"Yes, I know him, he's kind of a new recruit and he wondered off, so I'm just going to take him back and have him recoup," the woman said as she picked up Scar and she carried him up and once she was out of the pub, she began to run. She ran with him deeper into the forest. She examined him as she ran and found him to be quite cute. Elsewhere, Taylor continued to travel down the river, but when he finally got to the waterfall, he noticed that there were a bunch of flesh eaters and or undead beings. he also saw that it was like a graveyard because there were a bunch of dead bodies and skeletons all over the place, and then it came to him, "Oh no..." he thought to himself as he found out what this place was, "This whole continent, how could I forget!" He walked back upstream and was on his way back to their ship so he could inform Zero and Scar and tell them where they really are. If what he thought was true, then Scar and himself are in great danger. Later on, Zero kept walking down the road and noticed that the road broke off into two directions, so as he was figuring out which way to go, he felt a sudden feeling inside of him and heard like a large pump sound, almost like a heart beat, but much louder, and it was only for about a split second, but he felt the sound was coming from the left, so he went left and followed that feeling he had that he sensed. As he walked down the road, he began to think if he could ever be back to normal, because he's undead now, but he still hopes that he can return to the way he was before he was undead. He thought more and more about it because he did not know why and or how he became undead because the last thing he remembered when he was still living was that fight he had with the ragged minion who stole all of Scar's memories. The first thing he remembered after his fight with the minion was that he had Scar's memories back and he felt different, but that he only noticed that after he passed out. He suddenly felt random physical feelings and heard random sounds and he began to resonate for a few seconds, and then, it was all gone. He kept wondering what the hell was going on, but now he wasn't concerned about anything else other than why he is undead. He soon found a small town along the road and decided to take a break and just sit down and think. As he walked in town, he noticed that it was basically a town of demons and undead, but for some reason it didn't bother him. He walked into a bar and got a drink and sat down and listened to a musician play some music. Later on he saw an undead like gargoyle entered and sat down with some of his friends and they began to talk to each other. The person was Kisler, but Zero didn't know who he was yet. After Kisler sat down, Zero noticed a smell. He recongized that smell, and it was the smell of a dragon. He knew that he had to be the one holding Tyler captive because there were no other dragons in the bar, or out on the street. He got up and walked around their table. After getting a few more whiffs, he knew for sure that the smell was from Tyler. So he went to the bar and got another drink so he wouldn't look suspicious. After he finished his second drink, he got up and walked right up to Kisler and grabbed him buy the shoulder and pulled him outside. He said to Kisler as he pushed him back onto the street, "Where is Tyler!" Kisler was shocked, but didn't quite understand why he wanted Tyler, so sniffed him, and then it hit him, he smelt taces of Taylor's oders. He know knew that Zero was with Taylor, so he said, "There's no way I'm giving him back to you!" and then he assualted him. Kisler's friends ran out to see what was going on, but they only found Zero and Kisler fighting each other. "Get out of here!" Kisler shouted, "I'll take care of this!" so his friends left them to fight. they punched each other back and forth. After a while of that, Zero generated a sword from his own bones again. Kisler shocked to see such a power because he had never seen it done before and heard of it before as well. It looked like that Zero was in pain and jerking around a lot as he generated the weapon. He took his bone sword and charged right at Kisler. He missed him with his sword because he felt all these odd and strange feelings. It made it hard for him to fight because it these sudden physical feelings were interfering with his concentration and reaction time and such. Kisler knew that something was wrong with him, so he decided to take that opportunity to strike back at him, so ran up to him and scratched him with his massive claw like nails. The scratch went deep into his back, but Zero quickly generated some daggers out of his nails and stabbed him right as he got wounded by his scratch. He began to charge at Kisler again. After a while of fighting, Kisler realized that Zero was too much to handle. Then Zero really went hard core on his him and just totally dominated. Kisler didn't know what to do, until he remembered a move that he could do, but it could seriously mess them both up, but he had no choice. He surged up and as Zero was charging right at him, he focused all his energy into his fist and then he scraped him with his claws full of his energy and projected the energy right at Zero. As the energy collided with him, he was pushing her back slightly, but then a flash energy explosion happened and he got blown back. After the flash of the energy flare vanished, A huge chunk of Zero was destroyed! His right arm and some of his upper body got destroyed by Kisler's attack. Zero appeared to be unconscious. Kisler fell to the ground. He used up so much energy that he could barely crawl because he had to get away. One of Kisler's friends came back and was shocked to see what happened to him. he picked him up and placed him over his shoulder and got out of there. The next morning, Kisler woke up and found himself back at his castle. He went right to Tyler's asylum room. Tyler was sleeping, but he woke up him and began the long process of bringing his sanity back and awareness back. He knew that the procces would take just about a full day to do, but he didn't care because he had to find out who Zero was and how much of a threat he was to him. He tried to do the job as quickly as possible, but he was exhausted from the attack when he used up most of his energy to greatly wound Zero. Later on, Scar came to and found himself in a really soft and furry bed. He noticed that all his clothes were gone and his other equipment as well, so he decided to wait in the bed under the sheets until someone came. After about an hour, no one came, so he began to wonder what was going on. He took the quilt with him and wrapped it around himself. He wondered around the house and he still found no one. He walked more and more and finally, out of nowhere, the girl who saved him came and tackled him and said, "Hey you're awake!" then they both got up and began to talk. "Where am I and how did I get here?" Scar said as he sat down on a sofa, "Last thing I really remember was that I was in a bar and had some drinks." "First of all you're in my house." she replied, "2, You fainted at the bar. Lucky thing I found you and saved you as I did, or you would have been a feast for the undead." "What?!" Scar said as he jumped up, "Undead, here?!" She comforted him and said, "Whoa! Why are you so spooked about the undead hot stuff? "Because my last experience with the undead kind of left me, shocked..." He said as he began to lie down. "They tried to eat me alive as if I was just mere food!." Around that moment they looked at each other right in the eyes. They stared at each other for about a minute before they looked the other way. Scar tehn said, "I got to go now because I have to meet up with my friends back at our ship and plan to rescue Tyler." There was a silence for a while, but then, she said, "You don;t go soon do you?" "I have to go like right now, but, uh, why are you rubbing my chest?" he said with great confusion. She said, "Oh sorry, i just got carried away." "Then why are you still rubbing me?" He replied as he went back to his furry bed, "I have to go back and find my friends so we can resscue Tyler before it's too late." She left and came back with some new clothes for him to wear and then she said, "Here take these, you're clothes are all ruined due to the vomit and drink spills." He put the new clothes and was out the door and then she asked her name and she told him that it was, "Tresta" and as he ran out the door, she pulled him back in and gave him a big kiss. After they kissed she spanked him on his ass and said, "Good luck tiger!" and she sent him off. He ran for a while, but he didn't know where he was going. It has already been about an hour so if he ran back to Tresta's place he would lose even more time. He walked for another few hours and he finally reached a small town. He found a bar and decided to have some more drinks. When he came in he remembered that last time everyone looked at him and such, but this time No one paid any attention. As he sat down he heard some demons talking about something about a dark blue bat. He knew that they must have been talking about Zero, so he sat down on a chair that was near the table next to them. They said, "Oh man! Did you hear? Kisler totally messed that guy up big time!" "Yeah, but now he's out of commission for a while!" another one said. The big one said, "We should get going now, so we can give him that expensive healing potion thingy soon." So the group got up and left. Just as Scar got up and was about to follow them, someone grabbed his shoulder and said, "Who gave you those clothes?!" "From a friend, but I have to go now." Scar replied as he nudged the hand off of his shoulder. As Scar followed the demons, the person who grabbed onto him also followed.Later on, Tte demons were faster than he thought, so after they started to run he began to run, but the person whop grabbed him earlier grabbed him again and basically pulled him down to the ground. He fell hard onto the gound and almost got knocked out. Scar said to the person as he got up and off of the ground, "Okay! I don't know what your problem is, but I'm very busy and I have to follow those demons becdause they know the whereabouts of my friend who got kidnapped!" "My name is Balrog, and it would do you some good to remember that!" Balrog said as he got pissed off. Scar backed up a bit and asked him, "What's the deal? I am after those demons who just ran off, I have no beef with you!" "I think you do!" Balrog retorted, "So just tell me who gave you those clothes!" "A girl named Tresta!" Scar shouted. "What?!" Balrog replied as he heard the name, "No! There must be some mistake! What is your name!" Scar laughed and said, "My name?! Now you want to know my name?! It's Scar!" "Well, Scar, let's see if you are worthy!" Balrog said as he charged right at him. Scar didn't have time to fight, but if he ran off, Balrog would follow him and fight him some time, so he figured that now was the only time to do it. He ran up to hum, but before he knew it, Balrog punches him in the face, but Scar fell down onto the ground on his back to dodge it, but then Balrog opened his fists and took his nails and put it right above his face. Within seconds some kind of venom came out of is nails and leaked right into his eyes. Scar quickly kicked him away, but he was in great pain because of the venom. He took out his sword, but right after he took it out, he noticed that his sight was rapidly fading and within a few moments, he was blind. He dropped his sword and was very shocked that he went blind. He tried to find Balrog but he was helpless without his sight. Balrog came and beaten the shit out of him. After a while of getting his ass kicked, Scar fought back. Balrog was surprised to see that he knew where he was even without his sight, but then he figured it out that he probably sensed his presence and can hear him well. Balrog really exerted himself and created a sound bubble, but then he kept on doing it again and again and combined all the sound bubbles into one. He was sweating because of the energy that he had to put into it. He picked up a twig and threw it right next to Scar so as he turned around, Balrog threw the compressed sound bubble right at him. The second it touched him, it popped, which caused it to release the sound within, but it was so loud that it destroyed some of the ground around him. Scar began to cover his eyes and screamed with pain. After all the sound was gone, he uncovered his eyes, but all he heard was a really loud ringing sound that seemed to never go away. Now he couldn't see or hear anything, so he was totally at the mercy of Balrog. His ears began to bleed and all Balrog did was watch him suffer. Balrog over exerted so he was only able to give him a small beating. After a while, Scar felt strange feelings. He felt something flowing all over the place. This feeling was all over his body, but he faintly felt it outside of his body as if it was somewhere else. He managed to knock Balrog back which gave him some time since they were both exhausted. He moved in the direction of this outter feeling that he had but found nothing. He started to get annoyed because this feeling felt like it once was and or still is a part of him and that a part of him is no longer a part of him. He fell to the ground and tried to find and feel what ever it was that had some connection with himself, but he still found nothing. He wiped the blood from his ears and shook his hands to get the blood off of them. As the blood traveled through the air and splattered against his surroundings, it hit him! That outer feeling was his own blood. He didn't know why or how he could feel his lost blood, but it was still somehow connected to him in some way. He felt it when the wind touched his blood in mid air, and he felt his blood smack right against a tree. He even felt it when the blood lost its life force. He quickly searched for his sword. At this time, Balrog was just getting back on his feet. He saw that Scar got his sword back, but instead of Scar attacking and finishing him off, he stabs himself. He was freaked out to see someone just stab themselves. He was shocked and thought, "This guy is sick!" Scar pulled his sword out of himself which was covered in blood and began to swing randomly in every direction until he fully covered at least an area all around himself. Some blood got on Balrog, but he couldn't figure out what he was up to. After that, Scar just began to laugh. He laughed so much it almost seemed like as if he went insane. Balrog was actually afraid and began to fear him, but not because of his power, but because he went insane and a mad man can do almost to hurt someone. Scar started to scream, "Okay Balrog! You had your chance! You could have left me alone, but you decided to mess with me for some reason and now you'll pay the cost with your life!" he charged right at him and stabbed him right in the chest, but he noticed as he got closer to piercing his body, something was repelling his sword. and after he exerted to try and cut through him, Balrog's crystal broke and exploded and for some reason it only harmed Scar. Scar was left smoking on the ground and when the smoke stopped, he was half conscious and was crying and moaning in pain. Balrog was almost unconscious, but he crawled his way up to Scar and managed to get up and off of the ground. He spent minutes just looking at him, lying there on the ground, crying and moaning in pain. He saw Scar's sword covered in blood and picked it up. He looked at it, and then he looked at Scar and smiled. Later on, Taylor was waiting back at their ship, but neither Zero or Scar showed up. He wanted to get out of this place because he now knew where they really were, they are in the land of the demonic and undead. He started to begin to think who could have wanted his son, but he still did not have enough information to figure out who it was. He thought, "Damn it! We should have gotten more people for this trip. I should have asked Bill and Karl!" then he walked around his ship and thought some more. After a few more hours of trying to get a hold of Scar and Zero with his communication crystals, it hit him, "Zergator?!" he thought just as he had a drink, "Zergator would be the perfect one to help us here on these lands! But, I can't leave Scar and Zero now! Especially if they are missing..." and then he got really pissed off and ventured out to find his son. He ran for a while and then he jumped up into the air and started to fly. Back where Kisler was, he was still focusing his energy into bringing Tyler's mental health back, but he was still exhausted and drained from his encounter with Zero. He knew that time was running out, so he he tried to do the job faster. Later on, just as he was completely done, he fainted right next to him. In the morning, Tyler woke up and found Kisler right next to himself. He was shocked to see him onconscious, so he tried to aid him, but he couldn't really do anything since he was still locked up in a straitjacket. He was powerless to help, so all he did was waited. Kisler's friends came in and saw that he was unconscious and that Tyler was up, so they quickly came to Kisler's aid and ganged up on Tyler and punched him around a bit, and then they took Kisler and locked the door and left him there on the floor all sore and betan. They gave Kisler the special healing balm, but it would still be a while before he would fully recover. Later on, somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, Zero woke up and found himself in a giant barons. There were skeletons everywhere. He looked at his right arm, but he there was nothing there. He franticly looked and his upper body and saw huge scars and wounds, and then he remembered what happened. His fight With Kisler. He remembered how he almost had him, but Kisler ended up using all of his power to try and blow him up, but the attack only took his right arm and very little of his upper right body. He got up and off of the ground and just looked around. All he saw was endless skeletons as far as he could see. The ski was unusually and purple. He walked around as he tried to balance himself because without his right arm he was slightly heavier on one side and he was used to having to arms and hands. Luckily his tail grew a lot more when he became undead, so it helped him cope with his sense of balance. He walked around trying to find his way, but after a while of wondering, he saw some kind of building far off, so he decided to go check it out and see what was there. When he got there all there was, was a temple kind of building that looked like a gate of some kind. He jumped up and flew onto a higher platform to see the strange structure from a higher point of view. At the tope of the structure, he saw a giant skeliton satue. It had great wings, horns, a tail, and so much more. The wind began to blow more and more, and suddenly, the statue began to light up with a pink and purple arua. He felt that feeling again, but this time it was much greater than before. That feeling as if he felt a heart beat all over his body, he know felt it more and more and before he knew it, he felt it all around himself as well. He suddenly heard a voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere, "Bring us as many necro talismans as you can and then we will be able to revive you back to the living..." he didn't know what to make of it, but he decided to play things out and said, "What are these necro talismans? And how do I know that you'll keep your word in reviving me?" there was a silence for a while, but then he heard ,"The necro talismans are what the undead use to control skeletons and make them their puppets for battle, but we are tired of being controlled by the undead, because we used to have an alliance with them, but then one day they turned on us and cursed us, and now we can only walk if they let us..." "How do you expect me to obtain these talismans?" Zero replied as he showed them his injury, "As you can see, uh, I think, my right arm and a small portion of my upper body has been blown off! And I was right handed so that only makes things worse..." The lights got brighter and then they said, "We can fully restore you to the way you were, before you lost your arm, and even before you became undead. But in order for us to do that we need the talismans." "Where do I find these talismans?" Zero responded. "Since you're undead, when you get near one, you'll feel it!" they said as the lights and auras swirled, "All forms of the undead can sense it, even us, the skeletons race, or the zombies, or the biggest undead race of all, the undead." "I'll do it, but, I have to help my friends first, or as I search for the talismans because my friend's son got kidnapped and wetracked him down to this country!" Zero said as he watched the aura and lights as they moved around him. All of the lights and auras went away, but then he heard the voice again, "One isn't too far from here, an undead gargoyle named Kisler holds one of the many talismans which is west of here near the seas." "Kisler?!" Zero thought to himself, "Shit! I fought an undead gargoyle earlier, and that's how I lost my arm. That had to be him, I felt funny around him, so he must have had a necro talisman on him!" Zero surged and leaped into the air and began to fly and began find his way back, and the necro talismans. Later on, at Tresta's and Balrog's place, Balrog had just returned and dropped Scar right on the sofa. He walked into the kitchen and started to crush herbs and other types of flowers and leaves. Out of nowhere, Tresta screamed "Scar?!" and she ran into the kitchen and shouted at Balrog, "What the fuck happened to Scar!" Balrog continued to crush and mix herbs as if he heard nothing, but after a few seconds, he stopped and calmly said, " I basically killed him." And then he continued to go about his business. A large splat sound was made, and Balrog's eyes opened up all the way, and then, Tresta removed her rapier which was the object that pierced his body, and she left the room and left Balrog there all wounded. She went back to Scar and just dropped and cried. After a while of crying, she went to he bed and fell asleep. The next morning she woke up and went to check on Scar. He was still resting, so she went to go see what Balrog was doing. When she got in the kitchen, she saw that Balrog was on the floor in a puddle of blood. She quickly picked him up and turned him over. She was very shocked to see that his crystal necklace was gone. She said, "Balrog?! Wake up!" But there was no reply. She shook him and said, "What happened to your crystal?! Please!" Then she closed her eyes and ripped off her own crystal from her necklace. She screamed, "I won't let you die!" and then she took her crystal and shoved it right into his body right where the wound was. Balrog's wound healed almost instantly and then he opened his eyes all the way, and then he coughed up some blood and began to breathe again. She hugged him and said, "You're okay!" "What happened?" Balrog slowly said and he was trying to recover his strength. "I got so mad at you for beating up Scar, and I thought you still had that crystal so I thought it you only be wounded, but I didn't know you lost it, so I gave up mine to heal you" Tresta said as she helped him up and off of the ground. "Finish the medicine..." Balrog said as he fainted. Tresta took Balrog and placed him on her furry soft bed and went back and tried to finish the medicine that Balrog was making. After making most of it, she saw that she was short of some ingredients. She needed some kind of fruit and herbs, but as she got a book and read that they come from somewhere far away, she began to pack her stuff because the quest would take her a few weeks. Later on, Tresta left to find one of the ingredients. She traveled for days now and still no sign of the ingredient that she needed. She looked up in her book again and saw that she needed the water which was found in necro talismans, and that one talisman was under ground which was on a spirit shrine of some kind. She ate some lunch and then she was on her way again. Meanwhile, Faith was being held captive in vuffs and bonds in a holding cell. Someone came and said, "The master will see you know!" then she got up and walked down the hall with him. After they went into the room, the servant unlocked her cuffs and severed her bonds, and then the servant left the room. She looked around the big room and saw the master of the place sitting down, and then she said, "What do you want, Anderson?!" "Sit down..." Anderson replied. As she sat down she said, "Have you come to end my torment?" Andersaid said, "No. Even though I would love to see you die, I found someone who put an even bigger bounty on you, so I will turn you over to him..." "There are so many bounties on my ass that It's all the same to me." Faith as she sighed. "Perhaps," he said, "but I don't think that matters too much to Rain!" Her expression suddenly changed and she was shocked to hear that name. She was frozen by fear, but then she said, "You can't!" "Too late, he's already here to pick you up!" He responded as two guards came and restrained her. As she was struggling with the guards she yelled, "You can't take me back to him! He'll give me a faith worse than death!" She dug her nails into the guard's face, and then she kicked the other one and headed for the window. She ran right through it and shattered the glass and took off. The two guards took off their shirts and upper clothes and generated some wings and chased after her in the air. They threw some spears at her, but she dodged them. After flying for a few hours, they suddenly began to accelerate and caught up to her. One of them grabs her and then the other one began to inject drugs into her. She tried to shake free from their grip, but she began to fade and was getting very tired. She remembered what would happen if Rain found her again, and suddenly she surged up with power and fired her energy right at them which knocked them back. Then she blasted off with great speed, but within minutes all her power got drained and she fainted in mid air, and fell into a calm river. Back here Zero was, he was flying and saw Taylor's ship, but he passed by it and continued to fly. He thought to himself, "Hang on guys, I'll be back as fast as I can! I just need to go home and pick something up and then we'll rescue Tyler and be safe!" He flew as fast as he could over the ocean. A day later, he was still flying over the ocean, and there were no signs of his home country and continent. He forgot that he had Executor to use, but he left it at his house, so he tried to get there as fast as he could and then he would try to get back as soon as he could. The farther away he got from the land of the demonic and undead, the faster that strange feeling went away. Days later, he finally got back to his home land. He arrived at his house and he began to search for Executor. He forget where he left it, so he had to look all over the house. After searching for it for an hour, he went and got a drink. As he closed the door to the refrigerator, he heard a clank. He moved it and Executor was right behind it. He took the sword and as he held it up in the air, he felt a strange burning in his hand. He dropped the sword and was shocked and confused because he was undead. Since he was undead he doesn't feel pain, but for some reason, he felt pain when he held Executor. He picked it up again, but this time, he felt the pain the second he touched it. He put a glove on and then he tried to pick up the sword, but he still felt the pain. He tried several methods, but none of them worked, so he gave up. He went to the pond that was right next to his house for a quick swim. He found someone floating there unconscious, so he went to investigate. When he got there, he was shocked to see who it was because he didn't expect to find out that the person in the water was Faith. He took her back to hi house and dried her up and placed her on his bed. Later on, when Faith woke up, she stabbed Zero right in the guy with her long nails, but she didn't know that the person was Zero. He pulled her hand out of his but and wiped the blod off of her hand and said, "Don't worry about it. I have to go now, Scar and the otehrs are in danger, and I left them to come back here, but it was a mistake because I just ended up wasting a lot of time." then he put on some new clothes and left his house. Faith came running after him and said, "Do you have to go so soon?" just as he was about to reply, a few people came and took Faith. He began to run after them, but someone punched and knocked him down, and then all of them flew off with Faith. After he got back up, he flew after them. He tried to keep up, but even when you're undead your body still reacts to injuries, so he had to let them get away. He rest in the forest and decided to rest. His body was physically exhausted. He wanted to go on, but his body wasn't responding as much, so he knew he had to rest. The next day, he woke up and began to fly. He knew he had to find Faith before it was too late, but he had no idea where she was taken. He went back home and got something to eat and something to drink. After he ate, he tried to think where they could have taken her, but he couldn't come up with anything. Then he took out a necklace that she gave to him earlier, so he placed it on the table and began to concentrate. He tried to picture her in his mind and he focused all of his mind and thought and energy into finding her. He tried this technique before, but it has yet to be success. He stayed there for hours just concentraiting on finding her. Elsewhere, Kisler finally woke up and the first thing he did was to go see Tyler. He wanted answers because he wanted to know who Zero was. He went to Tyler's cell and when he got there, he was gone? He franticly searched for him around the castle, but he couldn't find him. He went down stairs and looked for his friends. Later on, he found them in the torture chamber and found his friends getting ready to torture him. They had him strapped down on a cold metal table. It looked like that they were about to do some kind of surgery on him. As one of them is about to cut into Tyler's head, Kisler races in and kicks his friend who was going to cut Tyler. After that he said, "What the fuck are you guys doing!" "We're cutting him up to get his organs." One of them replied. "I told you not to lay a finger on him!" Kisler shouted back, "And I told you all of you to look for that bat guy!" Another one of his friends said, "Fine, but we had orders from you know who, to destroy and kill him." "I am getting sick of taking orders from those bastards!" Kisler replied.