Sin City 2000 Type IX Part 2 Type 9: Rated Poodle Generation 13 Present 1 by Fixate "Yes. You have done well, Freeze", an ominous silhouette of a fur hissed into the frigid spring air. The street was far from vacant, but there was only one fur still left alive on it, so to speak. The jet black panther that stood in the middle of the war-ravaged street had only killed one fur here. That fur, a highly unstable vixen in many senses of the word, had killed everyone else. As expected, it had even tried to kill its supposed mate. An easily manipulated arctic fox kit that for some unknown reason, it had taken a special interest in. Nonetheless, the tie between them had worked as a good distraction, making the haywire vixen yifftoy much weaker when the time had come to end it. Now the only question was if he should behead or disembowel hir. Though the order had been to stop the vixen and bring the cub back in one piece, it had never been clarified exactly in what condition the two of them had to be in when this was done. He liked that. It had played nicely into his plans. It was two less creatures in the population choked world anyway, and if the client had some qualm about this and sent some more Regulators to kill him, then that would be that many more creatures less to corrupt this planet. He had not become one of the best by letting the likes of the very things he was always hired to eliminate control his own actions. Maybe they were on to him. Maybe that's why his pistol had blown up when it had come time to execute the vile vixen. Whoever had booby trapped his weapon should have known that it'd take more than a normal round exploding in his hand to hurt or even come close to stopping him. They would surely pay for their involvement in his tasks. No mere fur could ever stand up against a Regulator. Furs, who were always looking for the easy way out, had found that wars with any depth to them took too much time, thought, effort, and especially money for their so called busy lives. They didn't have time to be training how to fire weapons, organize attacks, and plan offensive and defensive strategies. Instead, they came up with the Rulemasters and Regulators. An elite group of coldly exacting and nearly unstoppable cyberfurs to systematically and tactfully keep the world's population in check and maintain an underlying sense of law and order throughout furridom. Though the Rulemasters were tasked with making the ultimate decisions and organized who went where and did what at what time, furs were still free to make their own day-to-day decisions and suggest changes in the rules that kept them alive. Of course, if a fur made a bad suggestion thoughtlessly, then that fur very well could find him or herself a target of the Regulators. "You have definitely done well, Freeze. I could probably have taken that vile mistake down without your help, but this way, I did not even have to change magazines", the panther said to the small, limp body that he held up by the tail in his right hand, a long, slender, blood soaked chainsaw blade extending out of his now furless left hand. "Now to bring you to my client and hunt down your precious Mr. Polipopilacopilus, but first a little bit of reassurance that your freakish mate does not rise from the dead and make this opportunity null and void." Of course, no matter how trained and alert you are, you're bound to miss one or two or a dozen or so laser sights pointed at various parts of your body from strategically high vantage points. As the black panther's hissing blade struck down on the red vixen's neck, he suddenly found himself in the middle of an unavoidable volley of rounds, which scraped and drilled his fur and overcoat to strips before he could turn on his force field. Knowing he'd pick up their signal, his enemies had positioned themselves and initiated their attack without radio or digital contact and they were using armor piercing rounds aimed to lock him down without thought of if it would hit the two foxes or not. "I see you have some friends I don't know about, Freeze, but no matter. After I have eliminated Mr. Polipopilicopilus, I shall make short work of them also", the panther hissed as he turned on his force field and held the little arctic kit tightly up against his body. Whatever damage a Regulator received would be reversed back at the Server as long as the mission was successful accomplished. This black panther had never missed his goal yet, nor had he ever come up against opposition as this, so he slipped into the nearest alleyway, be reported this finding back to the Server. Once he was once again fully functional, he would bring reinforcements and make it his goal to wipe out whatever mortal army this may happen to be. Just as easily as it was for him to lose the sharpshooters in the maze of back alleys, the lone black panther had gotten the okay from the Rulemasters. No one targeted Mutatis Mutandis and lived.