Fur Wars: The Ucinean Saga

Episode I

Balance Of Power

Book 1: The Training

Part I: In The Hall Of The Senate

In a galaxy far far far away...

Turmoil between the feline Ucinean Republic and the Ucinean Council, along with the support of the people, was steadily rising to conflicts. On the Ucinean's home planet, Jarrit, the Council's headquarters continues to train young Ucineans by the way of the Force. The power to control the psychic power of the mind was difficult to learn for first Ucineans, but over the years the Kolite's, the original ten Ucineans that possessed the Force naturally, perfected their style of teaching. Not just psychic abilities are obtained when using the Force. Ones physical strength is increased, the six senses are heightened, intelligence is highly increased, and a number of unexplained abilities can also occur, like telekinetic powers, and other spontaneous powers. Jarrit, Sireece, Cyndel, and Halyys are the only originals left out of the original ten members of the council. Their students, Tsac, Kaylee, Juall, Nilac, Ionix, Lysis, Rhyll, Quintelle, Pollix, and Dyllynus, are the only known Ucileans to posses the Force.

Although the power each student and teacher possesses would be able to change the views and actions of the Ucinean republic, the first law of the Kolite's way is to never use ones psychic power over another without that beings consent. The Republic members are more known to be the National Protectors for planet Ucinea, rather than the peace keepers of the Ucinean Republic, which is why the public people are now rising up against the once honorable Ucinean Republic. It is now full of corrupt politicians who are paid off by the villains of the planets cities, and after years of the corrupted system, the Ucinean people are finally rising up against the Ucinean Republic. They are going taking back the world they once knew...

Inside the Republican Senate Hall, Ucinean Central City.

"I won't hear another word of it, Senator Gyrul!" Yelled Senator Soris, tail and ears flickering angrily.

The Senate meetings had been going on for hours into the night already, laws being passed, declined, and ridden out of the ULDB (Ucinean Law Data Base). Countless laws concerning numerous political points, supposed higher economical proposals, and "lower" taxing bills, had been passed over the months. But what had been promised, a better life for the people of Ucinea, had turned out to be, a better life for the slaves of Ucinea.

"For years, you and your group of Senators have been trying to pass these ridiculous laws, while the people of Ucinean suffer! Well I won't stand for it!! I am calling on the 10th Republican Law Of Ucinea!"

Many Senators, male and female alike, gasped aloud as Soris presented the Senate with this proposal. Senator Soris had always been the peace keeping Senator of the entire Senate, and his outburst of anarchy had startled everyone. The 10th Republican Law Of Ucinea was a law with the power to discharge a Senator form office, on just causes. If the Senator that was charged was not vote out, the Senator that proposed the 10th law, is forced to resign.

"The Senate recognizes Senator Soris' proposal for the enactment of the 10th Republican Law," said Senator Freelaz, the first female Ucinean in 2nd office, "Senators, please confirm a pass, or reject at your stations."

All 500 senators turned down to look at their com pads at their stations. After a still quietness in the enormous Senate hall, Freelaz's voice broke the silence.

"The Senators have spoken. The 10th Republican Law Of Ucinea..." She said, tapping on her com pad, projecting the results on the holographic vid screen in the center of the room. It flickered to life, projecting two long lines, one green, one red. Red was longer.

"...Shall not be passed," Finished Freelaz.

Soris hung his head in defeat, ears laid back against his head. How could this happen? Are all the Senators that corrupt to see that it is no longer a Senate, only a large dictatorship?

Gyrul's voice broke Soris' train of thought, "As, you all know the law, Senator Soris must now resign from his position in the Senate, even though he is one of the original Senators."

Soris' heart sank even deeper. Two Republican Guards arrived at the entrance to his station to escort him out of the building. As he neared Gyrul's station, Soris asked the guards to wait a moment. He quietly walked over to Gyrul's station and leaned in, to were he was a hair width's away from his muzzle.

"You aren't going to be here for long, Gyrul," Soris whispered, taking a vid chip out of his pocket, flashing it in front of Gyrul's face, "And I am going to see to it personally."

A glimps of anger passed on Gyrul's face, but was replaced with a smirked. Gyrul waved the guards to take Soris out of the Republican Hall.

Part II: Training For The Worst

Inside Shrea Training Center

The Ucinean calendar consisted of 13 months, each month having 20 days. The seasons where divided into 3 months each except the last 4 months of the year. There was the Life season, the Youth Season, The Aged season, and The Death season. It was the middle of the Death season, the first day of the 12th month, and the first day of the month was the most energetic day of the entire month for the Kolite students. It was weapons training day, and the group assignments had just been posted on the holo board in the main hall, between the mess hall and dorms.

Fighting Groups

Jarrit - Kaylee Darkwynd, Tsac Jice, Juall Numus

Sireece - Nilac Sec, Ionix Hayl

Cyndel - Lysis Rain, Rhyll Shrix

Halyys - Quintelle Nyx, Pollix Wai

"Yeeessss!!! Finally!!!!!" Yelled Kaylee, the newly appointed Knight, jumping up and down, tail whipping back and forth, ears erect.

"Why you lucky bi-," started Nilac, still pissed that Kaylee had passed her in rank as a Apprentice.

"Nilac..." Warned Jarrit, one of the Master Kolites from behind, touching her on the shoulder

"Sorry, Sir..." Said Nilac softly, ears flattening against her skull.

"All right kiddies," said Sireece, also one of the Four Master Kolites, "Let's get started."

The group of trainers and trainees made their way to the War Room to continue the students practice with their light sabers. Jarrit and the other three all had double light sabers, while the students only had single bladed light sabers, since it took total mastery of the single bladed light saber to move up to the double. The War Room was divided into separate sections, the Hands Off Room, the Desolation Room, the Defender Room, and the Protector Room, where as each had different objectives the students had to accomplish.

"OK, Jarrit's group is in the Protection Room, Sireece's group is in the Desolation Room, Halyys group is in the Defender room, and my group is in the Hands Off Room," ordered Cyndel, the 3rd Master Kolite, "Everyone, to your rooms!"

Each group parted in their own ways, leaving the War Room's central hall empty. The master alarm sounded just only a few seconds later, warning anyone who came in, not to step into any of the rooms. They'd be a walking target.

Inside the Protection Room

"OK everyone, you know the drill. You three must protect all civilians from enemy fire, and if one is killed, then-" Explained Jarrit.

"Game over," interrupted Juall, a Student rank, the lowest ranked Kolite in the group.

"Let's hope it's not like last time," Kaylee chimed in, rubbing the soar spot on her cheek, remembering when Juall accidentally sliced it open.

"That's right, except it happens for real," said Jarrit, "Now start."

And with that, Jarrit was gone in a blurred motion, and the training began. The lights in the room went off, leaving the trainees in complete darkness.

"Someone help!" A Ucinean voice cried out.

"Over there!" Yelled Tsac, a newly appointed Knight.

All three could see each other in the dark, and they could also see a Ucinean waving his arms above his head across what was now a hilly field, and a single house right in the middle. A group of Ferran soldiers, a species of hybrid wolves that were Ucinea's main opposing outside threat, came charging over a hill towards the unarmed Ucinean. Juall sprinted in with blinding speed, jumping in the air as the Ferran soldiers turned their attention towards the three Kolites. They never had the chance to fire off a single shots as Juall came thundering in, green light saber flashing, cutting through the thick plated Chi armor, and to the thin flesh beneath. Two guards were down by the time Tsac came racing in, and taking out the third. The bodies vanished from the ground, as laser bolts came soaring over their heads. Four more guards came charging towards them, blasters blazing. The Ucinean was cuddled behind a fallen wall of a crumbled building, trembling with fear. Juall raced over to see if the man was all right as Kaylee and Tsac went tearing after the four guards, blue and yellow light sabers glowing.

"Are you alright?" Asked Juall.

"Y-yes," stuttered the Ucinean, "But my daughter!" She's in the house, and there are soldiers still in there! You have to help here!"

"OK, I'll go help, your daughter! But you have to get out of here before you get hurt!" Commanded Juall.

"But..." The Ucinean started.

Juall glanced toward where Kaylee and Tsac standing, and noticed even more guards rushing the Knights.

"No arguing! Get out of here now!" Ordered Juall.

"T-Thank you!" Said the Ucinean, darting off, and flickered away after few steps of running.

"Well, at least I didn't slice him open or anything," muttered Juall, running towards the broken down house.

Screams of agony were heard from outside as soldiers were being cut down where they stood, as Juall searched the house. It was empty except for some scattered furniture and a broken com pad built in the wall. Juall heard muffled cry from the second floor, and darted into the lift, pushing the button with a small surge of mental power. It started with a gut wrenching squeal, and slowly started lifting upwards. Suddenly it came to a grinding halt, and Juall was thrown to his feet.

"Well, when machines fail," muttered Juall, squatting down in a jumping position, then springing up the last remaining 20 feet to the lifts metallic door. Two quick flicks of the wrist, and the metal door ended up as a hunk of junk on the carpeted floor. The loud clang of the fallen door startled the guard holding the small female child.

This is not going to be easy...

Kaylee and Tsac had just finished dealing with the remaining guards as Juall sent to the them

You guys better get here quick! We got a hostage situation here, and I can't deal with it by myself!

Where are you? Sent Kaylee.

2nd floor of the house, just outside the lift.

Be right there.

"Let's go, Juall's in trouble," said Kaylee.

"All right, just let the child go..." Assured Juall, trying to persuade the guard.

"I don't think so," said the guard in his native language, which Juall could understand like he grew up there, "This little kitten is my ticket out of here."

"Listen, you won't get far with that child. Not alive anyway. Just give her to me, and I promise you safe passage off the planet," promised Juall.

"How do I know you'll keep your world?" Asked the soldier.

"You have my word as a Student of the Shrea Council Assembly," said Juall, "That should be enough."

"All right," said the soldier, slowly squatting down.

A small smirk spread across his face.

"But I never said I would let you live!" He yelled, pulling up his blaster.

A spray of metal and plaster showered between Juall and the soldier, as Tsac came flying up from the first floor. The soldier quickly switched targets, from the Kolite at the end of the room, to the flying mass in front of him. His first shot when flying past Tsac and landed in the wall next to Juall's head. His second scored Tsacs shoulder, and he didn't get a third shot off. The sudden burst of deadly flying objects startled the soldier so much, he dropped the Ucinean child, as Kaylee came flying up through the hole in the floor. The frightened child fell right into Kaylee's arms as she went flying by, and as Tsac gave the killing strike to the stunned soldier.

"Gods Tsac! You could have gotten the child killed!" Yelled Juall, as the small child flickered away, "You could have scrubbed the entire mission altogether!"

"Well I didn't, and that's the important part," shot back Tsac, ears flattening on his skull in anger.

"Actually, it does matter," said an invisible voice, "It matters very much."

The walls of the house faded away, leaving the Kolite trainees in the featureless war room. Jarrit had appeared out of nowhere from behind the students, shaking his head.

"It's the only thing that matters," explained Jarrit, "The only reason we are here now, standing in this training room, and in the Council building, is to protect the ones who can not protect themselves."

The male Ucinean and his daughter flickered back to life in front of them.

"This is the reason we are here," said Jarrit, pointing to the two, "Understand?"

All three students nodded in agreement.

"Then on to the next room," ordered Jarrit.

Kaylee, and Juall made their way to the room's exit while Jarrit caught hold of Tsac's shoulder.

"Tsac, wait a moment," said Jarrit.

"Yes Master Jarrit?" Answered Tsac.

"You do understand that what you did back there was dangerous. If that had been real, it might not have gone so well," explained Jarrit.

"Y-Yes Master Jarrit. I understand now. I'll try to control my actions in the future," Tsac stuttered.

"I hope that you do," said Jarrit, "But for now, I think I might have to do something else to ensure that. I'm going to have to take you back a rank, back to an Apprentice."

"B-But!!" Stammered Tsac.

"Don't worry. It's only temporary. I just want to see if you can learn from your mistakes, that's all," Assured Jarrit.

Tsac hung his head in disappointment. De-ranked? How could he do that to me?

"As you say, Master Jarrit," said Tsac.

"All right, let's go," said Jarrit, resting his hand on Tsac's shoulder, walking out with him.

Back in her room, Kaylee change out of her training robes and into fresh clothes. Her own personal close she hadn't had the time to wear in a while because of training. Just as she laced up her boots, a blinding pain almost knocked her to the ground.

Just as the vision came, it was gone. What the hell was that about? Wondered Kaylee. She cleared her head and made her way to the mess hall for Midpoint meal.

Part III: MidLunch Troubles

"De-ranked? Really?" Asked Kaylee, opening the question to the entire table.

The trainees sat in the Council mess hall, which was open to the public at all times. D'Gang, Oris, Laycan, R'Ning, and Sleen, some of Kaylee's, Juall's and Nilac's friends, had joined them for Midpoint meal. Many other civilians joined the warriors for lunch, ranging from the poorest of society, to the rich Senators.

"Yeah, thats right. I guess Jarrit wants him to cool down awhile," explained Ionix, while shoveling Toric bites into her mouth.

"What he do?" Asked Oris, the only alien at the table, a male human.

"Apparently Jarrit didn't like the way he handled the War Room sym this morning," explained Rhyll, "That's the only thing I can think of."

"It's so unlike him to do something like that. I mean to endanger a Ucinean child," integrated Quintelle, "Even if it was just a sym."

"Speaking of Tsac, where is he?" Inquired Pollixus.

Everyone took a glance around the opened up mess hall to look for Tsac, but no one spotted him.

"I guess he's in his room sulking," said Kaylee, "I know I would."

Their conversation was interrupted, as Senator Soris came over to their table.

"Good afternoon, Kolite's." Said Soris to the students.

"Hello's" and "Afternoon's" greeted the Senator.

"Citizens, may I have a word with the Students alone?" Asked Soris to the group of friends.

"Of course Senator," said Laycan.

As the group of friends left, Soris sat down at the round table to talk with the Kolitian Students.

"As you all probably have heard, I have been trying to fight the corrupted side of the Senate, and all by myself," Soris explained, "Well, today, I was defeated."

"What happened?" Asked Rhyll.

"I tried taking a stab at the heart of the problem. I went after Gyrul toady with the 10th Ucinean Law," he explained, "And it failed."

"You were taken off the Senate Board?" Asked Lysis.

"Yes, I was," said the Senator, "But now that I'm gone, the Senate will most likely stop the Republican funding for the Kolitian School."

The students were shocked in awe of all of what they just heard.

"Which probably means that the R-Guards will forcefully shut down the school," explained Soris, "And if any members of the Kolitian School resist, they most likely will be arrested, or killed."

The students had not been slightly prepared for this.

Close the school? What's going to happen to us? Thought Kaylee.

"Although I can not rejoin the Senate board, I will apply for a spot on the Committee Board," he assured the Students, "So that my fight will not me in vain."

"I thank you for your time Students," said the Senator, getting up from his chair, "I shall see you all sometime soon, and in the mean time, watch your backs. And watch each others."

As the Senator walked away, the group of friends came rushing over to the table.

"So what he tell ya?" Asked D'gang.

"Our situation went from good to bad," answered Lysis.

"Well, we'll just have to make the bett-" started Kaylee, but her words were cut short, as a blaster shot rang out.

Citizens screamed in surprise, running away from the tables, leaving their things behind. Except one.

Part IV: Warriors Down

Soris was down on the ground, hands holding the right of his chest. Juall ran over to his side to see how badly he was injured.

"Senator! How bad is it?" Asked Juall, but just from the looks of it, it didn't look good.

Ionix yelled out "Up there!"

All of the students looked up to see a blip of a figure on top of a civ's house, running and jumping from roof top to roof top.

Jarrit and the other Masters had appeared out of nowhere by the sides of the students,

"Students, follow me!" Ordered Jarrit, as Sireece threw him a single bladed light saber, running off.

Every last Kolite went running towards the building to chase after the lone marksman.

"I-It looks like this... is another battle I c-can't win." Stuttered Soris.

"Hold on Soris. Just hold on till the meds get here," cried out Juall.

"T-Tell them not... t-to waist their time," he staggered out, "Here, take this."

Soris shoved a small object into Juall's hand.

"Protect... T-this with your life," staggered the Senator, "It may change our world."

With that the Senator gave a last sighing breath, and was gone. Juall closed his eyes in grief for the Senator, then raised up to join the other Kolites. He glanced at what Soris had given him before he died before he took off. A vid chip.

"Where in the hell did he go?" Asked Ionix.

"I don't see him anymore!" Said Juall.

"I think he went this way!" Said Nilac.

"Wait! Before we go running off in the wrong direction, lets check to see if we're right," said Sireece, "Everyone circle up."

All the Students came together in a small circle in the middle of the crowd.

"Put your hands in the middle, one on top of the other," ordered Sireece, "Now try to sense the mind of the runaway. Look for things like fear, doubt, and distress. All of us should be able to find him."

Everyone closed their eyes and started to concentrate on the fugitive. All except one...

Oh, of all the times...

Of course, Rhyll had to be the only one to get separated in the Blissan Market. He slowly made his way through the mass of Ucinean citizens, trying to follow the runaway marksman at the same time. The man had move from the roof tops to the city ground in a flash, and was running almost as fast as Rhyll was. The man made a sharp turn into an alley way, knocking people down as he went. Rhyll now had a very close gap between him and the unnamed stranger. He was dressed in all black, with a hover punk's mask on to conceal his identity, at least for the moment. As Rhyll was shortening the distance between he and the runaway, a glimpse of a metallic object at the mans waist caught his eye.

Was that what I think it was?

With a sudden jolt of energy, Rhyll sprung on the fleeing man, knocking him to the stone ground. His fall knocked his mask flying, revealing himself to Rhyll.

"Tsac?!" Said Rhyll, stunned.

"No one de-ranks me!!!!" Tsac screamed, lunging at Rhyll.

With that, Tsac grabbed the metallic item on his belt. Jarrit's light saber! Flashing to life, the double blades swirled and hummed passed Rhyll. Leaping back twenty feet, Rhyll unclipped his own light saber and brought the turquoise blade to life.

"You think you can take me on?!" Asked Tsac, "Don't count on lasting long!!"

Tsac rushed Rhyll with blinding speed, and was atop him in less than a second. He barely had time to block Tsac's sweeping blows, much less attack him.

Rhyll tried to reach out to the others with his mind, but no one was close enough to him. His concern of contacting the others was stopped short as Tsac's red beams of destruction clashed against his solitary turquoise one. It was getting harder and harder to block Tsac's moves the longer the fight went on. Each swing of the blade was centimeters, or sometimes millimeters from slicing through Rhyll's clothing, and possibly his skin. A brief pause in Tsac's attach gave Rhyll a chance to stop the onslaught of blows, as he hurtled himself over Tsac and his double bladed weapon. When he landed, Rhyll expected to continue to block even more blows, but turning around, Tsac was gone. Rhyll quickly sensed for his presence through out the alley, but found it to late. Tsac had launched himself off the ground, just as Rhyll had landed, making sure not to make a sound as he landed himself. The crimson blade took Rhyll through the mid chest before he could turn around to defend himself.

"That's one less Kolite I need to worry about passing me up!" Said Tsac.

With that, he ran off down the alley, leaving Rhyll gasping for his life on the cold ground.

Jolts of pain raced though out Kaylee's body, as thoughts of fear, pain, anguish, and defeat flooded her mind.

"Oh Gods! Rhyll!" Cried Lysis.

With that, she ran off towards the outskirts of the Blissan market, towards Rhyll.

"Come on!" Ordered Cyndel, "He's over that way! And I can barely feel him!"

All of the Kolites ran off in Lysis' direction, hoping that Rhyll was all right.

Lysis was hard to keep up with, even when the road was clear, but with a enormous crowd, it was twice as difficult. She pushed and shoved her way though the tight crowd towards the direction she felt Rhyll from, which seemed to be coming from a nearby alley.

Lysis broke through the crowd of people and dashed down the narrow alley, scanning it for any sign of Rhyll... And she spotted his crumpled figure sitting up against two stacked crates. Rushing over to Rhyll's slumped figure, Lysis fell on her knees before him.

"Rhyll!! Are you alright?" Asked Lysis, holding his face, not noticing the Ucin coin sized hole in his chest.

"I don't f-feel anything, if th-thats what you mean," he stuttering, shaking violently.

"Who did this? Did you see who it was?" Asked Lysis.

"T-Tsac. He's mad!! Blaming everyone for getting bumped down to an Apprentice." Explained Rhyll.

"Gods, that sonuva bitch!" Said Lysis, watching Rhyll shake even more, "Now you just hold on! The others are coming!" She assured him.

"I don't think they'll be able to help," he said, stammering.

Tears welling up in her eyes, Lysis hugged Rhyll by the neck, holding him close.

"Y-You know," Rhyll stammered, "I've always had feelings for you, but I never had the courage to tell you. To bad I finally get it now," he said, smiling lightly.

"I guess we both never had the courage to say it," she said, leaning down, giving him a kiss.

As Lysis straightened back up, Rhyll's eyes were closed, and his head slumped to the side.

Kaylee was the first to round the corner of the alleyway where she felt had felt Rhyll's presence a moment before. Maybe he's moved on, and all right, thought Kaylee. But the only one she saw in the alleyway, was Lysis, and she was holding something.

Lysis turned around with Rhyll's limp form in her arms, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Part V: Future For The Students

Almost the entire Ucinean Central City arrived, or watched on the vid net, the funeral of Kolite Trainee Rhyll. The Senate broke for a ten minute silence in honor for Rhyll, the Republican Guard gave a two thousand blaster rifle salute, and the first time in history, all businesses shut down for the day. Rhyll's clear, polygraphic casket was layered with thousands of red S'Jance flowers, and his grave site was placed in the center of O'Lantic Park. Freelaz personally showed to the funeral to express her grief for the Kolitian School's loss.

After the processions were over, Freelaz took Jarrit aside and asked to talk with Kolitian members, to discuss the future of the school.

With everyone gone, Jarrit and the other Kolitian Members sat down with Senator Freelaz in the Center Hall of the school.

"So, what exactly happened yesterday?" Asked Freelaz.

Jarrit explained the long story, about Tsac's de-ranking, the senators assassination, their chase after the marksman, and what Rhyll had told Lysis before he died.

"Hmmm..." Sighed Freelaz, "Well the first thing that needs to be done, is an all city alert for your former student. And I'll also try to keep your government funding alive in the Senate meetings while I can."

"Well, I should be off now. Good day to you students, masters." Said Freelaz, getting up to leave.

"Senator, I recommend that you take one of my students with you, as a body guard," said Jarrit, "Because I think I might know why the Senator was murdered yesterday."

"I thank you for your request Master Jarrit, but I don't see why-" started Senator Freelaz.

"I think Senator Soris had something on someone, or a group of Senators in the Senate. Something that could have exposed them all," explained Jarrit, turning to Juall, "Juall, you said the Senator gave you something just before he died?"

"Yes sir," said Juall, digging in his pocket, "It's right here," Juall said, handing the object to his Kolitian Master.

Freelaz was shocked when she was the object.

"Thats the same vid chip that Soris had at the Senate Meeting when he was expelled," she said, "He flashed it in front of Gyrul, said something to him, and then he left."

"And I'm willing to bet that whatever is on here, is going to expose a lot of people," said Jarrit.

Freelaz, sat back down to let everything sink in, before rising again.

"I think I will take one of your students along with me, Master Jarrit," said Freelaz.

"Thank you, Senator," said Jarrit, the turning to face Kaylee. "Kaylee, I want you to escort the Senator here, and protect her with your life."

"M-Me? Why me?" Asked Kaylee.

"Because I know that you can do it," said Jarrit, "And I have great faith in you."

Kaylee let what Jarrit had said soak in.

"If you think I can, then I'll do it," answered Kaylee.

"Alright," said Jarrit, "But I also want you to take Juall with you."

Startled, Juall sputtered, "W-What?!"

"I think you could learn a great deal from Kaylee if you went with her," explained Jarrit.

"W-Well, I guess it won't be that bad," said Juall, "At least I can see the galaxy a little sooner than I wanted to."

"Then its settled," said Freelaz, "Both of you shall accompany me on the diplomatic mission I have to attend. My ship, the Peace Keeper, leaves the RCTS (Ryyxe Central Transport Station) in an hour, so you might as well get your belongings and leave with me. I'll alert my escort that you'll be coming. Oh, and here," said Freelaz, handing the two, two silver rings.

Both had emerald gems mounted on the tops, and the words Ucinean Republic were engraved around the stone. The Ucinean emblem was presses on both sides, in a turquoise color a Ucinean hand with its body tattoos flowing down its fingers, holding a orb.

"These will insure that my escort will believe you are to accompany me," explained Freelaz, "And will get you free passage throughout, well, most of the galaxy. Food, transportation, accommodations, you name it, you will most likely get it."

"So, students, why don't you get your things, say your good-byes and go do what you've been training for," said Jarrit, "And always remember..."

"Don't give in to hate," both students said.

"That's right. Now go get your things," said Jarrit.

Both ran off towards the dorms in the compound, to get ready for a whole new life.

"So, ya finally get to get off this miserable excuse for a plant?" Asked Oris.

"Hey, well, at least I don't live on Earth. I'd never be able to leave," shot back Kaylee.

"Ya got that right. I only wish we could go," said Oris, pointing to himself and D'Gang.

Thinking for a second, Kaylee said, "Maybe you could. You're both excellent fighters, I know myself, and we might run into some trouble while we're gone. There might be a way I can get you aboard the Peace Keeper."

Before Kaylee was a student, both her and Oris trained together at one of the only human citizens house on Ryyxe. He had found documents containing old fighting styles humans use, before the destroyed their own planet in civil war. Only twenty out of the numerous styles had survived, and Kaylee and Oris had learned only a few, Ta Chi, Drunken Boxing, and Art of the Tiger. Oris learned the fighting styles very fast, and had taken Kaylee to the mats many times.

"That would be great! I can finally move out of that hell hole of a place I live in now," said Oris.

"It's that bad with your uncle?" Asked D'Gang.

"Yeah, it is," answered Oris.

"Give me a minute to talk with Senator Freelaz," said Kaylee, running over to the Senator.

"I'm not sure about this Kaylee," said Freelaz, looking over to her friends, "It's not that I don't trust D'Gang, but Oris I have more of a problem with."

"Are you judging him just because he's human?" Asked Kaylee, ears flattening against her skull, tail swishing angrily.

"It's just that I don't trust any species that turns on their own kind for a price," said Freelaz, "They brought the destruction to their own home planet because of their treachery."

"And that's what's going to happen here in due time. I know Oris. We're like brother and sister," pointed out Kaylee.

"Hhhmmm," sighed Freelaz, "All right. But I want you to keep an eye on him. Because if he causes any trouble while onboard my ship or in my company-"

"He won't Senator. I promise," assured Kaylee.

"Here, give them these," said the Senator, handing Kaylee two rings.

"Thank you," said Kaylee, running off to give her friends the good news.

Part VI: The Peace Keeper

Buildings of all kinds flashed by the windows of the Xtram, that ran through the city, carrying the Senator and her four body guards to the docked Peace Keeper. Oris and Senator Freelaz had purposely been put in the same car by Kaylee, so that the Senator could see how good Oris could behave himself.

"So, Senator, where exactly are we going?" Asked Oris.

"To planet Onac. Some Ucineans were kidnapped by a pirate vessel in space during the first Life month," explained Freelaz, "We were just given word of the kidnapping yesterday."

"Why so late notice?" Asked Oris.

"The Onaceans don't have the technology to send light speed messages through space. They take about a month to reach us," explained Freelaz.

"Oh," answered Oris.

The homes of civ's and Senators swirled by as the tram flew towards the RCTS at an even greater speed.

"You know I think I might have to warn you about something Mr. Oris," said Freelaz.

"Please, just Oris. You don't have to be formal with me," corrected Oris.

"All right, Oris. I have to warn you that during the four months while on this voyage, we Ucineans on the ship will be going through our mating season." Explained the Senator.

Dumbfounded, Oris blankly stared back at Freelaz.

"Are you saying that I'd might....? I mean... You know..." He said.

"Oh no! Certainly not! You see, our body tattoos change colors when our emotions change," explained the Senator, "Around mating season, our tattoos absolutely fade to the natural color of our fur."

Oris hadn't noticed the tattoos on the Senator until she said it. Thick, blue lines ran along her white arms, tracing all the way down to her white finger tips. They swirled around her entire body, running every which way.

"And when that happens, the invisible tattoos give off an odor. Most say it smells like what you humans call...Hon something." Said Freelaz.

"Honey?" Asked Oris.

"Yes, that's it," said Freelaz.

"Almost sounds like an animal goin' into heat," said Oris, bluntly.

"If you wanted to put it that way, yes. Except we don't totally act on animal instinct," said Freelaz.

That didn't settle Oris' mind any.

"So I basically should keep out of anyone's personal quarters for awhile." Said Oris.

"Basically," answered Freelaz.

Well, this is going to be one boring trip, thought Oris. Did I Freelaz's tattoo's just lighten?

"RCTS control tower, this is Captain Aris of the Peace Keeper, requesting take off from launch pad E, Dock 25." Said the Captain.

"Captain Aris, you are clear to take off form launch pad E, Dock 25. Good luck to you," said a female Ucinean over the comm. unit.

"Thank you control," answered Aris, hitting the ignition button, "And see you in one month."

The ship lurched forward from the launch pad at blinding speed, soaring off into the sky, away from the planet Ryyxe.

"Everyone, this is Captain Aris. We've just exited Ryyxe's atmosphere, and are now in hyper speed preparations. Please stay in the tack off seats until after we've made the jump to light speed," announced Aris over the speakers, "It'll be about 5 minutes till' everyone can leave there seats."

I swear the blue on Freelaz's tattoo's is getting lighter and lighter by the minute! Thought Oris, nervously sitting in his seat. In fact, everyone's tattoo's were beginning to fade!

Oris glanced at his wrist com. The five minutes were about up, and Oris was nervously awaiting the go ahead sign to get out of his seat. A sudden lurch of the ship signaled it's jump into hyper space, and Captain Aris' voice sounded over the speakers again.

"All right everyone, you can now leave your seats and head to your private cabins if you want," announced Aris, "All main facilities are open now, and the trip to Onacea is going to take about a month, give or take a few days."

"Oh and to all non-Ucinean's passengers and crew," added Aris, "I'd recommend staying in your cabins only, for the next few days."

Oris practically jumped from his seat after the announcement, and ran for his cabin on E deck.

The bar was bone dry of people except for the lanky male bartender wiping down the counter, and Juall sitting on one of the stools, as Kaylee walked in. Juall sensed Kaylee approaching him, and looked over his shoulder, drink in hand.

"Hey, what are you doin' here?" He asked, slightly giving away the fact that he was blitzed as hell.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," answered Kaylee, turning to the bartender, "T'Ychin tea please."

"Sure thing miss," said the bartender, going in the back to retrieve the drink.

"Came to try an get me inta bed with ya?" Asked Juall, his language getting more slurred by the word.

"Na, your not my type," said Kaylee, jokingly.

Juall laughed to himself, "I guess my day isn't goin' so well after all."

"Why do you say that?" Kaylee asked.

"Well... For starter's, I lost one of my best friends, my tail got slammed in the stupid ships hatch, and I was turned down by every woman that was in this joint today," listed Juall, "And that's just my top 3."

"Well, I'm not sure that that last one is true are not," she said.

The bartender interrupted there conversation as he appeared from the back with Kaylee's drink.

"If you folks won't be needin' anythin', I'm gonna turn in for the night. I won't lock the place up, so you two can leave whenever you want," he said, making his way out the bar.

"Thanks," said Kaylee.

After the bartender left, Juall turned back to Kaylee.

"What did you mean?" He asked.

"That not every woman that was in here turned you down," she said.

"Well, unless there were some women that left when I passed out, then I think you're wrong," said Juall.

"I technically never said I wouldn't," Kaylee said.

"Stop toying with me. You think I can actually remember what you said when you first came in here? I'm so hammered, I barely remember the bartender leaving," explained Juall.

"Anyway, I didn't turn you down," said Kaylee.

"Really?" Asked Juall.

"Yeah," answered Kaylee, "So lets say I carry you out of here, get you sobered up, and get back to my room?"

"Hey! I may be drunk as hell, but I don't need to be carried," said Juall, rising up from his seat.

Immediately after Juall stood up, he came right back down, except on the floor. Kaylee sighed to herself and bent down to scoop up Juall in her arms. This might take awhile though Kaylee.

Oris was very board in his room after two days. The holo vid movie selection was big, but after watching all one hundred in a row, they got old, fast. All right, I don't care anymore! Thought Oris. I have got to get out of this room! Taking time to change clothes, Oris stepped out into the empty corridor of the ship and took a look around. No one's here, I guess it's safe though Oris. He silently walked down the long hallways to find his barring, since he rushed to his room before taking a quick tour of the Peach Keeper. He kept hearing noises coming from the rooms as he passed, and didn't have to guess what they were. Oris also thought that he had fallen into a vat of honey, because of the intense smell of it that was all around the ship. He was just finished familiarizing himself with deck C, when a white Ucinean hand darted out from a room Oris was passing by, and yanked him inside.

"Well Oris, it's time we got to know each other a little more personally," said a familiar voice.

Part VII: Onacea

Compared to Ucinea, Onacea was a dump. Although the actual planet was a mess, it was incredible that the Onacean people were well dressed and groomed. Onacea's main city, J'oanic, looked as if it was left over from an apocalyptic war, with crumbled buildings everywhere. It was amazing that there was an actual working docking bay.

After the engines powered down, the crew and passengers of the Peace Keeper departed and went their ways. Oris pulled Freelaz aside as everyone else hurried to depart form the ship, "What happened last night..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," she assured.

"Actually, I was wonderin' if it could happen again some time?" He asked.

Freelaz only raised an eyebrow and smiled, as she and Oris made their way off the ship.

Kaylee, Juall, Oris and D'Gang, and Captain made a circle around the Senator as they headed toward the Onacean Captain building. Onaceans eyed them as they passed, wondering why Ucinean delegates were here.

Onaceans almost passed for Ucineans, having the same type of body structure, the same stance as they walked, and the same type of fur designs. The only difference was that each one had a bionic eye implant. Metals of all kinds weeded their way from the top their eye lid, and ran up the forehead and into the back of their neck. Similar metals ran from the bottom of their eye lid, down their cheek, and back around their head to meet with the topside metals, into what looked like a computer jack implanted into the back of their necks. "All Onaceans are naturally blind in one of their eyes," explained Freelaz, leaning over to Oris who was unknowingly staring at each Onacean as he passed.

"Oh..." Muttered Oris.

The walk to the Capital building only took the diplomats few minutes, but they were covered in mud from the knees down. And Freelaz wasn't to happy about it.

"How am I supposed to receive kidnapped Ucineans like this?!" She stormed.

"Don't worry Senator, we have dressing rooms inside for such situations" reassured the guard at the door.

"Thank you," said Freelaz, nodding to the guard.

The Capital building was probably the only building on Onacea that was well kept. With marble floors, columns keeping the main roof up, and expensive chandeliers dangling from the ceiling, made it very elegant indeed. The same guard from the front had followed the group in, acting as a guide.

"You'll find dressing rooms down the hall on the right. When your done, the President is waiting in meeting room down the center hall," explained the guard, "If you'll excuse me," he said walking off.

"All right everyone, meet back here in the main hall in twenty minutes," ordered Freelaz.

"Yes ma'am and "Yes Senator" answered back as everyone went down the hall to change.

At Mid Day, everyone regrouped in the main hall and made their way down the long corridor to the meeting room to meet the President of Onacea.

The room wasn't as large as most expected, in fact, it was much smaller than expected. Tapestries of sorts were the only decoration in the tiny room, besides the usual table and chairs in the middle. At the far end sat the President in a high backed chair. Her only visually different feature was that her pelt was completely black, besides a white stripe over her left eye, and the bionic eye on her right.

"Greetings Senator Freelaz," spoke the President, "I'm President Corith."

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. President," said Freelaz.

"An intimidating group of bodyguards you have with you Senator," noticed Corith, "And unusual group I might add," said Corith, noticing Oris, "Hopefully you did not bring them for a diplomatic meeting such as this."

"No, Ms. President," assured Freelaz, "There has been some trouble on my home world and I insisted that they accompany me for the time being."

"Smart of you," said Corith, "But back to the matter at hand."

Leaning over to the com unit on the table in front of her, she pushed on of the buttons, "General, would you please join us?" Said the President into the com.

A hidden door to the left opened, and an Onacean just like the President stepped in, except male. And the fact that the white strip across his eye was on the right, and his bionic eye was on the left.

"This is General Syrx K. Corith," explained Corith, "My brother. Also the one who found your citizens on the pirate ship he and his men captured."

Freelaz bowed slightly, "I thank you for your courage General."

The General bowed back, crossing one arm over his chest in his army's salute, "It is an honor to meet you Senator."

"I am assured you want to meet the Ucineans that were found onboard," asked Corith.

"Yes, please," answered Freelaz.

The President spoke into the same com, "Send in the Ucineans."

Out of the same door the General entered, four Ucineans stepped into the room, two of each gender. All of them look like they were in good condition, no visible scars, bruises, broken bones. Nothing.

"Citizens, lets get you home," said Freelaz, with a warm smile on her face.

All four gave sighs of relief. They were going home.

"I thank you for housing our citizens for us while we came to collect them," said Freelaz to the President, as they walked down the main corridor, back to the entrance of the Capital building.

"It was the least we could do Senator," said Corith.

"So sorry we could not stay any longer, but there are pressing matters I must attend to back on my home world," explained Freelaz.

"I understand. An entire world is a hard thing to govern," said the President, shaking Freelaz's hand, "Please allow my guards here to escort you and your friends to your ship."

"Thank you Ms. President, but its not necessary. I doubt anything would happen to-" said Freelaz, but was cut off by an earth shattering explosion.

Part VIII: The Unwanted

A white blur was the only thing Kaylee could see for a few seconds after the blast. A chunk of the Capital building was gone, and the guard that had showed Kaylee and the rest around was on the ground with a bloody gash on the back of his head. And he wasn't moving. The people were in a panic, as everyone was running around to find cover in case of a second attack.

Juall had his hand to the side of his head, holding a bleeding cut, and Freelaz was down but just dazed. Oris had small fist sized bit of metal lodged in is upper arm. D'Gang's right leg was gashed on the upper thigh, and Captain Aris' shoulder was a wreck. General Syrx only suffered a minor cut above his bionic eye. It was twitching constantly, but he didn't seem to notice. He was more concerned with his sister, who wasn't moving.

"Sis?!" Yelled Syrx, running over and dropping to his knees by Corith.

He rolled her over gently, being careful not to injure her even more. A deep gash ran from her right shoulder down to her stomach.

"Aahhh... Sonuva bitch!" Moaned Corith.

"Sorry sis," said Syrx.

"Don't be brother, I'm alright," she said.

"Like hell you are," he said, then turning to his wrist com, "This is Syrx here! I need a med. outside Capital building, now!"

"Now you hold on!" Said Syrx, "I'll be right back."

"All right, just don't get yourself killed you here?" Said Corith.

"Always," answered Syrx, then turning to Oris, "Can you watch her till the med.'s arrive?"

"Yeah, sure," answered Oris.

"You two come with me!" Ordered Syrx, pointing to Kaylee and Juall.

"And where in hell do you think we're gonna go?" Asked Juall.

"To catch a killer," answered Syrx, tapping his bionic eye with a claw tip, not even flinching.

With that, the three where off down the mud encased street.

"As we stepped outside, the sensors in my eye picked up someone throwing an object. I didn't realize what it was until it was too late," explained Syrx, running down the streets of Onacea.

The streets were deserted, with not a single soul left, and no one could blame them. "But that doesn't explain how you think you know where this person went!" Yelled Juall.

"I added some extra features into this ol' baby," said Syrx, tapping the side of his head were his bionic eye was, "I can trace the heat signature he left just before he ran."

The traces of the man's heat signature where becoming stronger as Syrx ran along. After about four minutes of hard core running, the infrared signature ran into an abandoned building.

"In here," motioned Syrx to the others.

Light sabers drawn, but not active, the Kolites and General carefully made their way into the building. Moss of all kinds clung to the walls, cob webs strung across the ceiling, and crumbled walls showed signs of how old the building actually was.

"Damn it!" Cursed Syrx under his breath.

"What is it?" Asked Kaylee.

"I lost his signal," answered Syrx, "I don't know how, but it's gone!"

There was no time for any other conversation, as a shadow appeared over the trio.

"Watch out!!" Yelled Juall, knocking Syrx out of the way, just as the red beam of light sliced into the concrete floor, searing it in two.

Two of the three in the trio were drawn back as they saw who it was.

"My you Kolites are persistent bastards!" Said Tsac, yanking his light saber blade out of the concrete, creating a divot in the floor in the process.

His body tattoos where jagged and bright red, unlike the normal pale blue sky, and the ones on his face made it look like he wore a mask.

"Why are you doing this Tsac?! What the hell did we do to you?" Asked Kaylee.

"Oh I could name hundreds of things, but that would take some time," he explained, ears flatted against his head like they were apart of it, light saber twirling in his hand, "But for the most part, you making a fool out of me every time you had the chance!"

"I didn't do it intentionally, and you know that!" Argued Kaylee, "And you know yourself it was your mistakes that made you look a fool, not me."

"Don't patronize me," ordered Tsac, "I know I wouldn't if I were you."

"I'm not. I'm just telling the truth," said Kaylee, "And you know it."

That pushed Tsac over the edge.

"Die you fucking bitch!!!!!!!!" Screamed Tsac, tattoo's flaring, sprinting towards Kaylee, Syrx, and Juall,

The General wasn't trained to fist fight a Kolite, so he did what normally came to him. Use the surroundings to his advantage. A metal beam had been seared into two smaller pieces, possibly when the city tried to destroy the building, and the smaller piece became Syrx's weapon. Although he could have used a huge feather instead and it still wouldn't have mattered. Tsac's blade sliced through the metal bars, and right down across his good eye, giving the General a permenant scar. The only thing that save Syrx from death was Kaylee's blue saber deflecting Tsac's red one away.

"You leave him out of this," said Kaylee, "This is between you and us."

Tsac only smirked back. A Force throw sent Kaylee reeling backwards into a wall. Juall came flying in, saber flashing, storming down onto Tsac. Tsac's blows were powerful for Juall, but he kept his stature defending every swing and stab. Sooner than he thought, Juall suddeny found himself cornered in the building, with only a few options of escape. A spring off of one the walls sent him straight to Tsac, with his right foot out. His kick contacted with Tsac's jaw, stunning him. It gave Juall the time to spring over Tsac, and get himself out of the corner he was in. The second he landed, his thoughts told him to sidestep to the right. Just as he did, Tsac's blade came whizzing past. Juall had to counter several blows behind his head, before being able to turn around to face his advisary. A blur of an object swept inbetween both Juall and Tsac, and suddenly Kaylee was on the opposite side of Tsac, flanking him.

"Trying to push the odd's in your favor?" Asked Tsac, "Let's see if we can up the anti."

The other half of his saber blinked to life, and was swirling around with blinding speed in just seconds. In reality, two against one would have made the job a lot less difficult for Juall, but even now it didn't seem any easier. But it did seem to slowily wear Tsac down.

Blows from both sides were starting to slow Tsac down. I'm not going to last much longer... Though Tsac. I guess all games can't be won fairly...

Tsac started to stratigicly cut walls in half, hoping that one of the Kolites would stumble over the rubble or possibly be injured by bits of the rock Luck was in his favor for this fight. Juall stumbled over an enormous chunk of rock as he was stepping backwards, and fell flat on his back. The action made Kaylee stop for a second, and a second was all that Tsac needed. A hard downward strike knocked Kaylees light saber from her hand, and a round house sent her reeling backwards. With Juall down, he was at Tsac's mercy. Turning a hand towards the male Kolite, a blue glow formed around Tsac's hand, and then shot out in thin electric currents, striking Juall in the chest. The bolts made the muscles in Juall's body spasm uncontrollably, making him twitch and curl up.

"Looks like you just lost," said Tsac mockingly, "To bad, too. You were one of the few I like, Juall."

"Hey, Sparky!" Shouted a voice.

Tsac only had the chance to turn slightly around before the metal bar came crashing into his skull, knocking him out.

Syrx blinked his bloody and swollen eye lid, winching, "First rule of combat," he said to the unconcious Tsac, "Never leave an enemy for dead. Especially me."

Part IX: Turn Of Events

The damage to the Capital buiding was reparable. The emotional damage isn't that fixable. President Corith's wound was slowly healing, and her brother had no further damage to his eye.

Kaylee sat inside her cabin aboard the Peace Keeper, pondering thoughts when Juall knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah sure," answered Kaylee.

Juall stepped in and closed the door behind him, "So, what've you been up to?" He asked.

"Oh, I've just been... Thinking."

"'Bout what?"

"Well, for one, Tsac. I mean, why'd he turned like that so suddenly. He never acted that way before. Sure, he was a bit hyper active, but he never did anything like this."

"I know what you mean. Thats also one of the reasons why I came here."

"Oh?" Raising an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Well, it's hard for me to explain. The Senator sent me to get you. We're suppose to go to the med room right away."

"Let's go then."

"After I did standard neurology scans on him, looking for abnormal brain waves and such, I was alerted to a foreign objet attached to the inside of his skull," explained the Peace Keeper's doctor, a human male.

The holo projector portrayed Tsac's skull and brain for everyone to see. It also mapped out his bone structure, which was opaque than his skin or muscle structure.

"And I found this," he explained.

A small metal chip was surgically implanted onto the inside of Tsac's skull, which then ran hundreds of wires all over Tsac's brain. The General, President Corith, Freelaz, Oris, D'Gang, Kaylee, and Juall were all in a half circle around the holo projector, observing the image.

"From what I can tell you, it seems to be controlling almost all of his bodily functions. Movement, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, nearly everything."

"So what's that suppose ta mean?" Asked Oris.

"It means that he is basically a slave to who ever implanted this device," explained the doctor, "And I'm not sure what will happen if I or someone else try to tamper with it. I might even kill him."

"Wouldn't your basic EMP devices work on it?" Asked D'Gang.

"Most likely, but there's no telling if who every put that in him set a fail safe switch on it," again explained the doctor.

"Could you scan him again, this time looking for the types of frequencies that could trigger such devices Doctor Ian?" Asked the General.

"I believe I could," answered Ian, punching in the commands to scan Tsac.

The optical arm came to life, and quickly made several passes of Tsac's head. Data then from the scan replaced the holo image of Tsac's skull, informing the group of a faint signal emitting from the chip.

"What kind of signal is it?" Asked President Corith.

"Well I'll be damned! It's an old radio signal!" Said Oris surprisingly.

"Can you disrupt that signal long enough so that you can destroy that implant?" Asked Freelaz.

"Yes ma'am," answered Ian.

"Do it," ordered Freelaz.

The doctor pushed a few buttons on his instrument panel, then grabbed a flat panel and held it above Tsac's head. There was a small but blinding flashed, and the doctor set the panel back down on the his table.

"That should do it," said Ian, "I still would recommend restraining him until you are convinced he's alright."

"Thank you Doctor Ian," thanked Kaylee.

"How long till he wakes up?" Asked D'Gang.

"About an hour or so," answered Doctor Ian.

"We'll be back in fifty minutes," said Kaylee, "Just in case."

At 15:30, Kaylee, Oris, Juall, and D'Gang arrived back at the medical center aboard the Peace Keeper as planned. Tsac was situated in a holding cell, strapped down to a medical bed and still unconscious from the blow to the head.

"He seems to be coming around," informed the doctor.

Entering the cell's password, Kaylee entered the cell and sat down next to Tsac.

"Tsac? Can you hear me?" She asked.

A quiet groan escaped his muzzle, showing signs he was awake, "Ugh......Kaylee?"

"Yeah, its me,"

"Where the hell am I? And why does it feel like I drank the ships bar out of business?"

"Well, its a long story, but I think we have the time,"

It took Kaylee a good hour to inform Tsac of what he had done, and what else had happened. The story hit him like a series of punches to the stomach.

"Gods.... How can you even be around me after what I did?"

"Tsac, you weren't in control of yourself. It wasn't your fault."

"But I killed Rhyll and Senator Soris! How can you even look at me?!" He said, raising his voice.

"Tsac, I already told you tha-" started Kaylee.

Tsac cut her off, "It doesn't matter what you think! It doesn't change what I did!" He said, tears welling in his eyes, "Nothing you say will bring back Rhyll or Soris!"


"Just leave me alone...please."

Getting up, Kaylee turned back to Tsac, "Its not your fault and you know it, Tsac,"

With that, she left Tsac to himself in his cell.

"Are you sure you can leave your planet General?"

The ships crew was hustling around their stations to prepare for launch, as Senator Freelaz and General Syrx conversed on the bridge.

"Now since the incident on Onacea, security has doubled," explained Syrx, "And the President has assured she will be fine without my company."

"Hhmm," murmured Freelaz, "I'm just curious, General, but do you always refer to your sister as President?"

The General gave a short gasp of laughter, "Oh no. Its just when she's not here. She also doesn't call me General when we're alone."

"I guess you don't have much time with your sister, on a personal level, anymore."

"No, not since she was elected. Even before then we didn't really spend much time together. But now I look forward to the time we do have together."

"I'm sure you do, General."

"Syrx, please. I hate formalities as much as the next."

"And I'm next."

"I was wondering Ms. Freelaz, those are Kolites you have as body guards aren't they?"

"Yes they are. Why do you ask?"

"No reason really. It's just that I've worked with a human duo like those two before. The humans called themselves Jedi's. They were the most skilled group of people I've ever fought with," he said, remembering the past, "And the most valiant."

Before the conversation went any further, a crew member stopped to inform the two, "Senator. General. We're almost ready for take off."

"Thank you crewman," said Freelaz.

Part XI: Kicked When Your Down

"So, how'd he take it?"

The mess hall was filled for 2nd meal with crewmen and passengers alike. As Kaylee set her tray down on the table, someone bumped her from behind. His appearance gave his status onboard right away. Fur in a mess, and oil splotches all over himself. Pilot was written all over his face.

"Sorry," he said, grinning, then walked away.

With the contact, Kaylee picked up that the man had just won his first sim pilot challenge, and was overly excited about it too.

"Pretty hard," answered Kaylee, sitting down.

"Well, I think you would have too if you unknowingly killed two people, and severely injured many more," said Oris, placing his tray in front of him.

"I think anyone would," said Kaylee.

Their conversation was interrupted by Kaylee's wrist com beeping soundly.

"Kaylee here."

"This is Freelaz. Everyone report to the bridge at once. There's something you need to see."

As Kaylee entered the command bridge, an incoming transmission was displayed on the view screen. Senator Gyrul's face emerged, along with his wicked smile.

"What does that sonuva bitch want?" Asked Juall.

Juall didn't get to say what he really wanted, as the Senator started to speak, "Senator Freelaz, I hope you've had a pleasant trip to Onacea. No unexpected unpleasantness I hope?"

The Senators grin kept widening and widening as he spoke.

"I sent this message to inform you of something dreadful. You and your entourage are all dead."

The Senator vanished form the screen, and was replaced by a male Ucinean reporter, "We've just received that the ship Peace Keeper which was carrying Senator Freelaz and company has been destroyed. A group of Ferral war ships brutally attacked the Peace Keeper without warning or given a chance to surrender. The wreckage was found just outside the Onacean space boarder, and no survivors have been found."

The image switched back to Gyrul with an even bigger grin than before.

"Sad isn't it? Well it gets more depressing. At least for your Kolites," he said, then spoke into his wrist unit, "Send him in."

A beaten and bloodied Ucinean stumbled into veiw, then pushed by two guards from behind. Gyrul stood beside the beaten creature, and yanked his head up by the scruff of his neck.


Both Kaylee an Juall stood stunned where the were.

"The Kolite master here has broken a sacred law. He tried to assasinate a Senator. Me. He motioned to the guards to pick him up and stand him up.

"And now, his sentance shall be carried out" said Gyrul, grinning wickedly, "By me."

"Justin? Will ya throw me the splicing torch?"

"Yeah, sure!" Yelled Justin, picking up the instrument, "Here! Catch!"

The tool sailed through the air, loudly clanking onto the catwalks above the corridor.

"Nice catch," he said, "So Seleece, how much longer till you get the power back to the station?"

"Couple of minutes. I still have to reroute the entire...." Seleece started.

A sudden enormous amount of emotion swepted over Justin in a wave. A wave of sorrow, pain, and hate. It was so powerful, a sharp pain in his head started to form, building up enought to knocked him bring him to his knees. Justin let out a sharp yelp of pain and grabbed his head in agony.

"Justin?" Said Seleece, jumping from the catwalks and landing near where he knelt, "Are you alright?"

"S-so.... m-much.... p-pain...." He stagged out.

"JUSTIN!!!! Snap the fuck out of it!" Screamed Seleece.

The corridor shook violently again, knocking Justin back to his senses.

"About fucking time!!!" Yelled his sister, "Come on! We gotta report to Hanger 6 right now!"

Seleece yanked Justin to his feet, and literally drug him through the corridor till he could walk on his own.

End Of

Episode I

Balance Of Power