Legend of MerecyaFusion of Worlds


Chapter 3: A Way Out


      “How are we doing with the contestants, Erica?” asked a lion with a slight Spanish accent while looking at Stadium Island from his office. The whole room (except for the inside wall) was glass giving a perfect view of Senyea City, were the building is and of course Stadium Island which was just across the water. Even though it was night the Island was greatly lit up for the demonball game. The lion, Domtar Honchez was head of the secret Iron Reign Corporation, it was obvious that he was a business fur, the black suit and deep red tie said it all. The door from his office was open to his sixteen year-old hedgehog secretary, Erica whose office was right outside his. Her clothes were almost the same as her boss (and friend) Domtar. She walked in with a few papers and started reading off the notes she had jolted down.

      “Well we seem to have quite a number Mr. Honchez, but we can’t determine who will be the one we choose for our experiment until we reach the international championships after Senyea’s tournament. The Iron Reign Corporation has forced a few people to enter the tournament. Most have come willingly though, sir. Even a human has entered it and-“ Erica stopped seeing that Domtar was looking at her as though she was crazy.

      “A human? How did a human get into this world, let alone this tournament!?!” Domtar asked confused.

      “Well, he appeared here out-of-the-blue last night. He’s disguised as a fox fur though. We do have information on him since we monitor the human world. His file is in the database” Erica explained. She pressed a button on her keyboard and Justin’s file flashed on to the glass he was looking through. He read all the data off the screen. All of Justin’s life was recorded; his birth date, where he had lived, his place of birth, his whole life was written in the file. Domtar looked over it carefully.

      “Something’s wrong with this” Domtar said, “Justin Vulpine is not human, he was sent to the human world as a child. He is a fox fur, but he was too young to remember his birth parents. He was disguised as a human by his fur parents so he would appear to be a normal child; right now his is in his true form”.

      “But our watchers say that the female raccoon fur that he met when he first came to Merecya cast a spell on him so that he would be disguised as a fur” Erica pointed out.

      “Yes, I see what you mean. It is possible, however, that the spell she placed on him countered the other one; that would destroy both spells cast on him and that’s why he’s in his true form” Domtar explained.

      “Alright Domtar, so if he doesn’t know that Iron Reign has branches in the human world” Erica said, getting to the point.

      “Hopefully, for his sake, he doesn’t know anything about Iron Reign; here in Merecya or in the human world” Domtar said as he closed the file.





      “Whoa, I didn’t realize that the stadium is this big!” Justin exclaimed as he, Ristan, Pasca; and the rest of her group made their way off the ferry. Justin thought the ride to the island was great, although he didn’t think Laura did too much. She just got seasick and threw up. He was able to buy a book about the Prowlers with all the pictures and names of that years players, and a small backpack in a small gift shop on the boat with some money Pasca had given him.

       Pasca had explained the island to Justin while they were on the boat. “There are many hotels on the island. Those hotels are for furs participating in the games in the stadium, though I guess there are a few for furs who have come from far away regions” she had said while she pointed out the hotels on the coast line.

       The island itself was small, only big enough to fit the huge stadium, the five hotels, and a small pub which Justin had caught a glance of on their way to the stadium.

       The gates to the stadium had, carved in rock, an anthro wolf on the left side and an anthro stag on the right side both holding up a gigantic globe that made the arc of the gate. Justin walked through amazed at how big the stadium was. It would probably be able to seat seven or eight million furs.

       The stadium was lit up with thousands of lights and could most likely be seen from anywhere in the city. Almost every seat in the stadium was taken.

      “Cmon’ there’s seats over there” Kevin shouted over the noise of the crowd. He was pointing to a group of empty seats up in the forth unit of stands. Within seconds everyone was rushing to get them.

       The game didn’t start for another hour, so Ristan and Justin just chatted until the players came out, whereas Tanya, Pasca and Kevin went off to get food and drinks for everyone. Justin was going to tell Ristan who and what he really was but decided he should wait until after the game.

      “Here, take these” Pasca said handing him a large bag of popcorn and two drinks “The popcorn is for you and Ristan”.

      “Thank you” Justin said as he took the bag. As he looked down he noticed the large metal oval that covered almost the entire stadium’s center, two bright lights flashed illuminated the two big doors at each end of the stadium.

      “Welcome all demonball fanatics to the game that will decide upon this years champion team!” the disembodied voice of the announcer came from the large tower above the stands across from the fourth unit. “We introduce the Ceden Knights against the Senyea Prowlers, so let’s take a look at our team stars. First up is Henry Sharp, the Knights’ best defense fur”.

       A porcupine fur came out from the door on the left side of the stadium. Justin thought it funny and ironic that the fur’s last name was Sharp because he literally was.

      “Next is Katie Qwin, the Knights’ greatest shooter”.

       A mouse fur with long blond head fur came onto the field.

      “And last, but not least is Darien Summers, the best and sleekest offensive player”

       The last fur was a male teenage otter holding a glowing sphere about the size of a basketball. All the players where wearing their team jersey. The jersey was red with a lance and shield on the front and on the back was, in black print; their name, their number, and the team’s name.

      “Now on to the Prowlers,” the announcer stated in order with the same player positions as he did with the Knights. “First is defense player, Andy Verich”

       An eagle fur stepped out onto the field. He looked noble and proud.

      “Whoow!  Don’t take any shit from em’ Andy” Laura yelled out.

      “Second is Ryan Krash, the team’s best shooter”

       A rabbit fur ran into the stadium with a huge grin, when he ran past the light, however, Justin could see he was scared badly down the right side of his face.

      “And last the fur-less wonder and offensive player, Naomi Kahkov”

       A teenage human girl came out onto the field. Some furs booed and hissed when she came out, but most praised her for being different. Justin just sat there looking at her even from a distance he could tell she was beautiful. She was tall and semi-muscular. Justin could see her short brown hair gleaming in the light. Despite the furs that were insulting her she was still smiling and waving at the crowd.

      “Are you okay Justin? You’re staring at her as though you want her, she’s human not a fur” Ristan said looking at Justin like there was something wrong.

       There was something not quite right though. Justin figured out that Naomi was the one he saw in the picture at Pasca’s house. If she had appeared in Merecya like he had would she know a way to get back to the human world?

      “Now let’s begin the game!” the announcer called out.

       All of the players on the team went to the center of the metallic field. The referee took the ball from Darien. He was wearing the gloves that Laura was talking about so he wouldn’t be burnt by the ball. To Justin’s surprise the ball wasn’t active yet. Only when the referee cast a spell on it did white flames ignite and surround the ball.

      “For all of you who have never been to a demonball game, though I don’t think there’s a lot of you who haven’t,” the crowd cheered at the announcer’s statement. “Anyway, the flame that is on the ball is blessed, so the furs that hold onto it too long will be scolded until they pass the ball to another teammate, but as soon as the ball is released the pain will disappear and there will be no physical scars on the player’s paw”.

       Two nets rose from the metal playing field on either side of the stadium and two digital scoreboards rose from the sides parallel to the nets.





       Naomi got ready in the center of the field along with Darien and the referee. The game was going to be started like a basketball match.

      “Are you ready to be wiped all over the playing court?” Darien asked with a mocking smile. She looked back at him and then smiled.

      “I really ‘ope you aren’t too disappointed ‘ven I kick your ass,” she replied calmly with an accent. “Russians are great at hockey in my world, but I’m just as good in demonball”.

      “Your cute, for a human, but I think you should think of a different profession” he tried to insult her again.

      “V’hat are you trying to do convince me to forfeit or convince me to sleep v’ith you? Neither v’ones going to ‘appen!” she chuckled.

      “Would you two stop arguing like children and let me start the game” the referee tired of their bickering.

       The referee blew his whistle and threw the ball straight-up into the air. Naomi smacked the ball to one of her teammates. Players started to go after the player with the ball, using their anti-grav boots to get the ball out of another player’s reach. The ball was passed around at an amazing speed, and was going from player to player, not being dropped once.





      “Whoa, nobodies getting burned” Justin said watching every moment of the fast paced game.

      “That’s because the ball is being past around so fast” Ristan replied also watching the game closely.

       The ball hurtled through the air and almost went into the crowd, but there was a ripple in the middle of the air and the ball bounced back into the game. Justin was surprised, but nobody else was.

      “What was that!?!” he asked Pasca who was sitting beside him, opposite of Ristan.

      “A magic barrier, setup so that nobody in the stands get hurt” she answered with a smile, knowing that he was just getting used to the fact that there was magic in Merecya.

       Justin continued to watch the game. After a few minutes there was already a tie of seven to seven. The players on Senyea’s team were definitely playing their hardest, but they still were only tying with the Knights. Justin noticed that every time the Knight’s scored more furs cheered for them more than anybody did the Prowlers.

       All the sudden the Senyea player holding the ball was hurtled from the air to the ground due to a kick from a player on the opposing team. She hit the ground and lied there for a moment until the ball burnt her paws. She screamed and threw the ball to another player on her team, got up, and got back into the game.

      “Isn’t the referee going to call that, everybody saw it” Justin again turned to Pasca for the answers to his questions.

      “Everything goes in this game it’s a body contact sport, but I guess it is pretty rough” Pasca answered, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

      “I guess that’s where the rabbit got his scar” Justin said also grabbing some popcorn.

      “Probably” Pasca replied.

       The game continued to have interesting turns, sometimes in favor or caused by either team. It was already in its third round before Justin even knew it. The game was intense to the very last second. All through it there was a lot of body checking and physical contact, but the players were tough and all came out with just a few bruises and cuts. Senyea city’s team won by only one score, but none the less they fought hard and deserved victory.

       Justin was set on getting an autograph from Naomi, and was also thinking about asking her how she got to Merecya. After all, he did need to get home.

      “Do you mind if I get an autograph from one of the players?” Justin asked Pasca when they were on their way to leave.

      “Um, sure, I don’t know exactly were they are, but I’m pretty sure there are some in the main lobby. Are you looking for a specific player?” Pasca asked.

      “Yeah, I wanted to get Naomi’s autograph” Justin replied speeding of towards the lobby.

      “Alright then meet us out in front of the stadium, we have to get to the ferry before it leaves or we’ll be stuck here” Pasca shouted to him.

       Justin wasn’t quite sure where to search first the lobby was pretty big. It’s obvious; he thought to himself, she’s the only human in the building. He looked around for her for five minutes before finding her. She was packing up her things on a bench just outside the lobby. She wasn’t talking to anybody, just sitting on the bench by herself. She seemed to be in deep thought and was starring into space. Justin walked over to her.

      “Hi, um…I was wondering if I could get you’re autograph?” Justin asked pulling out the Prowlers book and turning to a page with her photo on it.

       She snapped out her trance.

      “Oh…sorry, I guess I v’as out of it. ‘ere you go,” she said pulling out a pen and signing her picture. “That’s the first time anybody ‘as asked for my autograph”.

      “Seriously! Is that because you’re human?” Justin asked looking at her sadly.

      “I guess,” she looked at him for a moment. “Well, it’s not really my fault I’m here, it v’as an accident”

      “You mean how you came to Merecya from the human world?” Justin responded with another question.

      “How do you know about the human v’orld? You’re only a little fox fur, no offense,” she added. “But not a lot of furs talk about it”

      “Well, I’m from there…I know I’m not human right now, but I used to be one. Um, by the way your arm is bleeding” Justin said looking at her left arm, since she was only wearing a

T-shirt the cut was clear as day.

      “Oh god, I am” she looked at her arm. It was a deep cut, but she hadn’t even noticed it. She put her right hand on it and closed her eyes. She concentrated for a moment and the cut healed itself and didn’t even leave a scratch.

      “Wow! How did you do that!?!” Justin asked surprised, especially when Pasca had said that humans couldn’t use magic. “I didn’t know normal people could use magic”

      “Are you sure your human, I mean why are you a fox than?” Naomi asked looking at him sort of suspiciously.

      “Someone cast a spell on me so I would blend in with the crowd,” Justin explained. “So far it’s worked perfectly”

      “Oh,” she said. “V’hats it like?”

      “Huh?” Justin looked confused.

      “V’hats it like to be a fur?” she asked again, a little more clearly.

      “Well…it’s different to say the least” Justin said with a nervous laugh.

      “Anyv’ay, it v’as nice talking to you…um, sorry I don’t know you’re name” Naomi said.

      “It’s Justin” he said with a smile.

      “Well it v’as nice talking to you Justin, here take this,” she said unzipping her bag and handing him the ball from that night’s game. “From me to you, I got it because I helped a great deal in v’inning tonight’s game, or so they say. I don’t think I’m that good”.

      “I think you’re as good as anyone else, maybe even better” Justin said trying to show her she wasn’t bad at something just because some bigots try to run her down.

       Pasca came running out of the lobby at that moment.

      “We’ve got to hurry; we’re going to miss the boat home if we don’t,” Pasca said semi-panicking. “Are you coming too?” she asked Naomi.

       Naomi picked up her bag.

      “Nyet, I’m staying another night on the island with the rest of my team,” she replied. “Dasvidan’ye Justin and shchisl’iva, I hope you get home”.

      “Goodbye and thank you” Justin said to her as she set of for one of the hotels down the street.



       Justin sat holding the demonball and looking out to the ocean. The ferry was going at a fast pace back to Senyea city. He would be spending another night in the strange world, though it wasn’t exactly all that strange to him.

       Pasca came over and sat beside him, she knew that he was feeling homesick for his world and that he had been in Merecya long enough. She wondered though, does he know anything about his parents? She finally gave into the question and asked him.

      “So, do you know what your parents were like?”

       He stared at her a moment wondering why she was asking now.

      “No,” Justin answered. He knew what she was going to ask next so he replied to it before it was said. “I tried to find out who my parents were but there’s no record of them”.

      “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she hugged him. “I didn’t know”.

       Justin stiffened and Pasca stopped.

      “Don’t be sorry. It’s not like it was your fault” Justin said as he put the demonball back in his bag.

      “I never did ask her my question” he said without thought.

      “Huh, ask who what?” Pasca asked confused.

      “Naomi, I was going to ask her if she knows how to get back to the human world” Justin explained.

      “Oh, you must miss you’re home. Do you live with anyone?” she asked.

      “My sister, she must be really worried now. The city we live in is huge, a lot bigger than Senyea, she probably thinks that I was kidnapped or something!” Justin exclaimed.

      “It seems dangerous to live in a city like that” Pasca said looking towards Senyea.

      “We’d move if we had the money to” Justin replied.

       The ferry got closer to the city and a bell warned furs to get ready to leave the boat as quickly as possible when it came to a stop.

      “I parked the truck about a block away from the docks so when we get off we’ll head to the waterfront” Sandy said to the group as Justin, Ristan, Pasca, and her friends gathered at the front of the ferry.



       The ferry docked at the pier and there was a rush to get on solid ground. Once off, the group headed for Sandy’s truck. It was late into the night by now, maybe even morning break. They walked down a few alleyways before getting to a small public parking lot. When they got there the truck was found with something written on it in red spray paint. GO HOME NOW HUMAN OR THINGS WILL GET WORSE, WE PROMISE YOU THAT: was written on the side of the trailer.

      “Oh my god! My truck!” Sandy wailed.

       All of them were surprised about what was written on the truck.

      “What is this all about? There are no humans here!” Kent pointed out what seemed to be the obvious to everyone, but little did they know.

       Justin and Pasca just kept their mouths shut. No one else needed to know the truth about him.

       Ristan looked at Justin in a funny sort of way though Justin didn’t notice it. He was starting to piece things together. The way he had not known about a lot of things that almost all furs know about, how he had looked at that human at the demonball game and now this. Ristan definitely thought that there was something wrong with all that, but he kept his mouth shut as well.

      “I’m gonna have to get something to clean this off” Sandy said trying to find anything that would wipe the threat note off her truck.

      “Who would write something like that?” Ruth asked angrily.

      “I don’t know, but we could leave it on the truck and have the SCPD look at it” Kevin suggested.

      “Damn it Kevin, don’t be stupid. If we take it to the Senyea City Police Department we’ll have to wait in line for hours just so they can write it off as gang graffiti since there are no humans here!” Tanya exclaimed lightly hitting him over the head.

      “I’ll just get it off the truck and we’ll go home,” Sandy said carrying a bucket and a sponge out of the back of the truck. “Help me find some water. The paint is still a bit wet; I should be able to get it off”.



       Justin was glad that Sandy had been able to get the message cleaned away from the truck. What would happen if Pasca’s spell wore off him? The last thing he needed was the police looking for him.

       Pasca was letting Justin sleep in the spare room he had woken up in when he had first arrived in Merecya. Justin was extremely grateful that Pasca was still looking after him, after all it was dangerous to be helping someone who was getting threats from people, especially when she didn’t really know that person all that well.

       Justin was getting a bit scared now too. Why would furs be sending him threats? Sure, he saw how some furs treat humans, but even still how would they know he was human? He was confused and it had been a long and very eventful day, and something told him that tomorrow wasn’t going to be any less exciting. Justin took of everything except for his underwear and his T-shirt and got into bed. He lay in bed for about fifteen minutes before falling into a deep sleep and dreaming a disturbing nightmare.