Straight Party

Disclaimer: This story is based mostly on the authors over-sexed imagination, (but partly on a couple of events in the authors RL) said author making no claims to logic, reality or any sense of normalcy.  It involves sexual relations between male characters (yes, this time more then 2).  It is intended for the personal enjoyment of adults over the age of majority in their region of residence.  Kids, ask your parents first.

© 2000, Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Fuck with it and I'll say bad things about you to God, the next time we talk in my head... so just don't ok?  Or ask first, at least?

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome.

We were all at the usual Saturday get-together, just starting my second bottle of vodka, and having a good time. There were a good mix of us there to begin with, humans and furs, but now the party was starting to let down a bit. I was feelin' okay 'cause earlier n the evening, everyone more or less 'discovered' I'd suck dick, and no one had wanted to 'kick my faggot ass' when they found out. It had started when Erick mentioned to the room at large that he wasn't gettin' any from his wife... still. Erick was a big black wolf, married to the most beautiful silver fox I've ever laid eyes on.

"Well what's with that?" I asked, sitting across the table from Erick, who I had come with. There were general comments thrown in by others, along the same lines.

"Fucked if I know." The bummed wolf replied, taking another drink from his glass.

"Well I haven't got some in a long time," Someone, Evan I think, chimed in. Others followed suit, while some stayed quiet, and Rath, the Rat who's house we were at said his woman was wearing him out.

"You talk to her, man?" I asked Erick.

"She won't talk to me about it."

"Ah, no worries Erick," said Rath, looking over at me, "Eddie'll suck you off if you ask him."

I had given up denying such things long before, so when I was asked by a few others, "You like sucking dick, man?" I just grinned. Truth was, I loved sucking cock, and was feeling pretty hungry for one all night. Evan warned me that he was 'okay with it', but Dwayne, his brother, was a bit of a homophobe. I wasn't too worried, but would watch my back around him just the same. Moments later everyone just continued what they were doing, as I was relatively a newcomer and thus a minor player at these parties at best, not worth much notice. I liked it that way. Boy, were things gonna change.

So by this time in the party, there weren't many folks left. I was the last human standing, apparently. Then there were Erick; Evan, a rather nice-looking lion; Ralph, a light gray canine; Tretor the minotaur; Kaz the tiger and Dwayne who was just going to bed (Which made me happy...). Rath and his woman had already gone to bed, tho' not together, as the rat had planned. So it was just me, and a bunch of horny, male furs all of whom had been professing they weren't 'getting any' from their girlfriends or anyone. Not that I expected anything to happen, since all except Erick were presumed straight. I figured I'd likely get another shot at Erick's cock after we'd left the party, as I'd sucked him a couple times before and been fucked by him once, for similar reason: His wife wasn't putting out enough. This too, was wrong, as I didn't have to wait till we left.

About 20 minutes later (I assume he was waiting long enough for Dwayne to be officially passed out) Erick was sitting in the living-room half of the apartment on a chair, idly rubbing himself through his pants. When I sat down next to him, on the couch beside the chair, he looked over at me. He unzipped his fly to show his erection, and grinning asked, "You wanna?" The glimpse of swollen pink flesh peeking out of his pants had my mouth watering. Besides which, I was never one to turn down a cock to suck. I nodded eagerly, motioning him towards the hallway that led to the bathroom, implying I'd follow him a moment or two later. Unfortunately (I thought at the time, but never regretted it later), before Erick could zip up, Ralph who was standing with his back to us changing CD's in the stereo suddenly glanced back and saw Erick was exposing himself.

"Aww, Erick! Put that thing away..!" Erick exposing himself at parties was nothing new, actually. When he got drunk, he got weirder than most, and getting naked for no reason at all was par for the course with him.

"Na, Eddie's gonna suck it for me, aintcha Eddie?"

I was already kneeling by the chair when Ralph noticed me there. "No shit?!" He looked at me.

"Umm...I never done it with an audience before.." That was a kind of a lie, as I've been in 4-somes where my actions were definitely watched by folks aside from whomever I was going down on. The thought of having a straight dog like Ralph watching as Erick drained his balls down my throat, had a new appeal tho'. My cock was rigid in my pants. I turned back to Erick who suddenly stood up.

"He's right tho'. I gotta go to the washroom first..." He trailed off s he crossed to the hall. I waited a minute or so, noticing Ralph was now rubbing himself slightly through his pants. No Erick. Another minute, looking towards the hall. Then I hear a rustling and a belt clinking, and turned to see Ralph.

"Well if he doesn't want your services, I sure as hell do." Ralph sat in the chair Erick had vacated, with his jeans down to mid -thigh and his boxers partway down, tucked under his plump, lightly furred scrotum. His cock was still soft, and he waggled it at me, "You gonna suck mine for me, Eddie? You'll havta help me get it up... the booze, ya know..." As I said I was never one to turn down a cock to suck.

I moved over in front and Ralph spread his legs a bit more, watching me intently as though disbelieving I was actually gonna do it. I reached one hand up to knead his belly fur as I leaned over his groin. I paused briefly to inhale his scent, thinking for the billionth time I shoulda been born a canine... scent is such a turn on for me. I open my mouth and took his entire half-hard organ into my mouth, causing the Fur to gasp, then elicited a slow mrr as I sucked gently on the furry bundle, digging my tongue at the flesh inside... flesh that was rapidly expanding to meet it. I slurped on his growing tool just long enough to get started to a reasonable length, then replaced my mouth with my hand, as my tongue slid under his ball-sac.

", Eddie, lick my balls. *Suck* my balls... never had a bitch do that for me before! Your the best..."

I stroked his Shaft with my hand, feeling it grow and harden even further, as I delved my tongue into all the tasty-sweaty recesses around Ralph's balls, before slurping up between them and across the base of his cock. I swirled my tongue around them before sucking one testicle into my mouth, tonguing it around inside, before letting it pop out to repeat the process on the other side.

"Ahhhh, yeah, Eddie! It feels so fuckin' good, your hot mouth on my nuts....Uh..! But get your sweet human lips up here around my doggie-dick again!"

I looked up from sucking his left nut, to see Ralph looking back at me, panting happily behind his penis looming large in my vision. I let go of his sac and moved up to give it a look. (By now of course, we had attracted the attention of the boys in the kitchen, who were looking on as well). Ralph's pole was rigid beyond belief, and seeping pre-cum which was dripping down the underside. Guess he *really* liked his balls sucked...

"Wow, Ralph, it really has been awhile since you last got any, eh?" I asked, grinning.

"Shut-up and suck!" He said, grinning back.

Just then, "Hey! You stole my cock-sucker!"

I looked up and over in time to see Erick shove his hard length at my face, as he put his hands on my head to pull my onto his skewer. Before I really had a chance to protest his cock-head was nudging into my throat, making me gag. Sudden deep-throat'll do that to anyone. I pulled back just far enough to jerk a breath before Erick shoved himself back in, burying my nose in his fragrant pubic fur.

"You weren't using him at the time!" Ralph protested.

I had a second or so to adjust, reaching up to grip the wolf's balls, to get some control. He let me back off at the tug, but wouldn't let me go... Not that I tried overtly hard, really.

"Didn't mean you could just start without me! Eddie... I'm surprised at you!"

I of course just mm'd something around the cock stuffing my mouth and being periodically shoved down my throat for a couple of strokes.

"God Erick! Your chokin' the guy! We can share rather than kill'em can't we..."

So here I was, one hand stroking Ralph's slick, sticky cock and the big black wolf's cock fucking my face, as they argued over who had first-blow rights. Then I noticed the other boys gathered around... with their meat hanging out in various states of arousal.

Great! Orgies are swell, unless you find yourself as the only queer in the room, with five furs possibly ready to fight over who's dick you were gonna suck at any given moment. Ah, well... I focused on tonguing and sucking the wolf-cock as it pistoned in and out of my mouth.

"C'mon Erick! Buddy! I was almost finished..." Ralph sounded desperate, but Erick was starting to sound like he was enjoying using me a bit too much. Then suddenly, he let me go.

"Hehe... yea, I know. I'm just buggin' ya. You can finish him off while keeping me interested at the same time, cancha Eddie?"

"Fuck Erick! I was getting ready to use my teeth if ya didn't let me go... Geezus! Never figured I'd be anyone's fuck-toy like that. You..."

"Shut-up and suck!" They both said together. We all grinned.

I leaned over to lap at Ralph's dripping cock, suddenly becoming the center of attention. All eyes on me, watching me suck his cock. I slipped down on his shaft once again, eliciting a groan of pleasure. For a moment I felt like a porno-star. Half a minute later, if that, Erick was pulling me off Ralph again, and feeding me his length. Ralph, growl-groaned, not in pleasure this time. I slurped on Erick for what seemed only a moment, before Ralph was pulling me back. And again, the same routine... 30 seconds, switch, 30 seconds, switch. Now I was ready to growl. Finally as Erick went to pull me away again, Ralph put his hands on my head and held me on.

"C'mon Erick! That's not near long enough! I'll never get off like that!"

"Well I get bored fast... *You* gonna keep me interested while he finishes you off then?"

I stopped sucking, just holding Ralph in my mouth, my air filtered through pubic fur as I listened. Ralph tried to hump up and push me down, but found it insufficient. He let me up. I looked from him, to Erick. Erick was grinning evilly, and Ralph just looked really flustered. He glanced down at me, then at Erick's cock. He licked his lips, briefly, as if considering what it might taste like. Then Ralph nodded.

"What was that, Ralph?" Erick asked. What an asshole sometimes...

"Yeah, okay... I'll keep you interested..." Erick moved up beside the chair, bringing his cock closer to Ralph. The room was almost completely silent. "It doesn't make me... queer tho'. I just... You know, I just..." He looked at me.

"Shut up and suck!" Erick said, alot less funny now.

"Ralph, you don't..." I began.

"He agreed, so stay out of it." To me, Erick was alot less sure of himself.

"Yeah, I did..." Ralph, gave a sheepish grin, "Just make sure you keep doing a good job, eh?"

After that, it was just sex again, no threats to any ones masculinity. Ralph slid down in the chair, so his muzzle was level with Erick's cock. I watched him open his mouth and take as much as he could. Erick told him to just do to him what I did to Ralph. I took a moment to unzip my pants, and let my straining hardness out, watching a novice at work on Erick. Then I bent back to Ralph, intent on giving him all the pleasure I could. So I started again briefly on his balls, sucking and licking them again, making his cock get as rigid as it was before we were interrupted. Then I took a few moments just licking over his entire meat, balls and belly, savoring the precum that had leaked all over during the pause. Finally, again, I went down on him slowly, sucking and licking all the way until my lips were wrapped around his cock base, pressed against his sheath's opening. I paused for just a moment, his glans throbbing in my throat. My hands had resumed as well, one playing with his spit-slick ball sac, the other scritching his belly and thigh. I came all the way up, and all the way back down a couple times, listening to Ralph's sounds as he slurped on Erick. He seemed to be getting into it. I bobbed his cock-head in my throat a bit, causing him to tense up each time, then withdrew to focus my action on the top half of his rigid member. He began moving his hips with my actions, as I moved up and down his cock-stalk rapidly, my tongue licking at his underside, my hand pumping on what my lips weren't around. I went all the way down again, bobbed, came up and again focused my sucking on his upper half, tonguing just under his swollen head. His sucking had become erratic, and his breathing heavy. Just as I was about to take him all the way in, I felt him grab my head. Erick's cock popped from his mouth.

"Oh, god Eddie, right there...! Ah, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!"

I sucked harder on his thrusting meat between my lips, licking my tongue across the underside of his cock and over the head with every pass,. eager to taste him, to feel his cum in my mouth. He held my head in place, pumping his hips up, while pushing my head down, controlling the motion... controlling me while these others looked on.

"Uh! Fuck! Unnnnngh!!"

At last I felt his muscles begin to convulse as his cock spasmed, spitting the first shot of goo into my throat where it was swallowed. He held himself rigid as his cock spasmed in my mouth, the next spurts landing on my still-stroking tongue, building up, coating my taste buds. I love cum, and savored the taste of his load, the feel of it in my mouth, before swallowing, and sucking out the dredges.

Erick pulled Ralph's face back to his cock, as the dog relaxed from his orgasm, forcing it back into his mouth, "Gotta make up for the time you stopped, while cumming!" Erick demanded, and as Ralph pulled away, Erick grabbed his ears to hold him on, "Maybe feed you my load, to replace the one you gave Eddie!"

Ralph gagged and moaned a protest around Ericks cock, but the wolf just panted and started ramming into his mouth, "Oh, yeah... keep it up! It feels great when you struggle like that! Fuck ya! Now I'm gonna cum!"

"Erick, you asshole! Leave him alone! He kept you interested, but doesn't want this!" I went over to pull his hands off Ralph, who took the opportunity to pull off, and away from him.

"Ah, hell... You pussy, Ralph!" Erick just directed his cock at me, which I allowed. He just shoved down my throat, gave a grunt, and started spurting his load, not letting up until he was just dribbling, then pulling back to let me clean him up. "Haha! That was great! Two guys sucked my cock tonight, one virgin mouth and one veteran cock-licker supreme! Excellent!" Ralph just glared at him, as I caught my breath. He just laughed, leaving his dick hang out and went to fix himself a new drink.

I looked around. The other three guys had there cocks out and up, Evan on the couch, Kaz standing by the kitchen entry, and Tretor by the fire place. Evan looked over at me, and motioned with his lion-cock.

"I'm ready any time you are Eddie!"

(More to come...)



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