A New Year, A New Beginning


The following story is a work of fiction.  It's intended only for personal enjoyment, not for the diabolical purposes you may think.  For External use only.  Keep out of the reach of children. May cause vomiting, nausea, or general digestive disturbances.  If it's a problem, consult your local mental health specialist.



This story involves sexual events, sometimes between 'non-consentual' partners, one of which is not human.  All actors are male, and over the age of 18.  If any of that may offend you, or is illegal where you are, that's your problem. If you don't want to see, don't look.  If you don't want to know, don't ask, etc...


© 1999, Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Fuck with it and I'll...ummm.. Just don't ok?  Or ask first, at least.

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome.
Email:  Zorbo_dog@hotmail.cum


For those of you who want to skip the story ("Wow!  A story!" they all exclaim!  It's there, honest!), use the following links:  Sex!  And: More Sex!

For everyone else:  Enjoy! (or at least a close approximation).

Zorbo! The masked dog of Zen! Woof!  Mwahahaha!

One day, Ralf just let it all go.  Actually it was more a series of night/days that ended it all for him, but the last straw, so to speak, was the end of the year, the end of the New Years Party.  Like many times before, he found himself slouched over on the outside stairs of some meaningless place, staring at his own growing pool of vomit. 

"You alright there, Ralf?", a pat on the back, a warm presence beside him.

"No", he mumbles as another spasm of his innards catches him.  The splash as it hits the step always seems so vivid.  How many times? he wonders. He waits for more, head down.  He hears them whispering, or so it seems.

"Ralfies ralphing" he hears, and then somebody giggles.  He can't even manage to feel angry at them.  He shivers.

"It's ok, man," Eric tells him, "They've all done it too."  Still waiting, but nothing seems left.  He tries to spit the rancid taste from his mouth, the smell of vomit from his nose.  He watches his saliva fall, freezing in the chill.

Feeling okay enough to do so, he sits up a bit, head still down, and leans onto Eric. "Even getting pissed doesn't feel right anymore." Ralf says quietly.  "I hate this...all of it."

"Nobody likes puking." Eric says lightly, the smile evident in his voice.

"Not just puking...everything.  It's all just shit-" He stops himself. "Even trying to explain what I mean.  You don't know, and I'm tired of trying."  That sounded lame, even to him.  He liked Eric, but couldn't find the words, couldn't explain his hate, his frustration.  So he had to fall back into sounding arrogant.  "You can't ever know, Eric. Sorry."

Eric sighs, "It's alright." but to Ralf it sounded hurt.

"I'm so sorry," he pleads, not caring that it didn't matter anymore.  "God, I'm so sorry."  He doesn't even believe in any god, one that would make him what he is.

"I know", Eric replies, and Ralf keeps apologizing anyway, crying now, cold and alone.  His friend helps walk him to the car, pushes him into the passenger seat and closing the door.  Getting in to the other side, Eric starts the car and waits for the heat, their breath visible still.  Ralf sits, feeling like shit.   This is the end, he thinks.  No more nights like this.  That's when it really happened, when he finally let his old life  go.


Ralf awakes, warm now in the same bed as always, but not thinking the same thoughts.  His new ones are of an ending.  He lays in bed, listening, and wishes he could hear more.  Still, He's pretty sure he's alone in the house, like he usually was when he awoke.  He stretches his usual morning stretch, enjoying his bed for the last few moments.

Moving slowly, he puts on his warmest clothes, and gathers a few things, pausing to look around at his room, his life.  He wonders what he'll miss. My dog, he thinks.  How cheesy life seems, in self-created moments of melodrama.  He goes through his computer, deleting all the 'incriminating' files.  He takes the few hard copy things he has, and leaves his room.  He'd hate people to remember him as he is.  Let them believe the lie, that's all they can understand anyway.

He walks quietly down stairs, to the kitchen.  He writes a ‘goodbye’ note, hoping in some small way that it might help his friends and family under stand.  He doesn't want them to hope for his return.  With a last look at ‘home’ and a last scritch for his dog,  Ralf walks away, hoping to find a peace that his previous life lacked.  A peace to be found alone, perhaps only in death.

He takes the bus as far as it will take him, as far as he can afford.  A small shit-town, much like the one he used to live in, a few hours ago. He climbs off, wishing he had e-mailed a few of his better 'Net friends, to try and tell them not to worry.  That life is over too, he reminds himself. The sun hangs low in the darkening sky, and he shivers in the growing cold. He begins to walk down the 'highway', a back road, rarely travelled.  They won't be looking for him yet anyway.  He tries to hitch, not expecting much.  Norms can smell people like him, it seemed, and it scared them.

Rubbing his hands in front of his face to catch the warmth of his own breathe, he grins at his own thought, baring his teeth as he suspects an amused wolf might.  As if to prove him wrong, a car going his way, suddenly slowed down and backed down the highway towards him.  Ralf looks at the rust-eaten jeep, then peers into look at the driver who waves him in. Ralf opens the door, needing to jerk it hard to get it to move.  He's surprised he hadn't pulled it right off it's hinges.  He again tries to peer into the dark interior.

"Need a lift kid?", A deep voice from within asks, "It's damn cold out there."  The sound of it makes Ralf shiver for some reason other than the cold.  Too cold to care, he climbs into the warmth of the interior.

"Thanks for stopping and coming back for me," he tells his still barely seen saviour.  Ralf tries to rub the warmth into his legs, numb from cold. He doesn't even really notice the driver speaking.  "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said that I always stop for hitchhikers.  Too many sickos out there." He chuckles to himself, "Humans are a dangerous kind of beast...  Where you heading kid?"

"This way I guess.  To the mountains and trees."  Ralf could smell the driver in the car.  It was a musky scent, but not a bad one.  Actually He found quite the opposite, the smell was very pleasant.  He found himself getting aroused, glad his bag covered his groin.

"Your bag looks a bit light to go camping with."

"I'm not camping."  He replies, followed by silence.  They wait in the dark.  Ralf's erection was persistent for attention, leading his mind towards wild exploits with the driver.  'Grr...' he thinks, 'we've only just met...' Still his body doesn't care.  Ralf had never had this happen with a guy he'd just met.  He gets uncomfortable as the silence grows.

He was just about to speak when the man clears his throat and asks "So, uh, what are you going to do?"  His voice sounded a bit strained as well, and Ralf wonders why.

"I don't know," He had no real answer to that, but wanted to talk, to distract himself from his continued arousal problem.  "Just to see, I guess."  He began to feel hot now, sweating, from too cold to too hot.

"Sorry the AC hasn't worked in years." The driver says, making Ralf suddenly consider the oddity of the situation, his whole life, once again. "You can unroll the window though, if it's bothering you."

Ralf says nothing.  What 'it' did the guy mean anyway? he wonders, his imagination playing with itself again.  Neither one of them says more. The silence grows again.  Thoughts of tilt steering and sliding his tongue over rampant flesh push into Ralf's mind.  He can hear the man driving shift and fidget in his seat, as if trying to get comfortable.  Ralf resists the sudden urge to do the same in an attempt to ease the discomfort in his pants.

"What you thinking about, kid?" The man asks suddenly.  Ralf's mind fumbles in it's thoughts, as he tries to think of a reply.  "Actually, I never got your name kid, maybe I shoulda asked that first, eh?"

"Uh, uh...R-" he stops and takes a breathe, "Ralf.  I'm Ralf."

"Lukas, my friend.  Nice to meet you." Ralf can imagine him smiling at his social ineptitude.  "What're you thinkin' about, Ralf?"

"You." he replies, surprising himself.  "Uhhh, I mean, like about where you're going and stuff."  He feels himself blush in the dark, glad now that they can't see each other.  His erection throbs.  The smell seems to have become even more arousing, wondering if Lukas knows it.  A car travelling towards them in the other lane suddenly allows both to see the other.

Neither seems to want to speak as the headlights flood the jeep, though Ralf couldn't if he wanted to.  His gaze moves over the other man, just as the Lukas glances just as quickly at him.  The lights zoom by, leaving the afterimage of the man in Ralf's mind.  He breathes again.  Must be the smell he thinks.  Just chemical.

"Uhh...I'm just driving back home, kinda.  Went to visit some friends..." Lukas falls silent.  The guys voice now had a face to go with it.  Scruffy was the best term for his appearance that Ralf could think of.  Scruffy and hairy.  But still human, Ralf found himself thinking all the wrong thoughts, human and hairy and scruffy...  Moving with his agitated thoughts, he could've groaned at the slightest friction it caused against his rigid cock.  Just the smell and the thoughts...

The car weaves on the road, a waver in Lukas's concentration.  "Kid..?" He gets no response, but the scent of Ralf's arousal, so strong to his senses, made his spine tingle.  He struggles for control, of the vehicle at least. "Hey kid!?"  He can smell Ralf's fear as well.

"What?" Ralf squeaks.  He feels as though he's dreaming, high.

"You feel that?  Smell it?"  Dog! So close to losing it, he wanted to so bad...

"Wha-" Ralf stops, then: "Yes."  Real scared.

They had been driving long enough to be out of the prairies and into the wooded foothills of the Rockies.  Home, Lukas thought.  "I'm ...going to... stop now..." Hard to talk, mentally he was there, body soon to follow. "Don't...run." He tells the terrified human, before slamming on the brakes.

He hadn't used the gas since the first swerve, so the car was slowed already, but the sudden stop still jerked them both against their safety belts.  Ralf had already begun to press the belt release before the brake was pushed, and now had pulled his belt free and bolted out the door, Lukas's request never even registered.  He was only five feet from the car when Lukas got his belt off, hearing the sound of clothes ripping with strain, and not even ten before the werewolf was upon him, both of them falling into the snow...

The cold, shock, the furred paw-hand groping him through his jeans, snaps Ralf's rationality.  He hears himself scream, the claws sinking into his shoulder to hold him, the beast's furred body rubbing across his now-exposed back, 'I'm not going to die...'   His human hand helps to try and open his pants, half ripped, half undone, pulled down far enough to feel the warmth of the Were on his ass and thighs.  He feels hot breath on the back of his neck,and the hotter slickness of Lukas's member sliding across his anus briefly before it pushes abruptly into him, and the creatures jaws clamp down.  He wonders for an instant why he ran, then the flash of pain-pleasure and endorphines flood his mind.  He cares no more as the hairy paw of the creature wraps around him, jacking him, it's thrusts burning with each motion.  Eyes closed Ralf moves counter to his would-be rapist.  Over stimulation numbs him, his climax spilling unnoticed as anything apart from the rest he feels.  The beast's teeth grip upon his neck even harder for a second of rapture, it's cock hammers it's final moments, an incoherent snarl heralds its  ejaculation, it's fluids filling the human vessel...

The only sound now is the panting breath of both men, one naked, one might as well be, his semen freezing to a crust on Lukas's hand.  Finally, "You alright kid?"  A slight motion of the head signals Ralf's continued existence.  Cursing himself silently, Lukas pulls out of Ralf.  "It's been awhile for me..." he feebly tries to rationalize, "I lost control..."  No
shit, he thinks.  "You shouldn't have run kid, it's too fuckin' cold to fuck in a snow bank."

"I know," Ralf mumbles, then groans, "I don't know why I ran..."  Showing no sign of moving on his own, Lukas gets his other arm under the kid and lifts him, wondering what he meant by that.  Carrying him to the still running jeep, Lukas puts him in the open passenger door, and closes it.  He walks naked and shivering around to the drivers side, just as a car goes whipping by.  Climbing in he snickers at the thought of what they must be thinking.

</SexualContent>More Sex!
Lukas sits, the heater cranked up to max., and waits.  Minutes pass, first with the sound of Ralf's teeth chattering, then in silence as the car warms up again.  "Now what am I going to do?" he asks himself quietly.  "I got a kid who I know nothing about, who I've-"  He thinks for a moment and finds no nicer way to say it, "I've raped...Now what am I going to do with you?" He asks, not expecting an answer.

"...home," he hears Ralf mumble.

Poor kids in shock, he thinks.  "What was that kid?"

Ralf moves a bit, trying to readjust himself, get his pants back up. "I said take me home..."

At least I hope he's in shock.  "I can't d-"  He stops, feeling guilt.  I raped him, Then: But I'd be insane to drive him home, for Dog's sake... "I don't think I can do that, kid.  I don't even know where you live, not to mention I'd be-"

"Not my home," Ralf interrupts, "Take me to your home."

"Oh..."  What the fuck? "Wha-, why?"  Ralf makes no response.  "How old are you kid?"

"Old enough..." He doesn't finish his thought.  After a few moments Ralf's breathing and heartbeat tell Lukas that he was on his way to sleep.

"Old enough?" Lukas asks nobody in particular.  "Yeah, right."  He sits a moment more, but can think of no real alternative he'd be willing to do. Why not?  He thinks, the kid did smell/feel wonderful, and when he got things straightened in his mind, he could leave if he wanted.  Lukas had been alone for far too long, he thought.  Maybe life was going his way for once. "Yeah, right." He says again, and starts to drive 'home'.  


As is common with many journeys, Ralf awoke only near the end, mostly because of the bumps along the way.  Blinking in the brightness just barely arisen above the peaks around them, Ralf pulls himself up from where he'd slumped as he slept: against the broad shoulder of Lukas.  AKA the werewolf that raped me, Ralf thinks.  Sitting up in his seat, he yawns, and looks over Lukas clearly for the first time, noting that he was again dressed and still 'scruffy'.  Long black, greasy unwashed hair; a good growth of beard and moustache; short sleeved T that barley stretched enough to cover the body beneath; and wrinkled well-worn jeans.  And sunglasses.

Looking outside the jeep, Ralf saw only trees and what couldn't really be called a road, but, 'What road is this?' he asks.  Then, "Where we going?"

"Home I guess.  That's what you said... Old logging roads are about the only way to get there though.  Unless you care to walk."  Lukas glances at him.  "Lucky for you, this one's in not too bad of shape..."

"How do you usually get there?"

Lukas grins, "I walk, when I bother to go at all.  Haven't been there in a few."

"Few what?"

"Years.  I don't have much use for human creature comforts."

"Oh...Yeah." Ralf's mind seemed eager to forget that. "You are a wer-"

"Yeah... Can't think of much better a word."

Ralf didn't want any other word.  He became silent, trying to get his mind around such a dreamlike idea.  It was unthinkable that of all people, he'd be lucky enough to meet a werewolf.  It was like a wet-dream, something he had accepted as being a nice thought, and not much else.  Most humans would be scared shitless, but he was...

What? Ralf thought.  He looks at Lukas, trying to sort out his feelings for this... creature, for lack of a better term, that he had just met, just realized was real.  He was scared, but not for the 'usual' reasons.  He was also elated, awed, and so, so curious.  The questions he wanted to ask most, scared him the most.  He was so afraid that like most dreams acheiv ed, it might not be perfect.  It couldn't be perfect.  He tried to avoid that thought, not wanting to lose the illusion yet.

"We're here." Lukas announced without much enthusiasm.  "'Home', such as it is."  He turned the jeep off the 'road' onto the 'driveway', the frozen, snow-covered grass and weeds between the ruts scraping along the vehicle's undercarriage.  Ralf looks at the log cabin as Lukas wheels the 4 by 4 along side of it.  Lukas kills the engine and hops out into the snow, the thunk of the door closing leaving Ralf alone with his thoughts.

His mind flits back to home, his 'real' home, and the life he had abandoned for this one.  Hand on the door handle, he wonders if it might not be too late to go back.  Back to a life I hate, he thinks, but it was safe, known. Now I'm alone, going forward blind, with nothing safe to flee back to...no one.  "Free." He says to himself.  The word meant something totally different from what it had before.  "But free for whaaa-?" His word's startled short by the door he was holding onto suddenly pulling him outwards.

"Whoa kid!  Careful."  Lukas steadies him, helps him get his feet down. "You need help getting inside?" he asks, sounding genuine.

"No, I-...No, I was just thinking.  I'm alright."  He pulls away from Lukas, hands going to right his pants, holding them up.

"Aye, alright."  Lukas turns and heads towards the front of the cabin, walking quickly despite the snow.

"Wait!" Ralf calls, more urgent then it seemed to warrant. "Thanks." he says when Lukas pauses.

Lukas looks back over his shoulder. "For what?" he asks.

"For...For everything."

"Humph.  Whatever Kid." He moves off, shaking his head.

Ralf watches him disappear around the corner, then turns and pulls his bag from the floor of the jeep and follows in the path pushed through the snow by Lukas.  As he rounds the corner he pauses to consider.  The property enclosed by the thick forest around them consisted of the cabin, a woodshed and, across the white expanse of the snow, a very old looking barn.  And, Ralf assumed, a outhouse in the back.  "That should be a treat." He mumbles to himself.  "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..."(1)

As he watches Lukas, a stranger, a werewolf, carry an armload of wood from the shed; as he looks around himself at a part of the world he had too often thought of, but never thought to be in, live in, Ralf found himself excited by his freedom, despite the uncertainty.  The newness of it thrilled him, and so to did the thought of Lukas.  Alone with a gay werewolf...  "You coming Kid?"

Ralf smiles.  "Yeah. Yeah, I am."  He walks around and onto the porch, and holds the door open for Lukas and the wood.

The inside was only slightly warmer than the outside.  Ralf gazed around him as Lukas put the wood into the chest near the fireplace.  The cabin had a main chamber, and above it was a loft-type platform, creating a second floor room between it and the roof.  Stairs along one wall led up to it. He was happy to note the place didn't seem to abandoned, merely forgotten, laid aside for awhile.  There was a thick coat of dust and dirt on everything, but white-sheeted lumps promised furnishings.

Lukas headed back out for a second load of wood, and Ralf told him that he'd like to change.  "Pick a room kid.  Mine's up there." He nods towards the stairs as he leaves.

Outside, Lukas again asks himself, "Now what?"  He had picked the kid up, lost control...raped him (still no other word for it), and now brought him home.  At the kids request.  Something wrong with that kid.  Or maybe something right about him.  Either way, Lukas would find out eventually. I could always kill and eat... He stopped his thought there, and smiling to himself, got the wood.

When he went back inside he found Ralf poking around in the cupboards, and looking around the 'kitchen'.  "Needs cleaning." said the kid, in such a nonchalant tone, as if this was just how any day could have been. Lukas felt the sudden urge to laugh at the oddity of the situation, of this human who seemed to think of it as some momentary side-trip, not totally unexpected even, in the road-trip of life.

Instead, he just replied, "Aye, it does.  Sorry." Martha Sterwart, he adds mentally. As though he was just apologizing to an expected, but early, house-guest.  Again, the urge to laugh.

"So, where shall we start?"

Now Lukas did laugh, "Hehe...you-...heh, Wha-..."  Stops to catch his breathe, then, "You're serious. Aren't you?"  Ralf just looked at him.  "Ah, alright then.  I think there's stuff for cleaning in that closet..."

There was, and that set both of them off to work, first lighting a fire then not saying much as they scrubbed the dirt and dust from the cupboards, hardwood floor, and the interior of the windows.  They pulled the sheets from the furniture, exposing the beaten though comfortable looking couch and chairs.  Ralf was glad to see there was a fair stash of dry and canned foods, though it brought to his mind what Lukas must eat when not at 'home'.  Both would find themselves looking at the other while they worked and assumed the other wasn't aware of it; Ralf's looks were in an effort to see something to give away the wolfman's 'disguise', and Lukas found he was just fascinated with the human.  Both also found their minds running away into fleeting fantasies about the other, though it was a pleasant distraction from the mindless task at hand.  They stopped to eat once, canned stew heated in the can by sitting the opened tins near the flames.  They finished cleaning just before the sun sank below the peaks around them, Rapidly throwing the house into darkness, the only light the glow from the fire.

They sat in silence as the light danced their shadows on the walls, Lukas in a chair, and Ralf on the couch.  The silence also, was broken only by the crackling of the fire, and Ralf began to think of how his survival now depended on it, it's light and heat.  They lost track of themselves, time, the room, thinking of themselves and each other.  Lukas finally broke the silence, "There's oil lamps if-"


A pregnant pause, as Lukas waits for more to be said and Ralf remains silent.  Then: "Why are you here kid?"

Ralf opens his mouth to give the easy answer, then stops, unsure but not willing to say he doesn't know.  Lukas can smell him again, he's sweating his fear.  He wishes he had a drink, or some pot...Ralf sighs.  "It just happened.  I wanted to find something, myself maybe, as cliché as that sounds.  I wanted to make something change, but I figured I'd just go off and die...I wanted to die here, the wild, the mountains and trees.  The only good places left.  I'd just find a place to leave the highway, and then just walk until I fell down.  Then I'd wait for the cold to numb me so much I'd die..." He pauses wondering if that made sense,  "You ever stand outside and let yourself get cold?  I know it always feels cold out there, but I mean really cold, so cold, that it stops feeling that way?"

Lukas waits, wondering more about this stranger, his mind.  "No.  I don't think I have, but go on anyway."

"I think in a way, it's like dying real slow, so slow that you can feel the part of you that is you moving outside of yourself, if that makes sense.  Maybe freezing to death won't be like that at all, 'cause the first time I did it, got that cold on purpose, I was stoned at the cemetary...I walked away from my friends, the people I was with anyway, and stood listening to the wind.  It was like I could hear everything, like maybe what you hear, a werewolf I mean."

He stops to see if Lukas has anything to say, but there's just silence. "Anyway, there was more to it after awhile...I started hearing voices, like the dead were talking to me, all those stones, all those dead.  I remember trying to think about how long I'd been standing there, trying to feel myself, any connection to my life."

"There wasn't any; still isn't, I guess.  But once I thought about anything but the voices, I could here real voices.  My friend, maybe one of the only real ones I have, was calling me back.  I think I tried to forget again, tried to die again, but he kept calling me back.  I remember after I was back in the car, I felt so fucking cold.  I had been outside for two hours, just standing.  It takes longer to freeze if you move, but I just stood, and listened, and thought of how much I hated living, hated being me..."  He sighs heavily again, "I don't even know what this has to with anything.  Why am I telling you this?"

"It's important to you.  I don't mind listening."  Lukas says quietly. "Why do you hate being you?"

"Ever since I can remember I've hated who I was...well maybe not who, but what I was.  Or wasn't.  Maybe everyone wants to be what they aren't, with the whole 'grass is always greener' thing, but I took it farther then most did.  I didn't want to be human...I was always fascinated by anything not human, so much so, that when my first sexual thoughts hit, it was never oriented towards human females.  Not females at all, though that's a different issue.

"I understood early that I wasn't anything like everyone else, just as I understood everything early.  Not 'fitting in' is common, I know, I've heard it before, but I was so different, that I thought I was alone, which is a cliché too now, at least for those of us who've been there.  It's a typical newbie thing, and I know I'm not alone, we're not alone.  There are lot's of 'us', we just hide real well.  We're a subculture so 'sub' that most of the population is totally clueless.

"Even though we're not alone, most of us, the silent majority of a minuscule minority perhaps, are alone in our lives, never feeling safe to let 'normal' people know who we are, what we like and what we want to be... How to explain to someone that the 'beast' from the Disney(2) cartoon 'Beauty & The Beast'(2) was a major masturbational fantasy for me?  It sounds insane even now.  I'm tired of hiding from those who 'love' me, tired of doubting my sanity, doubting the point of my life.  There is no point in my life to live for, because I know I'll be endlessly hiding, endlessly frustrated, just as I have been forever..."

Silence for a long moment, then Lukas:  "That's sad.  I'd pity you if I thought it meant anything..."

"It wouldn't.  I want to die, not be pitied." Ralf sounds frantic almost, as if this was it, the end for him.  Maybe it is, Lukas thinks. "At least I did want to die, and catching a ride with you was such a complete freak of fate, and I was so scared when you changed and then when you fucked me it was like a dream or a nightmare or both, it was so unreal, but it is real, it did happen, and now that I know that, I wanted it to never end, like some perfect little dream that never ends and I know it has to, but I wish so much that-"

He stops the rush suddenly, and Lukas can feel and smell the kid's (Ralf's, he corrects himself) fear again, then Ralf continues quietly, sadly, "I know it has to end."  The inevitable logic of his own understanding begins to seep in. "I want to touch you again, be with you, know you...I want to be you.  It would've been better had I never known that werewolves, you, are not only possible, but real.  I could've died not knowing.  I do know though, I do know...It's silly of me to think that we can have anything real.  Relationships can't be based on one partner being a werewolf and the other hanging onto some adolescent fantasy..." He finishes, sounding on the verge of tears.

Lukas grunts, thinking at the 'freak of fate' that had brought them to this point.  Ralf, gay and wanting a werewolf, Lukas a werewolf who thought to never be able to find a mate who could accept him.  Were's are few and far between.  And now, here by accident, the two of them. "Why not?" he asks, moving quietly towards Ralf, suddenly growing hard.

Ralf notices the Were, close enough now that his human senses could detect the lust-smell, and feels Lukas's hand feel him up, his own member hardened rapidly as well.  "W -we, but..." Ralf starts.

"Shush, boy." Lukas growls lowly in his ear, then pulls Ralf's shirt open and down his shoulders, licking and nibbling on Ralf's neck, "True we can't base it solely on such, but we can give the rest a chance to happen..." He flips Ralf gently onto the floor in front of the glowing embers of the fireplace, a warm 'bearskin' rug. "I've been alone for too long to not try..."

"Uuuh...Ah..!"  Ralf feels his jeans deftly undone and pulled down with his boxers, and a warm tongue caressing his glans.  Almost against his will, he pulls up Lukas's head. "Wa- wait..."

Lukas stops, and looks up, "What?  Did I do something wrong?"

"Dog no!" Ralf suppresses a laugh at how Lukas sounds when he asked that, but is touched by the concern, "No, it's just...are you going to...change?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Not if you don't want to."

"Ah, ok.  I want to..."

"I want to see." Ralf says.  He hears Lukas move to open the fireguard and throw a few chunks of wood onto the embers, then poking around to get the flames going.  He helps pull Lukas's clothes off, marvelling at the other man's body, and how comfortable he feels with Lukas.  "Will you still be able to speak?" he asks.

"Kinda, but you might not understand me for awhile, until you get used to it"  Ralf nods, and  watches Lukas shift, a smooth transition of his body altering and fur appearing.  It's slower then when Lukas changed to chase him, but still only takes less than thirty seconds, Lukas's dark eyes closed for a moment and now he looked at Ralf through grey-blue ones.  The werewolf's snout opens in a toothy smile...well, at least Ralf takes it as a smile, though in other circumstances he'd not be so sure.

"Say something." Ralf tells him, and he does try, and gets a laugh from the human.  "I'm not sure it was my fault or your's...you need practice talking like that."  Ralf sits, almost content with the fact he was actually there, with a bonified werewolf half-crouched in front of him.  "I think I really could just sit and watch you..." Lukas just 'grrs' at that, "...but, I want to touch you, too."

Lukas stretches out, laying on his side, shaggy head propped up on his arm, and grunts something that almost sounds like "Okay."

Ralf does just sit and look at first.  Lukas's hybrid form (he was unsure if there was more then just the two) was covered in black fur, with his human hair still evident in a rough kind of mane that would make him look lionish, if his face and snout weren't so obviously wolfish.  His genitals were also hybrid, a swollen furry sheath, fuzzy scrotum, and the few inches of penis showing was pink and glistening like a canine's (Ralf thinks briefly of his dog at home), yet shaped more like a streamlined human member than he had expected.  With the werewolf back-lit by the fire, his fur-clad physique was defined in the orange glow, making Ralf wish he could paint it, capture the essence.

Ralf moves closer and sits cross-legged in front of Lukas, who just waits, watching, content and naked.  Tentatively he brushes his hand over Lukas's face and across his muzzle, then begins to scritch the Were's chest, slowly working down his body.  Lukas closes his eyes, just savouring the feel of Ralf's touch, his cock growing to full erection again. Ralf touches the hot flesh, running his fingers over it and then fondling Lukas's sac, eliciting a 'grr' of pleasure.  Ralf wraps his hand around Lukas's shaft and begins to slowly stroke it.  Lukas suddenly rolls onto his back, legs splayed, and eyes still closed, as if to tell Ralf, 'It's your show...', a submission, Ralf considers, or perhaps just 'Keep going, more!'.

Hands behind his head, stretched out at Ralf's mercy, Lukas cracks open an eye to see what he'll do.  Ralf lays along beside him, across his leg, so that they're almost in a '69' position.  His elbow between the furry thighs and that hand holding Lukas's cock at the base, as the other hand scritches The Were's belly, Ralf's face is right over his groin.  Lukas just grins and watches.

Ralf is caught in his own perceptions now, the vivid surreal sense of a dream.  The scent of his lover's arousal, and now the taste, as he flicks his tongue across the tip of Lukas's cock, salty, copper-metallic taste, reminiscent of much of what a body produces.  He licks up and down the whole shaft, wraps his lips around it, and moves his head down, letting it nudge against the back of his throat.

Ralf's tongue plays over Lukas's cock with each movement, and Lukas reaches over and grips the human's own member, hard and swollen.  Ralf pauses for a moment at the feel of the furry paw on him, as Lukas strokes him, running a hairy thumb across the tip each time, spreading the human's leaking fluids across the head.  Lukas shifts position a bit as Ralf commences to suck on him again.  Now as he jerks on Ralf, he also gives the glossy pre-cum a taste, teasing Ralf with the feel of the Were's tongue on him at random.

Lukas pulls himself out of Ralf's mouth, almost reluctantly, as he gives Ralf a few more wet licks.  He moves his body around so that Ralf and him are face to face, their dripping cocks rubbing against each other for a moment.  Ralf opens his mouth to say something, and Lukas kisses him as much as a muzzle to mouth can manage, leaving Ralf feeling a bit odd, the action, the taste, unexpected.  Unworried, Lukas rolls Ralf under him, straddling his waist, Ralf's hardness standing up against Lukas, under his tail.

Ralf hears Lukas try to say something, but it sounds mostly like a growl, (the last word, fur, fear, fair?)... it loses importance as he feels Lukas reach back, lean forward, and guide Ralf's slick length into himself.  Ralf feels Lukas's anus tighten around him, the Were has his eyes closed and a moment passes (hasn't been a fuckee much; just a fucker, flicks through Ralf's mind), then Lukas opens his eyes and grins down at him.  Lukas begins to move himself on Ralf's cock, slowly at first but steadily faster, one hand guiding, then lightly drawing his claws across Ralf's tightened scrotum.  Ralf reaches up and scritches the furry thighs, the belly, anything he can reach, finally beginning to stroke the Were's bobbing member in synch with Lukas's movements... The tempo gets frantic as Ralf's sensation peaks, his cock convulsing inside of Lukas, his hands forgetting to move as his climax slaps him, body tenses... In far too few seconds, it's past, and his hands find the energy to move aiding Lukas's own masturbation again, the wet slickness of the Were's cock, drooling precum into soaked fur across two sets of hands... Lukas's jaws clamp together, wishing for something to bite, stoking hands on his cock, fondling his sac, leading him to orgasm a few moments after Ralf, a spurt and then a stream of wolf-semen from his spasming member...

Ralf becomes aware of Lukas's moan-howl, as he sprays cum over Ralf's body, then a moment later it's over, as always too soon.  Lukas rises up too pull free of Ralf's welcome intrusion, before flopping down beside him.  Ralf feels Lukas shift back to 'normal'.  "Did you have to?" He asks Lukas.

"No but it makes talking alot easier..." He thinks for a moment, "That is the accepted order to things, right?  Fuck, then talk?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"I think you love me only for my fur..." Lukas pouts mockingly.

"I'm not sure I love you anyway, remember?" He pauses, then: "I think I might though.  The fur does help."  Ralf grins and snuggles to Lukas. "We'll see, right?"


"What did you say when...when you got on top?"  Ralf asks.

"I said, 'It's only fair.'  I guess I still feel guilty."

"It's alright.  I'm over it...  You don't do that much, do you?"

"Do what?  Rape People, or feel guilty about it?"

"Neither.  Or both.  I was talking about you being... the fuckee, rather than the fucker."  Ralph says, then repeats,  "You don't do that much, do you?"

"Oh... Just once.  Just now."  The both fall silent for awhile, and eventually Lukas can hear Ralf slip into sleep again.  "Now what?" He asks quietly, though he already knows the answer.  Gently and silently, the kind of silence that perhaps only animals and Were's can manage, he picks Ralf up and climbs the stairs to their room...

1 - Words from 'Bobby Magee' written by Kris Kristopherson, but quoted by me (and Ralf) from Janis Joplin

2 - 'Disney' and 'Beauty and The Beast' (as used in this context) are a copyright of Disney.

Both the above are used without permission, or any real regard
for the law.  Fuck the system, and it's cronies.  Not that it'd make much difference if you did.  Or not.


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