Kenny, Star of the Show

Will A. Sanborn


"There, wasn't I right about this being a good way for you to unwind from work?" Shamira asked Kenny, hugging him lightly, as the movie they were watching on television ended.

"Mmmm, yeah this was just what I needed, guys" the younger mouse replied to the skunk femme as he leaned against her, snuggling on the couch between her and her lover, Abakan, a male squirrel. "This was one hell of a week, trying to get everything in place for the project deadline. But we made it, so it was worth it."

At twenty-two, Kenny was several years junior to his friends, but having gone through college early, and heading up a large team at work, he was used to being around older people. He was smart and capable, but still a little inexperienced in social circles, having devoted most of his time and energy to his education and career. That had changed some after he'd met Shamira and Abakan though. Brought together through a mutual friend, the two of them had taken a liking to the adorable mouse.

As they got to know him, they'd then invited him into their bedroom for some loving play. Kenny had been a little unsure at first, but Shamira's gentle persuasions had won him over. He'd even relaxed to enjoy Abakan's attentions, and his two new friends had helped show him all the pleasures his body was capable of. It'd been a wonderful experience for Kenny, both socially and sexually. With the help of Shamira and Abakan, and a couple of other friends of theirs, Kenny was able to get the release he needed from the pressures of work. After making decisions and juggling schedules all day, it was a pleasant change for him to relax with his friends and have them lead things as they played together. In fact he'd found he enjoyed taking on a submissive role for the sexual games, playing to the attentions of others.

Tonight it was just the three of them. Kenny enjoyed the sessions they had when all the members of their little club got together for some wild fun, especially since he quite often took the center of attention. However, there were other times when it was just nice to spend some quality time with his two close friends who'd started it all for him.

"Thanks for making dinner too, Abe," Kenny added, turning to look at him. "Just staying in and snuggling with you guys as we watched a movie is really nice.

"Oh, you're quite welcome, little guy" the squirrel replied with a warm smile as he patted his mouse friend's head lightly, playing his hair. "There's other things we can do too you know," he added with a wink.

"You're incorrigible" Shamira answered him.

"Yes, but that's why you like me, isn't it sweetheart?"

"That, and other things" his skunk lover answered him, chuckling softly, then giving the squirrel a quick little kiss.

"I'm sure you'd be up for that too, wouldn't you, Kenny dear?" she asked the mouse sitting beside her. He only smiled and nodded as he looked up at her, to which she lowered her muzzle and licked the tip of his nose affectionately.

"Well then, why don't we put another movie in for a bit, guys? Something to get us in the mood, not that you two really need it..."

"Neither do you, Shamira dear," Abakan replied, sticking his tongue out at her.

Swatting at him in mock annoyance, Shamira flashed a pouty look across her face, which was greeted by the smiles of the two males. It was only a moment or two before a smile crept across her own muzzle, and they chuckled at her facade.

"Okay, but I think this is something that'd be fun anyway, and I'm sure Kenny will really like it."

With that, she sat up, disentangling herself from the other two bodies on the couch, and walked to the back of their house to the bedroom. Both Kenny and Abakan watched her as she left, appreciatively gazing upon her lovely backside, and watching her large striped tail sway and bounce with her steps as she walked.

She returned quickly, carrying a tape with her. "I think it's a good time to show Kenny this, don't you, hon?" she asked Abakan. She was sure to show him the tape in such a way that the title was out of the mouse's view.

"Oh, most-definitely, I think it could make for an interesting night, indeed" Abakan replied with a grin, and a gleam in his eye.

Kenny watched with anticipation as Shamira put the tape in the player, and then returned to join them on the couch. Abakan grabbed the remote and hit the play button, and after a momentary bit of video noise, the screen resolved to show a view of the exact same living room their were sitting in. In fact, the camera was pointed at the couch where they were snuggling, showing Shamira sitting there, laying back against the pillows with a happy smile on her face.

"There, you've got the camera set-up perfectly, I can see from the TV that you've got the whole couch in view" the copy of the skunk femme they were watching on the screen was saying. "Now start recording and hurry up and get over here, you've kept me waiting long enough."

"It's going already" they heard Abakan's voice say from off-camera, and as they watched he quickly joined Shamira on the screen. Sitting next to her on the couch, he gave a quick glance towards the camera and the unseen television behind it. "Yup, it's all in frame and it looks good." Turning back to look at his lover, he smiled, "now we can get down to business..." As they watched, the squirrel on the TV eased him self down so he was laying next to Shamira. Without any more hesitation, their muzzles met, noses touching in a kiss.

Kenny's eyes widened slightly as he watched the two lovers kissing passionately on the screen, their tongues playing together. "You mean you two of you made a sex film together? Oh, wow."

"Yes," Abakan answered, smiling at Kenny's expression, as the mouse watched with his mouth slightly open. "It was her idea actually, but we both enjoyed it. We thought it'd be fun to share this with you."

"So just sit back and enjoy it, Kenny" Shamira whispered in her ear as the two of them snuggled in closer against him.

Kenny continued watching as Shamira and Abakan slowly undressed each other on the screen. He let out a gasp as the image showed Abakan removing her bra, exposing her breasts to the camera. He'd seen the skunk femme naked many times before, but her body still awed him, and seeing her revealed in that way on the television only heightened the experience.

In the movie, Abakan was just as appreciative of his lover's body. Taking her breasts in his hands, he slowly caressed them, glancing up to meet her gaze as he flicked his tongue across his muzzle, licking his lips in anticipation. Slowly his fingers found her nipple piercing. She gasped as he caressed around the ring, gently at first, then his attentions becoming more insistent. When she moaned at his attentions, he pressed his muzzle against hers, kissing her open mouth hotly once again.

Kenny's eyes were locked on the screen as he watched the events unfold. Slowly, Abakan moved his mouth down the white fur of Shamira's chest. After nursing at her nipples for several minutes, he then continued southward until he was kissing the baby-blue fabric of her panties.

"So, do you like it?" Kenny heard Shamira whisper in his ear.

"Mmmm, yes, it's very good, so far..." the mouse answered the skunk. On screen he saw Abakan was removing the last of her clothing, sliding her panties down her legs as she lifted her hips up to assist him.

"This is the first one we made" Abakan spoke softly in Kenny's other ear. "We've made others, some more elaborate ones with the others in the club even... We thought this would be a good one to show you first though, with just the two of us."

Kenny sighed softly as the squirrel began nuzzling the fur of his neck gently. Abakan pressed himself against the mouse's body, and Kenny felt his friend's arm pulling him closer in a hug. Shamira joined in as well, hugging Kenny from the other side. Taking his muzzle in her hand gently, she turned his head away from the image of Abakan's head going down between her thighs on TV, to face her and to meet her mouth in a kiss.

Closing his eyes, Kenny returned the kiss and surrendered himself to the attentions of his friends and lovers. He moaned softly as his tongue met Shamira's and he felt Abakan's muzzle pressing firmer against his neck. As the moments ticked on, he soon felt both of their hands roaming over his body, teasing him through the fabric of his shirt.

The fingers exploring him eventually found the buttons to the garment, and slowly they undid them one by one. Parting the shirt open, their hands gently played along the fur of his chest, then down to his tummy. Traversing the well-navigated regions, they soon found the familiar spots they were searching for. Kenny's stomach tensed slightly, and a shiver ran through his body as Abakan and Shamira's fingers played against the ticklish spots on the side of the mouse's tummy that they knew so well.

The two of them held him in place. They pressed their bodies against him firmer as they played with him, tickling him just lightly enough to get a response, enough to get him under their control, but not enough to overtax the easily-excited mouse's body. Shamira continued to kiss him deeply, and he could feel Abakan's hot breath parting the fur of his neck as they worked their sweet torture on him.

Finally they eased off, trailing their fingers against his fur slowly until they stopped all together. Shamira gently pulled back from their kiss as well. Kenny looked up at her and smiled.

"You're so much fun to play with Kenny, dear" she said as she licked his nose once again.

"Mmmm, you are a lot of fun," Abakan added as he stroked Kenny's chest gently, keeping his fingers away from the mouse's ticklish spots, for the moment.

"Awww, well thanks for having me around" Kenny answered. "It's really nice to have some close friends to spend time with, and you guys have been really good to me."

"Well, you're definitely worth it" Shamira replied, to which Abakan nodded in agreement. "We really enjoy the time you spend with us."

Hugging his two friends as they lay against him, Kenny turned his attention back towards the television. It now showed Shamira giving Abakan a very energetic blow-job. Kenny let out another sigh as her watched her muzzle slide up and down the squirrel's cock. She was very good at it. Kenny remembered the first time she'd done that for him and how wonderful it'd felt. Abakan had treated him to that pleasure as well, of course he'd also shown the mouse how to return the favor.

As Kenny watched the two lovers on the screen, he felt Abakan's hand sliding down his tummy once again. Going lower, it cupped the outline of the mouse's cock pressing against his pants. Kenny let out another low moan as the fingers caressed him. Even through the material of his clothing, he was excited enough so the sensations sent little sparks along his nerves.

Shamira moved her hand down to rest on Abakan's, quelling its movement. "Careful, we don't want to get Kenny off early, do we hon?"

"No, we don't, that'd be a shame," Abakan replied with a wicked grin. "What do you say, Kenny, we could finish the movie, or we could watch that later and have some more fun now..."

Kenny's nod of acquiescence was all the answer they needed. Abakan went to reach for the remote, but Shamira grabbed his hand to delay him. "Actually Kenny, would you be interested in doing something like that?" she asked, gesturing to the TV with the movie still running on it.

"Um, I thought that's what we were about to do," Kenny answered, with a slightly-confused smile on his face.

"No, I mean just like that," Shamira stated, again pointing to the television.

Understanding washed over the mouse's face as he realized what she was suggesting. "You mean with a camera...? I don't know."

"It's a lot of fun Kenny, you saw how much we were enjoying it."

"Yeah, it's a real thrill to know you can watch yourself later on" Abakan added.

"You've let us and the others in the club watch you sometimes, and you know you can trust us not to show this to anyone without your permission." Shamira stroked his hair near his ear as she spoke to him.

"This seems different though," Kenny protested, but only weakly. As he looked up at her and into her eyes, the notion of the idea was working its way on him.

"It is a little different, but that's part of the fun."

"Plus," Abakan spoke up, "you like being the center of attention a lot of the times when we all get together, so tonight you could be the star of the show."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, dear?" Shamira added.

Kenny nodded once again. "It does sound kind of exciting, I guess could give it a shot."

"Good man," Abakan answered, and he and Shamira hugged their young friend once again.

"If I decide I don't like it, we can stop right?" Kenny asked.

"Of course we will, you know we'll never do anything to hurt you, Kenny." Shamira replied.

"Plus, you've liked a lot of the new stuff we've shown you, haven't you?" Abakan added.

Kenny nodded, a smile creeping across his face. Even with his initial uncertainty, he couldn't hide his growing enthusiasm.

"Great, then we're on" Abakan said, his own voice echoing with excitement. "This is going to be a lot of fun... I get to be director."

With that, the squirrel was off to run back to the bedroom. He returned a couple of minutes later with his arms full of supplies. "Just give me a few minutes to set up and we'll be ready to roll." Shamira smiled at him, and snuggled with Kenny on the couch as they watched Abakan work.

First he worked on getting the camera set up on its tripod, positioning it so he could film while sitting down in the easy chair in the corner of the room. Then he connected it up to the TV, so the television screen displayed its output. Next he unfolded a large, thick blanket on the rug in the center of the room. He placed a towel near the blanket, then finally turned to Kenny and showed him a tube of lubricant he'd brought out. "I think you'll be needing this in a bit" he said to him with a wink, before placing it down, on top of the towel.

Kenny smiled at Abakan's implications. "Okay, what do you want me to do then?" he simply asked, his mouth open slightly in expectation.

"Well first, you know how much fun it is showing you get off, we'd like to watch you do it by yourself."

"You mean all alone?" Kenny asked, his eyes darting downward momentarily.

"Yeah, to start out with, then Shamira can join you, and maybe me after that. You've watched me get off by myself while you and Shamira were playing together, and that was fun, right?"

"Yes it was."

"Then this will be fun too. I think it'd be really exciting watching you, Kenny."

"I do too," Shamira whispered in his ear. "I think it's really sexy watching someone love themselves."

"Well, if that's what you'd like, anything to please you" Kenny spoke, his voice sounding more sure. A tiny shiver ran through him at the idea, his body and mind tingling at the idea of performing for their pleasure. Standing up he added "okay, what should I do?"

"Well, for starters why don't you get out here in front of the camera and undress for us?"

"I can do that" Kenny replied more enthusiastically, moving to stand on the blanket on the floor, feeling its soft fabric against the pads of his bare feet. "Is the camera on?"

"Yup, we're rolling, you can start whenever you're ready," Abakan replied with a grin.

With only a moment's hesitation, Kenny started. First he looked at Abakan, then to Shamira, who was smiling at him. His face was wearing a smile of his own as his hands moved up to find the fabric of his shirt. It was still unbuttoned, so all he had to do was open it. Doing so he bared his chest to both of them, then slowly moved the fabric down over his shoulders and off his arms.

He let his shirt fall gently to the ground as he moved his hand up to touch the base of his neck. Tilting his head back, he closed his eyes slightly as he stroked the fur there. Moving slowly, his fingers trailed down the white fur of his chest, then over his tummy. Even just touching himself, he managed a small shiver of excitement as his touch glided over one of his sensitive spots. He noticed both Abakan and Shamira smiled appreciatively at that, and he continued to act out the show for them. His hands found the top of his pants and he unbuttoned them, opening them, forcing the zipper downward. Getting the slack he needed, he slowly pulled the garment down, easing it over his hips and then down his legs. Bending down he stepped out of one leg then the other. Finally free from them, he dropped them off to the side, then stood up, facing the camera with an eager smile.

His hands trailed down his sides once again, until they found the rim of his underpants. He skirted his fingers over them slowly, then tucked his thumbs inside, readying to pull them down.

"Wait, not yet" Abakan stopped him. "Tease us a little. You look cute in your undies, why don't you pose a bit for us first?" Shamira nodded and smiled at that suggestion as well.

All to eager to comply, Kenny raised his hands over his head and stretched for them.

"Good, now why don't you turn around so we can see all of you," Abakan directed. He grinned as he watched the cute and sexy mouse act out his suggestions. His eyes roamed appreciatively over Kenny's body as he looked at it from the back, taking in the sight of his tan fur contrasting with the white of his briefs. The mouse's thin, pink tail protruded through a small hole in his underwear, and it twitched slightly as he watched it.

"Mmmm, there's that nice ass of yours," Abakan complimented him, his voice lustful.

Looking over his shoulder at the squirrel, Kenny chided him jokingly. "Remember you promised you wouldn't try anything with me there, Abe..."

"I know, but a guy can dream, can't he?"

Chuckling along with his friend, Kenny took the hint and moved his hands to his underwear once again. Slowly he peeled the fabric down, down over his rump to reveal his buttocks to the camera, and to Abakan, who was watching him with much enthusiasm. At seeing the creamy-white fur of Kenny's butt cheeks revealed to him, Abakan whistled appreciatively. Kenny shook his rump for his friend's enjoyment, his tail twitching even more.

Stopping, he then pulled up his underwear just as slowly as he'd taken it down. Turning slowly, he moved to face Shamira, then Abakan and the camera once again. Both his friends were watching him intently, with broad smiles on their muzzles. Shamira had also unbuttoned her shirt, and her hand was absently stroking her belly fur.

"Well, I think Kenny's certainly excited enough," Shamira remarked, pointing out the strain of his erection against his underwear, as well as the wet spot on the fabric, further example of his prolonged arousal.

Kenny watched Abakan nod at Shamira's observation, and smiled at their attentions. Another shiver of excitement ran through him, as his hand hovered near the last vestige of this clothing. "So, should I take these off now?" he asked the squirrel who was staring at him intently.

"Most certainly" came his answer, and Kenny was all to happy to obey. Grasping the waistband of his shorts once again, he pulled them down and out away from him just enough so the tip of his cock poked out. Moving just as slow and teasing as he had before, he made more show of pulling his briefs down, slowly exposing the rest of his manhood. Finally he slipped out of them all together, discarding them on the floor with the rest of his clothes.

Now standing before them, he faced the camera with a confident smile, his erection standing at full attention. Taking his left hand, he gently cupped his balls, displaying them to his audience. "Does this please you?" he asked Abakan with a smile, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"Oh yes," was all the squirrel could answer as he greedily watched Kenny strutting for the camera. Kenny then turned towards Shamira. He didn't need to ask her though, for the skunk was already nodding at him.

Taking his other hand, he then gently stroked along the length of his cock. Catching a drop of pre-cum on his fingertip, he brought it to his lips and made a nice display of sucking it, licking it clean and tasting his excitement.

"Should I love myself for you pleasure?" he asked Shamira for direction that time, eagerly waiting for her directions.

"Yes, dear" she replied in a low voice. "Show us the pleasure you can give to yourself."

Not wasting any time, Kenny was quick to get down on the floor, first kneeling, then laying back, down on the blanket Abakan had so thoughtfully provided for him. He positioned himself such that he was lying at an angle between Abakan and Shamira's vantage point, so they could both get a good look at him.

Closing his eyes, his hands roamed over his body once again. Starting from his neck they trailed down, slowly caressing his body, until they reached his crotch. His fingers then skirted along his groin, coming close to, but never touching his sex. Then slowly he took one hand and gently massaged his balls. A small gasp escaped his open mouth at the increased sensations that gave him.

He continued, stroking his tummy idly with the other hand as he continued to tease himself. Finally, when he could take it no longer, that hand sought out his cock, his fingers once again stroking its length.

His ministrations were still subdued though, as he prolonged things a little longer. He eventually opened his eyes to look at his friends as they watched him. Shamira had stripped off her shirt and skirt and had one hand down inside her panties, touching herself as she looked on at Kenny's pleasure. Their eyes met and she smiled at him.

Kenny glanced over at Abakan and saw he was enjoying the show as well. The squirrel was absently stroking his own erection through his pants as he watched Kenny through the camera.

Sitting up, Kenny grinned at the camera as he reached for the tube of lubricant that was off to his side. Without saying anything he popped open the lid and squirted some of the thick and slippery liquid into his hand. There was no need for words now, as he sat there, performing for the enjoyment of his friends, and the watchful eye of the camera. Everyone's excitement was easily expressed in the laden silence of the room, silence which was only broken by heavy breaths and sighs of approval.

An urgency came upon him as he rubbed the lube over his cock, making it slick, and shine in the light of the room. The liquid also felt good against his skin, sending more shivers of pleasure through him as he moved his hand over the length of his erection.

Grabbing his manhood tighter, he pumped his fist, up and down, over his cock. The lubricant allowed him to be forceful and his motions picked up speed as the need within him grew. Closing his eyes, he moaned softly as his hand moved faster, teasing his sensitive flesh even more.

His breathing deepened as the tension within him grew, and his hand worked at stroking himself mercilessly. Pumping his cock harder, his other hand continued to stroke his balls, working for the right bit of sensation to send him over the edge.

Finally he made it, and he felt the tension within him break. Arching his back, he tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide. A groan of pleasure escaped him as the sensations of the release washed over his body. His leg twitched, his toes curling as the first spurt of cum escaped him. Wave after wave of it shot out to splash up across his upper chest and belly, until finally the spasms of his climax slowly died down, leaving Kenny momentarily spent.

He collapsed backwards, lying on the blanket, his limbs splayed out. His mouth open and his tongue lolling out slightly, his breath came out panting as he lay there for a few moments. Then, as he recovered from the sensations, he slowly opened his eyes to dreamily look up at Shamira and Abakan. "Wow, that was one of the best orgasms I've had in some time," he breathed out.

"I'll say," agreed Abakan with great enthusiasm. "That was a beautiful money shot you gave us."

Kenny just grinned at that. "I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun, thanks for suggesting it."

"You're welcome, Kenny dear," Shamira replied, "but you don't think that's all there is, do you?"

"Surely you think Shamira here should get a chance to play with our star, shouldn't she?" Abakan added with a chuckle. "And then what about our poor director and camera man, isn't somebody going to help him out too?"

Laughing, Kenny replied "well, I guess if you put it that way, I could help you guys out. I'll need a little time to recover though."

"Oh, we know you're good for it," Shamira answered as she watched him with a predatory gaze, her voice was low and throaty with desire. "We've got much more we can do with you tonight..."

Kenny could only lie there, as he gazed up at her, waiting for her to make her move. His mind raced with anticipation, as his body slowly warmed with growing passion once again. Knowing his two friends, and how much fun they had playing with him, he was sure it was going to be a night to remember. The night was still very young as well...

Copyright 2000, Will A. Sanborn -
Kenny copyright 2000, Steve Carter
Shamira and Abakan copyright 2000, Reto Roth