Author's Note 4-3-92 This Groso story follows directly after Mangus: Back Again For The First Time which first appeared in Furversion #4 way back in the mid 80's. Right after that story I started writing another funnier story. Many people complained about the Mangus story saying that the central plot complication was stupid and idiotic. I tend to look at it and say that the Gethronians were bureaucratically callous. This story, or at least the first two pages of it, were written in the 80's and the rest of the pages were written in 1992. I hope you like this story as it returns much of the humor to the series which was so absent in the last story. For those of you who must have more Groso there is a 40 page plus story in Behind the Blue Door (a Doctor Who zine) that came out in the late 80's. After Mangus and it's dismal response I stopped using the characters for a while. We almost did another video using the characters, but that flick was delayed so I would have time to make our Doctor Who vid Those Darn Daleks. I am planing on turning that story into a medium length story sometime soon. The next piece of Groso fiction that you will probably see (it is to laugh), and I already have three pages of it done, is Lost Shopping Mall Of The Gods. I'll let you figure out what it is like. INCIDENT AT EROTICOM SIX Groso walked onto the bridge of the Clarksville, stepped up on the command section and plopped himself into the form fitting command couch. >From there he could look down and observe what all the other bridge personnel were doing. Some years earlier when he was much lazier that he was feeling today he had had dome shaped mirrors placed up in the upper recesses of the bridge. These allowed Groso to watch not only anyone who might try to sneak up on him, but to see the faces of those who were facing away from him. With all of the black paneling and black painted metal on the bridge few of the crew had ever noticed them. This fact had somewhat annoyed Groso at first. His crew was trained be alert for anything, yet they never even bothered to look around at their surroundings, except for Mangus who's reflection Groso now viewed in one of the mirrors as he strolled into the room. Not that it would be easy for anyone to enter the bridge unnoticed as the metal grating and lose plates creaked and groaned when ever anyone walked onto it. Mangus was the lightest member of the crew as a result of his thin hallow bones that allowed flight for many of his race. Groso watched as Mangus walked preoccupied into the map room. and vanished from sight. Groso noted the fact that Mangus had seemed different since he had returned from his leave to his home planet. Groso wondered what had happened on his home world. Offsiders were of course welcome there, but there were some things that one just did not ask about. But then Groso was not just any one, he was a Gethronian, one of the bluntest of all the sentient creatures in the galaxy. Needless to say few Gethronians entered the diplomatic core. "Hey Mangus!" Groso hollered into the room just off the bridge "Come here for a minute." If you hadn't noticed Groso isn't exactly what you would call and "Old Salt". Oh sure he wore a uniform, but the respect and dignity that went with it was still hanging in the closet collecting moths. "What is it?" Mangus queried as he entered the room while still preoccupied entering figures on a data pad. Groso liked the fact that his bridge members still plotted the course of the ship by hand. The computers could plot the course much much faster, but by hand it took hours to do. The truth of the mater was that is the crew left the ship to run itself they would be bored to death. There's only so many times that you can view the same tapes. Most people would have figured some nice way of putting the following expression. Perhaps wording it so that it would have less effect or making it more polite. "So did you and you girl get it on or what?" Mangus just stared at Groso for a moment forgetting how many times Groso ha d pulled him from the jaws of death and how many times Mangus wished he could have let Groso be eaten by those very same jaws. His primal instincts were hard to control, but he realized that Groso really was a good friend even if he was a bit annoying at times, and that he really wanted to tell all of the experiences of his week on his home planet. Mangus wanted to speak, but all he managed was a small squawk. "Oops! I'm being to straightforward again. Sorry Mangus. Would you care for a drink? I'll buy said Groso as his large body tried to hop energetically from the couch, but only managed to ooze off. "No thanks." Mangus said with his thought elsewhere. "Well I think I'll have one anyway. Witzen, You want a drink?" Groso said trying to save face. "I'm driving!" Witzen replied looking up from the vid book he was reading. "The ship will be OK it can fly itself come on" Groso said as Mangus walked back into the map room. "Well as long as you're buying..." Witzen said putting down the book being certain to make a save of his position. * * * * "You know Witzen, Mangus hasn't been the same since his leave on his home planet." Groso Observed, "Perhaps I should give him some more time off "Gee Groso I don't think I can stomach another sonic screwdriver." Witzen said as he slumped further over the bar. Thomas pulled the plate of pretzels from under his drooping head fearing the worst. "Oh come now Witzen we've only had five, or was it seven? You know Witzen, Mangus hasn't been the same since his leave on his home planet. Perhaps I should give him some more time off. Oh well anyhow you..." Groso began to mumble but was interrupted by the sound of Witzen's human head impacting with the bar. Groso noticing this, and always one to never overlook an opportunity called out, "Separate checks please!" * * * * Mangus wandered off the bridge several hours later. Their course to their next destination plotted by hand and fed into the ships computer. He slumped into his room and collapsed into his nest. He proceeded to stare at the hologram of Marnine which was the only thing he had brought back for his home planet. It showed her soaring through the air, wings outstretched in flight. Mangus stared intently at the hologram until his eyes drooped an he fell into an uneasy sleep. The next morning he awoke to a knock at his door. When he opened it he found a message waiting for him. Only Groso would actually hand write a message an stick it with chewing gum to the door instead of using the ships computerized message system. Mangus read the message which said: 'Mangus you seem really grotted out take another two weeks off. Have fun and come back in a better mood.' A short time later Mangus was off for a long leave on his home planet. * * * * "Well Witzen I think it's time that we all get a little leave time." Groso said waving his arm in what he perceived to be a generous motion. "Set course for.. " Groso stopped in mid thought. "How about Eroticom Six!" Witzen said with a twisted smile on his face and bizarre thoughts filling his head. "Is it good?" Groso asked having never been there. "Good? I could tell you stories that would put hair on your tongue!" Witzen said as he quietly plotted in the course. "I already have a hairy tongue." Muttered Groso. "Set course for Eroticom Six." * * * * Mangus had a strangely peaceful trip back to his home planet. The battles seemed to be entering a quiet period. The Valarians were entering what seemed to be a dormant period where only sporadic attacks rather than the full out offensives that had cost so many of his friends lives. The war had been going since before he was born, and he had never known life without war. Rather than take Witzen's fighter Mangus had taken an armored four man shuttle. It was quite a bit slower than Witzen's fighter but it was also much larger and Mangus would need that extra space if he was to put his plans into action. As Mangus touched down he was glad that he had signaled ahead to Marnine's place. She would be there waiting for him at the gate. * * * * "Groso we've established orbit" Witzen said with a boyish grin on his face. "This had better be better than our last leave Witzen" Groso said with memories of the past filling his head. "Honest Groso, and besides how was I supposed to know that last place specialized in servicing gastropodia!" "Well at least we could have left without sampling the local cuisine!" "You'll love this place Groso they have all sorts of interesting lifeforms." Witzen said as he got up from his slightly damp console and started towards the door. "For your rank's sake, I certainly hope so" Groso mumbled as he slid off his control couch and walked off the bridge. A short time later Groso and crew had assembled on the flight deck. Groso hated this place. It was so big. Not that big places bothered him, but it reminded him that his ship wasn't actually much of a ship at all. It had been built as a part of a decoy effort to confuse the Valarians. It only had been given minimum equipment and materials and then sent into space to confuse the enemy. That was something which Groso did very well. Groso walked up the short plank to the hatch of the Amac Star and turned to look at his crew. Witzen, Smitty, Corko, PI2, and even Thomas were ready waiting, and in some cases drooling. "Stop Drooling Witzen!" Groso yelled. Gee that felt good he thought to himself. He hadn't yelled at anyone in over an hour. "Sorry, Groso." Witzen replied and wiped some of the saliva away from his face and onto his uniform. "Now let's go have some fun!" he said as he dashed into the shuttle and started to fire up the engines. There was a bit of a hustle and bustle to get into the drop ship on the crew's part (a bit is all you can have with five crew, unless they are the Marx Bros. and luckily, though Groso, they had not been assigned to his ship.). Groso was already strapped into the flight couch before he noticed PI2 was on board with him. "What are you doing?" "I'm a member of the crew!" PI2 announced with a bit of electronic sarcasm. "Get back on the ship." Groso growled "What would happen if the Valarians showed up? I for one don't want to be caught with my pants down." "Gee.. I thought that was the idea." Witzen chuckled as he pushed the floating bot back out through the airlock and and down at the pilots console. Groso was about to respond but was distracted by the straps on the command couch. They were made of industrial strength velcro. Leave it to the Gethronians to make the straps out of the material with the velcro hooks. Groso had grabbed on the straps to make sure they were tight and his hairy hands were now securely fastened. Groso had a decision to make and boy did he hate to make decisions. The smell of burning grease was noticed as the rusty gears of Groso's mind ground out another dilemma. he could ask for help in removing his hands from the straps which might prove to be humiliating at the very least, or he could look macho by holding onto the straps. Groso suddenly could not remember what the dilemma was. His hands would be freed by the impact of Witzen's rough landing on Eroticom 6. Groso looked back over at his sidekick and realized that he had been waiting for his brave commander to say something intensely interesting. In fast Witzen had been politely waiting throughout the entire plot exposition. Groso thought of all the corny ways of saying 'let's go' from the standard issue 'go for it' to the slightly eccentric line that he had picked up from one of Witzen's favorite videos "The Blues Brothers" and finally cane up with something to say. " Kumquat bmug to the excelsior trombone !" Groso cried out. Witzen stared up at his commanding officer. The writer must have had an attack of some sort. Groso realizing his non-sequitor mistake tried to reach up to pull handle to start the drop sequence. However his hand was effectively immobilized by the velcro holding his fur. Witzen finally snapped out of it and pulled the drop handle wondering all the while if he was going to regret telling his commander about this place. The sudden loss of gravity had already started Groso wishing that Witzen had never told him about this place. Then Witzen fired the main thrusters and Groso started to feel a deep resentment towards his subordinate. Groso realized why he had thought he had a dilemma earlier as he discovered that his straps had indeed not been fastened securely. His hairy body flipped up and over his couch. Had it not been for the velcro holding onto the fur on his hands he would have been as flat as a flapcat. Witzen heard the obscenities as his commander flew past him towards the back of the shuttle. He fired the breaking engines almost as a reflex. Groso soon reached the end of his velcro bungi cord just as the ship slowed and reversed direction. Groso went hurling back towards the front of the cabin from wince he had come. It was all Witzen could do to keep from laughing as he pulled his commanders posterior out of the main view port in which it had embedded itself. ******** PI2 drifted around the bridge watching the erratic flight path of the shuttle. PI2's brain realized that Groso must have forgotten to secure his straps again. Driven to the point of insanity by intense boredom, which was a short drive for any member of this crew, PI2 decided that he would make the most of the lull in the narrative action on his part by exploring the officers personal effects and reading their private mail. He was floating off the bridge when the comm circuits started to chime. PI2 floated over and picked up the headset with his single arm. PI2 postulated that the most likely possibility was that the rest of the crew had wrecked the ship and needed him to come to the rescue. He was rather surprised in his own electronic way when the gruff voice on the other end of the connection turned out to belong not to his fearsome commander but to the even more fearsome Rear Admiral Hind. PI2's posotronic brain began to spin when the Admiral informed him that he would be arriving shortly for an inspection. If PI2 had been endowed with a mouth it would have been grinning by the time the Admiral broke the connection. ********** Groso knew that they must be nearing their destination as Witzen's saliva production increased dramatically. Groso was now securely fastened back into his couch and was pondering what sort of females might lie in wait for him this evening. Witzen must have been thinking similar distracting thoughts as he suddenly fired the breaking rockets as they approached Eroticom 6. Luckily Eroticom 6 was a small asteroid rather than a planet as it's pull on the ship was hardly noticeable. Witzen slowed the ship even further as they entered the asteroid's docking port but not quite enough to avoid the back of the docking bay as the Amac Star lightly crashed into the wall. An emergency team, such as it was, rushed out to check the damage. Upon arriving at the scene they saw Witzen emerging from the ship and hit him up for an unpaid damage bill form the last time he visited. "He's the commanding officer here and gave the orders for landing the ship!" Witzen pointed out his command officer as Groso emerged from the ship holding his head and his stomach. Groso was rather disoriented so Witzen took advantage of the situation. "Groso, these men have heard about your war exploits and would like your autograph." Groso always one to blow his own horn managed to smile at the rescue team as they handed him a pad with very tiny writing all over it. "Witzen, are you sure this is an autograph book?" "Sure it is" Witzen weaseled "What is all this fine print?" The furry Gethronian queried. "It's just serves to authenticate the authenticness of your autograph." "Well I can't argue with that." Groso mumbled as the scrawled a large and rather ornate "X" onto the place on the piece of paper where Witzen was pointing at. Groso signed his life away without realizing it. Smitty and Corko squeezed by their commander and the others on the very narrow landing ramp and wandered off in search of wild women. Groso wondered what sort of women Smitty could find, however having never seen him without his breathing apparatus he had no idea actually what he looked like so perhaps he was quite good looking. "Well let's get going!" Sevesa said as he pushed his way past Witzen and Groso and the rescue crew to reach the bottom of the ramp. "Don't be such a tourist, Sevesa!" Groso bellowed after the bartender as he raced across the cavernous expanse of the docking port. "Some people are just born tourists" Groso said as he adjusted the strap on his camera. ******* Mangus was not doing too bad. He and Marnine had taken in a rather unusual movie at the local art theater. They had been having a week long festival featuring movies made on other planets that dealt with flying creatures. Unfortunately Marnine had chosen "The Bird Man Of Alcatraz" as her choice and the results had been less than Mangus had hoped for. As they left the theater Mangus tried to remedy the situation by making small talk. "So, what did you think of the movie?" "I though it would have something to do with a humanoid bird so I was rather disappointed. Do you really have Terans on your ship?" Mangus thought about his answer for a moment not wanting to put Marnine off and yet thinking about his plans for the future with her. "Well they're not so bad once you get used to them. They're sort of like hairless Gethronians without the tendency to shout all the time." "Well they seemed an interesting species in the film. Perhaps I will meet one some day." Marnine chirped. "I dare say you will meet one some day." Mangus said mysteriously. "What does that mean?" "Well, what I mean is that Terans are bound to play a bigger part in this war and eventually some of them will come to this planet. I mean, with the Valarians already gaining ground in this sector eventually the fight might come to this planet and..." Mangus trailed off. Mangus suddenly realized that his chances for a romantic evening were dramatically decreasing. "Let's go home and you can meet my parents." Marnine suggested. Mangus now knew he was not in for a good time whatsoever. His thoughts suddenly turned to his friends and crewmates on the Clarksville and how they were out protecting the universe at that very moment. ******** "Hey Witzen, this sure beats protecting the universe." Groso noted at they approached the Denebian Slime Devil Ranch. A rather unusual name for a rather unusual house, or so Witzen had informed them. They passed many places of selling different types of food as well as shops selling various marital aids. Witzen briefly vanished into one of the shops and came out few minutes later. "Nothing interest you Witzen?" Groso asked. "No I bought a few things but I had them taken back to the Amac Star. I don't want to schlep anything that large around with me." Although Groso continued to badger him but Witzen would not reveal to Groso what he had bought. Groso resigned himself to hoping for a peak into the package once they returned to the Amac Star. Eroticom 6 evidently existed solely by the the profession that was the oldest, and as Witzen lead them further into the catacombs through the asteroid Groso and company saw little else. There were parlors that dealt specifically with one race . There were parlors dedicated to one particular fetish or another. Then there were those establishments which were both race and fetish specific. Groso looked into a few of these through the windows but the further into the asteroid they went the more unusual the scene spread out before them became. As Groso passed another one he read the sign above the door. "Uggh! Mr. Shell's house of radula rituals for gastropodia?" Groso stopped to rest for a minute in from of this shop and motioned for the others to stop also. "Have you ever got it on with a slug Witzen?" "No I have not." Witzen responded. " I guess their slime would muck up my fur anyway." Groso said ponderously. "Don't worry Groso the Denebian Slime Devil Ranch is one of the nicest places I have ever found." Witzen reassured his commander with a smile. "Yeah and I guess you've been to most of these?" Sevesa posed his rhetorical ribbing. "They even have a well stocked bar." Witzen said grinning. "Well that's different. Why didn't you say so in the first place!" Sevesa exclaimed as he started to salivate again. "And they even have room service!" Witzen pointed out to Groso. "I sure hope that they would. I hate doing it in public." Groso grumbled. "No I mean they have a kitchen and will deliver food to your private room." Witzen responded. "Well that certainly sounds better." Groso said with a smile as if to say 'I meant to say that' when he obviously had not. Witzen turned and asked directions from a local working girl who had been watching them for the past few minutes. She pointed a tendril down the way they were headed. "So how much longer is it?" Sevesa asked Witzen. "I wouldn't know I don't do slugs " the working girl responded. "No I mean how much longer before we get there." "It's only a few minutes walk from here." she said. As they started walking again thoughts of friends that were absent played upon the Witzen's mind "I wonder if Mangus is having a good time? Hey look at that place over there Groso. Doesn't that look like fun?" Witzen said pointing at a rather unusual building. "Nah, bungi cords and anti gravity fields aren't for me. ****** "Dad, Mom, this is my lover Mangus." Marnine said as she gave him a slight push towards her parents. Mangus stuck out his arm and wished she had mentioned their names. "How do you do?" Mangus asked politely as his hand was pumped up and down by a rather large avion. "How I do it is none of your business!" he answered back in an unfriendly tone. Great and he's hard of hearing too. "What I meant is how are you." Mangus shouted. "I've got to go use the little girls statue now. You just make yourself at home Mangus." Marnine said as she vanished into another room. The mother was still staring at Mangus' lack of wing like appendages. "They cut them off when I was drafted." Mangus explained and realized that he had put his foot further into his beak. "Well now that you have told us that why don't we have some dinner." the father announced. Mangus was not having a very good time. ****** Groso was rather surprised to see the inside of the Denebian Slime Devil Ranch. From the outside it had looked just like a hundred other places that they had passed on the way but the inside was fantastic. Groso was admiring the material that the structure was built of when Witzen wandered over. "What is this stuff, Witzen?" Groso asked as he ran his hand along a pillar. "It's wood. It is made of the dead husks of large plants form Earth." Witzen had long ago figured how to phrase a response that his commander could understand. "Anyway I can't believe you would spend your time here admiring the architecture with all of the fun to be had here. I mean just look at all these loose women!" "I think 'loose women' was a term that went out quite a long time ago." "Well what is the current rage for describing these girls?" Witzen asked. Witzen hated to be reminded that he was from a slightly backwards planet. As if on cue a lovely looking female wandered over to where Witzen and Groso were standing. "We like to be referred to as 'User Friendly'." She was similar in appearance to Witzen Groso thought to himself, except for the lack of body hair. She wrapped an arm around Witzen. "I think my friend here would like to see a menu." Witzen ventured smiling towards the woman. "I'm not really hungry yet, perhaps later." Groso muttered looking the unusual humanoid up and down. Groso also noticed that her hands ended in long tentacle like appendages. She giggled slightly and handed two menus to Witzen and then walked off to find someone else. "Groso, these aren't ordinary menus." "So you're telling me these are not ordinary menus?" Groso asked. "Yes, they are not ordinary menus." Witzen responded. "Well what sort of menus are they!" Groso said raising his voice. The girl with the unusual appendages heard Groso and seeing that his friend had not manages to get the idea across to him returned to explain it to him. "These 'special' menus as your friend calls them are not of food but rather of the services they we offer to our clientele. The combinations are given names of foods from earth" Groso grabbed a menu from Witzen and studied it in earnest. There were so many possibilities to choose from. Eventually he whittled down his choices to two items. "I can't decide between the Belgium Waffle and the French Dip. What would you recommend?" Groso asked as he glanced over some of the more tasty photographs shown in the menu. "Both are quite nice. The waffle comes with your choice of three toppings from our specialty topping menu." she said wrapping and unwrapping her tentacles around the stack of menus held in her appendages. "Anything we should try to avoid?" Witzen asked "Well personally I'd stay away from the Seafood section of the menu, and I would not dream of touching the escargot." she said with a shudder. "In that case I'll have the waffle with cool whip, marshmallows, and peanut butter." Groso ordered saliva dripping from his lips. The girl pulled out a pad and began to scrawl with a writing implement "Did you want creamy or extra chunky peanut butter?" she asked "Extra chunky!" Groso exclaimed showing a fiendish smile. She then turned to Witzen. "What would you like this evening?" "I would like the blue plate special." Witzen said smiling at the girl who made started writing on another tag. Sevesa returned form the bar and glancing quickly at a menu ordered the gaspachio soup. "Are you sure you want the gaspachio soup?" she asked Sevesa with a look of concern on her face. Sevesa nodded yes and took the tag she gave him. She then gave him direction to get to his room. She then repeated the process with Groso who wandered off the same direction that Sevesa had went. "You get your choice of partners with the blue plate special." She said smiling at Witzen. "Well then shall we dine?" Witzen said grinning a smile that would have put Donnie or Marie to shame. ****** "Now let me see if I have this correct you want to take our daughter back to your ship with you" said the father who Mangus had come to know as Mr. Omar over the course of the evening and several embarrassing moments. Dinner to say the least had not gone well. "That's right. Our ship is assigned far from the front lines protecting some of the more backwards planets. She would be very safe." Mangus explained. Give me a good reason why she should not stay here on her home world." Mr. Omar said in a subdued tone. "Intelligence reports indicate that the Valarians next strategic target will be this planet." Mangus said rather somberly. "Please don't reveal this information to anyone else." Mangus was glad that Mrs. Omar and Marnine were doing the dishes in the other room. Mr. Omar sat back and closed his eyes for a long time. His beak twitched slightly from time to time. Then he leaned forward and grabbed Mangus by the shoulders in an iron grip. "You're not just making this up are you?" he asked in earnest. He knew that a sandy planet like theirs would make for perfect breeding conditions for the Valarians. "Sir, my only thoughts are that Marnine would be safer on our battle cruiser than here in her own home." Mangus said with more than a bit of irony. "I'll need to talk with my wife for a few minutes in private." Mangus nodded in ascent. Mr. Omar walked into the kitchen and shortly Marnine came back out. Mangus was waiting on the front perch when she found him. "So Marnine, have you ever wanted to travel?" Mangus did his best over the next few minutes to convincer her to leave her home planet without telling her the horrible secret he was keeping. ****** PI2 was having a great time in the officer's quarters rummaging through the private effects of the crew. Some of the item were interesting, others positively baffled him. He read through Groso's journal and private letters that he had received. Groso himself could not read or write well and relied on a computer to read and transcribe his messages. PI2 made copies of a few of the more useful letters that he found. He was having such an interesting time that he did not hear the alert messages that sounded on the bridge and since no one ordered an alert status the ships automatic defenses were not activated. "I can use this letter to blackmail Groso the next time he tries to leave me behind somewhere." PI2 noted. ******* Groso was just starting to 'sink his teeth' into his waffle when the room lurched to one side and started shaking. "It must be love!" Groso cried out. "No, it's an attack." shouted one of his partners. Groso tried to grab parts of his uniform but failed completely so he grabbed his blaster and fled the room with the rest of his waffle in tow. Panic reigned in the longue area near the entrance. Groso met Witzen who had managed to get his pants on. "We must be under attack," Witzen shouted above the panic of the screaming prostitutes and their terrified clients. "And we can't contact the Clarksville from this deep underground." "That would explain why PI2 didn't warn us." Groso shouted back. Sevesa appeared pulling on some underwear. He had his blaster in hand and more unusual that that he was covered in snow. "Please don't leave me here!" The girl with the tentacled hands was holding tightly onto Witzen. Groso was not the most observant of creatures but it suddenly struck him that the Valarians would not even bother to take prisoners, even creatures like these. "You! How many work this house?" He asked the madame a brightly dressed and rather heavy set female of indeterminate species. "About twenty seven maybe twenty eight." She said as the last of her frightened clients left the longue running towards their respective docking ports. "Please save us we have no way of getting off this rock!" Groso pulled out his blaster and fired it a few times to get the crowd's attention. "Our shuttle has just about enough room for all of you. I can offer you passage to a nearby planet aboard the U.G.G Clarksville, however as the only warship in orbit you might want to find another way off. Follow me!" Groso shouted as he rushed out the entrance. "What if we can't fit all of them on the Amac Star?" Witzen asked Groso as they raced up the long tunnel that they had come down earlier. "Then we'll leave you behind." Groso shouted back. Sevesa ran up along side of Groso and Witzen and shouted, "Why didn't you tell me that gispachio soup was served cold!" as he brushed the remaining snow off of his slightly blue skin. "Shut up and keep running!" Groso bellowed as another blast shook the asteroid. ******** Mangus and Marnine stood on the front perch of the Omar dwelling. Mr. Omar looked very old in the morning light and in light of the information that Mangus had confided in him. He had managed to convince Marnine without telling her the reason for it. Her world was fairly isolated from travelers and she actually wanted to see space for herself. Not to mention that she really did not want to be separated from her mate for any period of time. For the first time since concocting the scheme he wondered what Groso would do to him for bringing a civilian aboard the ship, but Mangus had a plan for this too, although it was a rather flimsy one at best, but then Groso's thinking abilities were equally flimsy. "We'll miss you." Mrs. Omar said hugging her daughter and giving her a peck on her cheek. "You take good care of our daughter, and be careful yourself" Mr. Omar said shaking Mangus' hand. "Don't worry she will be quite safe on the Clarksville. In fact I bet the commander is sitting in his couch reading reports right now." Mangus said. ****** Groso met up with the other crew members at a junction in the tunnel shortly before they entered the main hangar. Witzen reported the weight load of the refugees that were following. "I think we can pull it off but it will take some fancy flying to outmaneuver their fighters in a shuttle with that much mass." "In that case I'll do the flying." Groso growled at his sidekick. As they reached the docking port the extent of the damage became evident. Although the docking port was not hit it had suffered some minor damage and several small fires had erupted near the entrance. Groso surveyed the damage and then spotted the Valarians. They were advancing from the other side of the docking port. Evidently they had entered the asteroid form the opposite side that they had been in. Groso told the others to wait in the tunnel. He felt very strange as he normally let Witzen or Mangus do all of the dirty work but he was feeling very brave. Perhaps it was the new uniform that he had pulled out of the closet this morning for the expedition. Groso quickly inspected it and discovered that he was indeed feeling a draft. I knew I should have put my clothes back on. Oh well the Valarians won't mind if the person who kills them is clothed or not. "What are you waiting for Groso?" Sevesa said from around the corner. "Just stay here and go a little ways back from the entrance. It might get messy for a while" Groso said just before he leapt out into the open and started his run towards the Amac Star. Witzen tossed a blast grenade into a pile of storage crates to distract the attention of the Valarians. The resulting explosion did indeed get the attention of the Valarians as the storage crates turned out to be packed with some sort of combustibles. The resulting explosion also caused the field holding the atmosphere in the dock to momentarily falter. Massive amounts of oxygen and anything else not nailed down were sucked out into space. Luckily for Groso he was not near the opening to space. not so lucky for Groso was the fact that the Valarians were lucky and were not sucked out into space. Groso continued his dash towards the Amac Star. The Valarians eventually recovered and saw Groso coming towards them. Perhaps it was the blast was still effecting them or perhaps it was the sight of a naked Gethronian with a blaster in hand charging towards them that shocked them for just long enough for Groso to reach the Amac Star. Groso rushed into the ship and strapped himself into the pilot's couch. Groso realized that getting the Velcro off of his fur would prove to be very painful. He suddenly wondered, as he activated the weapons and engines, weather or not there was any hair depilatory on the Clarksville. Groso didn't have long to wonder as the Valarians shots were bouncing off the side of the ship. he turned on the auto cannon but after getting off only two shots and destroying only one Valarian it jammed. Groso uttered a slew of colorful metaphors. However today was Groso's lucky day as the field holding the air in the dock failed for good and the resulting vacuum pulled the Amac Star towards the opening into space and right over the bodies of the Advancing Valarians. Their bodies splintered into millions of pieces. Groso suddenly had that nagging feeling that he was forgetting something then he remembered, "The women!" he shouted as the fired Up the Amac star and headed right at the entrance to the lower levels. The Impact of the Amac Star startled the women who were already holding on for their lives as air was sucked from the center of the asteroid out into space. The Front of the Amac Star collided and jammed itself into the entrance way and the front hatch opened. In a frenzy not unlike a Who concert the women and crew members rushed into the waiting shuttle. "Ouch! That's going to be painful to get off Groso." Witzen noted as he grabbed a control couch. "Yeah. hey! Maybe I can get a purple heart for removing velcro from fur in the line of duty!" Groso said as the last of the women popped through the hatch which Smitty closed behind her. Somehow Smitty had managed to get all his clothes during the emergency Groso noted to himself. "Hold on!" said Groso melodramatically as he turned off the thrusters holding the ship in front of the tunnel. Like a cork out of a bottle the Amac Star was hurled out of the docking port and into the fleet of Valarian attack ships. Groso spun the ship wildly throwing crew and beautiful women around in the sudden absence of gravity. Groso had to remove a few women from his lap before he could go on flying the ship, but never being very good at ordinal thinking Groso turned the thrusters on before trying to remove the girls. This turned out to solve both problems rather quickly as the women on his lap left flying quickly through the air towards the back of the ship as he had done earlier in the day. The ship collided and destroyed several Valarian fighters who were coming in for an attack and happened to get in the way of the Amac Star as it sped on towards the Clarksville. As they approached the Clarksville they could tell that the automatic defense systems had been activated by PI2 and a battle was raging around their ship as well. Several fighters were on their tail firing the occasional blasts which collided with the thick plating on the back of the Amac Star. "PI2 on my command open bay 17's door halfway and then close it again. You got that straight?" Groso yelled into the mic. on the couch arm. "Waiting for your mark, sir." came the metallic voice. The Clarksville was well over a mile in length and Groso had to think about the size of the door and their rapidly accelerating speed. If we was going too fast the breaking thrusters would not function properly. The door would only be open at it's widest for a second before it started to close again. "We'll never be able to stop in time. Not at this speed." Witzen wined. "Now! PI2, Open the bay door!" Groso yelled as several more hits found their mark on the back of the shuttle. The bay door started to open. Unfortunately PI2 got confused and open the door to bay 18 instead. Groso cursed as he adjusted the ship to find it's new target. Bolts of energy were now hitting the front of the Amac Star from the fighters who had been attacking the Clarksville. Faster and faster Groso pushed the Shuttle. The door reached it's halfway point and started to descend again. The Amac star reached the door and flew below it with only a foot or two of clearance. The fighters following behind arrived a but too late and impacted with the closing door. Groso had to do something to stop the Amac Star and he had an idea. He fired the attitude thrusters and flipped the ship upside down. The people in the shuttle were either getting used to his treatment or they were unconscious because there were very few screams of complaint during this maneuver. Hurtling backwards and upside down towards the opposite wall of the ship he fired all the rear thruster flat out. This did the trick for the Amac Star slowed such that the impact was only about as severe as one of Witzen's normal landings. Groso felt pretty good about saving the lives of all these people. Except now he was hanging upside down form the ceiling being held in place by the sticky part of the velcro straps in a heavily damaged shuttle with no clothes on. It could be worse Groso thought to himself as he shut down all the Amac Star's systems. Mangus could be hear to gawk at me. As if on cue the bay door opened again and Groso had a great view, although from an upside down vantage point, of Mangus' shuttle as it slide across the floor of the flight deck towards them. "Hang on everyone! Here we go again!" Groso shouted just before the smaller shuttle collided with theirs. As the incoming shuttle impacted with the Amac Star a large package hit Groso in the head. When Groso regained consciousness a few moments later his first sight was of Mangus looking up at him. He was, as Groso feared, laughing. "Having a routine day I see sir." Mangus chuckled. Witzen picked up a large package and handed it to Mangus. "Here, I picked this up for you on Eroticom 6." Witzen said grinning. "What is it?" Mangus asked as he peeled back the plain brown wraping. "It's a personal anti gravity field and several bungi cords. I figured that there wasn't much roon for flying on the ship but floating might be just a good for you and.." Witzen's seech was cut short by a quick jab in the ribs. Mangus looked up at Groso and laughed again at the unusual sight. Groso was angry and ordered everyone out of the shuttle. When everyone was gone he realized that he could not free himself and he had to yell for help. A few of the working creatures took pity and found a container of some form of lubricant which they covered the stuck parts of Groso's fur in order to free him and in the process Groso even managed to enjoy the attention that they showed him. At least some people were grateful for what he had gone through. When he finally stuck his head from the shuttle, or what remained of it, he was one tired and slightly slimy Gethronian. None of the crew had left the flight deck. They were all standing around with the working creatures that they had rescued form Eroticom 6. Mangus came over to where Groso was sitting on the edge of the shuttle. "Groso, I would like you to me my mate, Lt. Marnine" Marnine, dressed in a stolen uniform, reached out and shook the commander's slimy hand. She giggled slightly at his state of undress. "Nice to meet you miss." Groso said as he tried to hide his nakedness. Witzen walked over and along with Mangus helped his commander down form the edge of the shuttle. "It could be worse you know." "I suppose so." Groso started, "I mean an admiral could walk in and find my ship overrun with strange half naked creatures and the commander of the ship without a uniform and covered in a sweet smelling and quite tasty sexual lubricant." Groso started to laugh but just then a nearby door opened and PI2 floated in followed by Rear Admiral Hind and his entourage. Mangus and Witzen both turned to look at their commander and asked in unison, "Could it get any worse than this, Groso?" The End