Legends of Merecya: Fusion of Worlds


Chapter 5: Mysterious Protector


       Nina Munsoon was having possibly the worst day of her life. Yesterday her brother had gone missing and this morning her boss had nearly fired her for not coming to work, but she had to find Justin before something terrible would happen.

       Even though they weren’t really blood siblings, they just thought of each other as brother and sister. After leaving the orphanage, Justin and Nina stayed together and found a place to live, though Justin -who wasn’t old enough to get a job- couldn’t help Nina pay for their apartment. They were managing however, but now he was gone and Nina had no idea where he could be. Now she was sitting in their apartment on the phone to her best friend who was helping her look for her brother.

      “Did you find anything, Sam?” she asked her friend though the phone.

       She waited a moment before hearing a sigh.

      “I’m really sorry. I notified all the police stations in the area, but so far nothing” her friend’s voice was clearly heard inside the silent apartment room.

      “Oh my god, I’ve got to find him! What am I going to do Samantha?!?” Nina started to panic.

      “Calm down Nina! Don’t freak out!” Sam insisted.

      “Your right…I’ll talk to you later” she said.

      “I’ll call you if I hear anything, but I think you should rest. You’ve been searching all night Nina, you should get some sleep” Sam said. “If you don’t go to bed you’ll never be able to think properly”.

      “Alright then, thanks Sam. Bye” Nina said as she hung up the phone.

       Nina did feel tired and she had been up all night. Against her better judgment she changed into her nightgown and sank into bed. Even though it was noon she still felt herself going to sleep and within a few minutes she was no longer awake. She slept for about ten minutes before a noise from her bedroom doorway.

      Uhhh, who’s there?” she groaned, her eyes hazy from sleep. As her eyes adjusted she yelped in surprise.

       Standing in the doorway was a winged wolf morph, his fur a deep blue. He appeared to be around seventeen and was wearing a black shirt and black baggy pants. His pentacle necklace glinting in the dim light and his wings pulled back so that they would fit into the doorway.

      “What are you?!?” Nina said, unsuccessfully trying not to show her fear.

      “I’m here to help” he said, ignoring her question.

       He slowly walked into the room, a little uneasy about the Nina. He tried not to come in contact with them and now here he was trying to talk face-to-face with one.

       Nina sat up and pulled her blankets up further to cover her chest.

      “Answer my question, what are you?!?” Nina said, trying to make her words sound sharp and yet again failing.

      “I’m a fur,” he said, answering Nina’s question. “As you can see my species is a winged timber wolf”.

       He spread out his wings so she could see them fully.

      “My name is Chase Lupus. I’m here to help your brother; he’s in extreme danger right now” he explained.

       Nina was really scared by now, she had no idea who this “fur” was and wanted to know where her brother was.

      “Why is my brother in danger and where is he?!?” she asked becoming even more upset.

       He waited a moment until she calmed down.

      “Your brother is in Merecya, a world in another dimension” Chase tried to explain.

       Instantly Nina became confused.

      “I don’t understand what you’re talking about” she said looking at him blankly.

       Chase snapped his fingers and both him and Nina were on a cliff overlooking a large city.

      “Huh, what just happened!” she exclaimed.

       Chase pointed to the city.

      “That is Senyea City, where your brother is,” he told her. “Well, he isn’t really your brother. He isn’t even human.”

      “What are you talking about, he’s not my real brother, but he is human!” Nina argued.

       All the sudden they were back in her bedroom, but she hardly took notice.

      “How do you know? You’ve never seen his parents, neither has he,” he continued. “Right now he’s a red fox fur and that’s his true form”

       Nina sat back down on her bed, unsure what to believe.

      “That’s crazy; he’s been a human all his life. I’ve known him almost all my life and he’s not a fur like you, no offence” she explained.

      “Well, he’s not exactly like me. I mean he doesn’t have wings,” he said with a nervous smile. “He was disguised as a human with magic and sent him to this world”.

       Nina stood up for a moment.

      “That’s impossible, there’s no such thing as magic!” she objected.

       Chase chuckled.

      “Maybe not to you humans, but furs can use magic if their taught how to,” he said. “How do you think I showed you Senyea? Sure it was only an image of it, but it takes a lot more magic to take you between worlds. A lot more magic than many furs have, usually you have to have a dimensional rift, but you wouldn’t know what that is”

       She sat back down and sighed.

      “You’re right, I don’t know what it is but I still want you to tell me why my brother is in danger” Nina demanded.

      “Umm…how can I explain? There’s an illegal organization called the Iron Reign that operates in both the human world and the fur world. Their afraid that Justin knows that the organization exists in the human world as well as Merecya” Chase added. “He’s also entered a worldwide tournament that’s being secretly run by the organization. Nobody who’s entered knows”

       Nina once again found herself confused but then started to sort things out.

      “Why do you want to help him though?” she asked him.

       Chase lowered his head, a bit ashamed.

      “Well…I was possessed by a demon that they released on me,” he continued knowing that Nina wasn’t exactly following with what he was telling her. “It started a few years ago when I was offered a part-time job in the Iron Fist by a friend of our family. I was always sort of a lone wolf, pardon the pun, so I had nothing better to do and I accepted the job. While helping out there I overheard something I shouldn’t have during one of their meetings and they found out. They killed my parents and infected me with a powerful demon. The demon started to make me do things I couldn’t help doing…anyway I’ve tried to watch everything they do and make sure they don’t hurt anyone else the way they hurt me”

       Nina couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.

      “What did it make you do?” she asked quietly.

       He sat down on the bed beside Nina and hesitated before answering.

      “I-I killed someone...” he said trailing off.

      “What?!?” she said in surprise. “Are you serious?!?”

       Chase nodded slowly, a tear trickled down his right cheek.

      “Yah, I couldn’t control myself” he said.

       For a brief moment there was silence, and then Nina continued.

      “Well, it wasn’t your fault though. I mean, it made you do it” she said.

       Chase sighed.

      “I know. At least it was quick, thanks to the magic the fur didn’t suffer” he said, his voice shaky.

      “I won’t ask anymore questions about that. Actually, I’m sorry I asked in the first place. It’s probably upsetting to talk about,” Nina asked, changing the subject and getting back to the matter at hand. “How are you going to find him?”

      “I’m going to enter the tournament and guard over him,” Chase explained. “I’ll try and keep away as many of the IR spies away as possible. From what I know they don’t use much magic but have weapons that have surpassed human technology; a lot of their weapons are based on energy, they don’t use bullets”

      “I don’t know much about weapons, are energy weapons as powerful as weapons that fire bullets” she asked.

      “Um…it really depends on the weapon. Don’t worry though, magic is more powerful than any of their weapons” Chase said with confidence.

      “Well, I hope your right” Nina said, than thought of something else. “Can you take me to this world you’re talking about so I can just find Justin?”

       Chase replied a little too quickly to her question.

      “No, it’s too dangerous, you could get killed. I’m not trying to scare you; I’m telling you the truth. If the Iron Reign wants you dead they’ll make sure you die the next day, if not sooner”

       Nina gave him a puzzled look.

      “How would they find me? They don’t even know who I am, their in a different world!” Nina exclaimed with a nervous laugh.

       Chase sighed once again.

      “I told you, they have organization buildings in both worlds. With the technology they have they are able to go between the two dimensions. For them, it’s as easy as walking through a doorway. What you don’t understand is that most furs don’t know about the human world, only a few do,” Chase added. “And if most furs don’t know the human world exists, than what are the chances of them knowing that Domtar has his own machine rift in the Iron Reign headquarters by the waterfront of Senyea City

      “Domtar? Who’s he?” she asked, repeating the name Chase had said.

      “He’s the owner of the organization” he explained.

       Nina jabbed at one of her pillows in frustration.

      “Gawdamnit! How am I supposed to make sure he’s alright? I’ll never stop worrying if I don’t know if he’s okay or not” she added. “I mean, if the whole American army was protecting him and I didn’t know where he was I’d still be nervous”

       Chase pulled a small cellular phone from his pocket and handed it her.

      “Here, take this. If you ever need to talk to me press the red button on the side, it will give you a direct connection to my phone” he said holding up his.

       Nina pressed the button to see if his cell phone would respond. Immediately, his phone responded with an abnormal beeping sound.

      “There, now you know it works. I have this on me all the time, but if you try to call me all the time I won’t answer, so don’t be phoning me every five minutes” Chase warned.

       Nina said nothing, she just nodded.

      “Anyway, I’ve got to go now. I’ll keep in touch, but right now I should head back to Merecya so I can enter the tournament” Chase said as he glanced at the alarm clock on Nina’s bedside table.

       Nina stood up and hugged Chase.

      “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. “Promise me you’ll be careful”

      “I-I will, I promise” he stammered in surprise.

      “Good, please make sure he’s okay” she said, letting go of him.

      “Again, I promise I will” Chase said as he left. “Goodbye, Nina”

       Nina watched him leave and then picked up her phone. She punched the numbers in quickly and after a couple of rings heard Sam’s voice on the other end.

      “Hello?” Nina heard Sam’s voice in the receiver.

      “Hey, Sam…Its me” Nina said.

      “Yeah I know, what’s up? Did you find Justin?” Sam asked hoping the answer would be yes.

      “Yes…and no, but I know he’s okay!” she exclaimed.

       Sam hesitated a moment before beginning to speak again.

      “What do you mean? I’m not sure I follow you” she said confused.

      “I can’t get to him, but I know he’s safe” Nina tried to explain to Sam.

      “Well, where is he?” Sam asked still wondering what was exactly was going on.

      “It’s a long story. Anyway, you don’t need to search anymore. Thanks for all you help, Sam” Nina said gratefully.

      “I don’t know exactly what you mean, but your welcome” she said.

      “Thanks, I’ll talk to you later. Bye” Nina said as she hung up the phone.

       Nina fell back onto her bed. She knew she’d never go back to sleep now. Too many questions were running through her head and no matter how she tried she couldn’t think up the answers to them. Could Justin be something similar to Chase? Will Chase be able to protect Justin? Is the IR watching me? All of the questions would keep her awake until Justin was to come back or at least until Chase called her. However, even after the reassuring words that she herself had spoken to Samantha she still wasn’t sure if Justin was indeed safe.