Later on, Kisler came into Tyler's asylum room and woke up him. He said, "Do you know a blue bat?" Tyler looked up at him and straight into his eyes and said, " I don't know..." "What the hell do you mean?!" Kisler quickly retorted. "I don't know, a bat person somehow seems familiar, but I really don't remember," He replied, "but I don't even know why I am here, and why you're holding me here." "You're here because of what you and you're father did to me ten years ago!" Kisler shouted back. Kisler approached, and began to slightly crush Tyler's face with his own hands. Tyler began to have a vision. He saw Kisler getting blown away from some kind of explosion, and then he saw him fall into a pit of flesh eaters and as they ate away at his flesh, Tyler mentally felt all of the pain. It was overwhelming, so he began to scream. Kisler saw visions of Tyler fighting Zero, so he held on for a few more seconds. After a few more seconds, Kisler got blown back and Tyler fainted, and Kisler was exhausted from the action. He saw many things about Zero, but he did not know his name yet, but he did see that he had Executor, and somehow he knew of that sword. He knew he was in big trouble if Zero used that against him. He spent hours thinking about zero, and why he didn't use his sword. He remembered that he slightly sensed his presence. He decided to wait and see how things went. Elsewhere, in the middle of so me forest, Zergator woke up and saw Corra standing in the middle of the ray of light where there were no tress and noticed that there were wings coming out of her back. He tried to get up, but his body was really hurting, so before he could even ask what happened, he fainted. Later on, back where Zero was, he was still trying to locate Faith. He has been at it for more than a day, but he finally fell asleep. He had a vision and saw Faith. She had been taken to some kind of huge building in the middle of a huge city, and then he saw some people kill her, and then, he quickly woke up and was shocked by his vision of seeing her die. He tried to concentrate harder, and he felt a pulse in his own body that urged him to go west. He ran outside and blasted off into the air and decided that she had to have been taken west. Hours after hours, the more he flew west the move he felt a strange feeling which was almost like the one when he fought against Kisler. He knew that no matter what he did, time was still running out. After another day of flying, he finally reached a huge city. He decided to take a rest just outside of the city before he went in and made any drastic actions. Later on, he went into the city and tried to not call any attention to himself, so he walked around, bought some stuff. Then he noticed that a bunch of people gathered around a poster on the wall. He walked up to see what all the commotion was about. "After many years, Faith has been captured and her execution will be at sundown!" he said as he read the poster. He saw the location of the execution, so he got ready to bust her loose at the execution. Later that day, right before sundown, he was waiting at the coliseum, and then he saw a few people who were bringing out Faith, and she was in a straitjacket with all sorts of straps and buckles, and she was also tied to the pillar behind her. They placed her in the center of the area, and then, someone spoke to the entire audience and said, "After many years, we have finally found Faith! She is responsible for hundreds of deaths, but today, we shall make sure she harms no more!" then the person walked away, and out came a few people with spears. Zero noticed them because they looked like the people who took Faith away as he was trying to fly after them. They were getting ready to throw their spears into her, but then she screamed and sent a small sonic sound wave at one of the guards and knocked him back, so they had to put a muzzle around her face. There were a few guards with spears, and just as they were about to throw them, Zero ran out and tried to get Faith out of the way in time. He ran as fast as he could. As Faith closed her eyes, she heard a loud piercing sound, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that Zero ran in front of her and got hit by all of the spears, and then he fell and collapsed. the whole crowed was shocked. No one knew what was going on, or what they should do. All Faith could do is cry. She didn't expect to see him ever again. The guards dragged him to the side, and then they got more spears ready to throw at Faith. Just as they threw the spears at Faith again, all of them got deflected and bounced away by something, but the guards didn't know what, or who it was. It was Zero, he shot a huge energy blast to deflect all of the spears. Next thing, he got off of the ground and ran over to Faith and destroyed the pillar that she was tied around. He grabbed her and flew off at his maximum speed. Some archguards generated some wings and flew after them. He theup to him and tried to pull Faith away. They managed to pull her away, and just as they began to fly back, he drove bone daggers right through their heads. They both instantly died from that, so he swooped down and grabbed her and flew away.She fell asleep. When she woke up, Zero was gone, and she was still locked in the straitjacket. She was in a forest clearing where there were no tress. She inched around and squirmed, but she couldnt get out of the straitjacket. She also saw no signs of Zero, and she just saw an archguard fly by, so she went deep into a cave that was near her and decided to wait there until things cooled down. A little bit later on, Zero had just pulled the spears out of himself and began to head back and continue the search for Tyler with Scar and Taylor. Just as he took off, an archguard spotted him and began to fight him. It took him a while before he could defeat him. He flew away, but the other archguards spotted him as well, so he tried to make a break for it flew as fast as he could. He noticed that they agile in the air than he was, so he stopped and turned around so he could confront them. He rammed right into one of them and socked the him right in the gut. Then he surged over and grabbed onto the other archguard and flew down and smacked him against the ground. He flew off again, but the archguards didn't follow. The male archguard said, "Should we follow him?!" "No," the female archguard said, "he's too dangerous, that and he's Zero Henry!" The male archguard looked at her with a great surprised look on his face and said, "You mean that's the murder with that bounty on his head?!" "Yes," she replied, "we should report this to Lord Rain!" and then they both flew back and found the other archguard who fought Zero by himself, and then they all flew back together. Later on, Zero continued to fly and he soon flew over the sea. He was flying back to where Scar and Taylor were. He was exhausted from the spears piercing his body, so he crashed into the water and fell asleep. When he woke up he found himself at the bottom of the sea. He tried to fly back up, but his lunges were full of water, so he could only walk. He walked for hours, but it seemed like there was just more nothingness. After many hours of walking, he finally saw a wall of land that went above water. He walked around it until he found a cave which for some reason had a stairway. Many hours later he finally got out of the water. After getting all the water out of his system, he decided to take a hard earned nap. He had a dream, but he could barely make it out. He saw himself as a kid, but he didn't have his helmet on. The second he saw his younger self turn around, he woke up. He thought, "What the hell was that?! Was that me?! But..." and then he felt something rubbing up against him. He saw a sea serpant going slithering down the stiarway and its tail happened to touch him. He walked around and noticed that at the top of the stairs there were a few ways to go, so he went for the one right in front of him. The place reminded him of an old goblin domain, or temple of some kind. There were some giant door ways, but it looked like someone has already broken through them. He traveled deeper and deeper into the temple. He walked into a giant room and saw someone doing something in the center of the room. It was Tresta getting a necro talisman from a shrine, but he did not know who she was yet. His face just dropped, because he didn't expect to find one that wasn't at Kisler's place. He asked her, "Hello, miss, I need to ask you a huge favor. Can you give me that necro Talisman because it's an emergency." "No can do." Tresta replied, "But i've worked really hard to get this one and I need it because it's a matter of life or death!" Zero said, "Please!" Right after Zero said that, Kisler's friends came and said, "Tresta! Hand over that talisman, or else!" Zero got that strange feeling that he had when he fought Kisler and again when he rescued Faith, so He grabbed Tresta's hand and ran. She guided him out of the temple. He flew up into the air and asked her again for the talisman. Just as she said no, Kisler's friends came out of the temple and flew into the air as well. Tresta said to them, "He's got you're necro talisman!" and then she jumped off and began to run. Just as He tried to fly after her, one of Kisler's friends punched him to the ground. They all charged at him, but he got back up in time to defend himself and to evade their attacks. They kept striking him from a bunch of different directions, but he manged to evade most of them. They were too much for him to handle just with one arm, so he made a break for it and blasted off. They flew after him. After a few hours of hot pursuit, Zero saw Taylor, but he wasn't going to stop until he found Tresta, so he flew right past him. Taylor called him, but he had to ignore him. Then Taylor saw Kisler's servants/friends zooming right at him, so he charged at all of them and began to fight them. He just rammed into one of them, and then he tackled the other two to the ground and said, "Where is my son!" "What are you talking about!" one of them replied. "Don't fucking lie to me! I can slightly smell his scent all you!" Tylor said as he pounded one of them. Taylor kept charging art them relentlessly. He kept telling them that if they didn't give him back Tyler he would destroy them all, but they kept saying no. One of them managed to kick him right in the face and knocked him back. They fought for a while, but finally, Taylor got really pissed off and engulfed his fists in holy light energy. He ran up to them and killed two of them. The third one was afraid of him because he didn't know that he had holy light powers. Just as he was about to kill the other one, he decided not to use the holy light. He ran after him and just pounded him until he was dead. Then to make sure he wouldn't come back to life, he used the holy light to destroy the body. He decided to try and find Zero, so he flew off, but as he did, someone ran, but he didn't notice anything, so he kept on flying. Around that time, Tresta just got back to her place. She ran to where Scar was and found him sound asleep. She extracted the liquid from the talisman that she just got and poured it into both of his ears, and then the rest of it into his eyes. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and waited for him to awaken. As he woke up, he noticed that he was able to see and hear, and that his wounds were have healed even more. He started to cry and said, "I thought I would never hear or see again!" and then She hugged him, and then she said, "I did it all for you. I managed to get a hold of another necro talisman and used it to heal and rejuvenate you." "So, you saved me?!" Scar asked. "Yes!" Tresta replied. Scar jumped out of the bed and said, "I need to go, I have to help my friends rescue someone, and get revenge on the jerk who did this to me!" "Don't worry, You won't have to get any revenge, I took care of him." she said. "You know him!?" he quickly responded. "Yup!" she said "You should go help you're friends, and come back and visit okay?" "Sure thing!" he said, "But do you have to be rubbing my thighs?" At that moment, Zero ran into the room and asked Tresta for the necro talisman, but then he told him that she used it and it was gone, but then he saw Scar and said, "Where the hell have you been!" "Where the hell have I been?!" Scar replied, "Where the hell have you been!" Zero calmed down and said, "I found out where Tyler is, so all we need to do now is to find Taylor and we can rescue Tyler." They both left and as they were on their way, Taylor came. After they reunited, they headed for Kisler's mansion. Zero said, "You two know what to do one we are they?" "Yeah," Scar replied, "We break in, find Tyler and then we get the hell out of there!" "If you encounted a gargoyle, run, dont fight!" Zero stated, "That person isvery deadly, so stay as far away from him as possible. But in the event that you encounter him, I'll handle him!" "His name is Kisler." Taylor said. "How do you know his name?" Zero quickly responded. "It doesn't matter, but what does matter is that we get my son back!" They all got abck to the ship and ate some food and rested. Later, after sunset, they headed for Kisler's mansion. When they got there, they all went over their plan again. After they knew how to go about it, they got ready. Around that time, Kisler was feeling unsafe because his friends/servants have yet to return, so he had some of his last guards go and drug Tyler and escort him because he was planning on leaving. Two men came and picked Tyler up and got him onto his feet. As they were walking down the hall, one of the guards injected some drugs into his neck. He tried to resist, but he was helpless, so all he could do is just do as they wanted him to do. Scar came from the shadows and sliced the two men in half. He tried to Tyler out of the straitjacket, but for some reason nothing would work, so they headed for the rooftop. Meanwhile, at the rooftop, Zero flew and located Kisler, so as he began to swoop down at him, he said, "Kisler!!!" Kisler rolled out of the way and managed to evade Zero's attack. Just as Taylor was about to jump in and fight, Zero said, "No! Go help the others! Kisler is mine!" so Taylor ran off to go meet up with Scar and his son, Tyler. Both Scar and Talor ran into some guards. As Zero fought Kisler, he got that strange feeling again that he felt back when he fought Kisler for the very first time, and when he went to rescue Faith. The feeling continued to grow, and when he finally figured out what it was, it was too late because the place was swarming with undead beings. More and more came and then they were easily out numbered twenty to one at least. Zero told Scar to get Tyler out and ran for it while he fought Kisler and while Taylor fought off the rest of the undead. Scar tried to make a break for it to the edge of the rooftop, but a bunch of undead beings blocked the way, so he had to fight his way out. Taylor helped as much as he could, but he cleared the way for him and then he went over the ward off the undead beings from Zero. Zero and Taylor kept yelling at Scar to get Tyler out of there, so Scar and Tyler ran to the edge of teh rooftop, but it was really high up, and it was a long way down. At the bottom was huge pond, so they knew the only way to get out was to jump off. Just as Scar jumped off, Tyler passed out and fell off of the rooftop. They fell and smacked against the water. Back at the rooftop, Zero was overwhealmed by that feeling, so he gave one frantic punch to Kidler and flew away. Taylor had to do the same because there was just too many of them. Kisler told every one to forget them and to find Tyler and Scar. Scar kept searching for Tyler, but couldn't find him, and some time has passed, so he figured that he would run away before he got caught. After he got out of the water, Kisler and a bunch of guards ambushed him and captured him. They drugged him up and he fainted. Meanwhile, Tyler was at the bottom of the lake unconscious. A sea serpent came across him and noticed that he wasn't breatheing, so the sea serpent breathed air into his mouth. Tyler was able to breathe and came too. He noticed that he was under water and that someone was giving him air to breathe. The sea serpent then took Tyler and went about its business. Meanwhile, back at Taylor's ship, Zero and Taylor were exhausted. Theyw ere screaming backa nd forth at each other. After they calmed down, Zero said, "I'm sorry! I thought I had everything under control, but That strange feeling got to me!" "My son!" Taylor replied, "All we had to do was rescue my son! And buy time for Scar to get him out of there, but now we don't know if they even escaped in time!" They argued abck and forth for a while. Zero suddenly felt something within him that was calling to him, so he just ran away from Taylor. Taylor was about to go after him, but he decided not to and stayed at the ship. Zero kept running as if he was running for his life, and then some. He came across Tresta's house and just barged in. He found faith and charged at her, but she backed off and broke the wall and went outside. He followed her outside and said, "Please, Give me that necro talisman!" and then he stumbled over to her. Balrog came and said, "You shall not lay a had on my sister?!" "Stay out of this!" Zero replied in a painful voice, "Lives depend on it!" and then he knocked him out of the way and tried to grab the necto talisman from Tresta. Balrog came back and grabbed him, but Zero's wings opened up and knocked him back again. Zero fought her and punched rapidly with his one hand, but she managed to evade each attack. She started to fight back, but he also was able to evade all of them. He finally stopped and said, "Fine! You can keep the fucking necro talisman! But just do me one favor! Protect Scar and the others!" and then he ran off. As he ran off, his wings bulged out and grew, and then he blasted off into the air. Within an hour, he found the skeliton graveyard where the spirits told him of the necro talismans. When he got to a high platform, the wings ripped themselves out of his back and detached from his body and flew over the the statue. He was in great pain, even though he was undead. The spirits emerged and said, "Why did you fail to bring us a necro talisman!" "Kisler's was too well guarded!" Zero replied, "And how come you didn't tell me about those wings, or that strange feeling I feel when I am near another undead being?!" The spirits began to shift around and said, "Because we thought you knew! And the reason why you didn't die back when you fought that ragged minions was that one of our phyiscal spirits was still alive, and it can fuse with a living being near death and make that person undead, and unliving!" "You mean I almost died?!" He said was he was shocked to hear the truth, "All I want is enough necro talismans to bring myself back to life and healed, and enough to get you back on your feet!" "Just bring us back one, and then we can heal and generate your arm back!" The spirits said as they were leaving, "Then after that bring us four more so we can bring you back to life, and then after that, bring us 10 and we can take over from there..." The wings regenerated and recovered somehow, and then they flew back over to Zero, and attached itself to him and it felt like nothing had hapened. He flew off and began his search once again. Back where Taylor was, A sea serpant emerged and right at Taylor's boat and dropped off Tyler right in front of Taylor. He was so shocked to see his son that he immiately broke the seal on the straitjacket and got his him out of it. He began to cry with joy. He thanked the sea serpant. He tried to wake his son up, but he was exhausted, so he set sail and headed back for his home. He was going to wait for Scar and Zero to come back, but he had to get his son out of there. He planned on returning after he made sure that his son was safe. The sea serpant followed them until they were far from the continent. Taylor thought to himself, "Son, I'm so glad your back. I have to make sure that something like this will never happen again!" Meanwhile, Faith was still deep within the cave, and still in the straitjacket. She was getting very hungry, but was helpless, so she kept on going deeper and deeper into the cave. After hours of traveling and hallucinating, she found herself at some underground ruins. She was starving. She searched for food and somethign sharp so she could rip her straitjacket and get out of it, but there was nothing that could help. She sat down by a statue and looked at herself. She looked at her own chest, then down and past the straitjacket to her pants, and then to her bare feet. She then saw some bugs, and she figured that she could eat them, but just as she was about to, she started to hallucinate again, and then she was basically trapped in a nightmare that she could not wake up from. Minutes after minutes, she couldn't take much more of the hillucinations. They were too much for her which made it feel real to her. She fell back and onto her butt. She backed away franticly and up against the wall and was kicking back so hard that she was digging her feet into the ground. She pannicked so much that she fainted after a while of intense hallucinations. She woke up and looked around. She got spooked by something, and she fell back and rolled down a long ramp. When she got to the bottom, she noticed that she went deeper into the ruins of the city. She then rolled over and bumped into a statue. She leaned up against it and used it to help get herself off of the ground. After she got up, she examined teh statue. The statue blinked its eyes, as if it was alive, and then a strange power flowed through it. With in seconds the statue came to life and exploded with power. She got knocked back against a pillar and then some of the pill collapsed and a small piece fell on her head which ended up knoking her out and pushed her forward. The person continued to rage with power and finally walked towards her and said, "Zero!!!..." Later on, back where Zero was, Zero was looking around like mad for a necro talisman, but could not find anything. He was still wounded back from when those arch guards pierced him with their spears. He was outside of a huge city, but he was too tired to enter it, so collapsed around some bushes and fell asleep for the night. The next day, he woke up and found that his wounds have healed, but he couldn't figure out how because for something like that to heal would take weeks, or even months. He finally figured it out, and was very shocked to find out how he recovered like that, it was his wings. Those demonic wings healed him somehow. Wings meant alot to him, and even though those wings were not his, he felt strongly about as if they were his own. He wanted his own wings so badly, but he could never generate them, or had enough power to do so. He headed for the city and hoped to find a necro talisman, or at least some answers. He walked aroudn for a while. After getting really deep into the city, he decided to get some food and regroup. After his meal, he went and looked around the posts and say that a huge tournament was coming up, and he thought that should participate in it. He noticed that it was a team tournament so there would be more than one person on a regular team. The tournament would begin in two days, so he only had until then to find some strong fighters to team up with him. After many hours of searching, he came up with nothings, so he spent many hours thinking up of a plan. The next day he went to a healing shop and bought a bunch of recover potions, adn other healing items. He figured he would be a one man team in the tournament, so he would need a lot of aid between the rounds. He practiced for the rest of the day, and the next day he found the statium and waited for the tournament to begin. He registered his team as Team Zero, and the registration taker said, "Okay, how many people are in your team?" "One..." Zero replied. Right after he said that the person broke out laughing and said, "You're kidding right?" "No!" he screamed back. The person said, "Sorry, just usually a team is of at least 3 people. Also I don't think you'll last too long if you plan on fighting by yourself." "If I don't win, I'll at least make it to the finals!" he said as he finished the registration. After another few hours, the tournament was ready to begin. Over a hundred teams were registered, so only fifty of the teams wold make it to the next round. He watched all the fights until it was time for him to fight. The announcer announced, "Team Zero Versus Team DOT Three!" Zero walked down from the seats and onto the battleground. Team Dot Three had only three team members, so he figured that he would have no problem against them, but just as they got ready to fight, the judges said that no recover items, or any medical/healing items were allowed, so they took Zero's healing equipment and stored it in a safe. Zero's plan was ruined, so he had to save as much energy as he could. As the DOT Three decided who should go first, Zero shouted, "Why don't you all fight me at once!" The referee told Zero that he would be at a dissadvandtage, but before he could back out of it, the other team accepted, so the fight was set between Zero and all three members of the DOT Three. The referee said that anything goes, even death. The referee announced the the match has officially begun, so the DOT Three charged right at him. They took out their weapons and as they passed right by him, they all froze, and then they all collapsed. Zero killed them all almost instantly without using much energy, so he advanced to the next round. The entire crowed cheered. Some of the other contenstants were shocked, and slowly began to fear him. After the rest of the round one fights, round two started. By now it was night time and with the way things were going, round two would not finish until early into the morning. Zero saw more spectacular fights and really powerful and strange techniques that he had never seen before. Some teams were totally dominating, and some were evenly matched. Before he knew it, it was his time to fight again, so he went down to the field and into the ring. His opponent was Team RAPE, a four man team. They decided to go one by one, so he had to fight against a demon named Rex. Right as the referee shouted, "Begin!" Zero pointed his right shoulder at Rex and quickly generated a huge bone spear from his bone which extended and pierced right through Rex's head. He won the match in six seconds. AHe then retracted the bone spear into his body again and covered his right shoulder. Luckily no one sae that he had no right arm, because if they knew that, the would be able to take advantage of him in certain ways. Zero said, "Looks like Team RAPE has been downsized to Team APE!" Team RAPE decided who should fight next, so they sent in Akouru. When the match started, Zero decided to take him out as soon as he could, so he did the exact same thing as he against Rex, but this time, Akouru dodged it, and before he could retracted it, Akouru zoomed in and gave him a beatdown. After taking a lot of hits, he managed to grab Akouru's face. He began to crush his face and then he concentrated his power and fired energy right from his hand and right into Akouru's face, which ended up blowing his head off. Zero won again and then he said, "I think I'll go take a PE, oh wait, that's the name of your team now." Only two were left, so Palenkio decided to try his luck against him. They foght hand to hand for a while, but then Palenkio noticed that Zero never used his right hand. Zero sinked his claws into him and then extended his nails so that they were lodged in. He then began to fly and when he got high enough, he began to dive down. A few moments before he hit the ground he let go of Palenkio and flew off for a safe landing, but Palenkio smacked right against the ground. Since he did not get up after a minute, Zero won. People were shocked to see one person dominate so much. The last member of Team RAPE was Elkfire. The match begun and started off with a lot of action. Elkfire was much faster than the others, possibly faster than Zero. He couldnt keep up with him, so he though that he could just punch randomly and he would get him. After a few punches, Zero's plan worked and he managed to hit Elkfire a few times. They charged at each other again and Elkfire just exploded with punches. Zero dodged about half of the punches, but then Elkfire began to heat up and was soon engulfed in flames. Zero had to back off because he couldn't withstand the fire. He dodged Elkfire for a while and then he decided to just finish him off, no matter what. He charged right at him and generated a sword and managed to cut Elkfire in half. Zero won the match, but then, he fell to his knees. He got burt a bit, and used up a lot of his energy, but he didn't have to fight anymore that day because round three would begin in the afternoon, so after the rest of the matches of round two, all the fighters were escorted to their rooms, which had food, drinks, beds, communication crystals, and much much more. He got something to eat, then took a bath, and as he was about to go to bed for the night, he decided to make a call. He tried to contact Talylor on his ship, but there was no answer, so he tried Taylor's house, even though he didn't think he would pick up, but he did. Zero said, "Did you and Scar and Tyler make it back okay?!" "Yes we did, but," Taylor repied, "Scar never came so I had to get my son away form there!" Zero was shocked to hear that he didn't know where Scar was and said, "But if he's not with you, then could he be in trouble?! Fuck! I gotta go, I have to find Scar!" then he went to bed for the night. In the morning, all the contenders went back to the stadium and waited for the next round to start. Zero started the first match against Team Kisler. Zero was shocked and fuck pissed that Kisler was also participating in the tournament. Kisler and Zero stepped onto the battle field, and the entire crowed was shocked. Both Team Zero and Team Kisler only consisted of one person. The match begun and they both started things light and easy. They fought for minutes, and then they both powered up and attacked eachother again. More minutes past by and they both began to tired because it was one intense fight. Kisler had the upper hand, so Zero figured that there was only one way to win, and that was to do his ultimate attack which uses all of his energy, so he began to surge up. Kisler said, "How far are you willing to go to win?!" "What do you mean?!" Zero replied as he continued to surge up. "You are going to have to make a choice!" Kisler said, "To beat me and go on to the next round, or to save your friend!" Zero slowed down and began to power up less and said, "You mean, Scar?!" "I don't know his name, but he is a white tiger, and I have captured him!" Kisler said very calmly. "No!" Zero quickly responded, "You lie! Scar got away with Tyler!" "Tyler yes, Scar didn't." Kisler said, "And now I and now I am going to either go on to the next round, or I'll do unimaginable things to your friend Scar." Zero got angry and began to surge up even faster than he did before. Just as he got to the peak of his power and got ready to give one last devistating attack, they looked at each other in the eyes.