Merchants traveled the word to find strange and rare items and would bring them to other parts of the world where these items were not common and sell them. Merchants would go into the most dangerous places and even risk their lives just to obtain goods that could be sold at the market place, or even right out of their carts. One day a group of merchants were on their way to Trenstar to set up shop in the market place there, but it would take them another month or 2 to get their, but one of them found a huge shortcut that would reduce their travel time by more than half. They found out that the shortcut went over the path of the uncharted territory, but they figured that they could also make maps of the place and find some other things to sell too. After they got the camp set up they all sat near the fire they just started and began to talk and figure out what they should do when they are here on the uncharted territory. "We need to figure out who will go explore and make maps, and who will go and find things that we can take back to town, and one of us should go hunt for food because all we have left is, the human merchant said to the other merchants, "I think I should be the one who will do the search for items and other things to take back with us. The goblin merchant replied, " I guess I'll do the maps, but since its night time I'll have to wait until sunrise to at least get started. "We'll go hunting because we don't know how fierce the creatures are in these woods." the other 2 merchants said as they were getting their battle gear on. Then a dragon by the name of Tyler said to the other merchants, "I'll watch the camp and I'll help make the maps in the morning." All the merchants, except Tyler, went into the woods in search of a meal and various objects and items they could take back too town, but minutes turned into hours and no one came back, so Tyler decided to go take a look and see if he could find his friends. After searching for a while he saw in the distance, a bunch of people in dark cloaks around a campfire. It looked as if they were doing some kind of ritual, so Tyler decided to sneak up near them, but above them on the hill so he could see them without being seen. As the strange people continued to perform their ritual, Tyler steps on a fractured rock and a few small rocks fall down from the hills and then one of the guys performing the ritual turned in Tyler's direction and saw him strait in the eye and Tyler saw that the person wasn't alive, that person was an undead summoner. As Tyler quickly turned to run away the platform he was standing on because to cave in on its self and he fell backwards onto a steep narrow wall and he began to roll sideways until he his head on a stone when he reached the bottom. After the dust cleared the undead people saw that Tyler was unconscious and they began to drag him near the fire. Tyler woke up and he was tied down to some kind of slimy soft bed that looked like it was a living thing. Some undid people came into the room and started talking in some kind of undead language. Tyler was afraid of what they might do to him and the undead people were grabbing this small slimy worm that was just small enough to fit up Tyler's nose. They put the worm near His nose and the worm went into his nose and into his body and then Tyler began to scream and holler as if his brains were being eaten and turned inside out, but then Tyler woke up and screamed and started to feel his head to see if any damage was done, but then he realized that he was at the camp site and it was morning and shouted, "Where am I!" All the merchants woke up and were alarmed and ran to Tyler's tent, but all they saw that Tyler was ok. "Easy them Tyler!" one of merchants said, "You took a nasty fall last night. Luckily we just finished hunting and found you on our way back, it looks as if you bumped yourself on the head or something." "My nose!" Tyler shouted, "My brain! There was a worm that went up my nose and into my brain." "A worm went up your brain?" a merchant replied, "We saw nothing when we found you, all we saw was a you." Tyler continued to flip out and snap and was trying to remember if what happened was a dream, or if it was real. The other merchants didn't know what to do, so they just told Tyler to take it easy and don't worry about the maps until he felt better. One of the merchants tried to make a map, but he was unable to get high enough to get a good view of the area. Then he saw Tyler fly up from behind him and then when Tyler got high enough he took out his map paper and began to make maps. It took him several hours to complete the maps because he was making them in mid air and he had to swing back a lot to make sure he got the map right. Later that night they all eat over the campfire and were showing each other what they found and what discoveries they made so far. They all packed up everything except camp because they were going to leave in the morning and get to Trenstar at night. Tyler kept his maps and some of the things he found in his own bag that was not in the cart. As they were going to bed the ground started to shake as if an Earthquake was happening, but it wasn't, zombies and the undead started coming out of the ground and was trying to eat everyone, Tyler was so afraid because he thought that dream he had wasn't real, but it was very much true and he began to freak out and have a panic attack as his friends were trying to fight off the zombies, but then Tyler fainted because he was so afraid that the worm that went up his noses was still in his body. Tyler woke up, but he was in a bed in someone's house and all his possessions were missing and all he had on him was pants and shirt. Since he didn't know where he was he ran out of the room and out of the house and then he noticed that he was in Trenstar because Trenstar main castle is really pointy and sharp and in a triangle shape. He ended p running into the market place and then he saw all the people turn into zombies and other undead beings, but when he blinked his eyes they were all back to normal, and then they all turned back to zombies and this time when he blinked again they didn't turn back to normal, but they were all normal, it was Tyler who was seeing them as zombies, and when Tyler blinked his eyes again, they were still zombies. He started screaming and then when some people went to calm Tyler down, but Tyler just fought back as if they were really zombies. After trying to calm him down for a while, Tyler really got out of hand and then the royal guards of Trenstar came and overpowered Tyler and they managed to put him in a straitjacket and at that moment Tyler calmed down. None of the towns people knew who Tyler was so the guards talked to the king and the second they said that Tyler was an orange dragon the king knew who he was because the king was friends with Tyler's father who was a great wizard. With the kings command to send Tyler to his father the guards took and tied him down to a bed and added some straps to the straitjacket and then Tyler tried to bite one of the guards. The guards didn't want to get wounded so they put him inside of a wagon and gave the delivery guy extra money tot transport Tyler to his father's Domain. After they got Tyler in the wagon they untied him, sat him down, and left him in the straitjacket and closed the door. After 2 days of traveling and not eating, Tyler got restless and started kicking and shouted. The delivery didn't now what to do because Tyler has had anything to eat for 2 days, but he also remembered that the guards said not to handle him by himself, but Tyler's screams were for hunger, so the delivery guy stopped the wagon, opened the door and Tyler jumped out and looked like as if he was infected with rabies. The guy threw some meat at him and Tyler began to devour the food. The delivery guy decided to cast a mini spell on him that knocked him out and rendered him unconscious. Then the delivery guy took Tyler and put him back in the wagon. The next morning they arrived at Tyler's domain. When Tyler woke up he was still in the straitjacket and he didn't know how long it was going to stay on him for. Finally His father came and gave the delivery man some mail to send and then he opened the door to the wagon and said, "Tyler, come with me." Tyler still waking up, gets out and starts to follow his father, who's name was Taylor. After following his father around for several minutes around their domain they arrived at his father's Sorcery chamber. Taylor started to cast some spells on Tyler to see if he was infected with anything, but he found nothing so he tried to take off the straitjacket, but for some reason the lock wouldn't unlock. He took a sword and slashed the lock in half, but the lock turned into a worm and then it jumped back onto the straitjacket and fused with it. "That worm just merged with the straitjacket?!" Taylor said. "That's the same worm that I saw earlier!" Tyler shouted. After trying to get off the infected straitjacket for several hours, Taylor decided to throw some holy light onto the straitjacket. After Taylor shined some holy light on Tyler the straitjacket began to melt and die. "Just as I thought," Taylor said, "that worm was undead." "I saw three undead monks performing some kind of ritual," Tyler replied as he was stretching his arms, "my fiends, they are all dead, I couldn't save them, not because I didn't have the strength, but because that scout worm went into my head and started to mess with my mind!" "I better do a voodoo scan because if my regular spells couldn't detect that than maybe my voodoo can." Taylor  said to Tyler as he started to gather some voodoo equipment. "Voodoo?" Tyler said with a look of confusion on his face, " I didn't know you practiced voodoo." Taylor said to Tyler right as he made a voodoo marking on Tyler’s chest, "You've been away for too long, son, things have changed, alliances have been made and some have been broken. Sometimes a single warrior can have more power than a whole army." "Yes, with enough hard training anyone could be powerful, but it just takes time to build up that power, but now of days it seems like it takes less time and that more and more people are getting stronger every day." Tyler replied back as Taylor was lighting the voodoo candles. After performing a voodoo dance and ritual Taylor was able to see if Tyler was infected by anything. A few moments after the dance and ritual were complete Taylor Saw that he was infected with a disease that he has never seen before, it looked like as if he was being converted into a undead dragon very slowly from the inside out. "Tyler," Taylor said as he gave Tyler a sad look, "You are infected with some kind of undead virus and in time you will die and then after you die you will awaken as an undead dragon, you will still be you, but your soul won't be there, even though you will still remember who you are, but you probably will lose all judgment and do as your master says." "What?" Tyler said as he started to fear the future, " Isn't there anything I can do to stop it and/or reverse it?" "I do not know, son, listen to me, I will do everything I can to help you and to find a cure, but You must become as strong as you can so that you can stay alive for as long as you can, but as of now I must look through these books and see what I can come up with." Taylor said to Tyler firmly. Suddenly turned black and his eyes turned red and his voice sounded different, as if he was possessed, "I won't let you find a cure for Tyler, we need to add to our undead army!" then the possessed Tyler began to fight His Taylor. Taylor managed to evade all of his attacks, but then he concentrated his energy and fired it and Taylor and Taylor couldn't evade that blast. Taylor began to cast a spell of light that would strike the undead out of Tyler, but he didn't know if that would kill Tyler, but he had no choice. Taylor shined the holy light onto him and Tyler started to burn and then he fainted and turned back to normal. Taylor didn't know what to do, and he didn't know if that would happen again so he put Tyler in a straitjacket and put him in the dungeon. When Tyler woke up he saw Taylor and then he turned black again and then he became possessed again and said to Taylor, "You think this straitjacket can hold me! then he broke out of it and started to charge at Taylor, but then Taylor shined more light on him and then Tyler fainted and collapsed. Taylor feared that would happen, so he made a special straitjacket and made it with holy light, but just enough to keep Tyler weakened. Meanwhile Over at the forests where Tyler and the other merchants camped out that night, the 3 undead monks just completed their ritual and from there a huge castle came out from the ground and a bunch of undead people came out from the ground too and within hours they formed their own city known as the Decayed Lands. One of the monks picked up the maps that Tyler made and added the castle to the map and made maps that showed the layout of the castle as well. The king of the undead was a man only known as Zen. The undead Wanted to expand their power and take over the world over time. The undead wanted to first get rid of the humans, because in the long run they could be the biggest threat, then they were going to move onto the elves and so forth. Back at Taylor's domain, Tyler woke up and saw that Taylor was talking to someone through a Crystal ball. Tyler realized that he was in a straitjacket again and shouted to Taylor, "What happened?! Why am I in a straitjacket again?!" "Son, you don't remember anything that has happened?" Taylor replied. Tyler tried to get up from the ground, but he could quite get off the ground without the use of his arms. Tyler said, "No I don't. The last things I remember is that you were telling me that I was infected and that was it." Taylor began to explain to Tyler, "You have been possessed and when you fainted earlier, someone else took over you mind and body and began to fight me as you. I shined some holy light on him and then he fainted and then he turned back into you. You didn't physically changed, but your whole body turned a different color and I sensed dark energy from you. I put you in a strait jacket, but then when you woke up you turned back into the possessed version of you and you broke out of the straitjacket so I had to shine even more light onto you and then I decided to make a straitjacket with a little bit of light so that it would be enough to keep you from breaking out of it with out hurting you." Tyler replied, "So how long am I going to be locked up for? "I don't know," Taylor said to Tyler, "until I find a cure, or if you are able to control the undead part of you," then Taylor closed the dungeon door and went to his room and placed the crystal ball on the totem and then started talking to a person called Zero Henry," Zero, the undead, they have infected my son and I had to lock him up until a cure is found, or if he learns to control his undead side. I need you to try and find a cure on your own because I will remain here to look after my son and try to find a cure in one of my antidote books." "I have only saw your son once, we were both at the town outside of Crimson Mountains, but he did not know you knew me so he just passed by." Zero told Taylor as he was doing sit-ups, " I do not know what the undead are planning, but it must be something big, big enough to start infecting people." "Zero!" Taylor shouted at Zero, "You must go to the Swamp of the goblins because I just found out that somewhere deep in the swamps is a flower that grows, even though its a dark entity flower, it holds holy light properties and could possibly reverse Taylor's condition without hurting him or damaging him." "Isn't that near the cave and underground city of the goblins?" Zero replied. "Yes, but how do you know about the underground city of the goblins?" Taylor said as he was looking through books. Zero said to Taylor as he finished his sit-ups, "It's a long story. I'll get going now since their is no time to waste and I'll get back to you as soon as I can," then Zero went to go take a bath in one of the hot springs in his cave house and thought to himself, "I cant believe I am going back to the underground city, it has been so long since I saw that place. I thought I would never go back there, but I guess I have no choice since Taylor's son is infected. I wonder how strong Taylor's son is? After Zero got out of the hot spring he got his cloths on and left for the underground city. After a few hours of traveling Zero Finally arrived at the swamp, but things were not he same, the lands looked more decayed and less alive, as if the undead had had plagued the place. "Something is wrong," Zero thought to himself, " I knew the land has changed, but I didn't think it would have changed this much. As zero went along to find the entrance to the underground city he saw all the dead goblins scattered across the swamp. Then an undead soldier came from the waters and Zero was shocked to see that the undead had really returned. Zero remembered that to get to the underground city he had to find the hidden pathway somewhere, but the undead guy was heading towards Zero. "Stop right there, or I will be force to fight you!" Zero said as he slowly backed away as the undead soldier slowly came towards him. "Really, Zero, have you forgotten who I am?!" the undead soldier replied. "What!" Zero said as he started to remember, "you, I remember you, you were the one who tried to tried to kill the king of the goblins, but you were not powerful enough and the king banished you from the city, were you not Malista!." "I would of been able to take the throne if it wasn't for that sword he welded, Executor, but now I am more powerful than ever because of the undead, I was reborn with much greater power! And now I look for the Executor!" Malista said. There is no way that I will let you take Executor because that sword belongs to the goblins!" Zero said as he started to get angry, "You will have to claim that sword over my dead body!" "That’s what I intend to do!" Malista said to Zero as they started to engage in combat. Malista made the first move and threw a punch at Zero, but Zero saw that Malista was very quick so he blocked the attack by crossing his arms in an X shape. Next Zero swung back his left leg, and rammed his kneecap into Malista's gut. Malista got hurt and started to cough, but after he took a deep breath he slammed his head into Zero's head, but they both got injured themselves by that and they both fell to the ground while holding their heads. After a few minutes when the pain went away they started fight again. Meanwhile back at Taylor's domain Tyler started to hallucinate and started seeing things that weren't really there. He saw zombies come right up to him and started to eat him alive, but even thought it wasn't real, Tyler couldn't tell the difference. Tyler became very afraid and got scarred so much that he sat in the corner of the room with his head down as he shivered in fear. Taylor was trying to find something to cure his son, but he found nothing out of the many books that he had, so he started to look for something that would slow down the process of the dark conversion. He searched for a while, but then he remembered that his son has not eaten for a while, so he figured it would be to risky to feed him, so he had to use some magic so that his son could go on with out eating for several days. Back at the fight Zero and Malista were pounding each other. They were about evenly match, except that Zero Pumped himself up and summoned more power and energy, so he can to beat the shit out of Malista. Blow and blow Malista didn't seem to show any signs of injuries and then he said, "Zero, you think you can beat me?! I am apart of the undead now, I have great dark powers that you your self can not even understand!" What are you saying?!" Zero replied as he stopped pounding on Malista. Malista took a deep breath and said, "Let me show you my true power!" Malista began to scream and then out from nowhere his muscles got bigger and he was summoning so much energy that it look like he was going to blow. After he powered up, Zero sensed more power coming form Malista. Malista ran to Zero and punched him and Zero tried to block the punch by crossing his arms, but this time Malista was so powerful that Zero got blown away and smacked right against the cave walls. Zero tried to escape, but Malista was much faster than him and started beating Zero senselessly. After taking a lot of hits all over Zero began to cough up some blood. Zero was so enraged that he managed to punch Malista in the face and broke backed off. He started to concentrate his power and summoned enough strength and fired it at Malista. The energy was like a wide laser beam, except it was made of pure energy and basically inflicts damage on its target. Malista got hit and he got knocked down to the ground, but he got right back up again and then he started walking right towards Zero. Zero didn't know what to do and he became afraid. Frozen by fear, Malista grabbed Zero’s face and lifted him up into the air. "Time to finish this, Zero Henry!" Malista said has his hand started to burn. "Go fuck yourself Malista!" Zero said with his last ounce of strength. Malista punched Zero in the gut and tossed him into the air and when he started to fall down he jumped and kicked him into the caves and then Zero went through some walls and kept on falling deeper and deeper. He fell so much that he fell into a hole that was covered with wood and he fell right in the middle of the goblin underground city. He fell near the statue of the great goblin hero who saved the other goblins from the undead in the past. Zero heard a sound. It sounded like as if something was calling to him, but it did not sound like a person. Zero was struggling to get up and off of the floor, but he has taken some serious wounds and he was bleeding from several different parts of his body. Zero finally manages to get him and then he sees a statue of the great goblin king. The statue was holding a sword, but the sword wasn't apart of the statue, it was a real sword. As Zero got closer to it the noise slightly got louder and when he grabbed the sword he noticed that it was in perfect shape and that on the statue there was some words that were carved in it, but he couldn't read it because it was in goblin except for one word "Executor" and at that moment Malista came from the secret entrance that Zero fell through of. Malista saw that Zero had the sword and Zero turned around and looked Malista right in the eyes with an angry look. Zero felt his strength returning and then he started to charge right at Malista. Malista punched the sword from the side so he wouldn't get sliced, but his hands were burning as if they were struck by holy light. Malista backed off some more until he was almost out of Zero's sight range, but Zero charged again. Moments later when he caught up to Malista he began to swing the sword, he put both of his arms over his head and behind his back, then, with full force he swung it ahead of him and cut Malista in half! Even thought Malista was undead, the cut from the sword was as if holy light cut it so Malista was mortally wounded. After that, Zero began to charge up for an energy blast to not only finish off Malista, but to leave to corpse behind as well. After Zero destroyed Malista all of his last remaining strength was gone and he collapsed. Zero exerted so much that he ended up wounding himself and since Malista was pounding him that only added to his wounds. Back at the Undead Fortress, the undead were planning to expand their empire and slowly take over the world. One of them had a crystal ball that was letting them see through Tyler's eyes because of the infection, they can also somewhat control him. They were trying to get Tyler out of the straitjacket, but since Taylor fused it with holy light, the undead could not summon enough dark energy within Tyler to break out. The undead decided to move on with their plans, even if they couldn't free Tyler and use his tremendous power to aid them. They wanted to start a war with as many kingdoms as they could because they wanted to infect a wide rang of people, so no one knows that the undead are making a come back. The undead sent out armies and destroyed towns, pillaged villages, killed the town’s people and defiled the lands. More and more kingdoms were getting angry and blinded with rage, so the humans of Crimson Mountains geared up and sent letters to other near by kingdoms and hoped that they would form an alliance, so that they could increase their chances of defeating the undead. Days past, no reply from the other near by kingdoms, so the warriors of Crimson Mountain Kingdom gathered all their troops and headed for the nearest kingdom, Watervalel. By the time they got there the whole city was destroyed. Burning buildings were left to rot. Dead bodies decaying more, the whole city was completely wrecked. After searching for survivors, they headed out for other kingdoms and hoped that they have not been destroyed as well. A few days later word got out that the undead are going around and destroying cities everywhere. The kingdom of Trenstar gathered troops and got troops from other ruined kingdoms and massed up so that they could attack as soon as they got more troops. Tyler's dad heard that the undead were going around, and when he looked out his window he saw a bunch of them marching towards his domain. Tyler was still in the Holy light straitjacket and was still infected, so he couldn't let him loose, so he knocked Tyler out and gathered his equipment and got out of there.  Taylor had no choice but to run towards Trenstar, Taylor would have gone to where his friend was where they found his son, Tyler, but that's where the undead was coming from. When Taylor arrived at Trenstar, Tyler started to burn up, because the whole Kingdom has holy light shinning on it, so Taylor quickly got Tyler away from the city, but he had to find a place to keep his son so that he could cure him and free him from the straitjacket. Meanwhile back where Zero finished off Malista, he finally woke up, and he crawled back up to the surface and found his pack of food and started to eat his food he had in their. After a few minutes of eating, he called Taylor with the little crystal shard necklace, but Taylor wasn't answering, so Zero figured that things have taken a turn for the worse. Zero searched across the lands, but he couldn’t find anything that could possible cure Tyler, so he figured that he should return to Taylor's domain. Back at Trenstar Taylor didn't know what to do with Tyler, since Tyler couldn't enter the town without getting hurt, The decided to take his son somewhere far away, so gave the delivery guy Tyler, and told him to take care of him, take him somewhere far away, and never release him from the straitjacket. The deliveryman left Trenstar and headed for a far away city. A day later the delivery guy's wagon last a wheel, so he had to go on foot to the nearest town, or village. Tyler was getting restless and started to bang and kick the inside of the wagon until he finally broke out of the wagon and started to run into the sunset. After running for a while Tyler got tired and collapsed and fell asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night some of the undead scouts found Tyler and carried him off to the new undead castle where Tyler was infected. The next morning, when the delivery guy came back to the wagon with an extra wheel, he saw that one of the sides of his wagon was broken through, so he replaced the wheel as fast as he could and headed for the village where he got the wheel. When He got to the town he tried to find a pay crystal ball so that he could contact Tyler's father. Meanwhile back where the undead scouts were taking Tyler back to the place where he got infected they both started to burn. Since the straitjacket was fused with holy the two undead scouts started to burn, so the let him go and slapped some chains around his chest and dragged him while they ran. After many hours of running they finally arrived at the undead empire's newest castle where Tyler was infected. They took him into the castle and dragged him to the king’s room and sat him down on the king's chair. They woke Tyler up and then a big flash of energy came from the ground where Tyler was sitting and then he turned black and was possessed once again, but this time he was permanently possessed until the infection was cured. After Tyler became possessed again it’s was as if he was someone else, a completely different person all together, and then he said to the two scouts, "It feels so good to be resurrected!" "At last our king is reborn!" the two scouts said as they bowed down. Possessed Tyler said, "Even though I cannot break free from this straitjacket I can still be deadly, but it's a shame that I cannot break out of this and unleash my full power because of the damn holy light that is in this straitjacket!" Tyler began to roar with rage and then all his muscles doubled in size and it looked like as if he was bulging out of his straitjacket, but he just merely increased his power and strength. Possessed Tyler ordered his minions to gather all their troops to his locations because they would be ready to strike soon. Back where Zero Henry was, he was running towards the town where Tyler woke up after he was infected, but when he got there, however, the entire village was destroyed and then Zero started to search for survivors. After a while of searching he found no one, so he ran towards the forests where Tyler was infected. On the way to the forests he noticed that there was one survivor crawling his way towards the forest Zero stops and asks if he is all right, but all the guy said was that the undead went into those forests and then the man fainted and died. Zero ran even faster towards the forests and when he got there was a huge castle and he was trying to find a way into it. With the mighty sword Executor Zero Henry has the power to repel the undead without the use of holy light, and that alone might be the only thing that could cure Tyler. Zero heard some footsteps so he quickly hid in the trees. Zero saw some undead monks coming walking through the forests and he overheard there discussion. The monk with the really big doodads and pointy clothing said, "You must take these maps of our new kingdom to our brethren across the continent because they must know our location and ways so that they may become familiar with this territory." "I'll shall deliver these maps and tell them that our king is reborn once again!" the other undead monk said as he started to deliver the maps. At that moment Zero Henry dropped from the trees and slammed the monk undead monk with the maps and said, "You're not going anywhere!" then the big undead monk came over and punched Zero and started to fight him and said, "You must deliver the maps and let nothing stop you!" the undead monk with the maps ran off and out of the forests and headed for his brethren. Zero tried to ran after the monk, but the other monk kept getting in his way and kept on fighting him. Zero had no time to waist so he took out Executor and sliced the monk in half, but as he was cutting through the monk, it was as if the sword itself had some kind of aura that could burn, or destroy undead body cells. After taking care of that monk Zero quickly ran in the direction that the monk with the maps went. After a few moments of intense running, he caught up the monk with the maps and grabbed the monk's arm and they both instantly stopped.