Warning: This explicit non-consensual sex scene contains little cursing and no blood. Viewer discretion is advised. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jenna and Erika were the best of friends. They've been through it all together, from the greatest of joys to the deepest sorrows. They shared everything with eachother, everything but Jenna's deepest of secrets. And although Jenna didn't speak a word about it for a dozen years, she would reveal it that night. Of that, she was determined. The plan was made. The trap was set. Soon, Erika would arrive. Then, Jenna could show her the darkest treasures she held, and the greatest pleasures she knew. ~~~~~~~~~~ Her plan was simple. A phone call in the morning would do. "Please... Erika. Come to my place after school. No, don't go home to change out of your uniform. Hell, I'll still be in mine. I need to talk to you as soon as I can." Erika arrived right on schedule. She came through the door of her friends apartment without so much as a knock, and sat beside her anxiously. "Are you alright, Jenna?" "Yes... Sort of. Sure, I'm fine." Jenna looked uneasily to Erika. It had been so long since she'd attempted to seduce another woman. And her best friend, too. What if she refused? What if she hated her? It was a risk that Jenna was willing to take. She was driven to it by need, both physical and emotional. With only a moments hesitation, Jenna put her paw on Erika's knee. She looked deeply into her friends eyes, basking in their beautiful depth. 'Oh Erika,' she thought, 'I've always wanted you. It's time I finally showed you.' "What's wrong, Jenna?" asked Erika. "I've never seen you like this." Jenna didn't answer. Instead, she leaned towards her friend, her paw inching up towards the fox's skirt. Erika's ears flushed a deep red immediately. She didn't know what to think. She could hardly accept that her best friend, the most trusted snow leopard she knew, was doing such a thing. "No, please don't" whined Erika, helplessly. "You don't really mean that, do you?" She didn't. She wanted to be touched. Although her mind wouldn't let her admit it, her body shivered with need. The panties between her legs were damp. Jenna's hesitation ended. The silence of the fox before her was enough to push her on. Oh, she was a sly one, alright. She knew her best friend well enough to know when she was in heat. Poor Erika... A slave to her own body. But then, this was something they were both going to enjoy. Erika, the young vulpine femme, inched away from her childhood friend. That paw under her skirt made her uncomfortable. She had never even made love to a man. How could Jenna think she would be able to do this with another girl? No, she had to get away. "Of course I mean it! This is crazy... It's wrong..." stammered Erika, wishing she could sound more confident when she spoke. Jenna smiled knowingly. "Mmm... I can tell when you're lying, my dear Erika. You always did tell me you wanted to be close to a snow leopard... A snow leopard like me, right?" Again, Erika didn't answer immediately. She stopped squirming away however. Her loins were burning. She wanted something between her legs. That paw, Jenna's paw, inching under her skirt. Yes, she wanted to feel it against her tender pink flesh. She wanted to feel those long, slender fingers inside of her. These thoughts seemed so alien to her though! Erika blushed brighter at what she was thinking and tried to push it out of her mind. And as for that cursed, seductive paw... As much as it pained her to do it, she gripped it with her own orange fox paw to push it away. Jenna's paw remained sturdy. Instead of moving it one way or the other, the snow leopard swished her long soft tail in front of her. It came to rest on Erika's lap. ‘Oh look, a diversion' thought Jenna, trying not to giggle out loud. Erika only looked at it, blinking. She didn't know what to think, and she certainly didn't know what to do. Her mind was clouded enough as it is... Something was about to snap. Erika was going to give in, she just needed the proper encouragement. With not a seconds hesitation, Jenna was on her prey. Her paw and tail were removed from the fox's lap and replaced by the fluffy rump of a snow leopard. "Oooh, can you feel my wetness? I want you, Erika, and you want me. Stop trying to convince yourself otherwise, and enjoy it." Jenna didn't wait for any kind of answer from her friend. Instead she pressed her lips against the fox's. Having gone without panties, her dripping muff was matting the fur on Erika's thigh. And oh, it felt so good. The coarse fur of a fox, prickling against her tender slit as she squirmed. She moaned and, to her delight, Erika did too. Perhaps it was the scent of Jenna's musk, or her wonderfully sensual body so close, or just being in season that did it, but Erika was finally giving in. One last effort was needed, though. Erika's panties were soaked, and she was on the verge of pulling her friend's paw between her legs herself, but she still wanted to believe she didn't give in willingly. Her paws pressed lamely against Jenna's stomach, with the intent of pushing her away. To her surprise, Jenna grabbed her wrists, and pulled her paws upwards to the finely molded mounds beneath Jenna's prim blouse. "Now you've got the idea." Erika's only answer was a little ‘yiff' noise of surprise. This was misinterpreted as a sign of arousal, since foxes often make such a noise when they're mating. It wasn't far from the truth either. Erika blushed, and squeezed the soft fur beneath the shirt. She was too embarrassed and shocked to do otherwise. Jenna moaned softly, nuzzling into her friends neck putting her paw once again on the fox's thigh. It slid upwards slowly, but this time met no resistance as it probed beneath the skirt. "Oh, what's this?" She mused. "Are you making your good couch all sticky?" Erika whimpered, and nodded submissively. Her legs opened, almost of their own accord. Those fingers. So soft, sly, slow. She panted, frustrated, almost begging to be touched. All the while, Jenna's hips rotated and squirmed, her slit rubbing against the fur on Erika's leg, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. "Please..." Erika whined. Was this really her? Her passion burned, but she never thought of herself needing sex like this. She abandoned Jenna's firm breasts to lift her own skirt, and with the other paw she pulled the crotch of her panties to the side. There. She hoped her friend was happy. This was the first time in her life she ever offered anybody this precious treasure. Jenna grinned, and looked into the fox's eyes. So much lust there. It's only fair to satiate it for her. The paw that was trailing through the fur on Erika's thigh now found its place between her legs. At the first touch of the softly furred paw brushing over her pouting lips, Erika threw her head back and moaned. "It... Soooh good..." she stammered, unable to express what she was feeling. It was clouding her mind and taking over her senses. Up and down those fingers slid, perfectly soft and wonderfully firm. They were soon coated in Erika's juice. They brushed periodically over Erika's clitoris, causing her to writhe and jerk randomly. She had never felt anything so good. She was absorbed in it, thrusting her hips forward, desperate for more pleasure. The snow leopard slid her body downwards, off of Erika's knee. Doing so left a trail of arousal on Erika's leg, but neither of them paid any heed. There was enough arousal around. Why, it could end up anywhere. Jenna's paw still worked the fox slit, and her friend seemed to be enjoying it ecstatically. Erika didn't even seem to notice the weight off of her, she just thrust and squirmed in her seat, her legs spread as wide as can be. One leg was over the side of the couch, and her body was falling to the side. "In... Inside me please..." whimpered Erika. She had no inambition left. There was only her need and the pleasure to satisfy it. Jenna gladly obliged. Holding the panties to the side herself, she pounced on the cunt in front of her, eager for the taste of musk. Her tongue darted out, pressing into Erika's lower lips, spreading them. Erika felt like she was screaming, but she only made the slightest of noise. Her vision went dark, replaced by only the vaguest shimmering of light. All the other senses were filled with the purest, intense pleasure. She shaked and clawed at the couch. Her ass lifted off of it, pushing her slit back against the welcome tongue between her legs. She came for the first time in her life. Jenna was not yet done, however. Her muzzle was coated with Erika's juice, but she still was not satisfied. She laid Erika gently down on the couch, letting her lover rest on her back. Jenna looked down at Erika for a few moments, enjoying the sight as the fox recovered from her orgasm. It would be another few minutes, judged Jenna. She took the opportunity to rid herself of her clothing, leaving it in a clumsy heap beside the couch. She also did the same to Erika, who offered no resistance whatsoever, because of trust or exhaustion. First came off the Fox's tiny T-Shirt, revealing the small but attractive breasts beneath it. Then, the plaid skirt, regular school attire. Finally, the panties. Almost every square inch was soaked right through. Jenna wandered at how her friend could release so much. Making sure Erika's eyes were closed, she slipped the panties among her own clothing, for ‘safe keeping.' There. That was enough time for Erika. Now to surprise her once again. Jenna straddled her knees around Erika's head. The fox didn't move, or open her eyes. She tried ruffling the fur on Erika's head, but Erika only churred quietly and lay still. At last, in frustration and pure lust, she grabbed hold of Erika's large fox ears and came down on her. Her clit grinded against Erika's nose, coating it with her honey. Erika's eyes opened wide in surprise. They saw a luscious figure looming above, but one that was smothering her in musk. She tried to get away. To push the snow leopard off of her. To squirm out from between those legs. But she was trapped, and could do nothing to keep Jenna from having her way. "Lick me. Lick me like I licked you." Whimpering in embarrassment, Erika let her tongue extend from its muzzle. Jenna wasted no time in sliding the full length of her slit over its course surface, moaning at the feeling of the wet thing against her tender flesh. Erika's first taste of female love-juice was exquisite. If she had known it was so good, she would have seduced a femme herself! She was soon slurping eagerly at her friends cunt, all doubts once again forgotten. Her fingers even found a place between her own legs, rubbing her own little lovenub, making an absolute mess of her couch. Jenna had to try hard not let her knees give out and crush her friends face. It just felt so good. She couldn't control herself, spasming and moaning randomly. Her loins oozed with pleasure, the feeling warm and familiar, but as intense as it ever was. It wasn't long before she felt her orgasm approach. She wanted release more then anything in the world then. She'd gone months without a partner, and she craved the act of cumming for another once again. To Jenna's surprise, Erika eased off just as orgasm was about to hit. It frustrated her immensely, but she pretended not to notice. The tongue, lapping and dabbing gently at the folds of skin before it, was soon working up again to the eager slurping that Jenna so craved. Her pleasure waxed again, and again orgasm quickly approached. Yes... This time she could cum. So she thought. Again, the lapping and sucking on her cunt eased off immediately to easy kissing and barely trailing her tongue over Jenna's slit. This happened over and over. Jenna was desperate. She finally looked down to Erika, and begged her. "Please, dammit. Let me cum, I need it..." Erika looked back annoyed, but immediately her reply came. Her tongue plunged deep into Jenna's chasm and her teeth raked none-too gently against the snowleopard's clit. Jenna exploded into orgasm, her body convulsing and doubling over in insane pleasure. Finally, after months without a partner, Jenna was satiated. She slid down the body of her new lover and lay down. Her head nestled between Erika's breasts, the fox only panting slowly. They lay like that for hours, neither wanting to leave the other that day. ~~~~~~~~~~ Later, Jenna posed the question. "Why did you slow down when I was about to cum back then? How did you know when I was going to, did you do this before?" Erika replied. "Of course I didn't. You were just clamping down so hard on my ears it hurt." "Oh. Sorry. I do that sometimes when I get carried away." Erika giggled, and never saw her panties again. ~~~~~~~~~~ If you masturbated while reading this, you are required by implicit contract to Email the author at Vinhursto@ns.sympatico.ca and tell him what you thought of it.