Zero figured that he only had a good few hours left before Scar would fully turn into a zombie forever, so Zero decided to just run up to Scar and force the antidote onto him. Zero jumped out of the bushes and ambushed Scar and as he was trying to give him the antidote, Scar kicked it out of the way and they began to fight. Zero tried over and over again to get the antidote, but Scar kept kicking it away from him, so Zero had no choice but to fight if he wanted to save him. Zero got some quick punches in, but it didn't do much against Scar, so he tried some kicks, but that was a dead end too. Zero finally fought back. After a little bit of fighting the sun starts to set and Scar quickly pushes Zero back off the island and into the water and he quickly runs deep into the jungle. The water current was too strong for Zero and he was getting pulled out into the sea. Zero began to panic because it's very hard to swim when the current is too strong. Zero got super angry and he blacked out. When he came too he was back on the shore, but the sun was still setting. Zero began to wonder what happened and then he noticed that there was a huge rip in his cloths on his back and little rip everywhere else. He didn't have time to figure out what happened and why, so he picked up the antidote and ran into the jungle and after Scar. After running for a while he noticed that Scar was in front of some kind of ruins. Zero quickly dashed up to Scar from behind, but when Zero got right behind Scar, Scar turned around and kicked Zero right in his head and sent him spinning off towards the statue. Zero was knocked unconscious and Scar went deep into the ruins. Later on Zero came too, but no one was there anymore. Zero then saw scar coming for him, but Scar was dressed up in some kind of undead outfit with spikes, heavy books with holes in them so his claws could go through, thick hides, the works. Zero quickly got out the antidote and ran up to Scar, but right as he got up to him, arms came out of the ground and held Zero's legs and Zero couldn't move anymore. Scar began to beat up Zero and then the arms from the ground let go of Zero's legs and then zombies came out from the ground. Zero quickly gathered some of his energy and fired it at Scar and he got blown away into a small building. Zero then quickly took out the zombies by twisting their heads and stomping on their brains when they were on the ground. Scar blasts out of the building and powers up and zooms right up to Zero and elbowed him in the gut. The pain caused Zero to gasp and then some zombies came and held Zero's arms and Scar was getting ready to take a bite out of him and work his way to his brain. Zero started to scream out and said, "Scar you have to fight this thing! Your life can't end here, like this!" and then Scar looked at Zero and said, " Zero?" and then Scar held his head and screamed, and then He went back to Zero and began to bite him, but just at that moment he told Scar to look at him before he would bite him. Scar looked and then Zero closed his eyes and shouted as loud as he could and then he caused a solar light flare, which blinded Scar and the other zombies temporally. Zero quickly shook off the zombies and grabbed the antidote and gave it to Scar. Scar began to cough a lot and started to spit out black blood from his body. As the zombies got their sight back they went to Scar and tried to put the black blood back into Scar's mouth, but he just kept spitting it up. After coughing up a lot of black blood, Scar became uncurious. Zero called out to Scar, but there was no reply. The zombies were saddened by Scar's death, and as the last amount of the black blood leaked out of Scar, they collapsed and died. Zero tried to wake up Scar, but it was no use. After a few hours of waiting, Zero finally accepted that Scar was dead. Zero got very tired and decided to dig Scar a grave in the morning. During the night Scar started to bleed some red blood and then he stopped bleeding all together and then he woke up! As Scar gets up off of the ground, he looks at himself and thought, " What the hell is going on? Why am I in these cloths? Why is Zero Sleeping near a puddle of blood!" and then Scar wakes Zero up to see if he is OK because Scar though that might have been Zero's blood. As Zero woke up he punched Scar and shot him with an energy blast and backed off. After Scar got shot by the energy said, "What the hell are you doing!" and then Zero lowered his guard and said, "Scar? Is that really you, or have you been zombafied?" "I don't know what you are talking about, but I seem to be dressed in these strange cloths and my bite wound seems to be gone." Scar responded as he got off the ground. Back where Tyler was, Tyler was insane and was no longer fit to live in his fathers domain, so his father took him to a mental facility castle and told the care takers that his son has gone insane and can no longer tell what's real anymore. He also told them that if his son were let out of the straitjacket, his son would kill them all, so the caretakers put Tyler onto a stretcher and rolled him to his room. Tyler felt like he was living over a hundred lives all at once and it was way too stressful on his mind, which only made things worse for him. After being in the mental facility for a few hours, Tyler Felt like he was in they’re for minutes and years and months, but he wasn't sure how long he was there for because he was mentally unstable. One of the caretakers felt so bad for Tyler that he decided to take him out of the straitjacket because he felt that no one deserved to live the rest of their life in one. As he was unbuckling it, Tyler powered up and transformed into the black dragon and then he grabbed the person's head and crushed it within a second. Some other caretakers came in and saw the scene and they ran for help. Tyler was just about out of the straitjacket at this point, but some guards come and try to get Tyler under control. Tyler easily killed the guards as they charged right for him. The care takers were so shocked by this dark power that they contacted his father and told him to get down here right away, but at that moment, Taylor was there and he shined holy light onto his son and managed to stun him. As Tyler was being stunned, the caretakers surrounded Tyler and locked him back up into the straitjacket and added some extra straps so that it would be impossible for him to get loose. After Tyler was fully locked up, Taylor shined a huge amount of holy light on him and Tyler passed out. When Tyler came to, he was in a room and he noticed that he was in a new straitjacket. This straitjacket was made out of tougher materials and had even more holy light fused with it just to make sure that Tyler could not even have a chance of getting loose. Tyler became depressed because for that moment he was free, he felt alive and focused, but now he is back in the straitjacket and it will remain that way for the rest of his life. Some time later, Tyler was so depressed and mentally unstable that he forgot that he ever had arms and hands. Tyler soon lost any last piece of sanity that he might of had left. He began to do random things at random times with no clear reason. One moment he would be calm, one moment he would try to get out of the straitjacket and stress himself out, another moment he would just scream and bag himself against the walls. Some of the care takers thought that Tyler had simply gone mad, but only a few of them knew that Tyler had a dark power with in him and that it must never be released again... When they took Tyler to the psychiatrist, Tyler could only say random gibberish and made no sense at all. The only thing that cooled down Tyler's mood was a foot massage that they would give him every day, which calmed him down. Since they had to take extra precautions when handling Tyler, they had to put him on a stretcher and lifted up the back of it so it was almost as if he was sitting up in a chair, and then they would have to buckle straps to him which was just for a foot massage, but they could not take any chances with him. The foot massages were so relaxing to Tyler that he often moan and groan in a good way as if the person was taking pain away from him. To keep him from having to go to the bathroom at all they gave him some special elixirs that shrinks and destroys any waste in the body without harming the host which made it possible for the care takers to never take Tyler our of his straitjacket at all. If they ever wanted to transport Tyler around the facility they would have to put him on a dolly and strap him to it and roll him around the place. As they would take Tyler out for strolls, he would wonder why the other people in the facility were free and roaming around the place on their own will without any guards transporting them around. Just the thought of being in a straitjacket for the rest of his life made him gone mad, so he tries to not think about it because dragons live really long lives and just imaging that he would have to spend his whole remainder of his life in this place made him literally go insane. Tyler began to hear voices and all the voices just said the same thing over and over again, "Death...Decay...." and Tyler kept shaking his head left and right and told the voices to get out of his head. Tyler soon became restless and he started twitching and jerking form side to side and scream, so the care takers had to knock him out and strap him down to a bed, but the voices that Tyler heard did not go away and for the rest of the night he had to just lie their still hearing the voices. Around this time the undead were slowly invading Tyler's home continent and they soon established a base there. There plan was to kill random people and roster them up into their army so that it will always be on the grow. Their bigger plans were still unknown at the time. Meanwhile, Zero and Scar were heading back to Taylor's domain because all of their supplies were out and their current boat was beat up and also they did not have a navigation tool, but they remembered that to get back to their continent, they just had to go towards the sunset. When they got close enough to their home continent, Zero contacted Taylor and said, "Taylor, I am sad to report that we were unable to find your son because our supplies ran out and our boat is all beat up and we don't know where they took Tyler." "You have to find my son, no matter how long it takes, but it you really need to, come back and regroup..." Taylor said to Zero as he was channeling out. Then Taylor walked to his balcony and looked over the land under the sunset and thought to himself, "Tyler, my son, where ever you are, I hope that you are all right and when I find out who ever did this to you, I'll make them pay!"