A Sucrose-Induced Rant

Will A. Sanborn


I just realized something today
This morning as I was sitting there
Enjoying my breakfast
Listening to the TV's rambling
While perusing the morning paper
A cartoon apparition caught my eye

Snapping my head up, giving my complete attention

I almost choked on my cereal
Its bittersweet nectar soured by my realization

For there in shimmering technicolor

Stood that insidious fiend
Hawking his wares in all his glory

I'd never noticed it before

Seeing his smiling visage
Hypnotic with his offerings of friendly help
Aided with the mysterious powers of sugared corn

But did you know that Tony the Tiger

That oh-so-friendly scamp
Is completely naked?

Is this the kind of deviant we want having breakfast with our kids?

Copyright 1995, Will A. Sanborn - was1@shore.net