Lordly Delight All Justin could do was to lie down in his bed, watching the soft glow of the moon light through his window. Everything seemed as if life was coming at him fast. The training he persevered through, the ceremony yesterday, Justin could only sigh. Though his body had reached the age of twenty years his attitude was still young like a pup. At the moment he wished he could be like a peasant and live the simple life. Then again, being a noble did have its own pleasures. Justin’s ears perked, breaking apart his silent meditation as he heard two knocks echoing on the door. Urgently, Justin pulled the sheets over his naked body as he faced the door. “Come in” He raised his voice a little. Slowly the door creaked opened as the dry hinges made an annoying noise that reverberated through out the hallway. “My liege, I wanted to see you” A young husky said to him, emerging from the door. “CEDRIC!” Justin yelled ecstatically as he jumped out of bed and practically pounced on the ragged canine. A smile came to Cedric’s face knowing that Justin was pleased to see him. Cedric reciprocated as the two canines held each other in their arms as if it had been ages since they have seen each other. “I wanted to see you sooner, my lord, but my duties are many” Cedric stated as he as he began to ease off the tight hold he had on Justin. All the wolf could do was smile and look at Cedric with his soft green eyes. “Don’t worry, I understand” Justin stated as he then leaned very near Cedric’s muzzle, and before each other knew it, the servant and the lord were both locked in a deep passionate kiss. It seemed as if both couldn’t pull themselves apart as the seconds flew by. The young husky had missed his lord, his smooth gray fur, his lovely green eyes, his exceptionally strong build, and his thick hard cock. Feeling of yearning and absence came to him all at once but eventually Cedric had to do it, he eased off of Justin and looked at his face again. “The years have been kind to you.” Justin stated to Cedric, as both still held each other, both still locked on each other face. “Look at how you talk, I’m only about, what is it now, two seasons younger” The canine said with a smile. “But enough about me, what about you, I see they’ve pushed you” “Just a little” Justin responded as he flexed his arms showcasing his physique. “Are you staying this time, will I be able to spend more time with you?” Cedric eagerly said and broke the hold with his wolf as he started messaging his balls. Justin moaned a bit as the young husky started to lick at his nipple, teasing him for a bit nibbling on them ever so slightly. The wolf couldn’t help it, but deep feelings for the husky grew with in him. Serenely he opened his eyes and saw the door still open to his room. “Not yet” The wolf panted as he caressed the husky’s cheek, gently motioning his head upward. Justin then had to look at Cedric’s eyes once more, then came another passionate, yet short, kiss as the wolf then proceeded to close his bedroom door. He then turned and leaned on the door to face the young husky who was looking directly at him. “There. We at least don’t have to worry about someone randomly peeking in” The wolf said with a smile. “Now is that really a bad thing?” Cedric said as he glances slightly upward at Justin’s appreciative face. The husky couldn’t help himself and once Justin gaze met his, the canine started to strip naked. Quickly Cedric pealed back only two layers of clothing, dropping them as he began to move and before the wolf could even make a sound the husky was down on his knees lapping at the wolf’s balls and growing member. Justin couldn’t help himself now as he whined feeling Cedric’s smooth tongue on his hard member. Cedric continued flicking his tongue at his lover’s balls, encouraged by each moan that Justin gave. A wide grin came across the husky’s face as more of his hard cock came peaking through his sheath. Justin smiled; it had been such a long time since he had felt the warm tongue of his lover, pressing up against his own scrotum. Slowly he placed his right hand upon Cedric’s head and with a slight push, persuaded Cedric to taste more of the wolf’s erecting member. There was no fighting it for Cedric, if that’s what his wolf wanted, then that’s what his wolf will get. The husky soon felt his emotion begin to rise within him as he began slathering his tongue all over the Justin’s cock. Justin whined and moaned as he pushed Cedric more and more; the feeling of Cedric tongue upon his own manhood was nothing short of amazing. Justin didn’t hold back anymore, as his cock was completely unsheathed. Cedric just let himself go; freeing any restraints he had as he engulfed his lovers cock into his maw. Then, with one strong grip Justin pulled on Cedric’s fur. The husky’s face was now tilted upward at the wolf, as the black figure of a canine was looking down at his lover. “On the bed Bitch!” the wolf growled. The husky smiled as he slowly rose from the ground and raised his tail. Justin didn’t seem to care at this point as he waited long enough to place a hand on his shoulder, and then pushed Cedric on to the bed. The husky really didn’t even fight the momentum as his body came crashing down face first exposing his butt in the air. Justin smiled as he placed himself in position and pressed the tip of his cock on Cedric’s tight ass hole. “Beg for it bitch, Beg for it!” Justin yelled out. “Yes, my lord, take your servant, take me now!” Cedric yelled in response, as Justin then pushed himself into the husky’s ass. Cedric face lit up as he felt his lovers manhood pushing slowly within him, his powerful hands tightly gripping the sides of his body, there was no other feeling in the world that could give him this much pleasure. Justin growled as he began to slowly push himself deeper and deeper into the husky ass until finally he knew he had gone as far as he could. Then slowly the wolf began moving his body back and forth as Cedric felt waves upon waves of pleasure with each push of his lovers thrust. Soon the husky began to whimper, which motivated Justin to increase his efforts. Thrusting harder and faster until the wolf couldn’t hold it back anymore and he felt his seed rushing out of him. Cedric could only feel the thrusting, as each wave of pleasure stack upon each wave that previously hit him. Then he heard his lover howl as Justin’s seed came rushing into his body. Quickly, Cedric pushed himself up on the bed and brought his right hand to his cock, immediately beginning to stroke it. The wolf decided to leave his cock buried within his lover who seems to enjoy it just being there. Justin slowly bent over and reached around to grab Cedric’s nipples and began to twist it. “That’s it my servant, cum! Cum! For your wolf” Justin said with a low growl. Cedric couldn’t hold back anymore, as the pleasure from his nipples pushed him over the edge and the huskies cum exploded all over the wolf’s sheet. It almost seemed as insurmountable amounts of cum came out of the husky dick, driving him to howl insanely of pleasure. Then slowly, Cedric could feel his cum tapering off, as his intense pleasure soon began to ease away. Justin felt it was time and finally pushed out of his lovers body. Cedric couldn’t do it anymore; he couldn’t hold himself up so he collapsed on to the bed, falling in such a way to avoid the mess he made. Cedric just laid there, panting as the smell of cum hung in the air, and then slowly he saw Justin’s face over his. “I’m sorry my lord, I ‘pant’ stained your sheets” Cedric said with all sincerity looking into his lovers eyes. “Do you think I care, little husky? Get up” Justin then responded, but Cedric looked confused at this command. The small canine did as he was told and got up moving completely off the bed. Justin, with one swift movement of his strong arms, threw the sheets off the bed, looked at his Husky and then proceeded to push his lover back on to the sheet less mattress as the wolf nearly jumped on top of him. “Are we still feeling a little frisky there, my lord?” “Maybe” The wolf said as he plopped right next to the dog, and wrapped his arms around him, pressing his flaccid cock up against Cedric’s ass cheeks “Maybe not.” For a moment the two just laid there and smiled, watching the moon slowly rise out of Justin’s window, basking in the afterglow of their pure solid passion. “This is not going to last, is it?” the husky asked, breaking the silence of what seemed to be the most perfect moment. Justin remained silent, he couldn’t answer, and then ever so methodically he tightened his hold on Cedric’s body. The husky couldn’t tell but it seemed as if he head a little bit of a gulp, almost as if his lover was crying. “You’re going to get married aren’t you” Cedric stated as he lay there looking at the moon. Justin was still silent, it seemed as if he couldn’t say anything at all, Cedric just looked around Justin’s room. His nice fanciful dresser, the wardrobe with silver screws and handles, a nicely draped linen cloth displaying Justin’s family coat of arms hanging, a portrait of his father and him showing such a royal demeanor that was not too far from him as well, and then with a long thoughtful sigh he just turned his focus back on the moon. “Just don’t forget me Justin” Cedric said as best as he could, though he felt the pressure of his tears pushing on the back of his eyes. “I know what royalty can do and they can have other lovers, concubines, pretty much anything their heart desires. Just keep that in mind and don’t forget me” Cedric said as he failed to hold back his emotions, as tears began to slowly fall down the husky’s face. He hated the idea of being one of those things to Justin; he wanted a stronger relationship, a deeper relationship, but he couldn’t deny one fact; that both of them were from separate worlds and that their relationship was forbidden. “No” Justin yelled as he quickly got up and placed a paw on Cedric’s shoulder, pushing him down flat on the bed so he could take a good look at his face, then with a forceful gaze looked into the husky’s eyes. “I can’t do that, I have no feeling for this female I’m going to marry. You mean more to me than anything this kingdom has to offer….” The wolf paused for a moment as he felt his eyes tear up. Justin was determined he couldn’t look at anything else as his right paw came to rest on Cedric’s face and stared him straight into his deep brown eyes. “I love you Cedric, I don’t know anyone else in this world I would rather spend the rest of my life with” “I love you too, but…” Cedric began to whisper, but was interrupted by Justin’s tongue; he kissed Cedric with a deep and passionate kiss. For a minute the two canines were locked with each other, both of their worlds could encompass each other and no one else. Then slowly and reluctantly both broke from each others muzzle and looked into each other’s eyes, and both could hold back any longer as tears started to fall from each of their faces. “What are we going to do?” Cedric whispered. “Didn’t I tell you, there’s nothing this kingdom has to offer? We’ll run away Cedric! I’m son to Lord Mirk of Romulus, no one’s going to question me if we just got up and leave tonight.” Justin said with a smile. Cedric couldn’t do anything else but smile back.