Zero said to the monk, "Don't move a muscle!" as the undead monk turned around he quickly cast a sun light spell that act as a flare to temporarily blind Zero, but Zero put his other arm that was not holding the monk with in front of his face and then he was able to evade that light, but then, however, the light was getting brighter and brighter so he had to let go o the monk and quickly shielded his face with both his hands and arms from the light. The monk started to run again, but the second he started to run he ran at full speed because he was able to accelerate very quickly. Zero quickly ran after him, but Zero could not accelerate as fast as the undead monk could, so he got out Executor and swung it at the monk as if it were a boomerang, but the sword did not reach the monk, and as Zero was running he picked up Executor without losing any speed. Since Zero tried to throw the sword at the monk, he decided to try something different. Zero stopped running and he threw Executor with all his might, and he started to charge up his energy blast and in a few moments he gathered enough strength and fired the energy blast right at Executor and when Executor started to lose speed, the energy hat Zero blasted at it caused it to accelerate even more and caused it to go faster, faster that the undead monk. In a matter of seconds the sword drove right through his back and out the other end of his body and the undead monk collapsed. Zero ran passed the monk and caught his sword when it finally started to lose its speed. After he got his sword back he went back to the monk, but the maps were now where to be found, but the monk was burning up so Zero figured to maps burned too. Zero ran back to the undead castle as fast as he could, but when he got there, there were 2 large guards at the gates, so he had to figure out how to get in to the castle. Meanwhile back at Trenstar the king wanted to attack the new undead castle, but they were short of a few armies. While Taylor and the King of Trenstar were adding powerful holy light to the armies of Trenstar, the deliveryman contacted Taylor and told him that his son ran away and was nowhere to be found, so Taylor went to search for his son right away. Moments later the men of Crimson Mountains came and offer to aid Trenstar in their attack against the undead because the undead pillaged and defiled their lands and people. They agreed to launch an attack against the undead at their new kingdom the next day. Back where Zero Henry was, he got very tired form all the fighting and running, so he figured that he would sleep in the trees, if he could find a branch and long enough to lie down on. Meanwhile Corrupted Tyler went over his plan of infected the armies again with all of his minions. They planned to infect the humans when they will come by making a special plague poison that will make anyone infected become undead in time and thus they would expand their undead empire by more than double if they manage to plague the humans. The Undead found out that the humans were going to attack at some time because the undead have many scouts in many forms and they contact them whenever they get any news. The next morning Zero woke up and he forgot he was sleeping in a tree and fell off and got knocked out from the fall and became uncurious. The 2 undead guards noticed and they came over and took him into the castle and they put him into one of the prison cells. Later on the humans were almost already to go and launch their attack on the undead and to try and defeat them, once and for all. Taylor returned to and was saddened that he could not find his son, so he gave the people of Trenstar a book on magic, this rare book held information on some really rare spells that only Taylor and very few knew of. Taylor went back to his burned down domain that was pillaged by the undead and their rein of terror. After reflecting for a while on his long time memories, he figured that he would construct a new domain for not only him, but for his people as well. Back at Trenstar, the armies were ready to attack the undead, so they left for the undead castle in the forests. Meanwhile Zero Henry just woke up again and realized that he was in a prison and Executor was missing! Zero tried to break out of the prison cell, but he looked up and says that he was in a pit and the way out was up on the ceiling, but it was very high up. He jumped into the air but it was still very high up and his jumping up into the air wasn't high enough even reach the way out. He got very mad because he didn't have time to waste because he knew that the people of Trenstar would be here any minute and he had to warn them that it's a trap. As he looked around the room he figured a way out! He jumped to the left of the room and managed to jump from the wall to the other wall on the right side of the room, he kept on jumping until he got to the top, but once he got out of that pit, there were a few guards down the hall and they saw him and began to run towards him. Zero got ready to fight, but he realized that Executor was missing, so he had to stay around and fight them off, old school. Meanwhile corrupted Tyler was on the roof top of his castle and saw that humans were coming from the distance so corrupted Tyler began his plagued ritual so that he could infect those humans when they got to the castle. Back where Zero was, he was fighting off all the guards, but it took some time because he was out numbered and all of the guards were strong, but not as strong as Zero was. After he fought off the guards he ran around the castle until he found the throne room, but the corrupted Tyler wasn't there and so he ran to the rooftop after he saw his plans to plague the people. The clouds over the castle were getting dark as if a storm was taking place, but it was happening because of the ritual. The people of Trenstar and Crimson Mountains were ready to fight and as they got near the castle, a bunch of zombie warriors came from the ground and the castle doors and they all began to fight, some of the zombies fell victim to the holy light, but some humans also fell victim to the undead's death and decay powers. Zero saw that there were no ladders to get up to the roof top where the corrupted Tyler was performing his ritual, so he had to climb the castle walls with his bear hands, but there was nothing to grab on to, so he took off his boots and began to climb the castle wall again and this time he was able to climb it. He was climbing like a goblin would, but he was not very proficient at it. When he finally got to the top he put his boots back on and ran towards Tyler and knocked him out of the way so that he could stop him from completing his ritual. Tyler got mad so he told his royal guard to finish the ritual while he took care of Zero Henry. The corrupted Tyler was very powerful, more powerful than Zero was, but every time Zero managed to get a punch or kick in the corrupted Tyler would quickly form back to regular Tyler so that Zero would be hurting regular Tyler and no the corrupted Tyler. Zero realized what was going on and then he said, "Stop your cheap tricks and fight me yourself instead of hurting innocent Tyler!" "What's the matter?" corrupted Tyler replied, "You can't hurt your friend?!" Zero got really mad and began to punch the corrupted Tyler, but then he morphed back into Regular Tyler and Zero stopped the punch just in time and his fist was right next to Tyler's face and Zero said, "Tyler???" Tyler replied, "Help me..." and then Tyler morphed back into the corrupted Tyler and then Tyler kick Zero in his craw with his nee and Zero was almost frozen in pain gasping to recover his breath. After a few moments Tyler roundhouse kicked Zero in his face and Zero went off spinning until he hit the ground, then he jumped up and started to stomp on him until he started to scream and cry out in pain. After the corrupted Tyler trampled Zero, he began to cough up some blood and Tyler went back and started to finish the ritual. Zero needed Executor's power, but the sword was left in the tree where Zero took a nap. Zero got up and started to concentrate his energy and began to form an energy ball; Zero fired the energy blast right at Tyler, but Tyler blocked it and bounced it back towards Zero and Zero got hit by his own energy and Zero got wounded really badly and started to bleed from his body and he collapsed. Zero felt the presence of Executor, but he didn't know where it was and then, he heard it, Executor as if it was calling to him. Zero started reaching in the direction of the sounds and was trying to pull Executor towards him as if it was right there. After he caught up more blood and started to scream he gave one final pull full with. Rage and anger and Executor and levitated flew right into Zero's hands and then Zero threw Executor at Tyler as Tyler completed the ritual. The sword was causing Tyler great pain, but after a few moments a mini explosion happened and the corrupted Tyler was no more and the corrupted soul left Tyler's body and returned back to the spirit realm. Tyler collapsed and knocked over the pot which was full of the plagued water and Zero chased after it and jumped off the castle face first and as soon as he caught up with the plagued water he sliced the pot with Executor and the water evaporated and Zero turned around and bounced on a tree branch and instead of landing he was jumping off of it and with the force he put into the fall he was able to jump all the way back up to the roof top. When he landed on the roof top he noticed that all the zombies died and that the castle began to cave in on itself, so Zero tried to get Tyler out of the Straitjacket, but he didn't have time to figure out how so he garbed Tyler and put him over his shoulder and began to run down the slopes of the collapsing castle and right as Zero was about to jump off the whole roof collapses and Zero and Tyler fell in the forest and Tyler got caught on a tree branch which was holding him on the collar of his straitjacket and Zero hit right into a tree and feel to the ground and broke his ribs and fainted. When Zero woke up he was in Trenstar and he had bandages around his chest and Taylor was there and Taylor said," Zero you did it!" "The castle is gone and everyone is all right and the king of Trenstar wishes to reward you for your courage." "Where's Tyler," Zero said was he was still waking up, "is he OK?" Taylor said,” My son?!" and then he dropped his cup, "My son was there?" Zero said, " Yes, the corrupted Tyler was really the king of the undead trying to resurrect in Tyler's body, but I used the power of Executor to cured Tyler, but the last time I saw him was when we were falling from the castle." Taylor told Zero that he would back as soon as he could and Taylor went out the door and went back to the forest to look for his son, Tyler. Meanwhile back at the forest, some merchants come by and find Tyler hanging from a branch and since they wanted to buy some really rare healing balms from the corrupted ones they figured they could sell Tyler to them for some of those balms, so they took Tyler and lied him down on a stretcher and tied up down to it and they all left for the corrupted lands. Later, when Taylor got there he searched the forests, but could find nothing. Eventually he gave up and went back to Trenstar. The king gave Zero what ever he wanted and all that Zero wanted was that his home be spruced up and had some training equipment. The king sent Zero home with some people to rebuild Zero's house to his liking. Taylor went to his domain that was destroyed by the undead and began to rebuild it and moved on with his life, but he would not rest until his son was returned. Meanwhile, Zero was instructing the workers on how to build his new house and he basically had them make him a mini gym/sauna/mansion. After the workers left, Zero sat down on a rocking chair and put on the television and watched some of his shows, but these televisions basically the same ones as in today world, except that they were crystal balls flattened and tapped by wizards and mages around the world to from many networks, but Zero like to watch sports the most. Zero's dream house was built and the workers left and went back to Trenstar and Zero lied down on his bed chair and turned on the TV and saw the news. Zero had to rest and recover his strength and wait for his bones to heal, but for that to happen it will take a month or 2 at least. Later that night, Zero had a party and a bunch of people came and there was flashing lights, music and drinks everywhere. Zero had quite a few drinks to get his mind off of his broken bones and he eventually passed out. The next day, Zero came too and his whole house was trashed, but at least nothing was stolen. He tried to clean up the place but it whenever he moved a lot, or banded over and such, he would feel some pain, so he told one of his friends that ended up sleeping over at his place to clean up. Meanwhile at in the land of the Corrupted ones, the merchants were bringing Tyler to them to see if they would get paid a lot, or exchange him for rare items. Where the merchants got there, the gates opened to the city of the corrupted ones and they entered. The king of the corrupted ones came to the merchants and they started to talk trades. After since the person that the merchants wanted to trade was a young dragon, he gave the merchants many exotic foods, clothing, weapons and etc. The corrupted ones are a race of people that covered in cloaks, capes, robes, mantles and such and are strong and have odd weapons and you cannot see their faces and all you see is the black. They also seem to be equipped with steel armor, boots, arm braces, but they lack in numbers and they can only corrupted/convert someone when they are near death, or if they are very weak minded. The corrupted ones took Tyler to the examination room and began to see if he was healthy, because the corrupted ones also have another way of corrupting someone, but it's less effective and takes longer, but if it does work, the person is corrupted. The corrupted ones noticed that Tyler had a scout worm in him, and all of the corrupted ones that were examining Tyler and got shocked. They tried to remove the straitjacket, but they had no lick because of what Taylor did to it. They ever tried using their weapons to open it, but no such luck. They wanted to send in a scout worm to flush out the one that was already Tyler, but if the worms started to fight each other, they might hurt Tyler, or even damage his organs. They put Tyler in the royal quarters and figured they would get a wizard/ mage/ sorcerer to help them remove the worm safely. In the middle of the night, the corrupted king's daughter comes in with a plate off food and water to Tyler, but she noticed after a while Tyler stopped breathing. She didn't know what to do, so he she figured she had to give him CPR. As she was giving him CPR, he started to cough up and then she moved back and he started to cough up worm eggs that the scout worm laid in his body. Tyler woke up and was freaked out by the worm eggs and then he say the corrupted king's daughter, but he didn't know where he was, or who she was. He asked where was he in a scared and frightened voice, and the corrupted king's daughter said she would be right back with a possible cure, or antidote to flush out the scout worm, or at least prevent it from laying eggs. Tyler saw the plate of food and he started to eat it like an animal because he was still in the straitjacket fused with holy light so he could only grab the food with his mouth. After he ate the food and drank the water, he saw a bed and decided to lie down. Finally she returns with a funny looking potion of some kind and tells Tyler to drink it. Tyler didn't know what to do because he was scared and confused. She told him to drink it so that the scout worm would be neutralized. Tyler deiced to drink it and after he drank most of it he started to cough really loudly and started jerking his whole body. She poured the last of the potion into Tyler's mouth and held his mouth shut so that he could not spit it out because the potion would only work if Tyler drank most of it. He started to kick and struggled and he bumped her out off the bed and then suddenly, he stopped struggling and calmed down, and some smoke came out of his mouth and it seemed like he was half asleep and was about to pass out. Tyler started to tear and some smoke came out of his mouth and nose and he almost cried because of the pain of that potion, but since he was so burned out, he couldn't really get up or speak. She came over and lied down next to him and she put his head on her leg and she began to comfort him until he fell asleep or passed out. She was very fond of Tyler, but not because she hasn't really seen anyone else besides corrupted ones, but she was intrigued with him and she was very much turned on by him, more than usual. Back at Zero's place, Zero and his friend Scar would cleaning up the place and then 3 tauren busted in and broke the door and Scar was like what the hell and when he goes up to the 3 tauren, one of them punches him in the gut and Scar collapsed. They said they were looking for a person by the name of Zero Henry. They found Zero and with one punch to his broken ribs, Zero faints because the pain was so incredible. After knocking out Zero, they tied up Scar and tied him again down on Zero's bed and then they took some other stuff with them and left. The next morning, the corrupted king (AKA King of Corruption) went to check up on Tyler and see if he would be ready for corruption conversion. When the kind and some of his royal guards came in, Tyler was frightened by the look of the kind and his guards. They looked vicious and deadly, but neat all at the same time. The king said, "What is your name, young Dragon?" "My, my name, is, Tyler." Tyler responded with great fear, "Where am I, and who are you people?!" The king replied, " I am the king of the corrupted ones and these are my people, the corrupted ones! I should say welcome to the family because very soon you will be converted and become one of us." "NOOOOO!" Tyler said as he was backing off against the wall, "I don't want to become a corrupted one!" Then the king snapped his fingers and the guards took Tyler and he was kicking and screaming, so they had to put Tyler on a stretcher and buckle him down. They first tried to remove the scout worm with the use of some magic, but no luck. Finally they tried that potion the corrupted king's daughter used on him, but they didn't know that and after Tyler drank it he started to cough up really badly and smoke was coming out of his mouth and he the worm shoots out of his throat and out of his mouth. The doctors took the worm and put it in a jar, so that they could study it later on. The king then noticed a certain crest on the enchanted straitjacket, it was Taylor's insignia! The king called off the corruption process and put Tyler back in the guest quarters and the king contacted Taylor by writing a letter, but the letter would not get to Taylor's place until a few days at least. The next night the king's daughter came back and started to give Tyler a foot message since that was the only other part of his body that was exposed besides his head. Tyler was confused and wondering why she was doing this, but for some reason Tyler felt calm around her. Then she got on top of Tyler and started kissing him. He did not kiss back, but after a while he started too... The next day Taylor came over to Zero's house to drop off some equipment and he saw that the whole place was trashed. He searched the house and noticed a note saying, " If you want to see Zero Alive again, you better bring us Tyler!" Taylor was shocked. He soon heard Scar's snoring and he untied him and woke him up. Scar told Taylor that 3 tauren took stuff and that they knocked him out and took him by force. Taylor didn't know what to do because he couldn't even find his own son, and he needs his son in order to get Zero back, so he was double screwed. Scar told Taylor to go back home and search for his son and he would go off and try to find Zero Henry. Scan took the note and read it some more. He noticed that it said where to find Zero Henry, but to come alone, and to have Tyler in restraints, or that they would call off the deal for the exchange. Scar tried to figure out who would want to hold Zero hostage and want Taylor's son. Later on, Scar was all set to go off and find Zero, but then when he read the note again, he noticed the place where they were keeping Zero was at the Marshes where the undead used to be, before the whole new undead castle stuff happened. Scar was afraid to go there because like all felines, he was somewhat afraid of water for no clear reason. Even though Scar was a white tiger, he was still very uncertain about going to the marshes. Scar set off to rescue Zero Henry and within a few days he would get to the marshes. Meanwhile back at the corrupted lands, the king of the corrupted ones maid Tyler their guest of honor and gave him full access to the city and the king told his daughter to escort Tyler around and show him what ever he wanted to see in the city and to act as his hands for him. As Tyler and the king's daughter were roaming around the city, Tyler saw someone who looked almost exactly like Zero Henry, but in the corrupted ones clothes. Tyler blinked and that person was walking away in the other direction and Tyler tried to run after him, but he tripped on the floor. The king's daughter helped him up and told him to take it easy. Tyler asked for her name and she told him that her name was, Cora. Tyler then continued to wonder around the city and he noticed that there was a tree in the middle of the city with fruit growing on it. Tyler was really hungry so he went towards the tree and flew up to it with and took a bite of the fruit. At this moment Cora had some food and found Tyler at the tree. She was so shocked that he took eat the fruit because its the cities most sacred fruit of all. She dropped the plate of food that she had and ran towards Tyler. Tyler didn't know what was in the fruit, or anything about it, but after Tyler ate it, he started to feel sick. He started to breathe heavily and got a headache. Cora came and saw that Tyler collapsed and was struggling to breathe and stay conscious. It turned out that the fruit was sacred and that only the most corrupted can eat from it. Any one who is not a corrupted one will most likely become corrupted if they are weak, or even death. Cora got some help and brought Tyler back to the castle and back to the guest quarters. She didn't know if Tyler would survive after having that scout worm removed because that weakened Tyler by a great deal. The king found out and he was very annoyed because if Tyler's father came and found out that the corrupted ones tried to corrupt his son, Taylor would be furious and might start a war between the corrupted ones and the wizards. Tyler was on the bed and Cora was right by his side, but then someone came in and Tyler had a hard time seeing, but the person looked like Zero Henry, but wearing corrupted ones style of clothing and it was very dark so he count really make out who it was, Cora said to the person who came in the room, "Oh Zergator, I cannot let Tyler die, or be corrupted." "You love him?!" Zergator replied. Cora said, "Yes, and that's why I cannot bare to see him die like this!" "But how can you love him? You barely know him." Zergator responded. "I do not know, but I feel that I have some kind of connection with him and I never really felt this way about another before." Cora said as she started to wipe the sweat off of Tyler's head with a rag," please Zergator, you must find him a cure, or something that will reverse the corruption effect that could kill him. Zergator said, "You know I have feelings for you right?" "I know, but the king told us that our love cannot be." Cora reminded him. "I'll go see what I can find, but I do not think there is anything in this city that would cure Tyler of his illness." Zergator said as he left the room. In the middle of the night, Zergator took corrupted steed and told the gatekeeper to open the gates, so that he could leave and hopefully find a cure, or something that would help Tyler. Normally for any one to leave the city they have to ask the king, but even though Zergator could enter and leave the city as he please, but he did not let the king know that he was leaving. Elsewhere, Zero Henry was imprisoned somewhere at the marshes of the undead, but Zero could not figure out who would want him and or Tyler. Zero tried to break out of his cell, but he was still too weak to do anything, so all he could do was lie down and wait. A few days later Scar arrives at the marshes. He looked for a building or cave where he could find Zero, but then someone comes out of the water and he said, "Where is Tyler!" "He was kidnapped!" Scar replied. The person said, "You were supposed to bring us Tyler! Now we'll have to take you hostage too!" "You and what army!" Scar responded, "I can take you on by myself!" Scar punched the person right in the gut, but he was too quick and then he kicked Scar in the ribs and then from out of nowhere someone else comes and holds Scar's arms and then more people came and then they restrained Scar and took him to where they were holding Zero Henry. Zero told Scar not to worry, because Zero had a plan to escape, but it would have to wait until Zero fully recovered. Scar was tied up at this time and Zero could not untie him because it caused him too much pain since his ribs were broken and such. Elsewhere, Zergator was trying to find something that would undo the effects of that corruption fruit that Tyler ate, but he traveled for many hours long into the night and found nothing. Zergator remembered that someone in Trenstar owed him a favor, but the corrupted ones hardly ever go to other places unless they are at war with them, but Zergator had to get a cure. When Zergator got to the gate, the guards put their twin bladed swords across the gate and told him that no one enters without the king's permission. When Zergator came out of the dark shadows the guards were shocked because Zergator was one of the corrupted ones and they said that they couldn't let him. Zergator said he didn't have time to waste and that someone by the name of Cinarkauless owed him a favor and that if he didn't pack back the favor Zergator would have to kill him. The guards said, "You mean king Cinarkauless?!" "I didn't know he was king, but if his name is Cinarkauless, than yes he does owe me big time!" Zergator replied. The guards woke up the king with their crystal shards and said that a man by the name of Zergator was here to see him. The king thought to himself, "Zergator? Oh no..." after a few moments of silent ness, the king told the guards to let Zergator come in. After the gates were opened, Zergator on his dark black horse rushed to the castle and right into the throne room of the castle. The king was there and Zergator took out his sword and swung it at full force at the king's shoulder and right before it hit his shoulder, he stopped completely. They both said hello and the king wanted to know what Zergator wanted. Zergator told him that he needed some things and he would be out of the king's way. The king cave him some pure light fruit, some crystal shards and some clothes and armor and other such gear with holy light fused within it. Back at the land of the corrupted ones, someone told the king that Zergator left the city. The corrupted King was upset that Zergator did not tell him that he was leaving, but the corrupted king had great faith in Zergator and that he would return. Tyler was getting weak and weak until he became unconscious. When Cora came back in the room where Tyler was, she saw that Tyler was unconscious and he began cry. Meanwhile back at Trenstar where Zergator was, he felt something, as if soothing bad happened. Zergator knew that he didn't have much time, so he decided to take a short cut through the forests. This was where the undead castle used to be. Zergator took rode his horse through the forest at great speed, but after a while of riding, something tripped the horse and Zergator got tossed into a tree. Zergator saw that his horse trampled a wolf. For some reason, this saddened Zergator because the wolf was in bad shape and from the looks of it, the wolf's legs were broken. Zergator didn't have time for this, but he could not just leave the wolf there to die. Zergator took out some bandages and got a few splints and wrapped them around the wolf's legs. The wolf was trying to move, but his legs were broken so any attempt left the wolf in pain. Zergator saw that the wolf was trying to go deeper into the forest so he put the wolf on top of his horse and told his horse took take the wolf where he wanted to go. The horse dashed off and Zergator ran with his horse. After a few moments the horse stops and Zergator takes the wolf by foot be cause there were too many vines and twisted branches for his horse to navigate through. As Zergator got deeper into the forest, he saw a campfire and some tents. He figured that this is where the wolf wanted to go, so he put the wolf down there the fire and gave the wolf some of his emergency food. As he was about to6 leave, a bunch of other wolves come from the forests and even from the tents. They start to growl at Zergator in rage, but the wolf barks and howls and the other wolves back off and start going around Zergator and looking around him. After a bit, the wolves became friendly with Zergator and they were filled with joy. When Zergator said his good byes to the wolves, they all got sad and tried to keep him there. Even though Zergator didn't speak wolf, he told them as if they were people that he had to go. The wolves got upset and they all started to crowd around Zergator, But Zergator tried to except without hurting them, but the wolves overpowered him. A strange wolf came out from the big tent and this wolf looked like a chief, or leader of the pack because he was covered with clothes much like Zergator's, except that they were purple and were shredded more. This wolf barked and all the wolves backed away from Zergator. Zergator walked up to the leader wolf and said," Thank you, but I must go know, it's a matter of life or death." then leader wolf went back into the tent and came back out with this black pendant that shined pure. He didn't know what to do with it, but he just put it on his necklace and went back to his horse. Zergator got back to his horse and got on him and he continued his along the path that he was going. As Zergator was leaving, all of the wolves were howling as if one of their family members were leaving the pack. Elsewhere, Taylor was looking through his mail that he got the other day and saw that he got mail from the land of the corrupted ones. He opened the mail and saw that it was a letter, but he could not read it because it was written in corruption text. He got some books out and began to decipher the letter. He deciphered long into the knight, but he barely made any progress. Taylor got hungry and was getting very tired, so he decided to get a snack, but his domain was under construction, so he had to go out to eat. As he was walking to the all night pub, Zergator came from the forest and almost ran over Taylor. Zergator fell off of his horse and crashed into a stable. Taylor asked him if he was ok, but Zergator was still getting up from the ground.