The DogBoys: In The Showers

Disclaimer: This story is based solely on the authors over-sexed imagination, said author making no claims to logic, reality or any sense of normalcy.  It involves sexual relations between male characters (yes, this time more then 2).  It is intended for the personal enjoyment of adults over the age of majority in their region of residence.  Kids, ask your parents first.

© 2000, Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Fuck with it and I'll say bad things about you to God, the next time we talk in my head... so just don't ok?  Or ask first, at least?

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome.
E-mail:  WolfeByte!

Author's note:  Rifts(TM) is put out by Palladium Books.



    Vince and I slipped quietly out the door, naked except for towels around our waists, leaving Pete sleeping soundly.  Vince had watched me shift my form into that of an anthro-wolf, without comment and only mild surprise.  The questions flitted through his mind, but would be asked later.  To all appearances, if we met anyone else, we would just look like a couple of DogBoys heading to the dorm showers.

    Arriving at the mostly deserted showers, I noted there were several sectioned off areas, each with a dozen or so shower heads.  The concrete dividers rose up just over waist level, so I could see only one section was occupied, by a solitary DogBoy.  Naturally, I went directly to that section.  The mutant had his back to us, but had a cute ass with a docked tail, black and gold fur... a rottweiler.

    Tossing my towel aside, I entered the section, "Mind if we join you?"

    Startled, the DogBoy turned around, letting me look over his naked front.  I was still semi-erect from the room, and at the view of his rather attractive looking nether regions, I was quickly stiffening.   "Uh, ummm... I guess not..."  He tried not to notice, but found his gaze lingering.

    Vince seemed hesitant, but I motioned him in, turning the water on, and adjusting the temperature.  I just let the water soak my fur, and stroked myself idly, which got another stare from the rottweiler.  "Just been awhile since I washed myself in fur... see anything you like?"  The rottie just looked studiously at the floor.  "No?  How about you, Vince?"

    Vince was lathering up vigorously a few feet away, not touching himself, but his member was stiffening regardless.  "Uhhh..." He kinda glanced sideways at the other DogBoy, who was again trying not to notice that everyone but himself had an erection.

    "Of course *I* do..." Moving over to Vince, close, scritching my nails through the suds on his belly towards his groin, as the other hand did likewise on his back, towards his ass.  "...and we have to make sure it's all clean." I now move behind him, one soapy paw exploring his crack, and the other reaching around to grip him, stroking his cock a few times before massaging his sac.  My finger probes lightly at his sphincter, and I feel new waves of sensation flow through the DogBoy's body and mind.  Our psychic connection is increasing, and I can tell he's both exhilarated and nervous about 'performing' for the Rottweiler.

    Said Rottweiler is now staring openly at us, at my hands on Vince's cock, pointing it at him from across the showers.  Probably has never seen two Dogs this close to each other, who weren't fighting.  Vince had his eyes closed, not worried any more by the audience, enthralled in the sensations I was providing.  So I stopped.  I grinned at the other DogBoy, seeing that our presence had finally created a slight swelling of his own member.  "Invite him over..."  I tell Vince.

    Vince's eyes open, and we both look at the Rottie, grinning.  "Hey...!  Johnson, isn't it?"  Vince addresses the Rottie, who shakes his head, blinking as if waking up.

    "Uh...yeah." He keeps glancing down at my hands on Vince's cock.

    "Wanna know what it's like?"

    "Uh, what...?"

    "Come here." I say, and he does. "Go ahead Vince.  Just do what feels good... what I would do to you."

    The Rottweiler is bigger than both of us, by at least a head, when he stands closer to us.  Vince reaches out to grasp the other DogBoy's member, first just holding it, getting accustomed to the feel.  Johnson just grunts at the sensation as Vince begins to stroke him, his cock swelling to impressive proportions.  "My, what a big boy you are." I tell him, but he just grins, eyes closed.  Vince uses both hands on him now, one on the shaft, as the other hefts and fondles the Rottie's balls.  I reach out and give him a feel, then whisper into Vince's ear, "Ready for that something new?"  He just nods, and I wiggle my finger at the entrance to his anus.  Then I slide down his body to my knees, behind him, nuzzling between his cheeks, under the tail.  My tongue seeks between them, licking at his hole, causing him to groan as he pauses for just a second before resuming his movements and exploration of the other DogBoy.  I lap vigorously, digging at Vince's ass with my tongue, adding my saliva to the general moisture there, and causing a slight relaxation in the tight muscle.  I again wiggle my finger in, this time passing the ring and entering Vince's anus.  I stand carefully, removing my finger and positioning my leaking cock where it was, but not entering.  I rub my pre-ejaculate fluid around Vince's tail hole.  "Ready for this?" I send with it the image of what we're going to do.

    A pause, for contemplation perhaps, then:  "Yes."

    I enter into the DogBoy, gently, slowly, but steadily.  I feel his pain at first entry, his jaw clenching slightly, and his playing with Johnson pauses for just a moment again.  I feel my own pleasure as the heat of his body envelopes my hardness.  Then I am inside him fully, my balls resting against his ass.  "I can kill the pain, if you'd like?" Though I know his answer already.

    "God, no!"  He shifts around a bit, a growl escaping him at the movement.

    Johnson's eyes open at the sound, seeing for the first time the look on Vince's face.  "Sir...?"  Vince gives his cock a squeeze as we both shush him.

    "You wanna suck on him?" I ask, again, almost pointlessly.

    A pause, then "Yes..."

    I put one arm around Vince's torso, the other reaches down below his sac, between his legs and our bodies.  I hold his weight as we both move slowly to our knees, now both kneeling before Johnson's cock.  The Rottie goes to say something, when Vince leans forward and gives the DogBoy's glans a lick.  Then the DogBoy's face assumes a look that I've seen before on Vince, his eyes wide and staring as Vince begins to tongue the whole of his shaft.  I just watch for awhile, one DogBoy slurping on the others cock, occasionally stroking Vince's quivering body.  Vince's tongue travels the length of the Rottie's shaft, down to the dangling balls, and licking them while stroking the DogBoy once more.  Then his tongue glides rapidly up each side of the shaft, before Vince's turns slightly away to say, "Okay..." to me, and my unspoken question.  I watch Vince take the other DogBoy's cock into his muzzle and begin to suck on it with relish.  Johnson's eyes close again as he grrs his pleasure, and I begin to move within the confines of Vince's tight channel.  I move out until his tight anal muscles grip me just behind my cock head, before pushing smoothly back into his bowels, causing us both to moan, our pleasure becoming one.  I still watch Vince giving Johnson his first blow job, as I move faster, fucking Vince as Vince sucks.  I reach over and pull us all closer together, so that I can get a taste of the Rottie, taking his cock head into my mouth as Vince  turns to licking his balls and shaft, tasting the big DogBoy's fluids begin to flow before surrendering it back to Vince.  I turn my attention back to my cock in Vince's ass, as Vince begins to respond to my movements with his own.  Finally the Rottweiler begins to move his hips with Vince's sucking, just as Vince moves counter to me.

    My hands move down Vince's body, scritching his belly down towards his groin where I wrap them around his straining member, wet and slick, sliding through my hands with every movement, adding to the pleasure we all share.  Each touch and jangled nerve in our bodies felt empathetically by the others, as we move together like a single unit, trying to achieve orgasm.  I begin to nibble on Vince's shoulder and neck as I stroke him fervently, one hand around his shaft, the other teasing his sac and the space behind it, my own cock moving rapidly inside, nudging his prostate with every motion.  Johnson has his one hand on my shoulder in support as his other is at the back of Vince's head holding him as he fucks his meat into Vince's muzzle and throat.  Vince is scritching Johnson's belly and balls, while the other hand squeezes the Rottie's tail base, a finger nudging the big Dog's anus.  The feeling mounts in intensity, becoming ecstasy until finally the big Rottie's climax sets us all off.  He lets out a loud grunting moan, his seed spurting over Vince's tongue.  Vince's cock spurts hot fluid over my hands as the spasms going through his body milk the cum from mine.  Our conscious movements cease, replaced by the uncontrolled spasms of our orgasm, singular to each, but multiplied in intensity as the feelings are shared by all of us, like three orgasms at once.

    I go to brace Johnson as he pulls free of Vince's still sucking mouth, but miss.  The big Rottie's legs betray him, as he slips down, falling hard on his ass with a startled, "Yip!"   Before we have the chance to ask if he's okay, he begins laughing giddily.  Then:  "That was..."

    "The joy of oral sex."  We finish for him, then both Vince and I start laughing as well.

    Johnson just kind of thanked us, still looking dazed, finished washing quickly, and left.  Vince and I disengaged ourselves, and enjoyed a leisurely time cleaning each other's bodies, and enjoying the warm water.  I knew he had questions to ask, and I had a few to ask of him as well, but those would wait until we were done here at least...



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