The Sorrow of blood from the Dead The fate of the dead. All go to the afterlife, correct? Not all. Not one young kit by the name of James. This is the story of his anguish. The ultimate anguish that can be unleashed. SPEAK SPIRITS! TELL THE STORY! ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ James was a young fox kit he was 10 years of age and already depression had its evil grasp upon his mind. He went to school one day looking down the hall a sigh trembling from his lips. James' backpack suddenly felt heavier. "Hey look! It's Jamie! The itty bitty kit! Did yer mommy give you enough bottles for lunch?" one of the fifth graders said and he cracked up followed by the rest of his gang copying what he said to look cool. James just stared at the ground and tries to walk past them. They roughly shoved him into the locker he let out a yelp of pain as his head struck the locker vents first followed by his body. He slumped on the floor unconsious. The boys run to get the teacher the leader of the "gang" piped up, "he just keeled over. We came to get you right away." The teacher ran to James slumped on the floor leaning against the lockers. Blood streaked its way down from the locker vents James had hit his head on and down to where he was now where blood accumulated. The teacher shook the leader "I'm gonna get you expelled for this!" she screamed then ran James off to the nurse. The ringleader, called Blake, vowed to make sure James suffered for this. It was the next day. James had to go to the hospital for stitches. The next day, James wouldn't let his mom make him stay home because today was the day he could turn in his writing assignment for young authors and his mother knew he had worked so hard on it she couldn't dissapoint him so she let him go, but would make him stay home the next day. He pretty much ran to school all excited he ran up the stairs to his class and when he entered the hall he stopped and looked for blake and his gang, not seeing them he hurried into his first hour class which was english. "Hello Miss Wendy" James said politely. Miss Wendy had been the one to bring him to the nurse the previous day. "Hello, James. Shouldn't you be at home?" Miss Wendy looks worriedly at him. "I'll be fine. I have to turn in my young author's story. I worked on it for weeks." James smiles very proud of himself. "Oh well you can turn it in during class today James." Miss Wendy returned his smile. The bell rang and James took his seat as the rest of the class entered the room. Blake and his gang sat all around James not yet recieved his expulsion. James gulped audibly. Blake sniggered. "All right class, good morning. Could you all turn in your writings for young authors, on my desk?" The class got up and went to turn in the project. James was so excited, but he was able to contain himself enough to walk normally. Suddenly Blake, (considerally bigger than James being a wolf morph) jumped up pushing him really hard sending James flying through the window. There was hardly enough time for a scream, he was impaled by the handle bar of a bike that was on its side. There was an audible crack and blood shot from his mouth and pured out of the hole of which the handlebar made. Blake's mouth dropped and his eyes got big. He couldn't believe what just happened. He had killed someone. He would've never dreamed that this would happened. His mind went in shock and he passed out. Blake was expelled and put in a juvenille home since he was much to young to be tried for murder. He had to live with it, continually hearing the vioces that screamed from the young kit's blood: "JUSTICE! VENGANCE! BLOODSHED! BLAKE!" ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ 15 years later ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ Blake walked down the street to his job, having to pass by that same damned school every day. Why did he hear screaming from it every morning? Why was that young kit, James suddenly appearing in his dreams yelling threats? Why? He HAD to find out. 'After work today' he mentally vowed to himself. "After work...I find the truth..." He worked on a construction site. It was the best thing he could get after what happened in elementary school. He remembered vividly at how James' mother cried and screamed at him. He wanted to say something to help, but nothing came. As he entered work everyone glanced at him then murmed between themselves. They all knew he wasn't all there. But you know what they say; "Never tell a crazy man he's crazy". Work went by normal. Everyone left him alone, kept there distance. It didn't matter to him. He liked it that way. He quickly ran toward the old school looking to see nobody was watching, he slowly went through the doors walking slowly around. The office was to the right when you entered the school and a long hall with the K4-3rd grade classes on the left and right. The gym followed, it was a wreck. there was cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. The nets off the basketball goals had rotted off. He turned to the left going toward the door that led to the stairs that brought you to the second floor. He slowly opened the the door. Shreiking rang through his mind, "BLOODSHED!" followed by the scream, the voices continued chanting the same thing that he's heard for the last 15 years. "Justice, Vengance, Bloodshed!" He tightly shut his eyes and grabbed his head, falling to his knees. He could barely take it any more. Something in the back of his head told him it wouldn't be long...wouldn't be long. Relief would come. He felt something thick and wet flow over him. Something smelled. Blake couldn't place it. He paused, eyes still closed, to scared to open them, it smelt like led...but...but that couldn't be it! His eyes opened and his mind reeled in shock and he couldn't believe his eyes. Fear gripped him and his blood ran cold as he slipped his hand into the liquid running down the stairs...he whispered one word, "Blood..." He shut his eyes and screamed. The blood was gone. 'Where'd it go?' Blake's breathing was sporratic. Why did he come here anyway? He couldn't turn back now. Standing up was the hard, his legs had locked and they were stiff. He finally got up and begins adventuring the stairs. Every step he took, he heard little James' scream. he ran the rest and a hundred screams erupted into his head. At the top he collapsed onto the floor and screamed too. It took five minutes for the screams to stop in his head. He slowly got up and stumbled into the hall. Once again for the second time today. His mind went into shock. He was in forth grade again. He walked down the hall and saw James. His head was bandaged and he was clutching his young author's assignment with his head bandaged again. 'NO! It was that same day! I don't want to live through that again!' Blake ran into the classroom. 'NO! ITS HAPPENING!' It happened again. All the same. His childhood self bumping James out of the window. But the present Blake was ready. He grabbed at James trying to save him going out of the window. Blake was so happy that he is finally atoning for killing him. He was going to save him! His eyes went wide and gasped and James went through him. He saw James falling through the window. Taking a deep breath to scream and just when he started to scream he was impaled by the bicycle handle bar again. The class rushed over to see James to see if he was ok. His body was taking its final dance of death then it became motionless. It all disappeared. Miss Wendy, the class, his old girlfriend he lost, everything. Blake turned around and Saw James. "James...its're alive." it was James as he would have looked present day. Tall, Lanky, and he now looked very athletic. Hatred blazed in his eyes. 'If looks could kill.' Blake thought. 'I'd have dropped dead a long while ago.' "SILENCE! You tormentor of souls! MURDERER! I CRY FOR JUSTICE! ATONEMENT!" James was slowly walking toward Blake. With every step his body decaying and rotting. "I took your crap without doing a thing!" With a rasping scream he yelled. "YOU WILL NOW PAY!" Without realizing it Blake had backed into the window and tripped through it falling and falling, leaving James cackling and screaming nonsense in the classroom. ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ Just a few seconds ago, Jame's mother called Marie, was being mugged in that same alleyway (once a month she laid flowers on the place her son fell). The lizard flicked his tongue and raised a long knife point up. Blake fell at that second impaling himself upon the knife his eyes wide in shock. Marie screamed and realized whom it was and her eyes went wide. 'He just saved my did he know?' she checked him over slowly. 'dead...' She heard a whispering in her ear that sounded like james. It said, "I love you mom..." The wind whisped away taking her son's soul to the afterlife and leaving Blake to suffer his fate of living death. Forever! ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ James' soul is finally left at ease. How many other souls that have unfinished business? Maybe someone you know? Someone you've wronged? Beware.