Random Sexual Encounters (of the Furry Kind...)

Disclaimer: This story is based mostly on the authors over-sexed imagination, (but partly on a couple of events in the authors RL) said author making no claims to logic, reality or any sense of normalcy.  It involves sexual relations between male characters (yes, this time more then 2).  It is intended for the personal enjoyment of adults over the age of majority in their region of residence.  Kids, ask your parents first.

© 2000, Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Fuck with it and I'll say bad things about you to God, the next time we talk in my head... so just don't ok?  Or ask first, at least?

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome.

Chapter 2: A Wolf in Gucci Shoes


The next day, I checked my email, hoping the tiger guy had emailed, possibly to set up an on-going thing. No deal, but a semi-regular of mine wanted me to stop by his office for a ‘liquid lunch’. I confirmed it, feeling much better about my state of mind than I had last night. Funny how things seem less intrusive to the mind when the sun is shining. I debated emailing the Tiger-guy and asking after an explanation, but the things I felt like asking last night right after the washroom door had clunked closed behind him, seemed pretty stupid now. The whole experience seemed like a dream this morning, with the regular routine of getting to school comforting my mind like a familiar blanket.


The mornings classes passed in a blur, my mind continually distracted by thoughts of slurping down Mr. Moss’s thick load for lunch, which of course triggered thoughts of the whole tiger incident. Still, I managed to finish my class work quickly, and slip out for lunch early. The public transit system for my city consists of the bus lines, as well as a Light Rail Transit system, which has a platform right on campus. I made my way there with a smile on my face and a stiffness in my pants.

As I boarded the commuter train that would take me the two stops to downtown, I thought I glimpsed a large fluffy red fox tail going out the other door. Peering out onto the platform as the train started to depart though’, I felt silly for there was no anthro-fox or any such delusion to be found. Sighing to my self, I turned around to find a place to stand while the train made it’s relatively short journey to my stop. A equally short walk from where the train let me off, and I was at Mr. Moss’s building.

His office was on the 15th floor, and his secretary always just sent me into the inner office right away. I wondered briefly what Moss had told her, as she always gave me the strangest looks when I walked in. Smiling at her pleasantly, I walked down the short hall to tap lightly on Moss’s door.

“In!” he called, and I opened the door. I froze. Sitting behind Mr. Moss’s desk, was a large black anthro-wolf, wearing Moss’s tailored blue-gray suit, and Moss’s wine red tie. Mr. Moss was approaching 40, with some of his hair already going gray. This wolf in Moss’s clothing was going gray-white on his muzzle and slightly so on his head/neck fur. He was still talking on the phone, taking care of his unfinished morning business, and gestured me in impatiently.

I entered, and let the door close behind me. He put his hand over the phone briefly, and told me to lock it. I did. I figured in for a tiger, in for a fellow wolf, right? I approached his desk.

“The Spencer account is set, Johnson... You’ll have those files for me on Monday?” Mr. Moss motioned me around, as he swiveled his chair to the side. I came around the desk. “Of course, I’ll need the figures for them. All of them.” He was rubbing himself through his slacks, but stopped and gestured at his crotch while looking at me and listening intently to the phone, to Johnson.

I went to my knees between his spread legs, and reached up to open his fly, my own cock already hard in my pants once again. My second furry, and maybe I was going insane, but I was surprisingly ‘okay’ with that just then. Moss was just looking at me as he listened and waited. After fiddling with the button on his boxer shorts, I reached my hand in to find his hot length of cock, only half-hard. I pulled it out and a thrill went up my spine to see the tapered tip and slick pinkness of a canine-cock disappearing into a long sheath which came up at least half the length still. I licked my lips, and my fingers as I circled them around his cock, just above the sheath. Moss said something else to Johnson on the phone, but I didn’t really register what it was. I licked gently at the pink tip of his penis, before sliding my lips over it and down the length in the same movement which I retracted his sheath fully. His ass twitched and his hips lunged forward slightly, as he suppressed a moan of pleasure at my actions.

“Look Johnson, just get it done. I’ve got another call.” I applied gentle suction as I moved my lips back up his now-rigid cock. His free hand grabbed my head as if I would try to get away, while his other took the phone over and hit a button. “Goddamn, Pup, you give good head!”, he grinned wolfishly at me, and then hit a second button, bring the phone back to his ear. My tongue flicked against his cock-hole as the first little spurt of precum flooded my taste buds.

“Oh, Hello Dear!” Moss said fondly, and I actually did try to pull off his meat for a moment, as I realized it was Mrs. Moss calling on the phone. His hand held me firmly though, pulling me back down his length, his tip spearing into my throat as he thrust as well. He grinned down at me still, my nose pressed into his knot.

“I’m having a fine day, today, actually... Just in a meeting at the moment.” He wiggled impatiently, and I remembered my job. My tongue began to work against his flesh again, as he eased off the pressure and let me slid his cock part way back out. As soon as I did, my mouth filled rapidly with the fluid that had been seeping down my throat.

“No, I don’t think I can make lunch today, Dear, as this meeting might take a bit longer.” His hand released my head, and began unbuckling his belt. I continued to move his cock between my lips as my tongue worked at his flesh.

“Yes, dear...”

My hand began to squeeze him rhythmically behind his knot, causing him to twitch his hips again, and gasp slightly, “Y-ess... dear!”

Moss’s breathing had increased significantly, and his cock was seeping continuously. My suction increased slightly, as my other hand slipped two fingers into his fly to tickle his scrotum. “No... I’m fine, dear. Just spilt some coffee... Yes, I love you too... Kiss, kiss. Bye!”

Moss slammed he phone down in the same motion as he stood, thrusting hard into my mouth and forcing me to rise with him. His hands gripped my head and held me as his hips pumped his meat between my lips. My hand which had been teasing his scrotum was shoved completely into his boxers by his standing, and his warm balls rested in my hand.

“Play with my nuts, Puppy, as I fuck your pretty little muzzle!” He smiled evilly at me, apparently feeling a bit aggressive and vocal today. My hand fondled his sac, rolling and squeezing his testicles gently within it’s pliant skin, his cock still pistoning into my mouth, with full, rapid strokes.

“Gods, yeah!” Still, he managed to quicken his pace, pumping with apparent abandon, yet his knot never once banging into my lips. “Uhnnn... You know, pup... “ he pants, “One day...” His trusts shortened a bit, his cock tip nudging into my throat more frequently, “...I’m gonna ram my cock up your ass...” Pant, “...And see if you can squeeze it any harder *that* way!”

My hand behind his knot clamped down as hard as I could as I sucked at him even harder. “Yeesssss - ArrroooOOoooo!!” He threw his head back and howled, the spurt-trickle of fluid turning into a geyser of ejaculate shot against the back of my throat, quickly followed by the second gush. I swallowed and sputtered, before regaining control. I couldn’t believe he howled! His semen flooded my mouth, and I gulped each gush with relish, my mind floating in awe and pleasure. His thrusts continued until the last shot of semen, and then ceased all together, though fluid still flowed into my mouth.

He sat, and I followed him back down, though his hands no longer gripped my head. I couldn’t remember when he had let go. My mouth and hands still griped him, however, and the flow of fluid continued. I slide back part way on his shaft and let the flow trickle over my tongue, suckling gently. I was in heaven.

“Ahh, ummm... You can let go now, eh?” Moss finally asked. I realized my hand still clutched his balls as well as his shaft. I removed both, and looked up at him as best I could. He sat back in his chair, smiling happily down at me as I drank down the last he had to offer. The flow stopped as his knot shrank, and I licked him clean as his sheath moved up to hide it’s prize once again.

I sat cross legged on the ground, staring at his sheath and balls, in all their furry, fuzzy splendor. Entranced, at the reality, at what I had just done. Dreams and insanity! I didn’t care.

“Are you alright?”

“Hmmm?” I said, stupidly, blinking and looking up at him again.

“I, umm... didn’t hurt you or anything did I?”

I shook my head to clear it, and he took that as a negation. Which was true, though my throat was a bit raw and hurt slightly when I swallowed. Guess a bone in the penis makes it less flexible then before, “No, I’m... I’m fine, I think.” I smiled brightly, and stood up.

Moss stood with me, and tucked himself back in, buckling his pants. “Great! That was delightful, as always! Thank you!” He smiled, and I smiled back, my mind racing.

“My pleasure, but... Mr. Moss?”

“Yes?” He looked at me in a paternal kinda way now, concerned perhaps. Sometimes I think he likes me more than he should, with his wife and all.

“Oh. Nothing.” So it was him. Somehow, Mr. Moss was now a wolf-morph. Or, I was severely damaged, in my head. “Just... thanks. F-for... Uh...” I turned and left quickly, ignoring the looks of the secretary, and anyone else. I went home. Fuck art school.

Later, I checked my email, and found a new message from Moss, inquiring after my state. Apparently, I had worried him with my hasty departure, and he was concerned. And of course, he wanted to make sure we could still meet again sometime... for sex. Of course. I went to bed, feeling like I should cry. Or scream. Or rip a pillow apart with claws I didn’t have.

Sometimes, I think I like Moss more than I should as well. A feeling that was made all the fonder for the fact that he was a wolf... Like I was? My mind and emotions were hell. Such is my life.

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