The Magic Bond Emily was a beautiful 16 year old tigress. But was very absorbed in her writings the boys didn't bother with her. Whenever she had an idea for a book, she never let up thinking up story, characters, and conflicts. The boys just gave up on her. One day she came up with a good idea for a story, it included a big bulky lion warrior (her personal favorite) in a fantasy medievil land with dragons and kings, but this was no ordinary land. It brought kids into the world from present day and the main character was a lioness that was to become the bulky lion warrior's healer. She loved the story so much! She began typing it when she got home. She was so happy, she typed all night. Her mother had to drag her to bed. She dreamt of being in the lion warrior's arms. She had affectionately named him Russel the Strong. Being in his arms she felt safety and warmth she looked up into his face, it was all she dreamed of in a boy. Not to slender but not chubby. Not chiseled either. Perfect. They moved there lips closer and closer until he suddenly said in her mother's voice, "Emily! Get up! School!" She frowned as she sat up as she fought groggyness and the urge to go back to sleep and claim the kiss she almost and so wanted to attain. So using every bit of her will power she stood and changed into her school clothes and suddenly felt so strange her stomach was nauseated and had a dizzy spell. She sat on the bed and wondered what was going on. She tried to ignore it. She went to school found one of her friends. A nice green dragon by the name of Charles Henry. She stopped in front of him and winked. Charles grinned, "he heh..." Larry Williams, a kool otter, though not all there, approached and grabbed her sides. "Ah! HAHAHA! Stop! HAHAHA!" She squirmed and managed to get out of his grasp. He was fun to hang around with. And she LOVED to flirt with him. She rubbed his leg a little, and laughed at the face he had on. It was the face a puppy gave you when you skritched him behind the ear. "Oh yeah..." Larry commented. He had a very special way of saying it, it is impossible to explain and even harder to immitate, he was a very special friend to her. Charles was chuckling as the bell rang. "Well Trinity, see you 2nd hour." He hurried off to class. Trinity was a special name Charles gave her after knowing her for a year. Emily's first class was Algebra I, taught by a nice white and brown spotted tabby cat also named Charles but the last name was Endin. He was ok once you get used to him. He passed out a worksheet. Emily finished it near the end of the hour, she would've finished it earlier but she still felt so nauseous and couldn't stop thinking about Russel. Every time she thought of him, she giggled and started blushing. She stood and began walking toward the teacher's desk, but had another dizzy spell and collapsed. The whole class looked at her. A rat named John busted out laughing. She got up and growled at him then continued walking to the desk to hand in her paper. "Are you ok Emily?" Mr. Endin asked, looking a little concerned. "You don't look so good. You want to check out?" Emily was so tempted to say yes. She thought of all the time she could spend writing her story, but then thought of her friends. They may be worried, and she didn't want to do that to them. "No..." she smiled. "I'll tough it out." she made her way back to her seat the rat, John was still laughing and making mean comments. No one thought it was funny. "Geez John," Emily commented, "You're so funny. You really crack yourself up." A few poeple chuckled and John yelled out. "That's discrimination!" John exclamed pointing towards her. "Punish work! Page 800!" Mr. Endin gave him one of them looks that says, "Shut up, you shame yourself." John got insulted. "Mr. Endin. You always punish the boys! Whenever the girls do anything you tell them to stop! Whenever a boy does something its page 800!" "Page 801 John" Mr. Endin said. John kept complaining until the bell complaining and even left the room into the hall yelling his pitiful whines out louder so everyone could here him. Emily sighed as she made off to P.E. her nausea increased and she almost ran into a pole because of another dizzy spell. At risk of being late she ran to P.E. now taught by a fat elephant by the name of Rusty Hunt. It was a substitute today. Emily sighed with relief, she didn't have to dress out. You could just play in normal without dressing. Her mother didn't know her size when she bought her PE uniform. It was extremely short and even more tight. All the boys got hormone crazy when they saw her. It was pitiful. Even better! They were playing volleyball. But even this had a downfall. The boys would watch her chest as she jumped for the ball. You can guess that this also drove out their teenage hormone's. But oh well. She would be on Charle's team. He stood up for her. She smiled as John and Charles were getting the net. Brandi Lewis, a hound, was getting the ball. One of her most common nicknames was "Love Hound" or even more popular "Sex Hound" you can guess why. The game started. Unfortunately Micheal, an annoying weasel, called a boys against girls game. Me and Charles couldn't play together so that was shot. The first serve, going straight to Emily, whom had another dizzy spell, hit her front and center in the face. She collapsed unconsious. John and Mike cracked up but everyone else ran up to her to see her. Charles tapped at her muzzle with a scaled claw and her head lolled over to the other side. Charles looked as if someone'd stepped on his tail, he ran to the substitute coach whom was intently reading the newspaper. From there it was chaos. Poeple running to get help the Coach running to get a phone. Charlse begging for her not to be dead. The ambulance came and brought her to the hospital. Meanwhile... ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ Emily was suddenly pulled into her story. "Wow..." She whispered. "oh Russel! Russel! Help me! I'm lost! It's your love! Rachael!" She had in fact made the main character, also a kid from the present, named Rachael, so she took the role, very willingly mind you. Russel ran up a hill in the flatlands she was in. "Racheal! Racheal! Where are you? Keep talking!" "Down here! Next to the only oak I can see! It's really tall!" She yelled looking fervently for Russel. He came! Surely over another nearby hill he ran down to her to embrace her. 'Wow...he's a lot more handsome than I pictured him when I wrote him.' she thought as she snuggled into his warm fur. 'The embrace is a lot nicer too' "Oh I love you Russel." "And I you, Racheal." He lent down to give her a kiss on the lips. Emily prayed to God that this wouldn't end for a long long time if ever. They made contact. The kiss making her practically melt into his arms. He slowly slipped his tongue in and she toyed with it with her's. Enjoying herself immensely. He broke the kiss. "Racheal...I wish to be wed to you." Her jaw dropped. She didn't remember writing this but she didn't care. "Oh I wish to be wed to you." she answered him, and she giggled immensely as he swooped her up off the ground to carry her to the village. She was so happy. "We shall be married in seven days, my love." He smiled down at her. "Tommorrow. I beg, tommorrow." She said completely infatuated with him. This pleased him even more. "Of course. I like that idea. He winked and kissed her again. The night passed by being fitted by many maids and prepared for the wedding that was to be tommorrow. She was so tired when she was in bed she fell asleep instantly. In the morning she was woken an hour after sunset. She yawned and sat up mumbling something about her mother and school and sleep. Then realizing where she was she was instantly up and getting ready it was pure ecstacy she felt. She was ready around noon and that's when the wedding took place. It wasn't to big...actually there was only three or four of his friends and family there including the best man. But Emily didn't care. She barely payed attention to the preist, only answering when prompted twice to say "I do" she said it with passion "oh I do!" Russel smiled huge and answered almost exactly the same. Emily blushed so deep when Russel picked her up and kissed her, she thought her face would melt. Her right hand holding his face gently and they kissed. He carried her off onto his horse. It was just like she had dreamed! She could feel the excitement building in her chest as they road for a hotel in the lustrious town she wrote about called Tragoon. They reached it by sundown. Emily, a little sore on her backside from the long ride but still happy, excepted his hand to help her down from his horse. They walked into the lobby and bought the most expensive room. "Nothing to expensive for my sweet wife." He smiled and winked as he carried her off to there room. He layed her on the bed. "Thanks, I was actually getting a little tired." She smiled big. He grinned, "No sleep yet. We need to have a little fun first." Realization dawned on her and she gasped not thinking about that. But did not want to displease Russel, so she giggled. Russel stripped down completely. Slipping in bed helping Emily with her clothes. "I've waited for this for a long time my sweet Raechel." He kissed her and massaged her breasts which were aroused. She moaned softly and kissed back not really wanting to go through with it but had messed up in her life again... She felt him hardening and her breath got caught in her throat. He smiled and began to begin his "fun" with her. Suddenly she blacked out and only felt the pleasure. Like half asleep. She opened her eyes in the doctors room and gasped looking around. She was hooked up to a bunch of machines an IV, a heart and brain rate monitor. She screamed. A nurse ran up to her and saw she was awake and sobbing. "Where am I?" She screamed. The nurse looked at her a little confused. "You're in ICU...You've instantaneously made an almost complete have been in a coma for a month." She began sobbing again. She payed for the pleasure that was given to her. She payed all right. And her payment is in her womb now. Poor Emily. Yes, poor, poor Emily.