Kisler knew that Zero was willing to kill him and go to the next round, so he said, "I forfeit." Everyone was shocked to hear that because Kisler was a fan favorite, and champion, so the referee and Zero asked him if he was serious, and he, "Yes, Now end this match and declare Zero as the winner," so the referee declared Zero as the winner. "What are you doing!" Zero shouted. "You win, because I'm not willing to die, so I'll go torture your friend instead." Kisler replied as he began to leave the field. "You coward!" Zero scream and began to run after him. "Stop!" the referee said, "If you leave now you'll be disqualified and won't be able to participate for the rest of the tournament." "But he kidnapped my friend and he might even kill him!" Zero said. The referee said, "Maybe, but there is a lot at stake here on this tournament, which even might be fore important than you friend's life, but I doubt that Kisler would kill your friend because he likes to play mind games with them. "You better be right..." Zero said as he stopped surging up and cooled down. After the next wave of matches, it came down to fifteen teams left, but only 14 could fight. So one team would go onto the next round without fighting. The randomizer selected Zero, so he got to sit things out and watched more fights. Hours later, it was time for the next round and only eight teams left. Zero was the last one to fight in the round, so he went onto the field. It was Team Zero versus Team Carnage. Team Carnage had five members, and all of them were really tough because Zero saw some of the things that they could do, so was slightly worried. For the first match it was Zero against Hanzil. The match started and Hanzil delivered some quick and powerful attacks. Before Zero knew it, he was punched in the gut and somewhat paralyzed form it, but then he fainted and passed it, but then he rose up like a zombie and everything went black, but when he woke up, Hanzil was lying in a puddle of blood and Zero was the winner of that fight. He wondered what happened, and why he had blood on his face and helmet. The crowd cheered for Zero. He noticed that most of the people in the crowed were demons. Next round it was Zero versus Pain. Pain used a bunch of swords and knives. When the match started, Pain took out two swords and headed right for him. Zero quickly generated a sword from back and used that to fight with. After a while of blocking, Pain managed to cut Zero's chest. He tried to hit Pain with his sword, but he was too slow, so he dropped the sword and flew right too him. Out of nowhere his wings extend and impale Pain and suck the lifeforce out of him. After Pain was killed, Zero's demonic wings grew a little bit, and he felt some energy flow into him. The next match he had to fight Carnage himself! Carnage was the team captain and figured that he should take out Zero as soon as possible. Zero as afraid because he saw what Carnage could do. Carnage was very skilled at using his energy and also using it as a weapon. The match started and Zero Kept his distance. He ran around as Carnage fired energy blasts. Zero zoomed in for a close attack, but Carnage counted quickly and got some extra hits in and he finished his attack with a huge energy blast which blew Zero out of the ring. Zero was smoking a bit due to the damage of the energy blast. He started to get weak and tired, so she got back in the ring and tried to fight again. He surged up and reached the peak of his power. Just as Zero was about to fire it, Carnage began to run at him, but then Zero quickly turned to his side and fired his bone spear from his right shoulder, but this time full of energy. Carnage was moving really fast, but he got it by it. Zero thought he pierced his head, but after he did the attack, Carnage got back up. Everyone saw that Zero took out his eye. Zero used up most of his energy to do that attack, so he was almost out. Carnage got pissed and began to power all the way up. Minutes went by and he continued to power up. Zero said, "What are you doing?! With that kind of power you could hurt some innocent people!" "I don't care!" Carnage replied, "As long as I defeat you! That's all that matters!" "This guy is fucking nuts!" Zero shouted. Zero fired one last energy blast at him, but just as it was about to reach Carnage, Carnage fired his, and it was a huge one. Zero couldn't get out of the way in time, so as it was about to hit him, his wings detached and then as the energy blast struck, it caused a huge flash. After the smoke cleared, and when the flash went away, Zero was still standing and was still blocking with both of his arms, but then he saw his demonic wings in front of him all burnt up. His wings detached and blocked Zero from the attack, but by doing that, the wings were dead. Zero began to cry because not only did he lose the wings, but because the wings was a living being and it died. He summoned the strength and done a vociferous battle cry and charged right for Carnage. He generated wings from his own energy and hovered and speeded up. He flew right into Carnage. Everything went black for him and when he came to again, Carnage was on the floor and both Zero and him were covered in blood. After that, he collapsed. He managed to get up and off of the ground, but he was hurting badly. There were two members left on Team Carnage, but he hoped that they would quit because he didn't feel like fighting. "Please just forfeit!" he thought to himself as they were deciding on what to do. A demon by the name of Rest in Peace was his next opponent. Just as the match started, Zero took out his right shoulder again and fired a bone spear right into Rest in Peace's head. Rest appeared to e dead, but just as the referee was bout to announce Zero the winner, he ran came back to life and ran to Zero and held on to him and then he exploded! Zero was badly hurt, and he still had one more opponent left. The referee asked him if he was okay and he said yes, so they got ready for the next match. Zero had a hard time staying on h is feet, but he finally managed to hold his ground. It came down to Zero versus Kai. When the ref said, "Begin!" they both stood still for a while. They were looking right into each other's eyes, and after a while, Zero collapsed. If he did not get up soon, he would lose the match, but it appeared that he was unconscious, so the ref gave him a minute to get up. After a minute, the judge ruled that Zero has lost, but then Zero got up. He already lost, but they he asked Kai if he would let it slide. Since Zero was basically half dead, Kai accepted, so the fight was still on. The crowd cheered because they wanted to see some real action. Kai rushed in and began to rapidly punch him. Zero could only block about less than half of his attacks, so he tried to do a quick sneak attack, but Kai caught him off guard and punch him right in the face. At that moment they both stopped and Zero's head was still turned around from the punch and Kai's arm was still in the air right as he punched him. Almost an entire minute past before Zero turned his head back towards Kai. He quickly generated another bone spear and fired it right at Kai. It was a direct hit, but it only hindered him because he dodged some of it. Kai got fuck pissed and started to power up. His energy became red and soon it was like red steam around him. He put all of his energy into his fist and he ran right up to him and just as he was about to punch, Zero got ready to block it with his arm. Kai punched his arm. It appeared that the attack failed, but after a few seconds, Zero began to bleed from all over his body. He had huge cuts everywhere, as if he was sliced with a bunch of blades. The blood was spraying out of his body like a leaking gas line. He couldn't stop the bleeding and after a while he fell to his knees. He was trying to stand up and not fall all the way down to the ground, but the rapid blood loss hindered him greatly. He finally fell to the ground and it looked like he died. Kai was exhausted from that attack. The referee checked if he was still alive, but did not pick up any life signs. Kai fell back onto his but and sighed with relief. The referee called for some helpers to take Zero's corpse off of the field. Just as they were about to pick him up, all of a sudden he got very angry. Everyone was shocked to see that he was still alive. He was surging up like never before and began to scream from the power up. Everyone could tell that he was in horrible pain, but somehow he continued to power up. Bones were coming out of him from every part of his body. It looked like he was generating some kind of bone armor, but then he got up and then his power exploded. A quick white black flash blinded everyone for a few seconds, but when it cleared up, they saw that he was in some kind of energy bubble. It looked like he was asleep inside of it, almost like a baby would look like inside her mother. The energy was sparking all around the bubble, like electric shocks. Kai was scared and did not know what to do. He decided to take him outside of the ring so he would not have to kill him to win. He jumped into the air. Just as he was about to grab him, he woke up. The bubble broke and he was covered in slime. He smacked Kai right to the ground. He fell down too, but when he got up, everyone saw that he changed. He was covered with light bone armor which covered most of his body. He was all pointy and sharp as well, but the innocent look in his eyes were gone. He picked up Kai with just his one arm and tossed him into the audience. The referee didn't know what to do, but after a few minutes, Kai did not get back in the ring so Zero was the inner. He left the ring and waited for the next round to start. Meanwhile, Scar woke up. He was lying down, but he just came too for the first time ever since he was captured by Kisler. His eye sight was blurry, but he knew that he was in some kind of soft surface, possibly a bed. He was trying to move, but he was so out of it that it felt like he was trying to lift heavy weights. After about an hour of waking up, he finally felt better. He sat up and looked around the room. It had puffy padded walls. The floor and ceiling was puffy too. Kisler came in the room, and Scar got ready to defend himself, but then he noticed that he was in a straitjacket. He was freaked out because he could not do anything and he was totally helpless. He tried to kick him, but Kisler grabbed his bare foot and pushed him back into the conner of the room. As Kisler got closer, Scar tried to back up to get away, but he was in the corner of the room so there was nowhere to go. Kisler began to crawl on his knees and smelled Scar's bare feet. Then he licked them. Scar began to twitch and continued to be afraid. Kisler moved up Scar's body and sniffed his face. He licked his face a bit and said, "I love the smell of fear!" "What do you want with me?" Scar said as he trembled in fear. "If it was up to me I would make the rest of your life a living hell!" Kisler replied, "But someone values you and is willing to pay a fortune for you, alive and unharmed." "What?!" Scar said with great concern. "I've sold you!" Kisler screamed, "And he is going to be here any minute to pick you up and take you home! And don't count on your friend Zero either!" "Zero wont let me down!" Scar said with great determination, "I'm sure he is doing everything that he can to get me out of here!" Kisler grinned and said, "Afraid not! I found him participating in a tournament, which is a fight to the death, and I faced him, but then I forfeited so I could come back here and torture you before your master comes to pick you up!" "Your lying!" Scar shouted, "If that really happened Zero would have gone after you!" "Wrong again Scar!" Kisler responded, "I told him that he could come after me, but if he did, he would have been disqualified from the tournament, so as I told him how I as going to torture you, he just stood there so he could continue in the tournament. I can't blame him because I guess the tournament is more important than anything, even his best friend's life!" "No..." Scar said as he began to cry, "Zero..." Kisler hugged him firmly, and after a few moments, he picked him up and turned him around and grabbed some of the straps on the back of his straitjacket and began to drag him. Scar kicked and screamed and tried to resist in every way, but it was totally useless. He was crying his heart out. He took him outside to the front yard and had a few guards escort him to a wagon. A person covered in heavy clothes got his own servants to pay Kisler. They brought a huge chest of money. They left with Scar, and Kisler was left with a huge fortune.