking the drool out of her tiny maw, her master noticed that she was uncomfortably trying to wet them. Nodding understandably to her, he left again and soon came back with a large, cage-mountable water bottle full of cool bottled spring water. As he patiently held it over her maw so that she could lap at its metal nuzzle, he rubbed and caressed her oblong, glutted tummy with his free hand. When Caramel had had enough to drink and the workings of her digestive system had overcome her and put her to sleep, her master carefully picked her up, cradled her out of the shop, past the pound area, to a back room. Once in there, he carefully set her down onto a thick rubber padded board angling out one side of a large sink full of warm water. With her head resting comfortably above water, her master started slowly and gently combing the flea dip and shampoo through her fur, first with his fingers and then with a grooming brush, rolling her around so he could wash her all over without getting any of it in her eyes or waking her up. She did wake up a few times nonetheless, but it was only momentary and the warm bath and gentle grooming only enhanced the naptime. Once Caramel had been washed clean and her coat was nice and glossy, her master transported her onto a thick bath towel, and rolled her around on the counter as he wrapped her in it. She ended up pissing in the towel, so he tossed it in the hamper, washed her rear off again, and started drying her off with a different, equally soft towel. Next, she was brushed and groomed again as he slowly waved a low-set blow dryer over her. Finally, once she was all dry, he checked her claws, set her into a clean doggy bed, and waited until she woke up again before he brushed her teeth and gave her her precautionary deworming pill. Caramel fell asleep again shortly after that and her master kissed her between the ears and slipped a little fleece blanket up around her. With a dreamy faraway yip she kicked and rolled onto her ample back fat, flailed her pudgy legs about for a while, kicking the blanket off of her in the process, and then rolled back onto her cushiony side with a bit more effort as she calmed down and nuzzled her bed's fuzzy cushion matting. Having patiently watched all of this with amusement and paternal love, her master laughed and smiled as he tickled her gurgling belly, carefully picked her up, bed and all, and started carrying her back into her pound cell. "Sleep tight and best of dreams, my sweet Priscilla", Caramel's master whispered sweetly into her ear before setting her down to open the cell door, "May you grow more beautiful with every meal."