
The author of this story is an over-sexed, under-yiffed male, therefore
it's based mostly on fantasization. (IE:  It's fiction).  The author does not condone nor use drugs, alcohol, sex, homosexuality, heterosexuality, bestiality, or Rock music for any purpose, written or implied.  Questions or comments welcome.  Not for internal use, avoid eye contact.  In event of irritation, get a life.  If your under 18, please stop reading, or at least show your parents first. *****************************

Story Copyright ©1998 Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Yeah.  Just ask permission via email before fuckin' with it, ok?

Comments to: WolfeByte!

I remember the first night we met.  We were introduced at the DeBar (French Canadian owned, no doubt) by our mutual friend Shive.  Even that first night we ‘hit it off’.  Shive was the eternal extrovert, Kane, meet Eddie; Eddie, this is Kane...you know?  The one I told you about?, then he was off to meet someone else, maybe get us some mush or acid.  'What did he tell you about me?'  Lying easily to a stranger, 'Who can remember?' I smile,  'I’m sure it was good.' Kat and Mike were groping each other by the table, and I sat down thinking it must be nice to be straight for just that reason.  'He told me about you as well...' Kane absently watches Mikes’ hand slid across Kats’ ass to the base of her tail.  'Was it all good too?'  I absently stare at Kats’ hand sliding up Mikes’ crotch.  'No, but I liked it anyway.'  That made me look up, and consider his smiling eyes, 'You want a drink?' he offers, flicking his tongue dryly over his  muzzle.  'Sure, bring a bunch.'  I watch him walk away, tail swaying carefully through the crowd, admiring the rear view without much hope.  'Nice looking dog, hey Eddie?'  That was Sal, sitting across the table behind the Gropers.  She was Shives’ wife, at least when he wasn’t at the bar.  'Aye.'  I reply still watching Kane at the bar, leaning over to yell our order to the tender.  He turned back with a handful of drinks, and saw me looking at him.  He stood grinning knowingly at me from across the room, his tail swinging happily.  He walked back towards me and sitting the drinks in front of us.  "Drink or dance?"  The thought of two males dancing in a straight bar brought visions of red-neck assholes jumping us on our way out.  "Drink first... that might get me brave enough to risk it."  He smiled again and took a chair.  Taking a big gulp of sweetly reddened liquor, he said, "Your not a coward, are you." A question turned state- ment.  "Thanks, no."  We talked then, for awhile, drinking to get drunk.  The booze leading our feelings closer and talking less.  We eventually danced, not touching.  He glides to the move- ment of the music as I follow the beat as normal, apart but still knowing who it was we were really dancing with. I went back to the table and sat back down, too tired to dance, even with him.  The night was ending, and he still remained alone among the lights, floating to the sounds.  I wished I had the courage to dance alone beside him, perhaps even touching as the music grew slow...

The next few times I saw him we talked more.  I listened to whatever he had to say, and responded  as honestly as I could; hiding only my attraction for him and admiring his canine form whenever he seemed not to be watching.  We touched even, every now and again.  Spontaneous acts of intimacy that looked for the world to be comical instances between two straight friends. Conceal- ing my obvious arousal at these ‘games’ was difficult, and if he noticed that the ‘jokes’ weren’t such for me, he never changed his mind about them.  So we continued on, growing closer yet never admitting any thing serious between us.  He seemed so sure and unself-conscious, while I was scared and confused; wondering what was expected of me.  I always felt this, my mind never lett- ing me rest from thoughts of  being condemned.  What chance had we, a human and a being that from most peoples view just a smart animal, an anthropomorphic germansheppard?  My life, my work, and my place on Homeworld became jeopardized, lost in the rush of thoughts, my fascination with him that consumed my libido, leaving me empty for any other pursuit.

Awakening after a dream where he fucks me from behind, doggy style, his lolling tongue dripping the heat of his exertion onto my back.  It takes seconds for me to cum, remembering the dreamt feel of his cock in my ass. Panting and sweating in a all-too-human way, I throw off the covers and go take a shower to try and forget the disappointment that it’s still only a dream.  I resolve to make it a reality, shivering in the steam at the thought of being so alive.

"So, you have a girlfriend?"  I ask, one night.  "Sure, a few..."  He smiles his cryptic grin. "You know what I mean..."  The way he smiles like that, he looks like he knows more then I ever will.  "Yeah, I do.  But you know what I mean as well..."  "Yeah."  I can’t help but smile back, perhaps a bit sad at my own cowardice.  "Any particular reason for asking?"  He looks away, obviously uninterested.  "Sure."  My hand slides along his thigh.  "Whoa!" He pulls his leg away, smiling, "Not in public, stud."  "Opps...sorry."  We both fall silent, drinking and smiling at each other. Always smiling.  What fun.  Ha, ha...just a couple of obviously straight guys, poking fun at the fags.  Odd though, one human and the other...  " Why don’t you guys just get naked?" Shive shows up, once again with the little baggie full of bliss.  "Stuff tastes awful."  Kane eats his.  "Yeah, but it’ll get you high."  He grunts, slamming his drink to drown the moldy taste.  Shive stays long enough to ensure we’re all enjoying our snack before disappearing back across the dance floor.  "Wish I did."  Kane tells me.  "What?"  "Wish that I did have a bitch."  I look at him.  "Who needs women?" I ask.  He smiles at me again. "Well, we all know who doesn’t, eh?"  I stop smiling, stop looking at him.  "You don’t either..." "Yeah, but I get tired of jerking-off."  I watch his hand rub his crotch as he says it.  "So who says you have to jerk-off?"  Here goes...  My hand pushes his aside as I feel the noticeable stiffness against his stomach.  I squeeze his member and rub it through the fabric.  "I thought we were friends..."  He moans softly, pushing his pelvis forward against my hand, and spreading his legs under the table.  My own cock strains tight against my jeans, happy with the pleasure he shows.  "We are friends...So?"  I pull his shirt out of his waistband and slide my hand over his white belly fur, then pull open his fly.  "So...so...unnnggg...!"  The first real touch is a thrill for both of us, sliding his sheath over the rigid length of his cock, feeling his heat in my palm, then sliding past his testicles, stroking and fondling them on the way...

It’s lust;  I doubt I know love at all, but the trust and caring I feel for a good friend I know well.  It’s just that and sex...

Pulling away at last, he stumbles to his feet, pulling closed his pants.  "We shouldn’t be here for this..."  I move after him as he walks towards the stairs.  He turns suddenly, and we nearly collide.  He pulls me into him and I again feel him through his clothes as he puts our mouths together, one human and one canine, out tongues tangling and tasting one another.  The crowd watches with the sick fascination of the truly mundane thoroughly shocked by our audacity. Fuck’em.  The world belongs to the free...totally stoned with the offended faces of the crowd of conformity spinning around me and my lust, I didn’t care.  Pulling apart and falling with precision down the stairs, holding each other erect just by being there, we go out into the silent city night, and the dark solitude of an ally.

Falling to my knees and pulling open his pants once again, he leans his body against the stone of the wall.  His cock still hangs half from it’s sheath, dribbling fluid, gleaming red skin and wet fur.  I lick and suck at his balls, cleaning the spillage from his pubic fur before covering the tip of his penis with my mouth, sucking gently, tonguing the end and savoring his taste.  One hand plays with his sac as the other pulls his sheath over his slightly swollen knot and holding it there.  He moans more noises of deep abandon and strokes my head as if I was his pet.  I take his cock into my throat, up to his bulge, tongue playing, tasting the slick length. Pulling off, I lick around his knot, and of course his balls once again, before licking the underside to the tip as I stand and kiss him again, stroking his enflamed shaft and feeling the base swell.  His hands grope me, finding my cock and letting it out, the feel of his furry hands on me making me gasp.  He pulls me close, mouth still locked, my cock head against his thigh, fur on skin making me thrust against him, his fur clad hands stroking me.  A moment and my orgasm rips my drug haze to a clarified sensory burst, ending too soon and my semen pumps out in three spasms over his leg.  Nearly gone, I drop again to his shining cock.  Sucking it as far back as it’ll go, to the knot that I polish with wet hands, he grunts and thrusts between my lips, fucking as I suck him, a long flood of warm cum filling my mouth.  I swallow and lap at the flesh as he keeps cumming, lightly twitching his hips at my face.  An endless moan escapes him, eyes closed and head back as if howling.  I still suck softly on my canine god, feeling too much like a human as I massage his knot and feel it begin to shrink.  Releasing him with a sad touch of remorse, I again lick him clean, of my fluid as well as his.  Looking up at him, he looks down at me with the same knowledgeable smile.   His flaccid penis retreats back into it’s sheath as I rest my head against where I had cum...

Eventually we stir, him pulling me fully awake again and to my feet with a sigh.  We adjust our clothes and make our way to his car.  Vodka to rinse our mouths and to hold back a hangover a bit longer.  We zone out in the front seat, watching the lights of the city, and the other drunks heading home.  I fade away, dimly aware of the car moving, and driving drunk, but happy in my sated lust and the trust of my friend...


The Morning After

My next moment of full consciousness was waking up alone in my own bed, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth by a thick, congealed paste reminiscent of gopher shit.  I sit for a moment, remembering slowly who I was and how I got there, then another moment, sad that he isn’t there beside me.  I struggle up in bed and reach for a days-old glass of something sitting on my dress- er.  Nothing like flat, warm Coke to cure the ‘morning after’ pasties.

Walking through the too bright hall, idly rubbing my morning erection, I stumble to the ‘living’ room, pausing at the door.  Kane sleeps, spread as far out as he can across the futon, naked and uncovered but too unsure to sleep in the same bed.  I wonder what it would be to be him.  Watching him sleep.  His body beautiful, belly and balls exposed to me and the sun making the off- white fur gleam, I imagine waking him,  stroking him and wrapping my mouth once more around his cock.  Letting him sleep instead, I still watch, quiet in the dead of morning, trying to etch his form in my mind.  Things like this end to soon, and I want never to forget...

Sighing I go to the shower, turning it on cold and stepping under the spray.  I sit on the floor, huddled, and wait till I begin to shiver before turning it the other way, just hot enough to be almost painful.  I forget time, wash slowly, enjoy the heat and the feel of the steam as I breath it.  I stand again just as I hear the door open.  "’Morning." He says.  "Yeah."  I say, strangely surprised at the sound of my own voice, feeling intense.  I listen as he moves on the other side of the shower curtain, wondering if he’s here just out of necessity.  Even the sound of his urine splashing in the toilet is charged with sexuality for me, trying in my private shame to push the thoughts out of my head.  "Feels good."  He states.  "Yeah..." I wonder.  I look out from one end of the curtain.  His back to me, still naked, tail wagging slightly, black fur shading to gold on his sides.  He stretches when he’s done, arms over his head and back arching.  He looks back at me and grins, gleaming teeth.  "I think you like looking too much, and think too much."  He turns, letting me watch as he rubs his sheath and balls in front of me.  "What can I do?" I ask, wondering what’s still the same and what can’t be.  Ah, confusion...  "Can I join you?"  God, yes...  "Please."  I would beg him, will if he won’t.  He joins me.  I hear him open the other end of the curtain, behind me.  I close my end, waiting, eyes shut under the spray of water, way too hot now though cooler then it was.  "Ouch."  I hear him moving back again, feel him drawing away.  "Sorry..." I mumble, turning the tap back towards equilibrium.  "Thanks."  He says, and I  wonder for a moment about what I wouldn’t do, if he asked. He comes so close, again, touching my shoulders and pressing against me, perhaps so we can both be under the water.  Perhaps not.  He wraps his arms around me, one hand gently feeling my genitals, and then just holding me so aware of his sheathed cock against the small of my back. My sanity, to be so assured.  "Done washing?"  He asks, a whisper in my ear.  Lying, I shake my head.  Taking the soap, he lathers my stomach and down to my pubic hair, one hand with the soap and the other just stroking and massaging me.  He takes my balls and cock in his hand and works me to a rapid erection, licking my earlobe, making me tingle and feel like fainting.  Strange how he makes me feel like some bimbo heroine in some trashy romance novel.  His own now-rigid shaft presses hard against me, urging the now, as I think of then and the future not yet here. Love or lust, love, lust...  I pull away slightly, and reach back to feel him, wanting him in me, feeling control slip away without chemical aid.  Must I always do and watch at the same time, two people, always, one hating the other?  His soaped hands push between my ass cheeks, probing and poking at my anus.  I twist around, look at him, almost wanting to laugh at his wet-dog look despite everything.  Looking away, leaning forward, hands going to the wall, "Fuck me...Can you fuck me?  Please?  Please fuck me..."  Sounding desperate, the need to beg even though his idea was much the same.  I feel the jutting tip of him against my anal ring, his dribbling precum seeming to burn hotter then I already was.  He whispers to me, "Don’t beg...I don’t need that..." , he licks me, nibbles at my ear and neck just as he enters me.  His length slides in smoothly, lubed with his juices, the water, sweat...he pulls back out, and then in as my hand finds him and slides over his tool with each movement, feeling the slight swelling of his knot as it pushes against me.  He thrusts faster, his teeth still on my neck as he mounts me, I gasp with each push.  Then he slides once too far, his knot jolting past my sphincter...yes!  Clutching it within me, it’s fullness expanding with my clenched muscles, pulls against me, tying us.  He grunts and moans in my ear, his movements, limited jerking against me, the spasms of his orgasm in my ass.  He moves for a moment more, hips twitching slightly before he stops.  My hand between our legs fondles his balls, so close to my own.  His weight on me, bare back to furred chest, and his cock within is enough for me, for the moment.  My own cock throbs but goes almost unnoticed.  He rests like that a few minutes, seed still filling me.  Then he pulls me up, hold- ing me as he stands.  Locked together, we manage to stumble from the shower and to my room, laying on the bed on our sides.  His every move is felt in my ass and causes me to moan.  He toys with my own slick cock, as we wait, panting in my ear.  Finally he works himself loose, his knot, shrunk considerably, pops free and a wetness spreads across the sheets.  He crouches beside me, laying on my back, cock in the air, shiny with my own fluids but not yet sated.  He lifts my knees up as I move back on the bed, giving him more room.  His fingers again probe at my ass, still relaxed from his cock.  He looks up at me as he leans forward and licks my cock head, and then down along the underside of my shaft to my balls.  His fingers move with in me, rubbing my prostate.  He opens his mouth and takes my cock into his mouth, tongue caressing my glans, digging at the piss-hole.  He sucks his way gently down on me, my tip brushing his throat. His hand moves faster in my ass as I move against his mouth.  The sight of his canine face sucking at me, head bobbing, eyes smiling, finger fucking my already well-fucked ass.  I rub his head, scritching his ears as I pull him to me, thrusting into his snout.  My orgasm comes suddenly, spurting down his throat as his tongue eagerly laps at the rest, draining all I can offer, my ass twitching around his fingers as they pull free.  He pulls off me slowly, coming up and kiss- ing me briefly.  We lay together for awhile, before returning to the shower for another rinse.

In the shower again, bodies near, under it’s spray.   "They know already."  He says, arms around me, shelter from the world he tells me of, "They watch such things closely, for people like you..."  "Us." I remind him. "Yeah...people like us."

He leaves, then, and alone I feel lost among my overbearing thoughts, and the new feeling even they cannot explain.  I lay back, staring at the ceiling fan above me, at the roof beyond. Vague thoughts of the time and of work.


All content on this page is © 2001 WolfeByte/Gary C. Jensen. All rights reserved. Join my mailing list for sketches, stories and first option to buy on new original artwork and commissions, The Wolfe List!