Taylor eyes opened and he was shocked because Zergator was a corrupted one and Taylor knew that corrupted ones hardly ever show themselves and travel in the open. Zergator fell to the ground as he was getting up and it seemed like that he was unconscious. Taylor reached for his hood to see if he was OK, but when Taylor's hand got close to Zergator's hood, Zergator grabbed Taylor's ram and said, "Don't touch me!" and then Zergator pushes him back and jumps on his feet. Taylor asked, "Who are you and why are you traveling out in the open for?" Zergator did not replied and turned around and tried to get on his horse. Taylor said, "What's your hurry? Corrupted one?!" "Just forgot that you've ever saw me!" Zergator finally replied, " Just go back to where you came from." Taylor said, " I don't think so because I have a letter that came from the land of the corrupted ones and I cannot decipher the message." "I'm real sorry, but I don't have time to decipher a message for you!" Zergator responded, "this is a matter of life or death and I don't have any time to waste!" "I can help you in many ways that you cannot even imagine!" Taylor replied. Zergator pushed Taylor back and then Taylor punched back and they began to fight. It started out as a regular fight, but then Taylor used some magic attacks and stuff and blew back Zergator near the all night pub. Zergator was no longer in the shadows and he was in the light and Taylor saw Zergator's face. It looked like Zero Henry! Taylor stopped fighting and said, " Zero?!" and then Zergator blew Taylor back with a dark energy strike that somewhat pierced Taylor's body and got back on his horse and left Taylor bleeding. After Zergator left, another Taylor came down from the trees and the Taylor who was bleeding faded away. The real Taylor was in the trees while he had his magic clone deal with Zergator. Taylor thought that the corrupted ones were up to no good. Taylor got some food and drinks and went home and ate. After eating he packed up some stuff and took the letter with him and he left to set foot for the land of the corrupted ones. Meanwhile, at the corrupted ones castle where Tyler was, Cora was getting worried because Tyler's condition was getting worse. She tried to comfort him, but Tyler wasn't feeling good and only felt discomfort. After Tyler's eyes close, he opens them then someone was coming form down the hall with food and heard Cora scream and a loud crumble sound, so the servant ran to the guest quarters where Tyler and Cora were. When the servant got there he sees that Cora was against the wall and all beaten up and the wall near the bed was busted through. The servant asked if Cora was ok, but Cora started to bleed and her blood was black. All she could say before she fainted was, "You must save Tyler!" and at the gates Zergator comes back and he sees someone busting through the castle wall and into the corrupted forests. Zergator ran to the castle and to the guest quarters, but all he finds is Cora and a servant. Zergator said, "Cora!" "We must get her to the intensive care section!" the servant said. "the young dragon took off. Damn I wish his father came because we could have avoided this whole thing! I hope he got the letter on time." As the servant said the word "letter" Zergator's eyes opened up and said, " You mean that guy was Tyler's father?!!!" "You've seen his father?" the servant responded, " When did you see him and if you saw him today I hope you told him to come by." Zergator picked up Cora and began to moan and cry, almost like a wolf, and then he said, "Oh no!" and then e took Cora to the intensive care and said" I think I killed his father!" " What? You better find him and hope he's not dead, or we are dead" and Zergator ran off without a horseback where Taylor was. Half way on the way back towards the all night pub, Taylor comes out of nowhere and kicks Zergator and Zergator spun like a top because it was a roundhouse kick. After whipping some blood off of his face he said, "Your son! He has escaped and almost killed the king’s daughter! You must come with me and find you son before its too late!" "Yeah right! Then you'll probably pierce my body again and leave me to die, again!" Taylor replied, how do I know you're not playing a trick on me?" Zergator said as he was getting off of the ground, " Because your son is equipped with some kind of weird clothes that folds his arms over each other, but yet he cannot use his arms or hands." Taylor got out of his fighting Poisson and decided to go with Zergator to find his son. Meanwhile, Zero's captors told him that if they didn't bring Tyler to them within another 24 hours, they would have to kill him, but Scar's fate was undetermined at the moment. Back at the land of the corrupted ones, Tyler was sleeping deep within the black forests and he thought to himself, "How did I get here?" and he tried to get up but he couldn't without his hands. Tyler called for Cora, but there was no reply. Tyler finally managed to get off the ground be going up against a tree until he was back on his feet. Tyler was getting thirsty, so he traveled the woods for a while and he found a waterfall and he decided to take a sip. As he was drinking some people came by that were from Trenstar. They saw that he was in a strait jacket and they remembered that back in Trenstar Tyler was locked up in a strait jacket and that he was dangerous, so they secretly went behind him and grabbed him and tied him down to a stretcher. Tyler got very angry and annoyed that they would do that to him without even telling him, or trying to reason with him. Out of nowhere, he bulged up and turned black and became bigger just like before in the undead castle when he was fighting Zero. He broke the ropes just by flexing his muscles, but he could not break the strait jacket. After he got up he killed the people who tied him down and he began to go on a rampage. Around that time Taylor and Zergator came and tried to calm Tyler down, but it was no use. Tyler started to get violent and crushing Zergator and began to trample him. Taylor came and he was shocked to see that Tyler was corrupted/possessed again because he thought that he could only become that when the undead king was trying to resurrect in Tyler's body. Taylor used some magic to stun his son, but it had a little affect on him. Zergator got frustrated and started to really fight Tyler back. Taylor was trying to figure out if something was wrong with his son, but he could not cure him because he didn't know what the problem was and he didn't have anything to make a cure with. Zergator and Taylor finally agreed to both strike Tyler at the same time and hope to over power him. After they both struck Tyler in the gut, he collapsed and fainted and turned back to normal. Taylor was very mad because he thought his son would be OK and that he could remove him from his strait jacket, but since they both knew that he was still a threat, they tied chains around him and put him and a wagon/dolly type thing. At that time Cora came stumbling in and said that Tyler took a piece of the forbidden fruit of corruption and that in time he would either die, or become a corrupted one forever. Taylor told Zergator and Cora that he would take his son home and find him a cure there. They gave Taylor a horse and Taylor and his tied up son traveled back home. When Taylor and his son got back home he tried to find a cure, but everything was a dead end, so he took his son to Zero's house. When they got there he noticed that there were several notes and he picked up the most recent one and it said, "You only have a few hours left to bring us Tyler, or we will have to destroy Zero Henry and his friend Scar!" Taylor didn't know what to do because he just got his son back, but he can't find a cure currently. At the same time he couldn't let Zero die because Zero has been so loyal to him. Taylor thought about it for a bit and thought to himself, "Forgive me son, but I must save Zero, and when I find a cure, we'll all save you!" and he took his son and headed for the swamps where Zero and Scar were being held captive. When Taylor got there with his son he saw the place and knocked on the small metal door, then it opened and he saw 3 tauren and they said, "Finally! You came with Tyler." "Yes, I got him right here, but what do you plan on doing with him?!" Taylor replied, "If you must know, your son is in no real danger, but that is all we can say, now here is Zero as promised!" One of the tauren picked Zero up and gave him to Taylor and then he took Tyler, " What about Scar?" Taylor asked, "Sorry but your other friend will have to come with us since he tried to save Zero alone and he did not bring Tyler so he is our hostage to keep!" one of the tauren said as they were packing up, "But, however, we can sell you Scar if you wish to have him back so much, if not we have to take him with us!" Taylor began to take gold out of his pockets and said, " Here! All I have on me is a few handbags of gold. Take it and give me Scar." The taurens thught about it and they figured the person who wanted Tyler would give them enough gold, so they took Taylor's offer and gave him Scar as well. As they took Tyler away, Taylor got very angry because he could do nothing to save his son and he would have to find a cure in order to save him as well. Taylor untied Scar and they both carried Zero Henry home. Meanwhile, somewhere far away on another continent, there was someone who just got news that Tyler has been captured and is being escorting to the continent right away. The person was sitting down on a royal chair and walked to the balcony and looked over the lands and thought to himself, " Tyler, you almost killed me, but now, I shall have my revenge!" then this mystery person jumped on the ledge and thought again, " I won't kill you, oh no, I want to attack your mind because it's much more fun than killing someone!" then he jumped from the balcony and as he was jumping it looked like a big ball of rags because most of his clothing was torn up cloaks and such and then his wings spread and he flew off into the sunset. As the rags of clothing fell off of him, he was revealed and he looked like an undead gargoyle of some kind. Days past and Zero was feeling much better and Taylor gave him a recover potion of some kind which helped him heal faster then normal. Zero asked Scar if he would help him rescue Tyler and Scar was in. They both trained and beefed up for a few days and built some muscles and increased their strength. Zero and scar finally figured that they should go look for Tyler, even though they did not know where he was. The next day the taurens brought Tyler to the mystery man and they gave him Tyler and he gave them a huge amount of gold. They asked for his name and he only said one word, "Kisler" and then Kisler flew off into the air while holding the unconscious Tyler. After a few hours of flying Tyler woke up and looked down and saw that he was high up in the air and he started to panic because someone was holding him. Kisler looked down at Tyler and said, "Why are you so afraid, don't you remember me? Tyler!" and Tyler couldn't really remember because he just woke up and he was trying to get out of Kisler's grip. After Tyler woke up fully, he jerked and opened his wings and then he got loose of Kisler's grip, but it took a lot of Tyler's strength to do that and he couldn't even Fly and he fainted in mid air. Kisler swooped down and grabbed him again and headed for his domain. Back where Zero and Scar were, they could not figure out where Tyler was taken, so they figured that they best chance was to seek the 3 tauren who escorted Tyler. They put up wanted signs and bounties so that someone could find them quicker and faster if they couldn't. Days later, someone told Zero and Scar the whereabouts of the 3 tauren, but it was out in the desserts. Zero gave the person the money for the information and they were both on their way to see the tauren guys. When they got there they saw that it was a whole village of taurens, so they figured that they would have to wait until night to ambush them. Night soon came and Zero saw a tauren and it was the same one that punched him in the gut, so Zero got really angry and he charged out of nowhere and started to punch the tauren. Before they knew it most of the tauren woke up and watched them fight. the tauren asked Zero, "What the hell are you doing?!" "Don't play dumb with me, where is Tyler!" Zero replied as they were punching each other and blocking the other's attacks, "First you hold me hostage and then you take Tyler!" As Zero punched the tauren with both of his hands, the tauren grabs both fists and holds them and says, "We gave him to Kisler! And he took Tyler to his domain across the seas on another continent." "How could you sell a person's life for money!" Zero responded. "We needed the money badly and Kisler offered so much that we can now afford tents and other tools to help us survive out in the wilderness!" the tauren said as they both cooled down and stopped fighting, "If you want to rescue your friend you best leave now, but Kisler said that he wouldn't inflict physical pain on him. "Odd that Kisler would have Tyler tied up in massive restraints, but we have no way of getting to that continent. Could you and your people build us a boat? Because your massive strength can construct a boat within a few hours and we could pay you for it." Zero said as he and Scar took out their gold. The tauren thought about it for some time and they agreed to do it. Elsewhere, at Kisler's domain, he had Tyler in a room and Tyler woke up. Tyler was kind of sore from the fight he had against Zergator and his father. Kisler came in covered in rages and cloaks again, but his clothing was moving if it was alive, or as if wind was constantly blowing it. Kisler just watched Tyler and Tyler didn't say a word. As he was trying to get up and off the bed, he started to moan because of the pain he was feeling. Kisler told Tyler that he was going to make him suffer for what he did, but Tyler didn't know what he was talking about. Tyler managed to get up, but once he got on the ground he fainted due to the pain, soreness, and all that he has been through. Kisler thought to himself, "That’s right Tyler, just you wait because when you get up I am going to put you through hell for what you did!" Meanwhile at the castle of Trenstar, the king finds out that the other undead race known as the zombies are making some plans of their own to expand their population and territories. The king knew that those vile beings had to be stopped because they already occupy a large section of a continent across the seas named the Plagued Lands. What made matters worse was that the zombies were trying to expand and slowly invade the continent which currently was free and no one king for all of the land, which is where Trenstar and the rest of the other cites are. Taylor contacted the king with his crystal shards and told him to take down the wanted signs for his son and that his son was being held captive my someone on another continent. The king and his people started to make plans to counter the zombies and reach out to other nations again. Taylor told the king that he would conjure up something that will help them in battle against the zombies. Back where Zero and Scar were, the taurens have finished the boat and pushed it into the waters and Zero and Scar were off. The boat was mighty and strong they hoisted up the sails and the wind guided them. As night came, the moon was at its fullest and they heard the howls of the wolves back where they left from. Later on into the night, they saw another boat heading right for them, but no one appeared to be on it, so they tied a rope and got on the bigger boat by climbing the latter at the docking area of the boat to see what was going on. This other boat was huge, kind of like a big war boat, or a giant passenger ship. Scar said he would look inside and in the lower levels and Zero was looking on the top and higher levels of the giant boat. Scar went into one of the bedrooms and saw a narrow passageway leading down deeper into the beat. As he got down the stairs, he noticed a map on the wall showing a pathway to and from the defiled lands. He also saw a book of some kind and opened it and began to read it, :"...It turns out that our captain was infected by the zombies and as we feared, he would soon become a zombie over time. We didn't know if we could trust our captain anymore and as we were about to protest and throw the captain overboard, he began to bite us all and tried to eat our flesh. He managed to wound each passenger and we were all infected soon to become zombies. Over more time all the passengers became infected and once there was no more flesh to be eaten, the zombies sleep, but I too was infected and I feel like I will collapse and give up..." and the rest of the pages were gone? Scar decides to go tell Zero, but as he turns around there were a few zombies blocking the exit. Scar didn't know what to do because he knew that zombies eat off of the living and if he got to close to them they might jump him, so he got back against the wall and then he just exploded with speed towards the exit and he ran past the zombies. As he ran through the narrow passageway he noticed that the door that was the only way out was locked. He began to bang on the door and calling out for Zero, but no luck. He ran back to the passage way and then he ran right back to the door to try and break it and smash through it, but something was on the other side so the door couldn't even be opened and if he did manage to open the door it would be no use because the thing on the other side was blocking the way. Scar began to fear what would happen if he could not escape because he would not want to become a zombie like them, or die this young and unnaturally. Zero was still looking around and he saw some kind of ghost spirit and he figured that he should get Scar and get off of this ship, but when he turned, there were more ghosts and they told him that he could not leave. Zero didn't care as long as him and Scar got off the boat, but the ghosts started to fight him. Since they are ghost spirits they didn't have physical attacks or could be harmed by physical things, so the ghosts went right through his body and for some reason that was causing Zero pain. After a while of ghosts running into and out of his body, he figured that he should try and find Scar as soon as possible and leave. He runs up to a door, but there was a big stack of barrels. He began to pick up the heavy barrels and throwing them franticly and as he got them all out of the way he kicked the door in and there were a few zombies covering Scar on the floor and Zero quickly picks one up and throws it into the sea and then Scar quickly kicked the other zombies off of him and he got up and they both ran for the boat. As they got to the doc areas they noticed that all the boats were gone and to make matters worse, a zombie wounded Scar! A normal wound is nothing, but getting a wound from a zombie is very bad because the wound becomes infected and the infection spreads throughout the body and when the wounded person is completely infected all over, the person will turn into a zombie. The ghosts and zombies were heading for the docs and Zero and Scar were trapped and had nowhere to go. Zero decided to fire an energy blast right at the zombies hoping it will destroy them. He managed to take out some of the zombies, but then the ghosts stepped in and absorbed the energy that Zero was shooting. Scar noticed that there was a storm up ahead and some tornados. Scar fired an energy blast as the ghosts were busy with Zero and he managed to blow most of the zombies a way. As the smoked cleared, there were more zombies coming. Scar told Zero that he would quickly run and head for the rudder so he could change the direction of the ship and make it go faster. He ran across the wall and jumped onto a poll and swung from it right into a window and Scar went down towards the engine shaft level. When he got down there he noticed that there was nothing to fuel the ship with, so he powered up and fired an energy blast right into the fire and that fueled up the boat and the whole ship was heading right for the storm. Scar turned around to head back and help Zero, but there was a big zombie he bumped into right in front of him and Scar quickly turned around but there also was a zombie there and the one behind him held both of his arms up and the other one was about to take a bite out of him. The zombie bit into Scar's right arm and Scar screamed in pain. Zero rushed in and kicked one of the zombies at a fast speed and the zombie went right into the fire core. Scar pounded the zombie and slammed it to the ground and crushed its head and brain with his foot. Zero asked Scar if he was OK, but then Scar just dropped to the ground and he was losing quite a bit of blood. At that moment the whole ship started to rumble because they were deep within the storm now and the ship got caught up in the tornado and the ship flew up into the air and breaking apart. The next morning somewhere on land, Zero gets washed up towards the shore and he starts to cough up water. After he fully wakes up and gets out all of that water from his system he looks for Scar, but he was no where to be found. Zero appeared to be somewhere tropical, but he was not fully sure because he doesn't know where he was. After a while of walking on the beach, Zero found Scar, but he was hurt badly. Zero carried Scar over his shoulder slowly along the shore. Around the after noon they finally reach some sort of town. Zero stumbled his way to town and tripped over some dirt patches and Scar fell off of him and some of the town’s people went towards Zero and Scar to see what was wrong. Some of the people saw that Scar was bleeding from his arm so they got some bandages and patched him up. Zero got up a few minutes later and saw that they aided Scar and he thanked them. When one of them turned round Zero noticed that they were dragons. Zero began to wonder where they were and he asked on of them. One of the dragons said they were on the continent of Zelralkph and that this was the home of the undead. They said that they've been on Zelralkph for a few months because there has been word that there was some kidnappings and they tracked down the source to the continent of Zelralkph. The chieftain of the dragons told Zero that his friend Scar was infected by a zombie and soon if he is not cured he will remain a zombie forever. Zero asked the chieftain where was the nearest market place because he could get something that could slow down the infection and might be able to reverse it. The chieftain said they were uncertain, but if there was one, it would take a few days at least. Zero got a mount from the chieftain and got some money too and then he was off in search for the market. Meanwhile, at Kisler's domain, he was getting a message from his superiors and they told him that he took too much time and he must abort the mission and let everyone go. Kisler said, "You want me to do what? It took me for ever to hunt down Tyler after everyone else!" "You took too much time and now must for fill out a new mission, but you cannot fail this one or it’s your life!" the mystery person told Kisler, "Now let them all free and aid your brethren!" Kisler turned around and went towards the cells in anger and began to release the people he had captured. One by one he opened the doors and the people wondered why he was freeing them, but they did not stick around to find out and they all left. Kisler went to Tyler's quarters and woke him up and told him to leave and then he opened the window so that Tyler could fly out. Tyler said, " Why are you letting me go?" "Jut get the hell out of here before I change my mind!" Kisler replied as he was holding his fist and jerking a bit as he held back from hitting Tyler, " Just get tout of here before it's too late..." and Tyler stumbled out of the window and flew off into the distance. A while later, Tyler found a camp and saw dragons! So he decided to land there and see if he could get help. As Tyler landed the dragons noticed that he was in a straitjacket and began to wonder why he was in that. Tyler told them his whole story and then he found out that Zero went out and that Scar was turning into a zombie. Tyler told them that his father could help Scar and turn back, but they could not leave without Zero. A few hours later some other dragons come running into the town and one of them ran up into the chieftain's arms and started crying. It turns out that she was his daughter. Later on more of the people who were kidnapped came to the town and was aided by the dragons. Later that day it was getting late and all the dragons wanted to turn and get some sleep, so Tyler went with the dragons and all the other people just slept on the floor. Dragons sleep together on one big room right next to each other and sometimes ever on top of one another. Tyler was in a Conner and his legs were over another dragon and his head was on another and used his back as a pillow and began to wonder and thought and then he remembered that the last time he has slept with a bunch of dragons was back at his father's domain when he had the family visit and they all slept good that night. Deep into the night, Scar got restless and began to go on a rampage until he was loose from his bonds and freed himself and then he heard voices calling to him. He followed the voices to a boat and then he untied the rope and headed out for sea. Around that time Tyler woke up and got off the ground and began to wonder the place. He found a few trees high up near a cliff and he got up on a high branch and lied down so he could see the moon off in the distance. Tyler started to worry that he would have to stay in his straitjacket for the rest of his life and began to worry some more. Around sunrise Zero comes back with something that might cure Scar, but when he got to the town, Scar was nowhere to be found. Zero found Tyler and they reunited and Zero asked if Tyler had seen any boats that left last night because the dragons noticed that a boat was missing. Tyler told Zero that he noticed a small boat going off towards the moon, but he didn't think anything of it at the time. Zero thanked everyone for their help and all, but he was going off to find Scar before it was too late, Tyler said he would go home and once he was freed from his straitjacket he would help Zero find his friend. Tyler took off and flew towards home and Zero took a boat and went off to find Scar. Days later, Tyler got back to his father's domain, but as he went to the main entrance, there was a sign saying ," Be back tonight" so Tyler just waited by the door. Tyler soon fell asleep. He was dreaming that the undead were calling to him and that they needed his help. Then he saw his father walk out of the shadows and his father then drained him of his life force and then his father turns into a rare black death dragon and then a bunch of zombies rise from the ground and as one of the zombies looks at Tyler strait in the eye, he wakes up. Tyler starts to cry and moan because he doesn't know what the undead want with him and why he had to be put in a straitjacket. He then sat back against door and began to cry some more. After a few hours of moaning and cries, he finally fell asleep. When Tyler woke up, he was in his bed in his room of his father's domain, but he was still in the straitjacket. Taylor comes in and leaves a plate of food and says nothing and then he leaves. Tyler said, " Dad?! Where are you going? Why am I still in this straitjacket?! Dad, come back here..." then Tyler starts struggling and tries to get out of the straitjacket, but it was no use because it was sealed up with special magic and only the person who sealed it up could unlock the seal. Tyler got off the bed and ran towards the door, but just as he got to it, Taylor closed it and locked it. Tyler began to bang the door with his shoulder and started to kick the door and screamed, "Come back here and get me out of this thing!" Hours later, Tyler got very tired of banging the door and he began to get on the bed and he collapsed. Just lying, on his belly, wondering if he will ever be set free from the straitjacket. After many hours of just thinking, he begins to wonder if it's all a dream, but it was so real to him, and then he became confused. Tyler eventually fell asleep. He began to dream that he was somewhere far away in a valley in the springtime and that he had no straitjacket on and that he was happy. He was running through the high grass, rolling down hills, flying high up in the air, and swimming. As he got out of the water his father was there and some other people and they took out a straitjacket. Tyler backed up and told them to leave him alone, but they only got closer to him, so He punched one of the guys and then the other 3 people joined in and started to fight Tyler. Tyler managed to wound some of them and kicked them all back. Tyler told them to back off and get to leave him alone, but they did not respond and more people came out of nowhere and they began to fight Tyler. He was beating them all up, but more and more came and finally, they managed to get him into the straitjacket. Tyler began to yell and scream as he was locked up in the straitjacket and then, he transformed into the black dragon that he did a few times before and began to trample and crush the guys who locked up just with his feet alone. After he killed all of the guards, Taylor came and shined some holy light on to him and he began to burn. Tyler backed off a bit and after he stopped burning he charged right at his father, but his father shined six times as much holy light onto him and Tyler began to burn up so much that he instantly morphed back to his normal self and fainted and then all of a sudden he was strapped down to a bed and his father was there getting ready to shine even more holy light on him. Tyler transformed again and almost broke the straps, but he couldn't even damage the straitjacket so overall it had no affect. Taylor told him that he was going to shine the most holy light that he has ever shined before and that he is doing this for him and then Tyler could only say, "Don't do it!" and then Taylor shined the light onto him and he woke up. Tyler became very confused and annoyed because he didn't know if anything was a dream anymore and the dream he just had felt very real to him. He tried to get off the bed, but everything around him was moving and stretching as if the walls were alive and that blew his mind away, so he sat down in the Conner and was very afraid. When Taylor came in Tyler started to freak out and curled up in the corner and started to shiver. Taylor left him for food on a dish and left the room and locked the door. A little bit later, Tyler cooled down and got up and walked around the room, but everything was popping in and out, coming to life, which cause Tyler to lose his mind even more. He started twitching and trying to get out of the straitjacket, but he couldn't and he started to ram himself up against the wall. Tyler jerked some more and he got really angry and just fell to the ground and started kicking and moving around. Elsewhere, Zero was in hot pursuit on Scar's trail. He saw Scar docking at the docs of this strange Island and Zero Snuck around the island for a bit and then docked his boat there, so Scar wouldn't know that Zero was after him.