Some Quick Unbirthing by Todd Little As usual it had been Bitchy's idea to wander off into the suburbs to find somewhere nice and cozy to have some fun. The shapely red vixen had a well-founded reputation for making trouble, be it on or off the job. For obvious reasons of customer privacy and morality, I didn't usually hang around hir when she was working, at least not within sight or smell of the client, be I found hir just as interesting as every other fur and she seemed to have an unwavering likeness for me. Anyway, despite the slowing falling snow flakes and then frigid breeze that fluttered hir long ponytail of golden headfur, the bright-eyed supermodel-figured femme was still dressed in hir scant work uniform. Hir nippled jutted defiantly against the cold on hir full upper breasts under hir hot pink spandex tank top, which left hir tight midriff fully exposed as well as the other two sets of teats and the taunt lip of hir marsupial pouch that ocupied that space of creamy white fur. Hir violet short shirt fluttered just as freely as the big hir royal purple bow behind hir point mahogany ears, exposing the garter bands that kept hir fishnet stockings up as well as the unobstructed downy fur of hir pinked muff. Know she was teasing me with hir musk by walking like that upright into the wind with hir long bushy tail brushing the ground, I finally merfed as a pulled down on hir leash, "Down damn it. If you're going to insist on walking in front of me, at least give me something worthwhile to look at." "*Mrrr* Hold your hormones. *snicker pant pant* Once I find a playground for my cute little kit, he can get all his senses of his yifftoy's honey pot", Bitchy cooed as she stopped and reached hir right paw down out of my view. While she impulsively started fondling hirself, I tried circling around hir, but she batted me away with hir tail, then flashed a menacing toothy grin at me as I was thrown onto my back. Having found what she was looking for, she tossed a damp, silky cloth at me, and said as she walked on, hir freed leash bopping on hir tail, "*yiff* There you go, kit. *chirr snicker* Teeth on that." It was a pair of panties. Hell knew whose, but she'd suveniered them up hir muff. Apparently they'd either made an above average yiffer, meal, or more likely, both. Any readable scent of the original owner had been long since overpowered by Bitchy's musk, so much so that just the steam vapor whisked off of it by the breeze was arousingly furotic. Thinking briefly about that, I glanced suspiciously at the departing femme fatale and left the tainted panties where they lay. She wouldn't use a fatal malady on me, but I knew a yiff landmine when I smelled one. As I dashing back towards Bitchy on all fours, my black snowpants and navy blue coat rustled noisily. Being an arctic fox kit, I was well camouflaged and insolated in this environment, and maybe in some blue moon chance I could have snuck up on hir, but I liked being warmer and more colorful, so I was unnecessarily dressed for the weather. Nonetheless, or maybe because she could hear me, she didn't pay my approach any mind, so I decided to try nipping hir bottom. Just when I thought I had hir, she sidestepped my pounce, turned on hir footpaws, and started sauntering back the way we came, but hir leash wasn't as quick to get out of my grasp as hir more targetable tail, and I managed to get it in my teeth. Apparently the sly fox had anticipated this, because she suddenly dropped to all fours and started dashing down the street, kicking up a wake of snow as she dug hir claws to the pavement and making my eyes burn in the current. Then, as suddenly as she had started, she hit the brakes, shifting into a stance that made me forget the windburn. As hir nose plowed up the snow, hir tail fluffed up into an air brake, the claws hir spread legs raked across the lightly covered pavement, she reached hir pudgy hands down across hirself, grabbed the thick lips of hir steaming muff, and stretched it wide open. I only got a brief moment of reaction time to gasp some air as I at the same time let go of the leash, before my muzzle hit the hot pocket of air that buffered the entrance to hir preferred inner sanctum. Being only a bit more than half hir size, I was more accommodating than a full litter and their protective fluid, but more easily engulfed than a full grown fur. I had asked hir if that was why she liked me so much and she'd in turn asked me if I wanted to ever grow up. I'd never given hir a straight answer to that question. Well, smaller or not, I wasn't a newbie, so though my head went in with a loud slurp, my shoulders and chest hit hir with a just as loud thwack, and I had the uncomfortable feeling of wanting to literally puck my guts out into hir hot, moist, and rippling tunnel and a cramping in my back. Then hir tail was hooking down my back and back up between my legs as the initial recoil threatened to pop me back out. A vacuum into hir womb quickly followed this up, which, along with hir strong point blank musk, made me feel dizzy. As I was dealing with vertigo and nausea, Bitchy was panting and moaning as she slowly pulled and pushed me inside of hir. Since hir muff was strong enough to break a fur in half at the waist and suck them into hirself in seconds and stretchable enough to allow passage for even the widest of furs, it was nice of hir to spend the time enjoying me, though I wish the feeling were mutual. "Bitchy. You play too rough."