I have traveled many galaxies, in search for my bounty, but its more Than just a bounty, the person is a killing machine and only seeks more and more power. We both have traveled through space in a big game of chase, but I've been after my bounty so long now that I start to forget why I am doing this. My bounty is also a strata demon, much like me. Our bodies can't handle many environments except for space itself, our home planet, so we are covered in high tech armor and masks to shield us from what could harm us. As I pursuit my bounty in space, I bet he forgets why he is running as well. We've both have been flying in space for who knows how long, so my bounty starts to prepare to orbit a strange sandy like planet. As he folds his arms and legs, I begin to do the same thing and as we both head for the planet a bubble consumes us both that protects us from harm as we crash into the planet. At the last minute he gets out of his bubble and heads for the other side of the planet, but I could not follow him because I have already been in the bubble for too long so I could not get out of it. We both crashed randomly somewhere on the planet. And mow, I start the hunt once again. After a few moments of being in the sand, the strata demon bounty hunter gets up and begins to look around. He notices that there at least a few suns which made the place very bright, so he programed his visors to extra dark so it would seem like a normal amount of light to him. He noticed that it was very hot so his suit automatically cooled down to keep him at a normal temperature. After all of the adjustments he began to search for the other strata demon in hope to finally finish what ever that have started. It has been many spaces days since he has had anything to eat, so he had to find some source of food and then scan it to make sure that it wont mess him up and then convert it into raw energy and then consume it. As he remembered he forgot why he was after the other strata demon because he remembered that the other demon would some times go after him and he would be running from him, but he could not figure out why and as time went on he slowly forgot more and more. He looked around, but he could not find something to eat. He decided to walk away from the sun because these strata demons are sensitive to raw sun light even in their armored suits. After walking for a long time he sees a rock and out of nowhere he gets shocked, almost spooked to see it. He ran over to the rock and took his fist high into the air and energy started to flow through his hand. After a while of charging up, he hits the rock with his fist and the rock shattered like glass, but then the shards turned into raw energy and he was able to consume it to feed himself. He absorbed the energy through his hands which was odd because most life forms consume food through with their mouths. After consuming the rock, he found some shade and waited for night to come so he could roam easier. Almost a space day went by before it became night and once it was night, he dashed across the desert in hopes to find the other strata demon. After a while of just dashing across the large sand dunes he sees a small village and figures that he could ask them if they have seen the other strata demon. When he got into the village every one was shocked to see the strata demon and they tried to speak to him but he could not understand the language and they could not understand him either, so he walked up to one of the villagers and his helmet expanded slightly and 2 tentacle like things came out of it and they both went into the villager's ears and into his brain. The villager appeared to be stunned by pain and as the strata demon was extracting information the other villager's took their swords out and pointed them at him. After a few more seconds his small tentacles come out and back into the strata demon's helmet and the helmet closes and the villager collapsed and fainted. "That's much better" the strata demon said as he picked up the fainted villager. The people were shocked that the strata demon could speak to them. Then the strata demon told them, " He'll be fine, since he passed out as I was disconnecting form him we are both OK and he'll be fine, but he just needs to rest for now." "Who are you and why did you come to our village?" one of the villagers asked. "I've come in search for another being of my kind and he came to this planet." The strata demon responded, " and if your friend had not fainted when he did, him and I would both be out for a few days at least because to disconnect from someone's brain takes a ton of energy from both me and the person who I am connected with." "How do you speak our language?" the people asked. "I read his mind and was able to learn the language within seconds as well as other knowledge that he knew of." The strata demon replied. They talked for hours and soon days and after a few days the person who the strata demon connected with woke up and the whole village was happy to see the person well and back in good condition. The strata demon thanked them and was on his way to find the other strata demon that he has been searching for so many space years. As the strata demon ran towards the direction of the moon he began to think," I know you are out there somewhere, but the farther we part from each other the worse I feel and yet I don't know why that is, but, I must find you, where ever you are..." I've traveled many galaxies, in search for my bounty, but its more than just a bounty, the person is a killing machine and only seeks more and more power. We both have traveled through space in a big game of chase, but I've been after my bounty so long now that I start to forget why I am doing this. My bounty is also a strata demon, much like me. Our bodies can't handle many environments except for space itself, our home planet, so we are covered in high tech armor and masks to shield us from what could harm us. As I pursuit my bounty in space, I bet he forgets why he is running as well. We've both have been flying in space for who knows how long, so my bounty starts to prepare to orbit a strange sandy like planet. As he folds his arms and legs, I begin to do the same thing and as we both head for the planet a bubble consumes us both that protects us from harm as we crash into the planet. At the last minute he gets out of his bubble and heads for the other side of the planet, but I could not follow him because I have already been in the bubble for too long so I could not get out of it. We both crashed randomly somewhere on the planet. And mow, I start the hunt once again. After a few moments of being in the sand, the strata demon bounty hunter gets up and begins to look around. He notices that there at least a few suns which made the place very bright, so he programed his visors to extra dark so it would seem like a normal amount of light to him. He noticed that it was very hot so his suit automatically cooled down to keep him at a normal temperature. After all of the adjustments he began to search for the other strata demon in hope to finally finish what ever that have started. It has been many spaces days since he has had anything to eat, so he had to find some source of food and then scan it to make sure that it wont mess him up and then convert it into raw energy and then consume it. As he remembered he forgot why he was after the other strata demon because he remembered that the other demon would some times go after him and he would be running from him, but he could not figure out why and as time went on he slowly forgot more and more. He looked around, but he could not find something to eat. He decided to walk away from the sun because these strata demons are sensitive to raw sun light even in their armored suits. After walking for a long time he sees a rock and out of nowhere he gets shocked, almost spooked to see it. He ran over to the rock and took his fist high into the air and energy started to flow through his hand. After a while of charging up, he hits the rock with his fist and the rock shattered like glass, but then the shards turned into raw energy and he was able to consume it to feed himself. He absorbed the energy through his hands which was odd because most life forms consume food through with their mouths. After consuming the rock, he found some shade and waited for night to come so he could roam easier. Almost a space day went by before it became night and once it was night, he dashed across the desert in hopes to find the other strata demon. After a while of just dashing across the large sand dunes he sees a small village and figures that he could ask them if they have seen the other strata demon. When he got into the village every one was shocked to see the strata demon and they tried to speak to him but he could not understand the language and they could not understand him either, so he walked up to one of the villagers and his helmet expanded slightly and 2 tentacle like things came out of it and they both went into the villager's ears and into his brain. The villager appeared to be stunned by pain and as the strata demon was extracting information the other villager's took their swords out and pointed them at him. After a few more seconds his small tentacles come out and back into the strata demon's helmet and the helmet closes and the villager collapsed and fainted. "That's much better" the strata demon said as he picked up the fainted villager. The people were shocked that the strata demon could speak to them. Then the strata demon told them, " He'll be fine, since he passed out as I was disconnecting form him we are both OK and he'll be fine, but he just needs to rest for now." "Who are you and why did you come to our village?" one of the villagers asked. "I've come in search for another being of my kind and he came to this planet." The strata demon responded, " and if your friend had not fainted when he did, him and I would both be out for a few days at least because to disconnect from someone's brain takes a ton of energy from both me and the person who I am connected with." "How do you speak our language?" the people asked. "I read his mind and was able to learn the language within seconds as well as other knowledge that he knew of." The strata demon replied. They talked for hours and soon days and after a few days the person who the strata demon connected with woke up and the whole village was happy to see the person well and back in good condition. The strata demon thanked them and was on his way to find the other strata demon that he has been searching for so many space years. As the strata demon ran towards the direction of the moon he began to think," I know you are out there somewhere, but the farther we part from each other the worse I feel and yet I don't know why that is, but, I must find you, where ever you are..." The next morning, somewhere across the planet, the other strata demon is being cached by a giant desert worm and the strata demon has not been able to recharge up like the other strata demon that searches for him. The strata demon runs for his life, but the worm catches up and manages to constricted its body around him only leaving his upper body visible. The worm started to constricted even more and crushing the strata demon's body. The strata demon started to scream because of the pain. When the worm constricted even more, the strata demon's mouth opened even more and then the strata demon shouted out in pain. After a few more moments of being crushed, a large tentacle comes zooming out of his mouth and as it is zooming it gets bigger and when it reached the sand worm, it blew away its head and then what was left of the worm collapsed and the tentacle zoomed right back into the strata demon's mouth and then back into his throat. The strata demon began to consume the dead worm, but its DNA strcture was very complex, so it took the strata demon over 6 hours before he could even consume it. After the strata demon ate it he noticed that the strata demon that was after him found him, so he ran away and after a while of running he jumped into the air and began to gain a lot of speed and was soon out of the planet's atmostsphere, but the other strata demon followed him into space as well. The other strata demon managed to catch up with him and as they were about to touch each other, they suddenly remembered their past long ago, but not long enough, and right at that moment the strata demon screamed and then he started to accelerate even faster and then he went into a worm whole, but before the other strata demon caught up, the worm whole closed, and as that worm whole closed, all the memories that they both remembered vanished and they both forgot everything. Now, all alone in space, the strata demon screams out with a vociferous cry and began the hunt once again, but this time, he has no idea where the other strata demon is. Meanwhile back at Earth, Scar was undergoing some intense training. Scar has his sword out and standing very still and waits for something. When a drop of Scar's sweat smacked against the ground a person came out of nowhere and hit Scar in the back and then the person stops. Scar almost collapses and falls to the ground and holds him self up with his arms and breathes heavily while all the sweat drops drip off of his soaked face. "Scar, you got distracted, why did you get distracted?" the person said who is Scar's mentor. "The sound of my sweat splatting against the ground broke my concentration." Scar answered as he continued to breathe heavily. The mentor said, " Lies! You are pre occupied with thoughts and tender feelings and concers for others." "Yeah, that too, It's hard for me to train while my best friend is missing and that his friend has been kidnapped and has yet to be found..." Scar said as he shooked his whole body to shake off the sweat," Salondrus, I must go and find my friends, so that I can rest and train properly." Scar got up and off the floor and began to fix up a meal. As Salondrus left the room, Scar noticed that they were out of spices to cook the food with, so Scar told Salondrus that he would run out and buy some spices, but Salondrus did not hear him and Scar waited for a reply, but there was no reply. Scar went to Salondrus' room and notices that he was talking to someone through a crystal, so Scar snook up and listened to their conversation. "Salondrus, when will this hyper shaman of yours be ready for combat?" the mystery person said. "A few months at least, and now he wishes to stop his training for a while while he finds his friends that are currently missing." Salondrus replied. "No!" The mystery person said, "He must finish his training as soon as possible, at all costs..." Saldrus said, "At all costs, but if I keep him here at all costs he will think that I have turned on him and that I am one of the bad guys!" "Just do it and make sure he doesn't leave the temple before his training is complete!" The mystery man said as he channeled out." At that moment Scar came in and told him that he was going to run to the market and pick up some spices and other ingreedients for the meal that he was going to make. Salondrus insisted that he would go get the stuff while Scar would stay and train some more, so Scar agreed. Scar thought to him self and woundered why that person wanted him to finish the training at all costs, so Scar decided to stay and train and play things out and sees what will happen. Scar trained some more, but after an hour there was still no sign of Salondrus and Scar was getting very hungry. Scar decided to practice the sight beyound sight fighting style and he closed his eyes, but then he heard something so he stopped the training. He smelled the air and noticed that someone else was in the room, so he screamed out and told who ever was hiding better come out. Out of the dark a person walks into the light and the person was a ninja of some kind. Scar demanded to know the ninja's name, but the ninja did not answer him and then the ninja took out a sword and began to fight Scar. Scar took out his sword and fought back. The ninja backed off and took out some ninja stars and threw them at Scar. Scar managed to dodge most of them but the last 2 cut his face and chest. The ninja finally spoke and said, "There is a huge bounty on you head, but only if I bring you in, alive." and Scar freaked out because he knew of no bounty on him, but the ninja was very powerful, so all Scar could do is fight on. Scar manage to grab the ninja's sword, but when he had 2 swords the ninja came up and done a round house kick right in Scar's face. Scar dropped the swords and almost collapsed, but his hands broke his fall. The ninja jumped onto scar's back and pounded him for a while. Scar manged to turn around and scraped the ninja right in the chest with his massive tiger claws. The ninja backed off for a few seconds, but then the ninja ran right up to scar and jabbed him right in the neck and scar collapsed and fainted. The ninja \was getting ready to take Scar, but then the front gate started to open so the ninja packed up and left Scar in a puddle of blood and said, "I'll catch you next time we meey, Scar!" When Salondrus came back he saw that Scar was lying in a puddle of blood and that there was blood everywhere. Salondrus ran up to Scar and asked him who did this, but Scar was unconcious. Scar then had a dream, he heard a voice that said, "Scar, where are you?! Where is Zero?! Where is my father?!" and then Scar woke up and he found himself in bandages that covered hsi wounds. Salondrus said, "Who did this to you?" "It was a ninja who said that I have a bounty on me and that I was wanted alive." Scar said while going through some pain. "You rest, and when you get better we shall train even harder and pump it up a notch." Salondrus said as he left the room. Scar fell abck asleep and dreamed again. About a week later Scar's wounds were patched up. As Scar got out of the bed, he heard the same voices again as he heard in his dream. Scar knew that someone was calling him, but he could not figure out who it was. Later that day Scar continued his training with Salondrus and began to go over the some moves. Salondrus told Scar that this move can be deadly for both the person who is being attacked and the attacker. Scar drew his sword and waited for Salondrus to make a move. Salondrus told scar to focus his energy and try to block the attack that he was about to do. Salondrus powered up and backed up and then threw a punch, but the punch did not rach Scar, but then it appeared that a red dragon made of blood came out of Salondrus' fist and at that moment as the attack was heading right for Scar, Scar heard the voices again and found out who was calling to him, it was the dragon Tyler! Just as Scar figured it out, the red dragon attack hit Scar directly and Scar was blown back against the wall and then the dragon vanished, but Scar was in pain, a pain that a person only feels when they loose a lot of blood. Salondrus ran up to Scar and asked him why he did not try to evade the attack, but all Scar said was, "He is calling to me, I must wa findd him and set him free..." and then Scar fainted. Scar had a dream after he fainted. He heard someone calling to him, "Scar, Scar... Please... Find me.... Please...." and then scar woke up from the dream and looked at himself. He was covered with bandages all around his body. Then Scar thought to himself, " I have to get out of here, and find him, Tyler, who is calling me. But I know that Salondrus is under orders not to let me leave this place, but I can't just screw that por dragon who only wants to be released and resscued." so Scar decided to leave in a few more days without telling Salondrus. A few days later Scar packed up and got ready to leave, but as he was going to the main gate, Salondrus was waiting. "Salondrus, I must go and find him, he is in great pain and his calls won't stop, so I have to find him and resscue him." Scar said with a load of determination on his face. "I cannot let you leave, my master wants you to complete your training before you even think of going anywhere." Salondrus said as he was getting up off of a chair, "You don't know the half of it anyways, so I will ask you one more time. Stay here and train." "Scar dropped all his bags and said, "Fuck no!" Scar took out his katana and Salondrus came at Scar with full force. Before Scar could even defend himself Salondrus punched up right in the gut. After a few seconds of being stunned by the punch, Scar threw the his sword down and backed up. Scar then rushed at Salondrus, but he missed. Right at that moment Salondrus elbow slamed Scar right on the head. Scar couldn't match the speed of Salondrus, so he just stayed there and began to focus and power up anf gather all his energy. And then he started to hear those voices again, "You have to run. Run far away. Please, get away from him!" and then Scar bursted with spped towards Salondrus and as he was about to ram right into him, Salondrus side stepped and kicked him right in the gut. Scar was so hurt by that attack that he began to cough up a little blood. Salondrus didn't want to waste anymore time so he just pounded on Scar for a few minutes until he made Scar faint. After Scar passed out, Salondrus noticed that his face was bleeding and that Scar managed to scrape his face. Elsewhere, Zero Henry was standing up high on a tree branch which was higher than most of the trees in the entire forests. He was gazing up at the loominis moon through out the night. After the moon was full, Zero took out his violin and began to play it. He played it very lound all night long. When the sun began to rise he stopped and went to another tree branch on a shorter tree where it was very dark in the forests and he fell asleep. When night came once again he woke up and waited for the moon to reveal itself. When the moon finally was at its peek, he took out the violin once again and began to play it. He played it until the moon was gone, or when the run began to rise, which ever came first. The moon vanished during the night, so he waited for it but it did not come back, so he fell asleep and woke up the next day as the sun was setting. Zero got his violin ready again and waited for the moon to fully appear again. When it did, he began to play his violin again all night until the moon past, or if the run was about to come up. Later on, the sun began to rise, but the moon had not yet pass, but he got very sleepy and went back and fell asleep for the day. Once again, he woke up before the sun set. This time he began to play his violin before the moon had even showed. Soon after the moon had come out and shined down at its fullest. Zero played all night long and even when the sun started to rise, he kept on playing. An hour after an hour, he started to play the violin bad and basically collapsed, and fell off of the tree branch and deep into the forests. He woke up and the sun was just about to set, so he looked for his violin, but he could not find it. He began to panic because every second he spent looking for his violin, the sun would set more. He noticed some foot prints and he decided to follow them because he thought that someone might have taken his violin. He started walking, and then he picked up his pase a bit, and soon he began to run, and soon after that he began to run even faster as if it was a life or death situation. After a few moments of running he found a groupt of people, and he screamed out to them and asked them for his violin back. One of the people out of the few said no deal. Zero asked again, but this time he asked more franticly. They told him that it was their violin now and if he did not leave they would kill him. Zero asked again, but this time with an almost crying voice. They told him that they are bandits and that they can't have anyone knowing where they assemble, so the person who appeared to be the leader told the four others to take him out. Zero screamed out, "I must have that violin back!" and he ran up and broke one of the bandit's nose. Then he ran up to another one andbroke his jaw bone. The other two bandits were afriad, so they both rushed at Zero, but Zero punched them both in the rib cage and shattered some ribs. After that, he began to twich and shufled over to the bandit leader and told him that he needed that violin now. The bandit took out two swords and told him to try to mess with him now. So Zero kicked the bandit's left arm and twisted it, and then he double punched the bandit's other arm and totally dislocated it. He then saw that the violin was over near a tree where the supplies were, so he went towards it. He took his violin back and he was overwhelmed with joy, but then one of the other bandit's took the leader's swords and cut Zero twice on the back and in seconds there was blood everywhere. Zero turned around and and grabbed the bandit's face with his mighty claw like hands, and he began to crush his face. And after a few seconds of crushing, the bandit's face crumbled and blood splattered everyone, and he was covered in blood. Hero quickly grabbed the violin and the rest of his equipment and ran back to the tree that he had played in for the last few nights. He got up to a high branch, but it wasn't the one that he played in all those nights. He tossed up the violin and the player very high up into the air, and then he jumped up and over the top branch and caught the violin and player in mid air and began to play it as he landed on the top branch. Right at that moment the sun had setted and the moon was at its fullest already. He played even louder than the other nights all night long. Even when the sun began to rise he played. After many hours it was almost night again and even though he had lost a tremendous amount of blood, he continued to play. When the sun began to set Zero began to feel a lot of pain, but he tried to ignore it so that he could keep playing. The pain kept building up and up, and it got to the point where he almost couldn't take it anymore. It was night time, again, and just as it fully became night time, It appeared that wings bursted and sprouted out of his back. The wings spreded out fully and were covered in blood which dripped all over Zero and the tree as if it was a stream of blood. For a ew seconds he managed to play the violin even louder and his wings folded up to amplify the music. His wings seemed to have trouble staying up and it looked like as if they were retracting and then the violin broke and shattered and he began to faint and he fell off of the tree and deep into the forests covered in blood, but when he fell to the ground, his wings were gone. Zero tired to get up, but he was struggling and he said, "I'm sorry, I will find you, and set you free..." and then he dragged himself a few feet and said, " ...and you, I promiss, i'll protect you, I won't let anything happend to you... then he caughed up some blood and said, "Where are you?! I know i made a promiss, but I don;t know where you are..." he then saw a ghost of some kind, of a white tiger girl and she said, "Please, keep that promiss..." and he was shocked to see a spirit of some kind and he said as he began to cry," How can it be?! I haven't seen you ever since we were children!" and then he fainted. Meanwhile, at Kisler's castle. Kisler watched Tyler in the the room. He seemed to take perverse pleasure that Tyler was going insane for some reason, but watched Tyler for too long now. He felt that he had already made Tyler go mad, and what was the point now, so he woke Tyler up from his nightmare and brought his sanity back over time, just to make him go insane all over again. Over time, Kisler managed to bring Tyler back to good mental health, but it was soon to be brought back to bad health because Kisler had a very sick plan to brake Tyler's sanity again. When Tyler sanity was back, he felt strange and he tried to remember what happened over the last few months, but all he could remember was the nightmare where was in ever since Kisler captured him. After a few moments of being sane again, Tyler remembered that Kisler used to be his friend and that now he had been betraded by him. So Tyler wanted to get back at him, but before ever fully thinking about it, he charged right at Kisler, but he was still in a straitjacket. Tyler knocked him down and started to kick him like crazy, but then Kisler quickly executed some kind of mind attack with his powers and with in seconds Tyler started screaming in pain and started to go around the room knock things off of the tables and shelves with his wings and tail. Kisler got pissed off so he attacked Tyler's mind again and Tyler began to scream even louded and then he just dropped to the ground. When Kisler came over to Tyler, he saw that Tyler was crying and out of nowhere, Kisler remembered the time that Tyler was crying back when they were about 6 or 7 years old. Tyler had lost his way in the forest and some people were after him, so he ran, ran deep into the forests. Kisler did not know why, but then he started to comfirt Tyler, but then he began to scream and freaked out. Kisler felt all of those memories that came back to him, and for some reason that caused him pain so he let go of Tyler and he felt the memories disappear and the pain was gone. Kilser got very angry, so he dragged Tyler back to the assylm room and locked the door and went back to his room to think. He just stayed there at his desk thinking. He looked at a knif that he had, then he looked at his pale skin. He cut a small slit on his arm, even though he felt some pain, there was no blood. He got really pissed off and he through the knif against the wall and began to go into a rampage. After breaking some stuff, he started to laugh, because he remembered that he could ruin Tyler's mind again. A few hours later he went to Tyler's assylm room and woke him up. As he was putting his hands on Tyler's face, something jotted his memory, and he started to remember more and more of that forest memory with Tyler. He saw Tyler running in a forest and some angry zombie dogs were right behind him cacheing him, and then, Kisler lquickly took his hands off of Tyler's face and he put both of his hands on his own face and started to scream. At this point, Tyler begana to wonder what was going on because every time Kisler came really close to him he would black out, and when he came to he always saw Kisler scream and either throwing a rampage, or crying and screaming. Tyler finall said, "Kisler what the fuck is wrong with you! I thought we were friends!" Kisler all of a sudden scilenced. After a few moments of scilenceness, Kisler slowly walked up to Tyler and said, "Friends?! Would a friend leave another friend to die!" As Tyler was about to speak again, Kisler opened his fists and all of a sudden the straps on Tyler's straitjacket got tighter. Tyler then shouted out, "If I wasn't in this damn straitjacket I would show you what its like out in the real world Kisler!" Kisler then waved his hands and the straps on Tyler's straitjacket got even tighter. Kisler punched Tyler in the gut, which made him pass out, and he left the room while he was unconcious. Elsewhere, Zergator was sent by the king of his people with a few others to find out who has been sneaking into their city and how they got in and out. Once the sun had set, the Zergator and the other corrupted ones were off in search of answers. After many hours of searching, Zergator told the others to go back home, but the others wanted to know where Zergator was going. Zergator told them he had to take care of something, so the others went back home.