Impounded: Taco by Fixate ... because without the human factor, there wouldn't be problems like puppymills, spaying and neutering, pounds, strays, and the need to kill "bad" pets, and yet they still have a better life than the other animals we use for our health and comfort. "Hey, look. A dobby pup", a boy stated, pointing at a roaming female Chihuahua inside one of the pound's large holding cells. "*Huff* Taco? A Doberman? Oh Gawd. Now, there is one, naive, little human", an adult pappy commented tersely from the far corner of the pound cell, her body mostly hidden behind a doll-faced mound of golden fur. "No, that's a Chihuahua. She's an adult smooth-coat. Arrived here just a couple days ago from a happy home. You won't have to worry about housebreaking, shots, or anything. That variety also requires minimal grooming as well as food. Yes. That's an excellent choice. Chihuahuas are very low maintenance", the pound keeper commented as he glanced momentarily at the Pomeranian in the far corner with a just as quick, mischievous smile. "He is talking about us again, Caramel", Pepper, the prissy pappy bitch hissed to her chibi-like companion, who just tittered and flicked a tongue at the wide sweep of fur of Pepper's left ear. Though she couldn't speak it coherently with her canine muzzle and voice box, Pepper knew human English, as well as most dialects of the canine variety, quite fluently. She was also known to converse long distance to coyotes and foxes and, though not "show perfect" physically, could perform every human trick commanded of her. Unfortunately by fate, she'd been bought and raised by a family that she hadn't found very interesting, and they had thought her too nosey and domineering. Unable to appease her, Pepper's old masters had decided to sell her to the pound instead. To say the least, Carmel's master had been very surprised to find a friendship develop between the two bitches. "That one's a Chihuahua", the boy challenged, pointing at the puffy mane and tailed, Jam, "That one looks like a dobby." "Okay. He is more ignorant and stubborn than naive. He will definitely be a lousy master" Pepper mused bitterly. The reddish-brown and off-white butterfly-dog nuzzled the warm doughy bulk beside her and hissed again, "Your master does not like you, Caramel. Oh yes. His tone is gentle and he is lenient on you, but his words show that he grows jaded in caring for you. He only likes you because you keep things calm in here. He only feeds you like he does to make you easier to control and to make examples out of those of us that do not obey him. Your master is worse than any other human in existence." "So you've said before, Pepper. So you've said before. Still I say, ignorance is bliss", the fire-furred pom sighed dreamily as she slipped her right fore and hind legs over the pappy's back and coxed her under the thick fluffy blanket of her side. Then, smiling happily at Taco, she yipped, "Taco, darling. Looks like a major case of mistaken identity in your favor. The boy thinks you're a pocket-sized dobby. Why don't you use that to your advantage." "A dobby?" Taco grinned menacingly with a sideways glance at the human family. Her interest peaked; the pocket-dog started stepping towards the cell's front as she yapped, "So, you think I'm a dobby, do you?" "Oh my God! Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen? She does look like an itty bitty Dobby", a girl cooed, poking a finger at the Napoleonic bitch. "Dear Gawd. It is spreading like a disease. They will take her into their family and end up getting her put to sleep for encouraging her to bite someone", Pepper growled, wrapping her long moppish tail over Caramel's wide body. At those words, Taco, as well as quite a few of the other dogs within earshot looked at the small family with a bit of scorn and wariness. Already finding themselves at the pound for various reasons, this was a master act they knew all too well. Caramel was unmoved though, or at least mentally. Audibly to Pepper, her stomach gurgled as she mewed, "Don't listen to Pepper, Taco. Play along. Show them that they can't underestimate you. That you're not the kind of bitch that cowers in the face of danger. You're worse than a dobby. You're a psycho Chihuahua." With a toothy grin at the pocket-dog, Pepper started nuzzling the pom's doughy belly. Taco took this as nod of encuragement to go ahead. "Hell yeah! That's what I am! I'm a psycho Chihuahua! Get it right, humans! I'm a bad-ass psycho Chihuahua!" Taco yipped back at the young humans, standing her ground proudly and then play growling. "Ooo. Even sounds like a tiny dobby. *Heh heh* Oh, aren't you a fierce little thing." the boy coxed, playing psych with his finger around her jaws. "Yes. They are a disaster just waiting to happen", Pepper growled to her furry blanket as Caramel's deep stomach burbled a little bit louder and tried to push as gasious bubble up the pom's throat. To the pappy's disappointment, Carmel succeeded in stifling the belch, so she yipped a little louder, "You cannot deny it, Caramel. They want her, I will agree with you that far, but they are going to be the death of her. Things will be fine in the beginning, but eventually she is going to be eaten alive by their actions." Carmel and Pepper looked at each other, then at Taco, and a sly grin flowed onto Pepper's face. With a defeated roll of the eyes and a long-winded sigh, followed by a showy swish of her little head, Carmel finally got up, and waddled over to Taco. Like a chibi collie, Carmel was supposed to be just a big show of fur. A white-tailed golden fireball, with the face of an immortal puppy, but there was a lot more dog under that fur than the status quo would allow and it only seemed to be becoming more so as time went on. Where necessary for illusion, she had actually been groomed into a smooth-coat herself by her master, the pound keeper, but now that she was twice the weight of a normal pom without anything in her belly, even that was a vain act. Also, as the pound keeper's personal pet, of all the dogs in the pound, Caramel was the only one that could get out whenever she wanted to, but she liked to spend her time with the new additions. "So, you're going home. Congratulations", Carmel mrrred, narrowing her sparkly oval eyes contentedly. When the sun hit them, her eyes were like beautifully polished golden-brown stones glowing with angelic laughter. When shadowed in the confines of the holding cells, her eyes were like onyx pearls reflecting any light available into sparkly dots of hope and understanding. "I, hope they treat you well." "*Thanks. Hope you're next, Carmel", Taco giggled absently, scritching the side of the pom's broad belly, "Thanks for everything." The nights were cold in the pound, and Taco, like most of the toys in the cell, had been inside all her life or had been pampered outside. In a show of affection, Carmel had let Taco as well as Pepper sleep under her. This annoyed Pepper, as did when Carmel offered Taco some of her food. Pepper's, not Carmel's. Despite her corpulent size, none of the pooches in the cell ever saw Carmel eat any of the dog food or kibble set in the cell. With a sweet smile and mrrring softly, Carmel fluffy-wiggled, plopped down on her cushiony belly, and rolled onto her back. With a low gurgle, her belly billowed down and out over her tiny legs and her almost nonexistent neck, and Taco started to scritch this magnificently soft, fiery pillow of fur. Pepper quickly stepped in on the other side, growling at the distracted pocket-dog, and Taco just growled back and then started nuzzling her head into the doughy mass before her. "Now, now, Pepper. Taco's leaving soon and all she wants to do is show her last good-byes for making her stay comfortable", Carmel mrrred as Taco clambered on top of her and started rubbed bodies. "*Humph* Well, the sooner she is gone, the better everyone will be", Pepper growled, talking of herself, as she turned around and swaggered away, her tail prissily high in the air. "Just get it over with already, you two." "*Heh* Someone's definitely jealous", Taco yipped slyly as she dragged herself closer to and then rubbed noses with Carmel. "Well, she's got a right to be", Carmel mrrred as she rocked her girth and then rolled over. Taco opted to squeeze the chibi's belly instead of jumping off and merfed as the gelatinous weight flowed across and over her. Pinned down, she wiggled to no avail underneath her butterball companion, and then finally relaxed and basked in the warmed of her very thick blanket. "Comfy?" Carmel asked as she squeezed and patted down her belly around Taco's petite body with her tiny forepaws. "*Mmmmhmmm*", Taco merfed sleepily as she wiggled herself a little bit more under the butter-soft girth. "Good. Then stay put, Taco. I've got something better in store", Carmel mrrred as she rocked her feet back up under herself and waddled backwards until her forelegs were slightly behind the pocket-dog's splayed hind legs. "They think you're a dobby. What are you going to do if they try to mate you with a real one", Carmel asked as she nuzzled and sniffed the pocket-dog's crotch. "Ooo. I hope they do. Oh, Gawd. That would be a fantasy come true", Taco moaned, closing her eyes tighter as she felt Carmel's tongue licking her muff. "Really?" Carmel asked as she secured Taco's legs with her paws and then flicked her tongue, with a bit of effort, into the moistening confines of Taco's tight muff. "Oh Gawd, yeah", Taco cooed, and heard snickering above and behind her. She partially opened her eyes and found Pepper standing over her head. "Oh, no. I really do not think you know what you are talking about", Pepper said with a menacing grin as she remained shadowing over Taco's head. "Oh, Taco, darling, you're going to have to be much wider than that. Relax. Let me in", Caramel cooed between heavy-petting licks, seemingly oblivious to the butterfly-dog's presents. Caramel's voice, more now than ever, was pure velvet, and her tongue was acting as a very experienced and persuasive muscle, making Taco's insides hot, tingly, and wet by example. Despite, or taunting, Pepper's browbeating gaze, Taco closed her eyes again and moaned with pleasure as she fully relaxed her body again. To say the least, she was greatly disappointed when the portly pom stopped and took the pocket-dog's crotch out of her maw. With a whimper, Taco looked down at the chibi fireball of a dog with pleading yiffiness just in time to see a golden forepaw turn sideways and get shoved up her momentary relaxed muff. Both toys yelped as Taco clenched down on Caramel's paw, and then the pom grinned hungrily and tried to shove more of her foreleg in as the Chihuahua moaned, caterwauled, yiffed, yowled, and bicycled the air with all four legs. "You want to know what my fantasy is?" Pepper asked menacingly, nose to nose with Taco with a toothy grin on her face. Taco was looking in Pepper's direction, but was too overwhelmed with the sensations running through her body to register anything she was seeing or hearing. Next thing she knew, Pepper's maw was around hers, and then, with a couple pops of Pepper's jaw, her entire head was in the pappy's throat. Even as her spastic breathing was being sucked heartily down the butterfly-dog's salivating gullet, their breath whistling past her ears and saliva-slicked fur, her entire world was the fire and juiciness in her pulsating tunnel. It wasn't until the penetration between her loins stopped and her air supply started running short that Taco started panicking and thrashing about. She tried to wiggle out, or turn over, but a formidable weight was again on top of her body and pressing down on her forelegs, and now against her thrashing body, it was causing pain instead of pleasure. Finally, shortly after Taco lost the energy to continue fighting and before she started feeling dizzy and ready to faint, Carmel finally rolled off of her, nipped the scruff of her neck, and yanked her out of Pepper's mouth. As Taco tried to catch her breath, Pepper hissed, "Now, you bony kibble. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Stay quiet and this could actually be fun for you. Bark, and everyone here will be ripping you apart and eating you." "What? Carmel. You're not going to let her eat me, are you?" Taco gasped, though a part of her knew that Carmel had been in on this from the start. "What, and miss out on a great meal. No, Taco. She's not going to eat you. I am", Carmel said distantly as she rolled over and scritched her soft cushy tummy as best she could. Worked up and heated, she wobbled her body around in a slow circle on her thick back fat like a jiggly fur-covered water balloon until she was facing away from Pepper and Taco, and cooed as her thick hind legs kicked and bicycled the air around her musky muff, "Your delicious body will be a sensuous dessert to my pallet." "B-but. But I thought we were friends", Taco whimpered as she tried to roll to her feet, but was pounced and pinned down by Pepper, who was sniffing the air hungrily, trying to get a whiff of the pom's musky scent. "We are. Be a happy meal. Please. The last thing I want to do is make you give me indigestion", Carmel said as she wiggled back around, looked over at the Chihuahua lovingly with her twinkling hazel eyes, and pawing the air playfully. "Ever been slipped into a Christmas stocking?" "Um, no", Taco answered cautiously, swinging her gaze between Pepper and Carmel. "Oh. Even better. This'll be a new experience altogether for you. Trust me, you'll love it. Stick your feet in my mouth, start wiggling as Pepper pushes you in, and then take a deep breath when your muzzle's inside mine", Carmel instructed sensually as she rolled back onto her feet again and started waddling towards the two bitches. "Won't you choke?" Taco quizzed as Pepper eased up the hold on her and then hopped back around to behind her head. "Run, and I will tear your throat out", Pepper hissed. "Oh, that's half the fun, Taco, darling. Your body's going to be to my throat, what my paw was to that tight, little muff of yours. As much as I'd love to stick you up my muff, I'm not that flexible, so swallowing you whole will be just as furotic. Oh yes, Taco. I want to choke on your taunt body. I want to scritch and knead your velvety fur with my spazzing throat muscles. Skirting the edge of death is so..." Carmel started as she flopped down on her belly, wrapped her paws around Taco's legs, and guided them into her tiny maw. "Relax, Taco. Once you're inside me, you'll think you're in canine heaven." "B-but. But I WILL end up in canine heaven. Oh please, Carmel, please. I believe you, but please. I don't want to die yet. Please don't do this", Taco whimpered as she looked between her legs at Carmel's pallet, throat, and tongue. She knew that behind her field of vision past the tiny muzzle were those bright eyes, which, along with the pom's angelic voice, could calm the harshest storm. Taco easily pulled her legs out of Carmel's throat and embrace, and then the pom closed her mouth with a patient sigh and fixed a sympathetic gaze on the uncertain pocket-dog. As they locked eyes with each other, Taco felt her will melt away and the fat pom smiled even more warmly. Behind Taco, Pepper growled tersely, and Taco figured that if she really had only two options on her death, then she'd rather end it in the warm enveloped embrace of the pom's stomach. Even if Pepper had offered the same soft-vore proposal to her, Carmel's belly looked like it could accommodate her quite comfortably, though the pom would probably be rendered immobile from the new girth. "Okay, Caramel", Taco finally sighed defeatedly. "I'm yours." "Ready, Carmel? One... two... three... ready or not, here she comes", Pepper mrrred as Caramel took a deep breath and Taco slipped her feet down the pom's throat. Pepper planted her forepaws on Taco's shoulders and used her entire body to shove the pocket-dog down Carmel's throat. When Taco's body got too big for her normal maw space, Pepper pushed harder and Caramel's jaw dislocated with a couple quick audible pops. Once she'd rolled over onto her side, Caramel's tongue whipped and prodded over Taco's underbelly and Taco transfixed her gaze on the bulges her body was making on the pom's throat, and when she wiggled her toes, now belly. Bulk included, Taco was at most a quarter of Caramel's size, but once her entire body was inside the pom's belly, she now knew Caramel wouldn't be able to walk. Carmel was kneading her doughy golden-furred belly with all four paws, and as she slipped in more and more, Taco stroked the walls of Carmel's drippingly gooey acidic belly with her hind paws as she stroked and scritched the wild flame of neck fur around her. "What the... Oh my God!" a female human voice burst out, destroying the moment. Panicking, Taco thrust her forelegs out of Carmel's throat and started kicking, barking, and clawing at Pepper, which in turn made Carmel extremely uncomfortable, and shortly after Pepper was knocked sideways, Carmel convulsed and upchucked Taco as well as the undigested portion of her last meal. The family wasn't exactly sure of what they'd seen, or how to take it, but by the time the cell door was open, Carmel was on her side, whimpering and retching, and Pepper was at Taco's throat. Taco recovered quickly and was proving a formidable adversary, which the family encouraged with woops and hollers. Emptied and roughed up, Carmel tried to slink away, but found herself scooped up and held in midair by her armpits, her hefty weight threatening to slide her through her master's firm grip and plop her uncomfortably on the ground. She felt like a whale out of water and if it wouldn't have put her in deeper trouble than she was already in, she would have loved to relieve herself right then and there to lighten herself even that bit. "Master. Please. Please, put me down", Carmel whimpered as she bicycled her hind legs in a vain attempt to get a more stable grip on the human before her. "Really, Priscilla. When are you going to ever learn to control your appetite? Double, triple, quadruple servings I can understand. You're the most beautiful creature I've ever met, and the bigger you get, the more beautiful you become. But eating other dogs is a no-no", the husky man scolded with just a hint of canine-readable mirth in his voice. Carmel couldn't understand most of the words her master was telling her, but she knew she was being punished for getting caught by the other humans for her vore activity. Her master didn't really mind that she was cannibalistic. It had been quite a while since she'd last eaten store-bought dog food, and so, to be truthful, she knew he took great pleasure in watching her put fellow animals "to sleep". Toy dogs and kittens, Carmel could swallow whole, and her master loved to be there to see it, but larger dogs and such required her master's participation with a meat cleaver and a chopping board, and the meal itself would be rationed out, post-refrigeration and cooked, to her in private for as long as it took so as to protect the integrity of the visiting dogs. It was actually rare that she had to eat regular dog food or act out vore that her master hadn't pre-approved of. If there weren't any local pets that had to disappear, her master was well known enough in his outside humanitarian acts to get other pets transferred from elsewhere. Those that showed to be misunderstood and eager for a second chance were put into her pound cell. All the other cells were for those waiting to be put into her belly. The past couple weeks had been slow, the supply had been running low as her hunger had increased, and her stomach and Pepper had enticed her to be bad. Now she had nothing in her stomach, a bad taste in her mouth, and an agonizing amount of weight tugging on her spine. On top of that, if she survived her punishment, Carmel really hoped her next meal would be an equally heated male. "I'm sorry, master! I'm very, very sorry! Please! Please put me down!" Carmel moaned, pleadingly looking up into her master's eyes. With a sigh and a helpless shake of the head, her master laid her chubby body against his chest, and crossed his arms underneath and around her. Her blubbery rolls of fat slowly molded around her upper legs and against his chest, and bloated a small pillow for her tiny muzzle to settle on. All she could look at was the ceiling and a glimpse of his hair, so she closed her eyes and rocked/rubbed her furry pillow of a body against his. Passing a nasty glance at Pepper, Taco's new family picked their new pet up; happy to see she was more than capable of defending herself. Once the cell was closed again and everyone was back in the front pet supplies area, the husband finally asked while looking with mixed feelings at Carmel, "Um. Did I see that right? Was that... dog, actually swallowing our Chihuahua, whole?" He didn't sound outraged, and Carmel, not sensing any wrath, responded to the signs of a message directed at her with a sweet, innocent smile, so her master rubbed her back fat and responded with, "Well, some dogs drink out of the toilet, or make a mess in the house, or chew up the furniture. She's. Special. Well, no harm done, right? I'll throw in a free bottle of shampoo and a grooming mitt for your troubles." Other than some uneasy glances, Taco's new family showed no major negativity against what Carmel had done, and they let Taco nuzzle and lick Carmel as she rested in her medium-size dog fleece doggy-bed. Also in good tidings, Carmel's master threw in a free doggy bed for Taco, too, toy-sized, of course. "Bye, Taco. I bet you're relieved that Pepper was wrong about your new masters. I'm sorry that I almost killed you. I hope you'll forgive me and not let it vex you while you're with them", Carmel sighed as the gnawing pains in her stomach competed fiercely with the comforting strokes of her friend. "Oh yes, of course, Carmel. Of course. You didn't hurt me. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm very sorry I made you throw up", Taco whimpered as the human son picked her up off the pom and started carrying her towards the door. "Take good care of them, Taco. Guard them well", Carmel concluded as she watched the pocket-dog get boxed up. "Thank you. I will. Thanks for everything. It did get interesting at the end. Thank you", Taco yipped back with a twisted smile. "*Heh* Well, don't go jumping down some dog's throat just because you made it out of mine", Carmel added in and then moaned from the acid reflux. Once the family was gone, the master lightly nestled a towel over her body and said as he scritched between her ears, "Well, you're in luck, Priscilla. You don't have to starve. There's a guy selling free kittens nearby, but, because you've been a bad girl, I'm only bringing back one." To make it up to her master, Carmel promised herself she'd make the most of ingesting that one kitten.