Principle of Determination 2 Winterwolf. The continuation and conclusion of jule's story. This containes mild violence and adult language. Everything is still the same so read it. :) Like to say something, send it to It would be a few days before the finals started. Rome was in the gym when he saw jule come in. "Hay, haven't seen you in a while. How's the training comming along?", the deer questioned. "Great!!.. Oh very good.. prepare to get your cute ass wiped!", the wolf ansewred back filled with zest. Rome looked at jule a bit suprised at his sudden enthusiasm and zest. And to his futher astonishment jule looked bigger than usual. "Ha?..haaave you been working extra lately?", rome questioned. "Yeh you can say that.. just trying a little harder and thats all it's goin to take.. and this time you're gona fall like the city Rome!" , the wolf growled then moved to the bench press machine. The deer looked even more confused now and when he saw how much the wolf was moving he almost pass out. " What the..194 lbs... he's moving more than his body weight..more than I weigh..what the hec, where did get this sudden burst of strenght", the deer thought to himself. The next day the events started and there was a change in jule. For the long jump, the triple jump, disk throw jule won out every event. Everyone was suprise at jule's sudden come back, especially rome. Everyone lined up for the 200 meter finals. Jule came up to the line with a large grin on his muzzle. " don't look very relaxed today..200's aren't your cup of tea ha? Well you better be consistant through this whole race or i'll embarrass you. Rome just smirked and look foward. Jule smiled and got on his line, every now and then moving his shoulders side to side growling in acticipation. Rome glimpsed over at jule and could see every stran of muscle in his body tensing under his light brown fur and a snarl on his muzzle. He looked forward and clared his mind and just concentrated. "Set!"........Bang! The gun went off again and rome was already infront of everyone making tracks with jule exactly behind him. Rome knew jule was behind him from since they moved off and if he didn't pass yet he probly can't. No sooner did the deer made the final turn for the home streach the wolf ripped pass him like he was goin backwards. Rome was so stunned he involuntarily slow down and a cheetah and a panther passed him putting him in fourth. "Yes!!" the wolf shouted as he passed the finish. As rome passed the line he had an even more confused look on his face. Everyone gathered round jule congradulating him on a new record. The deer only shook his head and left. Later that day everyone was at a local resturant that they usually went to talking and laughing about the day's event. "Man you were like lightning out there, I never seen someone so fast", an otter said skaking jule's paw. " Ah it was nothing..just two one more days then the last deciding event, I'm sure to win", the wolf said confidently. "Cheers to that, that scholarship is as good as yours", a tiger responded. " So tell us, where did you get this ...sudden explosive strenght?", rome asked approaching from the back. " Oh rome! , glad you can join us. Me, i just got more sleep", the wolf responded getting laughter from everyone. " I'm not amused.. your not on anything are you?", the deer futher questioned. The wolf looked at rome putting all his attention to the rain deer. "Besides this seat..noo..why would you think that?" "Sudden agility and stamina doesn't simply come like that unless someone is on steroids or something." "Well if you want to call vitamin c and tonic steroids who am i to argue". the wolf responded. Everyone broke into laughter again. "What steroids you talking about rome you got your butt wipped, live with it!", larah exclaimed. Everyone started laughing again including rome. " Yeh he did miss handle me for the whole week..ah well ..we'll see what the next 2 days bring us", the rain deer said taking a drink. After a while everyone was getting ready to leave. As micheal was driving his friend home he noticed someting strange. "Jule you feeling ok buddy??" The wolf turned his head towards the dalmation and smiled. " Yeh of course, a bit tired but i'm cool, why?" " Your nose is bleeding." Jule looked at micheal then looked in the mirror and saw a trail of blood flowing from his nose. " What the..ah must of been when i hit it earlier", jule said wiping it away and sniffling a bit. " You sure you don't want to go to the doctor or something?" Jule laughed a bit loudly and looked at his friend. " For a nose bleed, come on man." " Ok ok, if it's no big deal, see you at gym tomorrow," "Yep, later", the wolf responded and went up to his house. As jule got in to his room he growled loudly and put his head in his lap at the sudden intense head ache he just got. Almost the same moment the door opened and his brother eric came in. " Hay jule, you ready to take me driving practice now?", the boy asked hitting his brother on the shoulder. "Arrrr...not now kid..errr", jule growled. " But you promised you would today and this is the only free time i've got for the rest of the month." "I'll have to take a ring check..errrr..some other time!" Eric stood there a while observing his brother. "Whats wrong with you dont look good", eric questioned in a worried tone. "Errrr...dam it I'm ok!! I just have a head ache and your making it grow.. please get lost!!" The young wolf was shocked at his brother's tone towards him and hung his head down and left the room. Jule got up and locked his door then moved towards his dressor and pulled out all the draws until he found the bottle. To his shock it was empty. "Oh damit!..ohh no..errr!" Jule grolwed loudly and threw his fist into dressor damaging it and his paw. In no time his paw was covered in blood from agressive attack. The wolf bandaged his paw and made his way down stairs to his dad's car and left. The next place he arrived was at the gym as he franticaly looked around for gregory. When he finally saw him he sighed in relief and ran up to him. " Hay greg!", jule shouted to get the cat's attention." "Haaa???..oh jule..say what are you doin here, you should be relaxing." "Yeh, but I ..i ran out.. i need a another bottle", jule said pulling his wallet out. " Ah wait a minute kid, you need to back off of this a bit..", the cat said turning away. "Wait a minute, come on..two more days..I just a need a few for those days then i'm done.. ok", the wolf pleaded. " Look I can give the ones I did at first and..." " No!...ah..i mean those aren't doin a thing for me, I need the strong ones please, if moneys the problem don't worry." The juguar shook his head, " Look these things are goin to send you over the egde if you over do.......dam it! your nose is bleeding!" The wolf could feel something flowing down his muzzle and realised it was blood. "Ahh...dam it", he said wiping it away with his paw. " Look you had enough of this kid, you don't need this for those last two days, your body is already charged up..a little too much if you ask me." "Look!, I love sports ok, for as long as I known myself being good at it got everything I ever wanted, Friends, respect, sex,pride and that feeling of knowing I have a talent, something that i'm realy good at and no one can take away from me. But until now i realise the one important thing in my life it's not giving me..a chance to be good at something else..I don't have money for college and i definitly can't get a scholarship through has to be sports..I have to win." The jaguar looked at the wolf for a while. " Extrem desire can often cloud someone's's not the end of the world if you don't win, but for your sakes I hope you do..i'm only giving you because I draggged you into this, it's your chioce if you really need it or not however." The cat handed to small bottle to the wolf and left. Jule stood there for a while just thinking on what the cat said. The next day jule as usual beat everyone in all the competitions, but he found his emotions harder and harder to control. While walking home a snow lepord came up to jule to question him. " Well wolf how is it comming along? all that steroids making you sick yet?", the lion asked with folded arms. Everyone froze and looked at jule. " I don't know what your talking about singer..get lost", jule snarled. "Ohh I had a little talk with greg.. I knew you were on something wolf." " If you don't get out here right now you'll leave on a dam streacher!", jule growled. " Ohhh..i'm pissing my might as well forget about tomorrow drug head", the cat snarled turning his back. No sooner he did the lepord felt something slam against his head throwing him to the ground. In a instant jule was raking a series of kicks into the lepord's stomach and head until the he was bleeding. "Jule ! what the hell are doing!", micheal shouted pulling him off the battered cat. "What's wrong with you man!.....what.." The wolf growled and took up micheal by his throat. "Get off of me!", he snarled throwing his friend into a wall. Everyone was shocked this action. Larah shook her head and began to back away, " You are on something.." "Haa....I..I ahh .." " Get away from me....just...just leave me alone!", larah shouted running off. Jule shook his head in disbelief then looked at micheal groaning and getting up. " Micheal I..ah...", jule stammerd goin towards him. " Look...errr..from now on what ever you choose to do, you fucking do it alone...", micheal grunted holding his midsection with tears in his eyes. "I....didn't mean..." The canine just shook his head as more tears ran down his face and walked away. All the others looked at the wolf in hatred and helped micheal as they left. Jule just stood there in disbelief of all what just happened. As he looked at the injured lepord getting up the realization of what he just did fully socked in. He brutally attacked someone just for words and worst he hurt one his closest friends. Not the hurt as in hurt his feelings like he always did , but this time physically hurt him. The wolf slowly turned around and walked slowly home. It wasn't long before he couldn't control his feelings anymore and broke down crying pushing himself up against a tree. He slowly slid on the tree to the ground with his face in his paws when he felt a little tap on his shoulder. Jule lifted his head with some hope that it was his friend but as he wiped away his tears he only saw a very young racoon looking at him. " Are you alright Mister? , I've never seen someone your age cry like that before." Jule closed his eyes and sighed heavily, " I'm....ok.kid", he responded sniffling. " You don't look look like someone who just lost all thier friends", the boy continued. "Sounds like something a normal seven year old would say, but he doesn't know how right he is", jule thought to himself. " Yeh you can say that. I messed up big time." " I'll be your friend then, it isn't everyday I run into a big kid like you who'd want a seven year old for a friend!" Jule smiled a bit and pat the coon on his head, " Sure kid, but you better get home before it gets any darker." The boy knodded and took off. "Hmmm I don't even know his name...", jule said getting up and continued home. No sooner he got there he began to get the same head ache again. Only this time it was twice as bad. As he went upstairs he began to feel really sick and rushed to the bathroom. No sooner he got over the toilet he began throwing up hard for almost 2 minutes. He had to admit as sick as throwing up was he felt a little better afterwards. He flushed the toilet and went to wash his paws and muzzle and walked out the bathroom. Goin up the stairs again as he reached the top he began to feel really dizzy. Before he realised or could even react his vision began to to go black and he could feel himself slowly collapsing backwards when someone caught him. When he opened his eyes again he was in his room on his bed and his brother was next to him. "Ha? Jule! are you ok..i was just comming in and you looked like you were goin to fall." Jule sighed and pulled himself up a bit. He was feeling a lot better and his head ache was completely gone, but not the ache in his heart. "Eric i'm so sorry for the way i have been acting you lately , I... I messed up..", jule menaged breaking down into tears again. "It's ok." " No it's not..I wanted to win so badly it became the only important thing in my life and not my friends or you...I went as far as to use these dam drugs and look where it's left me. I've seriosly hurt someone and myself from using them and I've lost all my friends..nothing is worth all this.." "Jule...dont matter what all you loose..your friends, the wont ever loose me.." Jule smiled broadly and hugged his brother. " Bro. from day one I've always believed in you...and so do all your friends, mabe it's time you start beleiving in can win tomorrow if you want...and without this", eric said holding the small bottle with the tablets and handed it to jule. "I have an exam to do tomorrow but as soon as i'm finished I'll be there at the finals to see you. Jule knoded and hugged his brother again. The next day finally came and jule was ready to do his final events. All of sudden winning was no longer important, he'd just wished he still had his friends. But he remembered what his brother told him and what everyone's been telling him for longest while. To believe in himself. Through the triple jump, long jump and pole vualt, everyone cheered on the wolf as he easily came first in all of them. After all it seem normal to them cause he always came first, but to him it was a new experience. He was doin even better than before and he hadn't use anything. He had emptied the bottle of tablets in the toilet. Now the final event came, the 100 meter hurtles. Everyone came up to the line including the wolf. As jule got to his mark he looked around desperately to see any of his friends but saw no one. He sighed and kept his face to the ground trying to clear his mind. " Hay champ", a fermiliar voice whispered. Jule looked around to see rome right next to him. "Rome..ah.I'm so.." The deer close his eyes and shook his head bristly as to tell the wolf he didn't have to apologize. " You did pretty good today and all", rome said with a smirk. "I messed up big i've lost all my friends. And if you were there last night you'd probly wouldn't want to see me again Either...but i didn't use anything today...i got rid of it." " Jule for as long as i known you , you always mess up. You've done alot of inconsiderate dumd things. But in the end I can bet my life on it that you'll always do the right thing. Besides your not loud and cocky today so I assumed something must be wrong." The wolf smiled and chuckled a bit. " Yeh I was loud wasn't I. I can't believe those things changed me so much, and now everyone hates me." Rome smirked and chucked the wolf. "Hay you're performing even better than when you where using those things. All you needed was some confidence. But you went through alot of trouble and it would be a shame if it wasn't worth it. See that finish line..only one person can past it and win this thing. I personally think it should be you...right?" Jule looked at rome and knoded. " Right", jule responded. "Ready!", a voice shouted. All the crowds were in an uproar. Jule took his usual position and looked foward. Rome glimsed at the wolf momenterily and was overlly impressed with the look of determination on his face. Jule quickly looked to his side and saw his brother cheering him. The next thing he saw almost made his heart melt. Next to eric was micheal, larah and all his friends cheering him on. Jule felt a sudden jolt of confidence he never felt before in his life. "Set!!", the vioce shouted again. " Time to bring this home kid", rome whispered quickly. The wolf knodded and kept his head forward and his ears sharp for the gun. Bang!!!! The gun went off. Jule and a cheetah imediately took the lead head to head, with rome behind. Micheal began to visibly shake like a leaf as he saw the jule and the cat goin through the hurtles. By halfway through jule was infront of the cat in first place. Everyone began shouting the wolf's name as he came to the last hurtle. "He's goin to win...he's goin to win!!!", eric shouted. With the finish line just ahead jule jumped the last hurtle.......but felt something horrilbe. One of his legs got caught in the final hurtle. At the incredible velocity he was goin the wolf slammed head first into the ground and rolled right off the track. The cheetah took the advantage and sprinted pass the grounded wolf. Rome was so shocked he didn't even jump the last hurtle but ran dead on into it and fell hard. As jule finally stopped rolling the last thing he saw was the cheetah passing the line first. He howled out loud as the sudden pain all over his body hit him before he just passed out. Jule slowly opened his eyes and realized he was on a bed in a large room with a big window. As he looked out he could see all the city lights, shining in the distance. As he tried to move he moaned sharply in pain and just remained in his position. He looked around and saw rome fast alseep, sitting next to him. His head was bandaged a bit but he had on his normal everyday clothing. "Rome?.....err..rome.." The deer slowly got up and opened his eyes. "Jule???...Jule!..your up", rome said shaking himself from his sleep. "W-Where am i?", jule questioned. " You're in Vewdale Hospitol. You were out for almost 5 days now, are you ok buddy??" " I think so..i'm just sore all over...I..hehe..I...lost", jule whispered with a slight smile. " That doesn't matter, at least your ok, we were all worrying like hell. Me , all your friends, hec the whole dam school. I'm so sorry." Jule raised his head slightly, " It's fine, remember you were telling me you hoped all the trouble I was goin through would be worth it? Well it was worth it even if I didn't win, I know how important my friends are in my life and how much they care for me now. And...why are you bandaged up?" The deer laughed and quickly wiped a tear from his eye. " I tripped over something." " least I know I still have it, I just needed to concentrate...and caring friends who beleived in me. I can try again next year. Rome smiled and knodded, " You bet." Soon a panda came into the room with jule's brother and his friends rushing and pushing behind him. Everyone gathered around jule and was releieved that he was ok let alone be up and talking. " You took a pretty bad fall young man. Your skull must be made out of iron why it didn't crack. You have a broken arm but besides that everything else is just muscle pain. You should be out in a few days", the panda said ajusting his glasses. Jule knodded and turn his attention to his freinds. " Ahh..everyone. I just wanted to say i'm sorry for everything I've done. All the time you were motivating me, and beleived in what i could do. But I refused to see that..until now,Thanks. Well I lost...but i'm not goin to give up..when the tryouts come to our city again you can bet i'll be there and I wont be tripping over anything eighter. and...when is the next sat exam anyway?" "Next month...and I'm still gona kick your butt for throwing me in that wall when you get better", micheal growled. Everyone just laughed including micheal and hugged jule as gently as they could getting a little ouch from him now and then. Rome got up and smiled, " Yep, always messes up...but always makes up for it in the end." *************************************************************************************** " So you see kid, you don't need any of that crap. Just good old determination, hard work and believing in yourself gets the job done. I mean it's not goin to be easy, but as you go through life you'll learn things that are good and worth having never come easy. No shortcuts or loop holes, you have to work hard for it. But I bet you when you get it you'll aapriciate it and the work you put in alot. So did you like it?" The young fox smiled a bit and got up. " It was great..but I feel sorry for jule..what ever happened to him?" "Well....he did that sat exam. It turns out he got alot more than he hoped for this time and got into college. He finally made it to the world games and left with the gold. I think he even started a club help teenagers accel in sports as well in Academics", the dark wolf finished. "Wow..thats tell me..did micheal ever got around to beating you for tossing him in the wall like that?", the fox asked with seriuos expression. "Naaaah..we got over that..besides micheal knew he couldn't....AA..I! you little brat. You knew it was me all along." Jase started to laugh. " Now what makes you think that jule. I think i'm gona go over here and give these boys just one more run." Jule laughed and shook his head. " Go for it smart ass!" All the boys lined up again to do one last run. " You again whimp! geez don't you ever learn", lancer growled. " Actually I've learned alot", jase replied. "Ok..ready...set....." Bang! the gun went off starting the race. Halfway through race jule was suprised that the fox was passing everyone. As soon as lancer passed the finish line jase was like a shadow right behind him. "I can't beleive it.....I can't beleive it! I came in second..and I almost beat you!..Yess!!", jase splurtted out in lancer's face who was shocked. Jule's eyes opened wide and looked at the time. " Wow, 9.59 seconds, hehehe..pretty fast for a towel boy." The EnD.