Comealong 3000 (c) 2000, Wirewolf Late November in Chicago can be a dismal time and place, Terrick thought to himself. Especially when you're alone. It wasn't that he thought the Windy City was a bad town. At the moment, standing by the huge windows of his room in the Midland Hotel, he could see faint drifts of snow dancing by. The lights of the streets and buildings glowed with a restrained festivity possible only after the wholesome indulgence of the recent Thanksgiving holiday. Christmas was in the air, right beside each white dot that flittered by Terrick's nose. Even the imposing bulk of the old Sears Tower, partially visible from his vantage point, seemed to be a little less impersonal as Yuletide messages scrolled across its darkened height. Quite captivating, really. It just wasn't right, though. The snow, the spectacular sights, the undeniably commanding presence of Lake Michigan just to the east; none of it was worth two tail hairs if he couldn't share them. Having a job as a sales rep for a tech gadget company like NeoNiche was practically a guarantee of loneliness. He knew Leina understood and approved of his career choice, but that didn't help on nights like this. The new line of voice activated `Net watches he was currently parading in front of bored marketing stiffs promised to make as much money for NeoNiche as their home holographic projection TVs had. That meant bonuses and sales commissions, more money for Terrick and Leina's slim household budget. But was it worth standing alone in a hotel room on a snowy night in a city more than a thousand miles from the one person who made his life worth while? Terrick had his doubts. With another in a long series of heavy sighs, he closed the curtains. He picked up his tail brush and went back to working out the tangles that inevitably resulted from wearing his heavy trench coat. Cold, wet weather was no friend of his. Squirrels are not strangers to snow, and his genemorphic origins had given him fur with plenty of insulating strength. His tail, however, didn't fair well when exposed to snow or rain. Instead of its normal plush thickness, it would soon display the characteristics of a soaked feather when unprotected from even a light drizzle. So the options were a wet mop for a tail, not the best choice when sitting in the fashionably upholstered seats of a prospective customer's conference room, or wearing a trench coat with his tail tucked up under it. Terrick sat on the edge of the bed and tucked his tail between his spread legs, giving him access to its entire length. The long strokes of the brush were soothing to him. The sound of the brush moving through his fur and the slight tingling it send up the length of his tail were comforting. He couldn't help but think of all the times his sweetheart would take up his brush and treat him to some personal grooming of her own. It would sometimes begin with long, gentle strokes of the brush over the thick plume of auburn fur. Eventually the brush would work its way to his thighs, smoothing out the little swirls of unkempt fur. He would smile and chirr his contentment. The thin, stiff fingers of the brush would then tease the lighter, chestnut colored fur around his sheath. Such light, easy movements that would inevitably lead to... He blinked at the sudden chill he felt between his legs. Specifically, the lighter, less personal touch of cool air along the newly exposed head of his cock. `Damn,' he thought. 'I must be worse off than I thought.' His own grooming had unintentionally mirrored the attentions Leina delighted in lavishing on him. Now he had a dilemma. Should he continue, giving himself the relief he hadn't had since the previous week when he and his mate had said good-bye in their own intimate fashion? Or would it be better to stop now and go to sleep, as the bedside clock demanded? He had four more days of meetings with other company marketing reps. Then there would be at least a day of travel before he could get back to their little house south of Buckeye, Arizona, with its view of the Maricopa Mountains. Five days before he and his loving raccoon mate could be together again. Stop or go? Terrick looked at the pink knob still showing between his legs, then looked at the clock. Stop or go? No contest. He ran the brush over his inner thighs again, working his way patiently upward. The spell was broken, though. With thoughts of his `coon fem being more than a thousand miles away, the loneliness was more than the teasing stokes of a brush could overcome. With yet another sigh, he picked up the TV remote from where it lay next to the clock and turned on the hotel cable feed. "- the whole family. Come visit the Field Museum of Natural History and see Sue, the second largest Tyrannosaurus Rex ever discovered. And opening this week is our newest attraction, Winger. He's a holographic recreation of the largest T-Rex ever found-" Flick. "-formal occasions or casual get-togethers. Come to Changes for all your morphic outer wear needs. From custom fitted suits for any species to-" Flick. "-see which one of these players will emerge victorious from their island hideaway on 'Predator or Prey?' Brought to you by-" Flick. A black screen with white text finally showed what Terrick was looking for. Using the remote he singled out a selection on the screen. 'Adult viewing.' He worked his way through the menus until he found the genemorphic titles. "Lessee,' he muttered to himself. "Umm, 'Three little pigs.' Nah. 'Tails up.' No. 'A wolf in sheep's clothing.' Nope. Ah, here we go! 'Bandit babes.'" He punched in his choice and soon had a screen filled with a middle aged raccoon gal nibbling on the ear of a younger `coon fem. "Now, wasn't that worth it?" the older woman said. The younger, obviously already wrung out and a bit dazed, only nodded. The two cuddled for a moment longer, then the scene faded out. Credits briefly flickered across the screen. "Figures," he groused. "I would have to catch it at the end." He carelessly dropped the remote on the table and waited for the porn flick to restart. Before it did, there were several ads for adult amusements and services. They were boring and useless. He would have no time to go shopping during his stay in Chicago. One ad, however, caught his attention fully. "Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?" a sly looking ferret in a bizarre pink speedo said. Terrick perked his ears. He was, in fact, still debating what to get Leina for Christmas. The ferret grinned a truly lecherous grin and continued with, "Have you already gotten the tail brushes and fur conditioner for the friends and relatives, but don't know what to get for that certain sexy someone?" The comment about tail brushes made him blink in surprise, but the part about the 'certain sexy someone' made him sit up in bed and pay attention. The ferret suggestively licked his whiskers and said, "Then I've got the answer for you. Give him or her a Comealong 3000. It's guaranteed to please most any morphic partner regardless of gender or orientation." The camera cut to a close up of an odd looking device. It resembled a small barrel with a rounded top that was covered in obviously synthetic fur. There was lighter stripe that ran from the top of the dome down to a point on the side. A black electrical cord could be seen trailing off from the base. "Yes," came the ferret's off-screen voice. "It's the perfect companion for those long lonely nights when you're gone and you're partner's got no one to play with. Or perhaps you'd like to take the Comealong 3000 with you to keep you satisfyingly entertained on those boring business trips." Terrick wondered how they managed to get a script that seemed to single him out, until he remembered he was in Chicago, the long standing convention capital of the world. Probably every hotel in the city played this commercial. He found himself wondering about the price. "It uses state of the art micro motor technology to form any shape you desire. It can simulate the muzzle of eighteen different species. It produces any amount of suction you wish. It provides an orifice of any size and tightness, from 'hooker' to 'pucker.' It can form the male member of nearly any dimension. It's heated, it vibrates, and it can piston from half an inch to a full sixteen inches. And you can even choose the color and length of the plush, easy to clean synthetic fur." As the ferret read the description, the top of the furry barrel produced a strange pliant lump that quickly formed itself into a canine muzzle. The jaws opened and closed, the tongue could be seen moving back and forth. It shifted its shape quickly to become a feline snout, then an equine nose and mouth. As the machine moved through its paces, it emulated all the various sexual orifices a morph could want, then began showing off all the penises it could offer. The artificial cocks began moving from the top of the barrel down, following the stripe to allow any desired angle of penetration. As a bonus, the ferret promised, it would be programmed with six extra sex toy shapes if the order was placed within the next twelve hours. Terrick blinked at the screen, considering the sales-ferret's wares. Then he scrambled to copy the web page address before the ad ran out. He stared at the hastily scribbled note, wondering if Leina would really like a Comealong 3000 as a gift. She already had several hand held toys she used, sometimes with him. The price was a bit steep, but if the web watch panned out as promised, he could afford it easily with his first commission check. He made his decision. He picked up his Palm Cube, the latest in personal data interfaces (generously supplied by NeoNiche, of course) and spoke the URL aloud. With his other hand, he stroked his neglected sheath and the unsatisfied member within. "Sorry," he told himself, "but you've got to wait a bit." 'Now,' he thought as the page came up. 'Which color would she like?' ************************** It seldom snowed as far south as Buckeye, Arizona. Leina didn't mind. Having been born and raised in Cut Bank, Montana, less than 30 miles from the Canadian border, she had seen enough snow to last her lifetime. She preferred the rugged majesty of the Maricopa Mountains to the endless plains covered in white. Much more interesting and diverse as a winter scene. She looked over at their neighbor's house. The Birch's house was undecorated and silent. It was one of the very few houses that were. Not all genemorphs celebrated Christmas. The Birch family, a group of beavers originally from Mexico, didn't. Being the only other genemorphic household in the little town of Buckeye, they enjoyed being neighbors but didn't understand why Terrick and Leina went to all the trouble to celebrate a human holiday. She smiled. The reason they celebrated was simple. Christmas was also their anniversary. This Christmas marked their seventh year together. Seven years, and so many more to come. Looking into the bedroom in the breaking light of dawn, she could see Terrick still sleeping. From the way his tail was twitching, though, it looked like he'd be up soon. Leina went to put on a pot of hazelnut coffee, Terrick's favorite. Once it was brewing, she waved on the media set and found a station playing quiet Christmas music. Then she moved back into the bedroom and knelt by her love. "Terry," she called softly, laying a hand on his slim shoulder. The ear not buried in his pillow flicked, swiveled. His light brown eyes quivered open and he moaned. Her squirrel was not a morning person. "C'mon, Terry, up 'n at 'em. Coffee's on and the day's getting older." "Uuuhh," was the best he could do at first. When she shook his shoulder lightly he groaned, "Mmm, can't I have ten more minutes?" Leina grinned wider and leaned closer to his small, rounded ear. "Terrick Percy Blackburn, remove thy slumbering limbs from this wasteful pallet." She emphasized each word with a gentle poke in his side. "English teachers," was all the squirrel muttered in response. The raccoon affected a pouty frown and took to her last resort. She simply nipped him on the ear. "Ow!" Terrick shot up and grabbed the offended ear in one hand. "Dang it, Stripes, ya don't have to take pieces outta me!" Leina wasn't worried, though. She'd barely bitten hard enough to dent the skin. Hearing him use his nickname for her told her he wasn't really hurt or offended. She flashed another grin. "So bite back, ya big sissy." Terrick glanced at his mate. Seeing her smile like that turned his insides to warm pudding. She was instantly forgiven for the playful 'assault' on his person. He grinned back at her, showing his large incisors. "If I did," he told her, "we'd wind up spending the morning in the emergency room, ya fuzzy burglar." "Bah. You're a wimp." "Oh yeah?" It was five minutes later, after the squirrel had 'chased', 'caught' and 'subdued' his raccoon quarry that Terrick got his first cup of coffee. Leina posed a question for him. "Do you want to open the presents before breakfast or after?" "Eh, before. I want to see if you like what I got you." He was already halfway through his first cup and just starting to feel like the mud in his veins was loosening up. "OK," Leina said, "but you open yours first." Terrick nodded. "Sure." He picked up the small rectangular box from under the two foot potted cedar sapling they used as a Christmas tree. After the holidays it would go back out onto the porch. Opening his gift, he was surprised to see one of those new interactive video frames. "Wow," he whispered. He looked at the badge on the lower edge. Surinkii-san. They were NeoNiche's only real competition. Their video frames were better than what his company had to offer, for now. "Now I know what you've been doing with all your spare time around the house," he teased. Leina nodded. "Try it." Terrick set the six by nine black metal frame on its wide edge, turning it to keep the glare off its lithium plasma display surface. "On," he said. Instantly, a static picture of Leina showed itself. The frame was one of the newest models, so the picture had an undeniable 3D look to it. It was impressive. It looked to Terrick as though he could reach through the frame's screen and touch the miniature Leina inside. "Hello, Leina," he said to the frame. The tiny 3D Leina in the video frame suddenly smiled and said, "Hello, Terrick. How are you?" The frame had done an excellent job of recording her image and voice. The powerful CPU inside was synthesizing her movements and speech with amazing accuracy. He had to set aside his urge to do a comparison of its specifications to NeoNiche's version. "I'm fine. In fact I'm quite happy, thank you." "I'm glad to hear that," said the frame. "You like it?" asked Leina. "I didn't know how you'd feel about it being a Surinkii-san." Terrick leaned close and gave her a lick on the cheek. "It's from you. That's what matters. Thank you." He gazed appraisingly at the smiling raccoon in the frame. "I'll definitely want to take this with me on my next trip." "I added a little something special," she whispered, still grinning. "Tell it you're horny." He laughed. "OK." He turned to the frame again. "Stripes, sweety, I'm feeling horny. How about you?" The Leina in the frame took on a sultry expression, her eyes half lidded and her ears pitched full forward. Her bright pink tongue swiped her whiskers with slow deliberation. "Oh, yes, I'm feeling all hot and empty. Want to see?" To his surprise, Terrick could feel the stirring between his legs that he usually felt when his mate said that to him. He hadn't really believed a five inch version of her could do the same to him. When the frame expanded the display to encompass her whole body, he found himself wondering how explicit it would get, and how hard it would make him. Very, on both counts, it turned out. The raccoon in the frame was kneeling, her back to him as she bent over and raised her tail. He and the tiny `coon fem in the frame were both murring. His eyes widened as her black furred hands moved into view to caress her own sex. The polished black claws slid between the sparsely furred lips of her pussy, pulling them apart slightly. He could see a hint of wetness there. The detail was astounding. He felt a rushing surge in his groin and realized he needed to back off a bit or he'd become thoroughly distracted. And there was something he needed to do first. "Pause," he said to the frame. The framed Leina stopped in mid-stroke, her head hung down as she started to feel the effects of her own ministrations. He looked at his mate and hugged her tight. "It's wonderful. It can't replace you when I'm gone, but it'll remind me how much I love you." "I'm glad you like it." She gave him a quick lick and a kiss. "Mmm. Now, you open yours." Leina grinned as she picked up the box with her name on it. She shook it slowly, cocking an ear to the ribboned top. "Hmm," she said. "I wonder." Then with typical girlish glee, she shredded the holographic wrapping paper. Beneath was a cardboard box. There were no labels to disclose its contents. Opening the box, Leina blinked, momentarily confused. It looked to her like a short, furry garbage can with a lid. She reached into the box and pulled out the mysterious item. She noticed the electrical cord hanging from the base. "Huh," she uttered quietly. "Well I'll be." She set it down and looked at it, noticing the lighter colored stripe amid the auburn fur. She looked in the box for some instructions, but found none. Baffled, she turned to Terrick. "OK. I give up. What is it?" Terrick had to smile, his prominent front teeth gleaming. "It's two things. First: it's useless without power." He reached over and jammed the plug into the nearest outlet. "Secondly, it's voice activated. Doggy, lick!" The canine model snout thrust out of the top of the Comealong 3000 and began questing for a target to lick. Leina gave a short squeal when she saw it, it having surprised and shocked her. She stared at it a moment, trying to puzzle out the purpose of her present. "Is this what I think it is?" she asked. Terrick nodded, his grin widening. "It's your new sex toy." Leina smiled hesitantly at first, but when she realized he wasn't joking her smile widened. The possibilities this toy had came swiftly to her. "Just how, uhm, versatile is it?" That was the kind of question he had hoped for. "Very," he said, and motioned her to lean closer to the device. "Watch this." He placed his hands on the side on the side of the furred barrel, the synthetic pelt on it nearly matching in color the fur on his arms and chest. "Leina," he whispered. "Give me a kiss. Please?" The raccoon started slightly as a new muzzle appeared. It was very close in dimension to her own snout. It was even the right color. She watched her mate lean close and give the artificial lips a delicate kiss, then lightly lick the short whiskers behind the nose. She was uncertain how she felt about seeing him do it. It seemed a tiny bit creepy, him kissing a machine. What bothered her more was the odd twinge of jealousy she felt. As though she were watching him willingly kiss another female. Terrick looked up at her and said, "Try it. It's amazingly lifelike. You'll love it." He was so earnest and eager. She set aside her small misgivings and pulled the large toy toward her. She leaned closer, feeling suddenly foolish until she thought, 'Nobody's watching but him, and he just did it. Go on!' With her nose only a few inches away from the top of it, she used her best bedroom voice to say, "Terry, I'm lonely. Give me a kiss, will you?" A perfect model of Terrick's shorter, rounder muzzle formed, colored just right. The thin lips puckered slightly, and she leaned into the kiss. She was surprised again. The lips were warm! There was a slight puff of air from the nose, as though it were breathing. And the tongue, slightly wet and warmer, made a half hearted attempt on her, as Terrick was wont to do when he was feeling particularly amorous. She allowed it into her mouth, feeling it briefly touch her own tongue before it moved up to rub along the roof of her mouth. The sensation was the same as it was when Terrick did that for her. It felt very good, and she allowed herself to fall into the feeling of the simulated organ's stroking. "Mmmm," she heard herself moan. When she felt the lips and teeth gently nibble on her lower lip she opened her eyes. Seeing only the rounded top of the toy, she jerked back, leaving the pseudo sciuriform's muzzle without a target. The mouth closed and went still. "Wow," she said quietly. But Terrick was worried. "Is something wrong? You seem kind of..." He trailed off, wondering if she really liked it. "Oh, no," she assured him. "It's great. I love it." She smiled at him, and he could see she meant it. There was more though, he could tell. Seven years was enough time to learn to hear the words she *didn't* say. He took her hand in his and kissed the pad of her palm. "But?" Leina shook her head and shrugged. "It's just so... lifelike. It's going to take some getting used to, is all. I've never had a toy that, well, played back." Relief swelled in him as he smiled. "Yeah, I can understand that." He laughed. "You should have seen me programming it with my face." A quirky grin pulled at her lips. "What do you mean, 'with your face?'" "Well, when I called your name, it gave me the default female raccoon muzzle. But when you called my name, it gave you a copy of my own face. I had to program it to do that. You call up the blank template, then you just sorta..." He flicked his ears and wiggled his nose in mild embarrassment. "You gotta mash your face into this big gray blob it puts out. You open your mouth so it can do your teeth and tongue and all. Then it stores the shape. It only takes a second." He shrugged. "But then when it has the new face stored, you can program it to do anything you want." Leina looked at the Comealong 3000, then at her mate. "You mean it can even do..." Terrick grinned slyly. "Oh, yeah. I taught it all my tricks. Especially your favorite one." Twinges of lust flickered through her crotch as she considered this. She looked at her present with longing. "Would you mind if I..." He smiled. "I was hoping you would. Just pretend I'm off on a trip and you're all alone." The raccoon's tail quivered as she pulled the device closer to her. She leaned close and whispered. "Terry, love, show me why squirrels are the best in the whole world." The synthetic muzzle smiled, showing those two prominent front teeth. She knelt in front of it, spreading her knees slightly. Leaning forward slightly, she braced her hands on top of the furred barrel and moved her hips until she felt the warm, moist nose touch her. She held still, letting the machine do its work. The Comealong 3000 lived up to its name. The point of Terrick's fake nose rubbed the hood of her clit while his artificial lips grazed the outer lips with feathery kisses. She inhaled deeply as the flat of his tongue extended to the lower end of her slit and traced its length. The vague stimulation on her button from his nose was just enough to get her attention without taking her attention away from the other things going on. Like the tongue retracing its route, from top to bottom. Another kiss, another nuzzle, and the heat started to bring soft sighs to her throat. Without having to look or adjust her stance, she felt Terrick's copied lips pull back. Without a steaming raccoon's pussy pressed against them, they would have been forming a very unfriendly sneer. Instead, positioned as they were, they were baring his front teeth. Those teeth were then pressed against the hood of her clitoris. As the Comealong 3000 moved Terrick's nose and mouth over her sex, those teeth pushed back the tiny fold of naked flesh. Once her nub was exposed, the real stimulation began. The toy's muzzle moved forward, pressing its lower jaw against the bottom of her pussy. The whole thing started moving up and down over her wet sex. The lower teeth lightly dragged against her outer lips, sending electric tingles through her skin. The tongue worked itself in and out of her body, curling and flicking over the entrance before diving in to probe her again. And the slick hard surface of his incisors rubbed up and down over her clitty, amplifying the whole experience. It was all she could do to kneel there while she was serviced by her present. The room dissolved as she felt her body responding to her mate's loving attentions. The fact that it wasn't Terrick was lost along with all other thoughts. Her head dropped, too heavy to hold up as her mind focussed on the sparks that she could feel flaring through her pelvis. Sighs became louder, mingled with groans. Before long she was grunting as dormant parts of her mind awoke and took over. Her hips began rocking. The Comealong 3000 never hesitated, but just kept up its ministrations to spectacular effect. The train, as she called it, was coming and soon she would be too. Her best orgasms had always felt like some huge lumbering thing bearing down on her with cataclysmic force, like a train thundering towards its destination. When it reached it... Her hands were clenched in the fur of the dome, her claws making rounded dents that would usually be found in Terrick's ears after such a session. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her ears folded back. Her whiskers quivered and her lips trembled. The only sound she could make now was a rhythmic "huh, huh,huh," as she rubbed against the ceaseless stimulation coming from Terrick's doppelganger. The train came closer and closer, bringing a tightness to her whole body as she fought to stay upright. Nearly there... Her legs were shaking now, and she was putting almost all her weight on the top of the furred dome. Terrick's copy was working her over with patience, never faltering in its slow licking and rubbing. It was all she could do to stay still. Deep within, she wished she could prolong the feeling that was saturating her, filling every nerve with fire. But her body was not going to be denied the release it sought. She was too close now, and nothing else mattered but reaching that glorious peak. She could hear her own voice, calling out Terry's name when she wasn't gasping for breath. Finally, the pressure was overwhelming. She couldn't take anymore. It had to stop, she was going out of her mind. That's when the train arrived. Leina's inarticulate grunts became short barking shrieks as the intense pleasure burst through her body and lodged in her mind. She gritted her teeth, squeezed her eyes shut and folded her ears tightly. She held onto the fur of the toy and pressed her hips hard against the muzzle that had stopped licking and was now just rubbing her clit with hard, short motions. Her whole body thrummed like a guitar string that had been plucked by a masterful musician. Terrick was awed by the power of the climax his raccoon mate had. He had been able to induce such mind shattering orgasms in Leina only after returning home from a long trip and they were both starved for attention. He found himself wondering if perhaps his choice hadn't been a wise one. As she leaned over the device, panting and moaning, he moved closer to her. She didn't seem to notice him. He gently touched her shoulder, wondering how he would put the question that he wanted to ask. But how in the world do you ask your mate if her new toy satisfied her better than you can? "Uh, Stripes? You OK?" She didn't respond at first. She just knelt there, her head hanging, her breath gusting through her nose. Her legs were still quivering a bit. "Hey," he said, getting more worried. "Mmm," was all she could get out at first. "Are you all right?" A shallow, distracted nod was all he got. He got a heavy feeling in his stomach. "So," he ventured, feeling strangely nervous. "Who's better, it or..." Leina's head came up and the words died in his throat. The expression on her face was intense. The effects of her release were still being felt, and it showed in her eyes. She stared at him and he couldn't make another sound. Just before she moved, Terrick had time for one thought. 'Oh, Lord!' After that, she had him pinned to the floor, her muzzle rubbing frantically along side his snout. Her tongue swiped his whiskers, bathed his cheeks, probed the rounded cups of his ears. She was driven, her lust fired into a consuming frenzy and her lover trapped beneath her. When she saw the confusion on Terrick's face, she paused, then smiled. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely. "I love it." She licked the end of his nose, the bridge of his snout, the adorable little white spot of fur between his eyes. "I love you." She pulled back enough to see his face. A smile crept across his muzzle as he understood. "Now," she said. "You had a question?" "Uhh," he mumbled. " you want to move to the bedroom?" Her grin widened and she began rubbing her hips against him to show him just what she thought of that idea. ************************** The bedside clock was showing 1:07 when Leina woke that night. Her ears twitched as she realized two things: Terrick wasn't beside her, and there was a sound coming from the living room. Quietly, she got up and peeked out the bedroom door into the living room. There, bathed in the pastel glow of the Christmas tree lights, was Terrick. He was kneeling in front of her new toy, feeding his cock to the customized raccoon muzzle Leina'd made for him. He was pumping into the fake muzzle with slow, deliberate strokes and gripping the domed top with both hands. 'Well,' she mused, 'at least now I know what to get him for his birthday.' ************************** This text is (c) 2000, Wirewolf It may be downloaded and printed only with copyright information intact. It may not be distributed without author's permission. 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