A Zyther enters the master's control room and said, "I have some bad news, my master. All of the other Zythers were destroyed in battle and who ever did it seemed to have disappeared." "What?!" the master replied as he was shocked to find out the news, "What happened! How can they all be gone!" The Zyther told the master as he was leaving the room, "I don't know, but I can tell you this, I am leaving, and I am taking the the captives with me!" As the Zyther walked away, the master began to overflow with rage. He ran after the Zyther and told him, "I think that it is time to change Zythers everywhere. I can make all of them, including you, stronger, faster, lighter, but it all takes money to do those things. However, it would cost me almost everything just to upgrade you and to get the materials needed." The Zyther stopped and turned around and told him, "If you can, I know where we can get some money. There is a huge bounty on one of the captive's. I think his name is, Scar. But the person who put the bounty on him wants him in good health and in good condition, but he doesn't seem to remember much, so if we can't help him recover his own memories, the bounty will be useless." "Even if we do manage to recover his memories and get the reward, we still won't have enough money." The master said as he began to think up of a way to come up with enough money. "You know," the Zyther mentioned, "we could turn Faith in as well because there is also a bounty on her for all the information she has gathered on her missions." "Never!" the master quickly responded, "She got away from me a few times before, I can't let her get away from me again..." "Bill, I don't understand your feelings for her and why you keep her bondage in a straitjacket in the guest room with all the candles." The Zyther said to the master. "Don't call me Bill... That was a name I had to give up a long time ago..." Bill said to the Zyther as he began to weep. The Zyther said to bill as he left the room as he faided into the darkness, "She said that she could only love another..." "I don't care!" Bill quickly retorted as he began to cry, "I love her! And if you touch her again I'll kill you!" "As you wish..." the Zyther replied as the door behind it shut. After the Zyther left, he went to go see Faith in the guest room. As he came in, he looked at her with love as she was just lying there sleeping on the bed. The only clothes she had on was the straitjacket itself, and nothing else. As he walked up to her,she woke up. After a few moments of silenceness, he said, " Good morning, Fath." Faith took a few moments to reply and said, "Please, don't do this to me." "Do what to you, my dear?" Bill said as he sat down right next to her. "You're keeping me here locked up and you made me your personal sex doll! I want to be free..." She said as she started to fall in and out of sleep. He sat behind her and pulled her up and sat her against himself and he hugged her with both of his arms around her and holding his hands and said, "Don't you see? You are free. I can give you everything. You're so precious that I cant stand to lose you, so I must protect you..." "If I mean so much to you, then please, let me out of this and let me be free..." She moaned as she squirmed and tried to get herself out of the straitjacket while being hugged by him. "I'm afraid that I can't do that because you could hurt yourself, and I could lose you, forever..." He told her as he watched her squirmed. After a few more moments of squirming, he said,"I have to leave now, but I will be back, my love..." Meanwhile, Scar was in a room that seemed to have had no doors. The Zyther came in through the wall and as he entered, the door behind him shut. He took out an injection device which had a green liquid and said, "You have two choices, you can cooperate and recover your memory, or you can resist all you want, but then I would have to put you through a long and exhausting extraction process and in the end, it will take longer do get you to recover your lost memories." Scar thought for a few moments and remembered that Zero told him that he would come back and that he would find his memories, but then he said, "Fine! Have it your way..." and then the needle went into him and as the Zyther injected the liquid, Scar had a sudden flash back and remembered something. He saw a vision of a white tiger girl for a few seconds, but then the vision faded away. He started to have a head ache and a few minutes later he started to scream as if he was in real pain. After a few more seconds, he fainted. The Zyther placed him on the bed and left the room. He had a dream of someone, but he could not make it out who it was because he only saw the person from the back. The person said, "Please, someone..." He woke up form that as if he woke up from a nightmare. He tried to figure out if that was a memory stuck inside of him, but he has been under so much mental stress lately, so he couldnt figure it out. Scar thought to himself as he tried to fall back asleep, "It has been days and I have not seen Faith since we got here. Mybe this was all a big mistake to trust a person who I don't even remember, or even know if he was really my friend or not. But I promissed Zero that I would protect her, and I have failed..." He tossed and turned until he fell asleep again. Days later, Scar went through more and more treatments in hopes that he would recover his lost memories, but so far, there has been no luck. The Zyther brought in a meal for him to eat which was ribs, and then he left the room. Scar began to eat slowly, but after a few moments of eating slowly, he started to take bigger bites and began to use his hands less. Within minutes he ate like a wild animal ripping the meat off just with his teeth. After he finished his meal, he looked around the room and he noticed that there was a clausit there. He opened it and saw Faith's cloths there, along with his cloths as well. He calmed down looked through the cloths. After a few minutes of looking, he found a piece of paper in Faith's pants. He examined it and then he dropped the piece of paper and was shocked to have seen what he had saw because it was the last thing he would expect. He saw that there was not only a bounty on him, but that she was after him as well because on the paper it had notes on how she was going to capture him. He picked up the note and stuffed it back into her pants and he closed the door and went to his bed and began to weep. He could not believe that all this time, after all they have been through, that she was really out to capture him. He figured out that the Zyther was probably after the bounty as well. Later on he figured out that his memories were critical to the bounty because he was already held captive for some time now and they have not turned him in yet. He felt betrayed and he could not believe that he bothered to protect her. He felt that he wasted his time. The Zyther came in the room and tried to help him recover any memories taht he might have had left. Scar told the Zyther, "I think that I might know a way to help recover my memory, or at least some memories." "How is that" The Zyther replied. "Scar looked at the Zyther with anger and said, "Faith might know something! I have to be the one to talk to her though." The Zyther thought for a while and said, "That may work. But you can not let the master know because he won't let anyone else near her, so I will take you there and open the door, but the rest is up to you. Here, come with me." Scar followed the Zyther for a long time. Finally they came to a door. "Faith is right behind this door," the Zyther told Scar as he left, "I will go and talk to the master. Scar went into the room and saw Faith. She was just lying there on a bed and the only thing she had for cloths was the straitjacket. She was excited and glad to see Scar, but Scar was not excited and glad to see her at all. fAITH SAID, "Scar, you have to get me out of this." Scar did not reply for a while, and then he said, "Why should I?" "What?!" Faith responed quickly because she was shocked he hear Scar say that. Scar said, "I know everything, me, the bounty, and the fact that I have some information that was stolen from me and they cannot hand me in until they recover my memories!..." "You don't understanD. Everything has changed now. You preotected me as long as you could and I could never turn in someone like after what you did for me." Faith said as she sat up. "Oh yeah?" Scar said in a pissed off tone, "Then how come you wrote down your plans to capture me and how you would do it?!" Scar took out another note and it said, "All I have to do in order to capture Scar is to either just go out and engage him head on, or I could pretended to become his friend and after a while of being friends, when he would least expected it, I would capture him and hand him in and collect my reward." Faith leaned over to Scar and said, "You don't understand, I wrote that before..." Scar cut her off by putting his finger on her lip and said, "Enough. I am sick of theses lies. If I can't trust you, who can I trust..." Scar got up and off of the bed and began to walk towards the door. Faith franticly got off the bed and walked up to him and said, "Please! You can't leave me here!" "Back off!" Scar shouted. He pushed her back against the wall roughly and as she hit the wall, some books fell on her head from a shelf above and knocked her out. He left the room and left her there. He walked back down the hall until he was back at his room. Later on the Zyther came in and said, "Were you able to recover anything? "No, but I have learned something," Scar said as he sighed, "you can't trust anyone but yourself, and if you can't remember who the hell you are, then you can't even trust yourself. I know about the bounty, and as much as it hurts me to help you achieve your goal, I need my memories back, I need to know who I am, but I'm afraid that there is only one person who can helpme know." "Who is that?" the Zyther asked. "Zero Henry!" Scar said as he went to bed. A little bit later on, Bill came back to visit Faith and brought some food for her. When he came into the room, he was shocked to see that she was knocked out, so he dropped the tray of food and ran up to her. He held her upper body and said, "Faith, speak to me!" after a few more moments, she came to and moaned. He thought to himself, "How the hell could I have let this happen?! This room is so dangerous that she can easily hurt herself..." he picked her off and off the ground and said, "Don't worry Faith, everything will be okay..." and then he placed her on the bed. He strapped her upper body to the bed to keep her safe and from getting off the med. He cleaned up the mess he made when he dropped the dish of food. He left the room, and later on her came back with a fresh dish of many kinds of food. He unstrapped her and waited for her to wake up. After a while when she got up, she was depressed and decided to stop resisting and gave up all hope. "Here," he said to her as he sat her up, "you need to eat..." After he fed her, he injected some kind of drug into her. He told her that it was a special kind of medicine. After that, he attacked a leech to the back of her straitjacket which was connected to her bed. He told her as he left the room, "I love you..." and then he locked the door. The Zyther came back in the morning to Scar's room and found that Scar was already awake. "This is going nowhere!" the Zyther told Scar, "You obviously can't recover your memory and your not worth anything unless your memories are in tact." Scar waited a moment and then he said, "I'll make a deal with you." "A deal?!" the Zyther responed curiously, "What can you possibly offer me!" "Money!" Scar replied, "We could team up and seek out bounties, and if you let Faith go, you can cash me in, when I have found my long lost memories that is." The Zyther was silent for a while, but then, his optical orb sensor glowed red and he said, " That's not a bad idea, because the master has seem to have lost his sanity over time and all he cares about now is him and Faith. Also, how do I know I can trust you?" "I give you my word." he replied as he stood up. " Anything is better than staying here, even if it means that I have to give myself up to you, it's still worth it!" The Zyther told him, "I will hold you to your word and agrement, but right now we are going to have to wait at least another day before we can break out because my master goes into town every week to get supplies for me, so then is the perfect time." "Okay then," Scar said, "we leave tomorrow after your master leaves, but we have to protect Faith at all costs." The next morning, Bill told the Zyther that he was leaving for the city and that he would not be back until tomorrow. A few minutes after he left, the Zyther gathered supplies and got Scar. Next they went to Faith's room and busted her out of the straitjacket. "If you have anything to render her uncurious, use it on her now!" Scar told the Zyther as Faith was waking up. The Zyther injected some drugs into her which supposedly will make her sleep for at least 12 hours. They quickly left the domain and planned to be far away before Bill returns. Almost a whole day past and Scar began to slow down. The Zyther asked him if he needed a rest, but Scar told him no, so they kept going on. Around that time, Faith woke up and saw the Zyther and then she began to freak out. She jumped off of the Zyther's arm and ran, but she bumped right into Scar and they both fell down. Faith looked around and said, "Scar? What are you doing here with the Zyther?! "There's no time to explain, we must keep moving on!" Scar replied. "No! I have to get away, from all of you!" She responded as she began to run. Scar quickly ran after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. He took out some kind of spray and sprayed her in the face and she soon fainted. "I used the whole bottle, so she should be out for at least another few hours." Scar shouted to the Zyther. After another few hours, she came to and didn't make a sound. She saw that Scar was carrying, so she quickly bit him right in the next. The Zyther didn't know what was going on, a few seconds later he turned around and saw that Scar was on the floor bleeding and that Faith was running away, and then she took off and began to fly away. He looked at Scar and saw that his wound was bad, but she was getting away, so he decided to pursue her. He launched some chains out of his chest and they zoomed right at her. She turned around and screamed and some sound wave came out of her voice and it knocked back the chains, but one of them managed to grab onto her leg, so he pulled her in. As she was getting pulled in, she looked right into the Zyther's eye and he saw that her eyes were red. She did another sound wave and broke the chains and flew off again. This time, the Zyther sent out a rocket punch after her where his right arm launched right at her like a missile. His fist smacked right against he back and she fell right to the ground. He launched more chains and grabbed onto her and pulled her in. After he pulled her in, he injected her several times with the drug and she fainted again, but this time, the Zyther used all of his remaining injects which were about seven total. After securing her, he ran back to Scar as fast as he could and found him lying there on the ground with a bite mark across his neck and an on of blood around him. He quickly patched up the wound and carried them both. Later that night, the Zyther had just set up a camp site. Soon Scar woke up and came out to the Zyther and sat down right next to the fire and said, "Thanks for patching up my wounds back there..." "No need for thanks," the Zyther replied, "Now eat, you're probably really hungry by now." The Zyther gave Scar some meat. He eat the meat and asked the Zyther, "What do you think we should do about Faith? She just went berserk on us almost instantly after she woke up, and before we could tell her anything." "I think we should put her back in that straitjacket that my master had her in." the Zyther replied. "What!" Scar said as he dropped his empty plate, "How can you even think of doing that to her again!" "Because she is a vampire..." The Zyther said slowly. Scar's enraged face dropped because he was shocked to hear what the Zyther said. The Zyther continued to say, "I've seen vampire bats before, and to make matters worse, she broke some of my weaponry and almost poisoned you with her vampire powers." Scar though for a while, and then a tear came down from his eye and he said, "Do it! We can't have her trying to kill us. I was so powerless when attacked me. That pain I felt must have been from her sucking my blood, because I have never felt anything like it before." They both went into Faith's tent and the Zyther began to put her in the straitjacket. Just as he finished strapping her in it, she woke up and saw Scar by the entrance of the tent, and then she looked at the Zyther and noticed that he was strapping her in a straitjacket. She began to scream and then said, "Scar! Please help me..." and then she began to cry. Scar began to cry too and said, "I can't help you. He's putting you back in that thing for your own good!" and then he left the tent. She screamed for him as he left the tent. Around this time, Bill got back to his domain and when he went to go see Faith, he was shocked because she was gone. He looked franticly around the place and he couldn't find any one. He quickly ran to his room and found a remote of some kind and pressed the button. Soon after he pressed it, a little flashing red light appeared on the remote and he saw that the red light was really far from the green light. The green light represented the remote itself, and the red light represented the tracking device. He gathed a little equipment, and his sword and left his domain to find them. In the middle of the night, The Zyther noticed something coming from Faith's tent. He went inside and saw that her necklace was blinking constantly. He knew what that was, so he quickly ripped it off of her neck and destroyed it. Faith was confused once again, but the Zyther quickly went to Scar's tent and told him that they had to leave right now. Scar did not get up, so he packed up everyting and attached Faith to his back and he carried Scar. He walked as fast as he could because he knew that his former master was coming after them and the tracking device showed their last current location, so they didn't have any time to lose. After a few hours of walking, the finally got to the non snowy grounds and into a great valley. Meanwhile, Taylor just got tipped off by someone that his son was being held captive across the ocean in a castle which is only occupied by the owner of it and about 10 other people. After the person left, Taylor exploded with joy because he finally knew where his son was, but he quickly got sad again because he alone clothes do the job. He would need Zero Henry and Scar at least, but he had no idea where they were, and the last time he saw Scar was when they were fighting against the Zyther. Since he didn't know much about the castle where his son was being held captive, he sent spirit to scout the castle. In the meantime, he decided to get ready for a resscue mission with or without Zero and Scar. Later on, Bill found the camp site where Faith and the others were. He got off of his horse and began to look for foot prints. He soon found huge foot prints in the ground that were left by the Zyther, so he got back on his horse and began to follow them. Hours later he caught up to them and found Scar and the Zyther and some tents. He jumped off of his horse and his horse ran right into the Zyther and exploded. He rushed at Scar and began to swing at him with his sword. As Scar blocked all the hits with his own sword, the Zyther extinguished the fire around him and walked right up to his former master. Bill turned around and took out something and shocked the Zyther with it. After a few seconds, the Zyther shut down and was rendered useless until it came to. He turned around and continued to fight Scar. Scar couldn't figure out how Bill was so aggressive. He waited for a good moment and quickly ran up behind him and took his sword and kicked him in the back. Bill quickly got back up and took out a bag of somekind and hurled it right at him. When it hit Scar, powder came out of it and Scar's senses got overloaded and the all his nerves felt funny. Within seconds, his upper right chest area near his shoulder has been pierced by a rapier. He shouted in pain and soon fell to the ground. Bill got his sword back and came up to him and was about kill him. Zero came out of nowhere and picked Bill up and took him up high into the air. After he got really high, he began to fall while holding onto him. Instead of letting him go and avoiding the ground, he holds onto him the whole way and they both zoom right into the ground. Bill wash crushed and Zero was unconscious. After a few moments, Faith came out of a tent and saw that everyone was unconscious and that Bill was dead. She saw that Scar had a huge injurry, so she ran up to the Zyther and rubbed herself against one of the sharp points of the Zyther. She soon ripped the straitjacket and ran up to Scar and pulled the rapier out from his body. Sometime later, Scar woke up and found himself back in the same room that he was in when he was being held captive in Bill's domain. He started to remember a bunch of random things and before he knew it, he figured it out, his memories were back. He got out of bed and looked around until he found the Zyther. Everything was explained to Scar and he found out that he took them all back to Bill's domain. It became the Zyther's domain, but then he told him that he sold it the palce for a lot of money. Faith came into the room and Scar looked right at her and said, "I need to talk to you, alone." so they both went into another room and he said, "I know what I did to you back when we were, uh, both captured, so I want to make it up to you." "I don't think anyone can make it up to me" Faith replied. Scar grabbed her shoulder and said, "Then take some of my blood! I know that you are a vampire bat, so please, take some, but just leave me enough to get around..." "Do you really mean that?" she said as her eyes opened up. Scar closed his eyes and told her to do it. She came right up to him and began to do it slowly. She began to sink her teeth into his neck and slowly began to drink his blood while he was in great pain, but he was not screaming because he was kind of stunned by it all. After she fed, he dropped to the ground and at that moment Zero just came into the room and saw blood all over her lips. She told Scar, even though he was basically half dead, " Thank you..." she turned around and saw that Zero confused, so she explained, and then, she walked up to him and gave him a big huge. She started to cry, but held held her emotions in and said, "Thank you so much for giving me a chance!" and then she told him that he was leaving. "Don't go!" Zero said, "Will I ever see you again?!" "Yes!" she responded as whiped a tear off of her face, "But right now, I need to go home for a while." Zero gave wrote down some notes and gave them to her and said, "If you ever need anything, this is where you can find me..." he picked up Scar and placed him back in his room on his bed. He told the Zyther to tell Scar to come back to Taylor's place as soon as he is able. The Zyther told him that Scar made promisees, so Zero gave him some money and then told him, "If you let Scar go, You can come to me if you need something in the future!" the Zyther thought for a while and finally agreed. Zero packed up his things and went home and left Scar in the hands of the Zyther. As he walked on his trip to Taylor's domain, he thought, "It's going to be great to see him again! But his son, Tyler, is probably out still out there. Oh shit! Taylor uses a bunch of holy light and other anti undead stuff, if I go near him, or encounter any of those things, I might seriously get hurt!" he continued to walk and thought more and more about his sisuation. Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling all over his body and saw some kind of living crystal in a pitch black room for about a split second, and then, the feeling and vison was gone. He thought about what just happened for a few minutes, but then he just decided to go on and not let it bother him. Days later, Zero approaches Taylor's domain from a far, covered in some kind of suit all dark black and ripped up with a hood. He went to the main door and found him there. Taylor said, "Zero?! It's been a while!" he walked up to Zero at the door, but when he got about three feet near him, he backed away slightly. Taylor said, "I thought you had left me..." "I didn't." Zero replied, "I just felt that I needed to acomplish something before I helped you find your son." Taylor said, "Did you acomplish what ever you needed to do?" "Yes and no, but the important thing is that we can finally find and resscue your son" Zero said proudly. Taylor informed Zero that he found out where his son was and that he was getting ready to go and rescue him. After discussing their plan, they decided to leave in four days. Later that night, Zero was on the balcony just looking down onto the land. Taylor came and began to talk about stuff and then he noticed that Zero had a huge cut on his arm and said, "Zero! Are you okay? Do you need something to patch up that wound?!" "I'll be fine, besides, it's just a scar." Zero responded. Taylor took another look at it and saw that it went all the way up, but he could not see the whole scar because his sleeve covered it, so he said, "Well, do you want me to heal up that scar with some intense holy light?" "No!" Zero quickly responded as he backed away and almost fell off of the balconyand said, "I'll be fine!" The morning they got ready to leave for Kisler's castle across the seas. After they loaded up one of Taylor's yaughts, Scar came and walked down towards the docs and said, "Need any help?" "Scar?! What are you doing here?" Zero said as he let go of some cargo, "It's only been a few days, you shouldn't be running about." Scar ran down the stairs and right up to Zero and said, "The Zyther did me a solid and gave me one of those healing fruits, but now I owe him some more money because he was going to sell those." "How much do you owe him?" Zero asked. "About five or six thousand bucks." Scar said as he lifted up the cargo that Zero dropped and loaded it onto the ship. After the three reunited, they set sail for Kisler's castle across the sea. Sometime during the night, they encounter a giant sea snake. Every one woke up when they rammed into it. The giant sea snake was enraged by the ship and began to ram the ship itself. Zero, Scar, and Taylor ran up and saw the giant beast. Zero said, " I'll handle this! You two just focus on getting the ship out of here in one piece!" then as he was about to jump off of the shit, Scar said, "But Zero, You can't handle that thing by yourself!" and Zero stopped and turned around and told Scar to just do it, and then he jumped right off of the ship and onto the snake. He started to scratch it slightly wounded the beast which made it go under water, but it grabbed onto his foot as it went down. While they were under the water, Zero crawled his way up to the face of the snake and jabbed his nail like claws right into its eye. The snake roared loudly and went up above water and began to bite him on his shoulder and chest. Scar and Taylor were shocked because it looked like it was going to take a huge bite out of him, but as the snake continued to bite, Zero opened his wings which ripped his shredded cloak and began to generate spears at each point of his wings. Once they generated, he shot them right into the snake's head which pierce right into its brain. The snake and Zero flew to the ship, but he crashed because his body was injured. They ran up to him, but he got up and they saw that the giant sea snake left a huge mark and some of his bone was visible, but there was no blood. "You're not bleeding?!" Taylor asked Zero. Zero dusted himself off and said, " The dead don't bleed..." Scar and Taylor were shocked to hear Zero say that because that meant that he was undead. Scar and Taylor asked Zero how it happened, but Zero did not say. All he said was, "The important thing is that I am here with you right now, and not permanently dead." Then they fixed up the ship a bit and went back to bed for the night. Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, back on land, Faith walked into a town. The town was very busy with night life as if it was day. She went to a restaurant and had a meal. As she was eating she noticed that a bunch of people were running from something, so she went to check it out to see what all the ruckus was. When she got out there she saw something that looked like a giant Zyther. There was a few of them right in the middle of the town. They opened up and people came out of them which meant that they weren't Zythers because these things were piloted by people. She saw that they were also bounty hunters because they captured some people and then she remembered that there were several bounties on her head, so she went back into the restaurant and paid her bill and quickly ran out the back door. As she was running, one of the few people with the Zyther shells, or mechs, tried to grab her, but she was too fast. She turned back and grabbed him and bite his neck and began to feed on his blood, but she only fed just enough to render him unconscious. She figured she had to make a break for it and run because if she flew, they would easily spot her and capture her. She ended up running into the middle of the town and there was an angry mod of people. She though they were pissed off at the bounty hunters, but as she ran into the crowd of the angry mob, and they took her and knocked her out and gave her to the bounty hunters. The bounty hunters gave them money and found their unconscious friend and left the city. Days later, Zero, Scar, and Taylor reach the continent where Kisler's castle was. They went to a docking bay and began to scout and travel on foot from there. "We should split up to cover more ground." Taylor said. So they all went their different ways and decided to meet back at the ship in two days. Scar went towards the forests, Zero walked the roads, and Taylor went down stream with the river. Some time at night, Scar found a pub and a small market somewhere in the forests, so he figured he would get a drink. As he entered, a lot of people looked at him, but after he got his drink they stopped and went about their business. He noticed that most of the people in the pub were really pale, but he had a few drinks and forgot about it. A few drinks turned into several drinks, and several drinks turned into a few several drinks. Before he knew it he was drunk. As he stumbled towards the door, he noticed that some of the people in the pub were undead and or demons, so he started to panic, but before he could draw his sword, he fainted. And then some human like girl with odd ears, almost like those of an animal rather than human ears, ran up to him as the undead and demons began to feed on him and said, "There you are! Get off of him, he's with me!" all the demons and undead beings backed away and one of them asked, "Do you know this person?!