Later on, when the others got back to the city of the corrupteds, the corrupted king's right hand man, or number 1 as some call it, asked them where Zergator was, and they said that he said that he had something to take care of before he came back. The right hand man went berserk, and started to shout and hollar at the men who returned. After a few moments of taking non verble communication, the king said, "Devistator! Stop yelling at them, they were only following orders from Zergator." "But how can we keep these searches orginized if Zergator keeps running off to do who knows what!" Devistator replied. The three corrupted ones that just came back without Zergator left the room and the king continued to talk to Devistator, " Why do you have a problem with Zergator?" Devistator said as they were walking through the castle, " I just don't think that ir is too wise to let let him roam around and what ever he wishes because that power might go to his head, and that could backfire on us." " You and him have the same privileges, I juat need you here more because you are the commander in war, but Zergator isn't." The king responded. They both stopped and Devistator began to raise his voice and said, "But look what happened to your daughter Corra! She got hurt really bad, and she had to spent a few weeks just in bed, and she almost, you know, purified..." "Scilence!" The king shouted, "You leave my daughter out of this! Infact you were her guardian as I remembered. Where were you when that young dragon went berserk and almost killed my daughter?!" Devistator was sclilent for a moment, and then he said, " She told me to take the day off because she was going to be with that young dragon who was in some kind of suit that has the arms wrapped around and tied to the back, so I asked her a few more times and she said that she had made up her mind. So i left her to be with that, that dragon, and I was able to go to my home and get some work done." The king thought for a while, and he told Devistator to leave and to take the day off from all of his responsibilities. The king walked up the roof of the castle and gazed at the stars in space and noticed that something that appeared to be a meteor burrning up in the Earth's atmosphere. After a while, the meteor went out of the king's sight and the king began to refelct, and thought about his past. He remembered the day his daughter was born, and when is wife was still alive. He also remembered the day that his wife died. She was killed back before the king was even the king. Back at that time the king young and was heir to the throne. They weren't even married, and little Corra was only about 5 years of age. The corrupted ones were at war with the Twilight ones, and she wasn't even a corrupted one, which cause certain problems. But when she got caught in the crossfire, endless blood splattered out of her pure body. After that, little Corra was the only non corrupted one living in the corrupted city, so her father had to corrupted her to keep in in the city. Even though the corrupting process can have a slight chance of destroying someone's mind, he had to do it. During that war the king and many others were killed so he was declaired the king of his people. Corrupted ones can be purified, but like the corrupting process, it has a chance to destroy that person's mind, no corrupted one today knows how to purify someone, but since Corra was originally not a corrupted one, near death she will be pure once again, but it could be at a high price. But the war has been over for some time now, but the king knew that it probably wouldn't last for long. The king began to walk back to the throne room. Along the one he remembered the time when the previous king drew his dark blade which was made from his one body. The previous king put one of his hands behind his back as if there was a swod there, but a bunch of his blood was spilling out, and after a huge amount of blood spilled out all at once, the sword was there. It appeared that the sword was forged from his back bone, eventhough his back bone was still in there in one piece. Somehow, he was able to generate a sword from his own flesh and blood and bones. But the king also remembered as he was back in the throne room that every corrupted one can do that now. Meanwhile, Zergator went to a pub and decided to get something to eat and check out if there were any new bounties. Eventhough no one has really seen a corrupted one before, he tried not to call any attention to, so before he went in the pub he took off his cloak and walked in with his normal gear. His helmit and cloths looked a lot like Zero Henry's, but he and Zero didn't seem to have any connection with each other. After he had some food he took a look at the bulletin boards and noticed that there was a picture of Tyler and it said that he has been missing. And then he saw another sign, but this one was a wanted sign, and it had a picture of Zero Henry, but Zergator thought that it was a picture of himself, so he took the sign and ripped it to pieces. Zergator figured that he should get out of there before any one caught on. As he went outside he noticed that there were two guys and a bunch of wolves. the guys kept telling the wolves to leave, but the wolves kept coming back. The guys took out some clubs and told them to scram, but the wolves kept trying to get into the oub. One of the guys hit the wolf with a club, and then the other wolves began to charge at the guys. The guys both beast master so they managed to club every wolf before they were attacked. All the wolves were wounded and began to moan. One of the guys began to swing his club again, eventhough none of the wolves were attacking. Right before the club was about the hit one of the wolve's heads, Zergator steps in and blocks the club swing with his own arm, and then he said, "Touch those wolves again and you're dead!" and then the guy told him to stay out of it but Zergator refused to step aside while the person beat upon a wounded animal. The two men put their clubs away and noticed that Zergator matched the person on the wanted poster, so they both ran away in fear for their lives. Zergator put his cloack back on and tried to carry the 4 wolves back to where ever they came from, but one of them got wounded badly. He picked up the one who was greatly wounded and then he followed the other wolves. After a while of following the wolves, Zergator noticed that the wolves stopped running, and quickly hid. He didn't know what was going on, but out of nowhere, a dark shoots right into his neck, and he drops the wounded wolf. After q few seconds oof pain, he took out the dart and he reconginzed the kind of fluid that was onside of the dart. It was some kind of paralizing toxin that can knock someone out. He ran a bit until he was at an open field, but he saw no one. Then he heard laughs from all directions. Finally someone appeared and walked up to Zergator and told him that there was a huge bounty on his head. Zergator knew that he didn't have much time left until the toxin kicked in, so without a second thought, he began to generate a sword from his own bones. Red blood was spilling everywhere and finally with one big scream, a sword emurged covered with his own blood. He forgout how painful it was to generate a sword made from your own flesh and blood, and to make matters worse, he had used a large amount of blood to make that sword, so his infected blood curclated through his body faster. After he swung a few swings with his sword he began to feel sleepy. After a few more moments he almost fainted and dropped to the ground. The bounty hunter was getting ready to transport Zergator, but as he was about to carry Zergator, one of the wolves came out and charged right at him. The bounty hunter dropped Zergator and took out his sword and slashed across the wolf's body. Then the rest of hte wolves came out and charged at him. The second that one of the wolves jumped at him, he elbowed the wolf right on the skull. As he was fighting with the wolves, the wounded wolf from earlier dragged Zergator away from the fight. After the bounty hunter pounded some of the wolves he noticed that Zergator was gone. He panicked and ran around the place looking for him, but the wolf dragged him into some bushes. Zergator heard the cries of the wolves as they got hurt by bounty hunter, and then, he heard a big howl , and a splat sound after that. So he got back up and emerged from the bushes adn saw that all the wolves were either dead or badly injured. The bounty hunter said to Zergator as he came out of the bushes, "Well well, looks lik you'd rather urn yourself in, rather than duke it out with me?!" for the first time, Zergator took off his armor, an his cloak and all his accesories, and then he said, "If you are going to come after me, dont touch the wolves?!" "Why would you care about some wild wolves? You are a cold blooded killer who took a bounty too far, because they wanted hi alive, but now, he's dead!" the bounty hunter replied. Zergator said as he started to lose his temper, " I don't know what you are talking about. I never killed any one, unless they either engaged me, or if they tried to steal from the corrupted lands!" "You, you are a corrupted one?!" the bounty hunter said and he backed off a bit, "But the description of you never said that you were a corrupted one, but if that is the case, then i can be one of the first who will capture a corrupted one!" Zergator ran over to the bounty hunter and punched him which knocked him back into a tree. The bounty hunter got up and ran towards Zergator, but along the way he stepped on one of the wolve's bodies, which made Zergator even more angry. Zergator grabbed the bounty hunter's face and lifted his whole body into the air just with his arm and hand. "Say good bye!" Zergator said as he was getting ready to finish him off. The bounty hunter couldn't see anything because Zergator's hand has covering his face, so he took out a few daggers, but since he was running out of air, he threw the daggers and all of them hit the wolves. Zergator released the bounty hunter from his tight grip, but then he saw the wolves there, covered in blood. He began to cry for some reason and started to emote. He began to howl, just like the wolves did. He howled again and then, something happened. His feeet broke out of his boots and all his muscles bulgged and shirt got ripped too. His whole body was bigger, but at that moment after he howled, he raced over to the bounty hunter and slashed him with his claws right across the chest. After that, he backed off and then the bounty hunter's armor fell apart. Zergator then started to choke and then after a few moments of struggling, his whole body reverted to the way it was, and then he started to feel really sleepy. The bounty hunter was shocked, and even scared at what just happened. He slowly inched his way to his bag of equipment and took out an orb of some kind. Zergator began to come to, and as he was getting up and off of the ground, the bounty hunter throws the orb right at him. The orb broke once i hit his chest, but then, out of nowhere, he is consumed by something and then, he saw that all of a sudden that he was in a straitjacket, but he didn't know what it was, but he remembered that it looked like the same thing that Tyler was in. After the straps tightened themselfs some how, he fell on his back and was almost knocked out. The bounty hunter began to laugh because he told him that the straitjacket was impossible to get out of unless someone knew the technology. The bounty hunter packed up his things and as he was heading for Zergator to take him, the wounded wolf who dragged Zergator into the bushes came and standed in front of him. Zergator said, with a few last ounces of strength that he had, "Get out of here, that bounty hunter is going to kill you! Just leave me and don't look back!" the wolf looked at him and didn't know what to do until Zergator screamed at him, then he ran into the forests. The bounty hunter said, "Smart wolf..." The bounty hunter took Zergator with him, so that he could cash iin on his bounty, but he first went deeper into the forests went to his secret house. He quickly got some food, and he got ready to go out again. When the bounty hunter set foot with Zergator again, he saw that there was a whole pack of wolves. When he turned around to try and get back in his house, there were wolves blocking the way. When he turned around again, all he saw was a wolf coming at him in mid air while the rest of the wwolves waited for him to fall. Over the lands, somewhere far away, at the meteor cras site there were some people who saw the meteor, so they went over to the site to see what they could find. They found an armored like life form in the creater, but they did not know if it was alive. They all went up to it and then the life form woke up and saw the people. They were shocked to see a life form from space, but after a second, the life form sticks out 2 tentacles which went into one of the people's ears and into the head. The people didn't know what was going on so they got scared, but after a few seconds, the life form did that to the rest of them. The alien saw that he sttarted a fire when he crash landed, so he extinguwished the flames by means of an air cannon which came out of his arms, legs, and the res of hi body. The alien thought to himself, "So this is Earth..." few days later, Scar woke up and found his body all trashed as if a gang of people just beat him and left him to die. He tried to lift his arms, but he was in really bad coditon. He tried to talk, but he was too weak. Later on he heard Salondrus talking to another person in the other room, " Tell him that it will take even longer to complete his shaman training since he has to recover!" Salondrus said to someone in the shadows. "You told us that he would be ready by the end of the month, but if you cannot finish a simple task, then maybe we'll have to erase his memory, so that we will be able to control him!" the person in the shadows replied. Salondrus sat down on his chair and began to speak, "If you erase his memory, I'll kill you myself!" "We'll see, my master is the one who will decide what to do, so I bid you, good bye..." the person in the shadows said as he left. came to Scar's side while Scar pretended to have fallen asleep. "Scar, this was originally going to be a great gift of training, but somewhere along the line it turned into training to become a warrior only to serve one person!" Salondrus said out loud, " We'll finish the training, but once you are done, you'll be free, so fuck my boss, fuck his underlings that stop at nothing to get the job done, and fuck anyone who tries to erase someone's memories! A week later, Scar woke up, but he was still unable to move much. Salondrus came and told him that he would go out and get a elf healing balm and potion to try and speed up the healing process, but he also told him that it would take a few days. Scar said that was fine. Salondrus left a comminucation crystal on top of his bed, so if something went wrong while he was away, Scar could contact him. Salondrus left and Scar fell back asleep, but when he did, he heard those voices again, "I wan't things oo this is be the way they were, before all of this stuff." and Scar woke up, but it was now in the middle of the night. He noticed that there was some water dripping from above, but when he looked up, and there was a person. Scar was scared because he had no way to defend himself, and after he screamed, the person came down and it was a zombie. The zombie began to eat through Scar's head, and Scar could do nothing, but scream. Then he woke up and realized it was just a dream, but to make matters worse, he realized that not only was he in bed, but he was strapped to it. One big strap that covered his chest and lower arms which he never knew about because Salondrus kept the quilt over most of his body the whole time. He fell asleep and woke up the next morning, but after that, he could not fall asleep again. The day pasted by so slowly for him, and he tried to squirm and break free from the strap, but he couldn't. He wondered if this is what Tyler felt when he was in that straitjacket. Scar talked and asked Salondrus why he strapped him to the bed, but all Salondrus told him was that it was for his own good, and then he channeled out, so that scar could not talk to him anymore, unless he channeled back. Finally, he managed to fall asleep again. A day later, somewhere across the country, Zero Henry was very upset. He lied down on top of a hill in the vally and looked aroud. He looked and the rivers, and for some reason that made him ever sadder. He began to try. He got up and tried to pump out and regenerate those wings, but it was no good. Then he started crying even more and just started to shout random things. He was so upset that he could not sprout ot those wings again that he just started to run across the land. He remembered that night, where he sprouted and generated those wings. He felt so good when he had those wings. Aafter running for a while he fell down and began to hit the ground with his fists. Then he started to shout, and after a little bit of shouting, he began to cry even more. He thought more and more, and finally he knew that he had to try and find Tyler, no matter what. He remembered that Scar talked about some thing about shamans and temples, so he took out his map of the land and saw that the closest shaman temple grounds was at least a day or two away, so he just dashed off and hoped to get there as soon as possible. Elsewhere, the alien that crashed earlier who was a strata demon, decided that this plannet was the one where he would make his stand against the other strata demon who seeks him. Since he gained knowledge about the plant and the way things work on earth, he wanted power. He wanted to establish a base which would end up being his own kingdom. He started to search for material that would be good for building, but as he scanned the ground with his visor he noticed that there were no good materials or building grounds to do so. He flew off in search for a good base camp site to start off his empire. After a few hours of search, he found it, the perfect site to construct his empire. He landed and scanned around and detected that there was no city, or towns for a a few hundred thousand miles. He knew that with his privacy he could truly be his own boss and establish a kingdom of his own and rise up to power that will be able to compete with any of the other kingdoms. He started to contrust his buildings and with all of his high tech gear, he managed to progress quickly. After many hours, the strata demon had his house fully construscted and fully operational. Later into the night, Scar woke up and thought to himself about everything. He sobed for an hour. He remembered that he had a little siser. He also remembered the day that they came and seperated them both. A few days after the seperation he was told that his sister was killed because some raiders raided the place took no prisonners. A few more minutes went by and he noticed that the window was open. He tried to remember if it was just closed a few moments ago, but he couldn't. He decided to forget about the window, and not let it get to him. He heard some foot steps and wondered who it was. He said, "How's there?!" and something came out of the shadows. The person was covered in rags and he couldn't make it out. "The master wants your memories erased, so that you focus on your training and become his most powerful servant." the person said as he approached Scar ," The master was unpleased by Salondrus' methods." "Keep away from me!" Scar screamed as he tried contact Salondrus, but at that moment the person took the communication shard and broke it. Then he walked up to him and took of the sheets and saw that he was strapped down to the bed. The person said, " I am going to enjoy this! Taking all your memories away, and adding them to my collection!" Scar was absolutely terrified and was very scared. As the ragged minon rached for Scar's face, someone grabbed his shoulder and said, "Keep your hands off of him, he's mine and I need him his' mind in perfect conditon!" the person who grabbed the ragged minon's shoulder was the ninja from eariler who tried to capture Scar. The ragged minion, without even looking, punched the ninja in the face, and then they began to fight. After a while of fighting, the ragged minion focussed and and strucked the female ninja right in the gut. For some reason it was that hit stunned her. She fell to the ground and she said, "Damn it! How did you know that I was injured there?! "I can see at a whole other level than you can!" the minion replied. The ninja said as she was about to faint, " Damn you! It's a damn shame that hotty over wont be my catch of the day after all..." After she fainted the minion walked over to Scar. Scar was trying to back away from him, but since he was strapped down to the bed he couldn't. The minion rested his hands on Scar's head, and after a few moments of scilenceness, power surged therough their bodies and he started to absorb Scar's memories. Before Scar could plead, he felt tremendous pain due to the minion. After a few more moments of absorbing, the minion stopped and Scar was quiet. The minon laughed, and then he left. A few hours later, after the sun rised, Zero got to the place and searched the temple until he found Scar. When he finally found Scar, he saw the ninja and noticed that she was unconcious. He unstrapped Scar and told him to try and find something that would help her because the ninja was bleeding. He lifted her up and found a bed to put her on. He ripped up her cloths so he could see the wound. She had a huge bruse that had had broken which caused all the bleeding. He qickly tended to the wounds and grabbed some zento leaves out of a small bag he had. He licked the leaves and then patched her wounds with them. He then tore off some of his cloths to make a bandage and tied it around her. All this time Scar was still there at the bed wondering who he was. He tried to think, but nothing was there, no memories, nothing. Zero asked Scar why he wasn't doing anything, but Scar asked him who he was. Zero went back to the ninja and took off her mask. The female ninja was bat, but her wings were no where to be seen. He lied her down on the bed where Scar was and asked Scar if he remembered anything. Scar said no. At that moment, Zero noticed something. He went around the room looking around and it hit him all of a sudden, some random memories and he saw one of Scar's. He saw that the ninja was trying to kidnap him and that his mentor strapped him down to the bed, and then a ragged minion came. The second he saw the ragged minion he knew what was going on, " Oh no..." Zero said as he looked at Scar. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand whats going on at all." Scar said as he looked around. After Zero told Scar about what just happened earlier and now, he knew that he had to go after the minon. He told Scar to strap and tie her up to the bed because she tried to kidnap him, and that his mentor betraded him. Scar decided to follow the advice from Zero. All that was taken from Scar was just his memory, because he still knew what everything was, he just didn't know who any one was, or who he was. Zero told him that he was off to go find the minion and get his memory back. Scar knew that he had to aid the ninja bat because she needed to recover, so he tied her up and strapped her to the bed, but he sat by her side. Even thought he lost all of his memories, he felt that he could trust Zero Henry, even though he just met him after his memory was stolen. He found a sword on the flor, and it had the name "Scar" carvved in it. He remembered that Zero called him Scar, so he found out that it really was his name. He walked around the place and saw a room with a bunch of punching bags, and other training equipment. He did not know why, but he started practicing and began to train. He strapped on some weights to his arms and legs. He began to hit the punching back. Before he knew it he was training more and more. Hours later he had even more weights while he continued to train. After a few more hours, he realized that he was exhausted. He forgot what it the feeling was like. He also soon felt hunger, and then he realized that he got so busy trainging that he totally forgot about the bat ninja girl. When he got there, she was conscious, and she was trying to set herself free, but it wa no use. After a few moments of squirming, she finally accepted the fact that she had been captured. He just looked at her as if he had not seen that before, but in a way, he has not because his memory was stolen. "What do you plan on doing with me?!" the ninja asked Scar as she stopped trying to set herself free, "Because I wont give out any information!" "We'll see..." Scar said as he gazed into the sun rise. "What do you mean we'll see?!" she replied. Scar left the room and came back with some food and said, "It's not up to me, it's up to Zero Henry..." "Who is Zero Henry?!" she quickly replied. "He is the one who practically saved your life. He saw you there, on the floor, with your gut covered in blood. He put bandages on you and lied you down right on that bed." Scar said as he got ready to feed her, "Now you must eat, and regain your strength because you lost quite a bit of blood. As he fed her, she was shocked that soeone acually cared for her because in her past no one gave a shit about her. She couldn't get it out of her mind that someone acually helpped her instead of leaving her to die. After Scar finished feeding her, he went to go get something to eat himself. As he was eating, he took a big sniff of the blood around the room. Then he smelled the blood of the meat he was cooking. At that moment he felt something. He did not know what it was, but he felt slightly irritated. He thought nothing of it after a while. Later on Salondrus just got the healing equipment and tried to contact Scar, but there was no answer. He tried over and over again, but there was still no answer. He suddenly remembered that someone was after Scar. He figured that the same person must have struck again, so without delay, he headed for his home where Scar was at right away. On his way back to the temple, he thought about how much he looked forward to train Scar, but his master wanted Scar for his own reasons. Many hours later, he saw a bounty post, and the person's picture on the post was of Scar's. It said that the person would pay over 9000 bucks to anyone who brings Scar alive, mint condition and as unharmed as possible. It also said to use any methods as long as their do not spoil him. He was shocked to see that Scar had a bounty on his head, but the post said nothing on the reason. Hours later of pure running, he got very tired and decided to hitch a ride back home. He ended up taking a cab home, but when he got into the temple and saw a girl strapped down to the bed and Scar just standing there in the shadows. "Scar?! what happend here?" Salondrus asked him as he looked around the room. "Who the hell are you?" Scar asked. "What are you talking a bout?" Salondrus replied. Scar walked slowly around him and started to circle him and said, " Hmmm.... I don't remember you, but I am picking up some very strong positive and negative vibes from you. I would have probably known who you were, but my memory was stolen, at least thats what Zero told me..." "Oh no.... The person who stole you memory wasn't covered in rags was he?" Salondrus said as he started to panic. "I'm not sure, but Zero said he was going to try and find him, and as for the girl over there, she tried to kidnap amd capture me because she said that I had a bounty on my head." Scar replied as he walked over to the ninja girl. Salondrus asked who Zero was and Scar told him and they talked for a while. Salondrus explained that he was training him to become a great warrior, until his master got more involved. Another hour went by and finally, Salondrus decide to try and extract information from the girl, so he went to him lab to get his equipment. Later on, Salondrus finally got his equipment ready and came back to the main room where Scar and the girl was. He asked the girl a few questions, but she refused, so he took out a needle with a green liquid in it. He injected the stuff right into her neck and she almost screamed because of the pain. Scar quickly reacting and asked Salondrus what he was doing. All Salondrus told him was that he gave her something to help her relax a bit, so that they could possibly get some answers from her. He then injected another needle into her and even though she was relax, she was still in pain. He told Scar to stay with out and see if she would talk while he went to prepare those healing balms. Scar sniffed the girl, and all of a sudden, he felt strange. He then sniffed around her body, and then he growled. The ninja bat girl was confused and kind of afriad of what they might do to her next. He circled around the bed like an animal and then he got on top of it. He was right above her and he on top of her and went right up to her face. Then he growled really loud and tried to break free from her bonds. He stompped his hands right next to her face and instantly she stopped moving due to fear for her life. He sniffed again and then he stopped growling and then gave her a few licks on the face. After that he got off of the bed and lied down right next to the bed. The next day Scar woke up and found the girl shaking in fear. He asked her what happened, but she was too scared to say anything. He asked Salsondrus and all he said was, "I had to do what I had to do in order to get information out of her. I used a scout worm to extract the information itelf, without damaging her in anyway." Salondrus took Scar back to the room with the girl and took out a device with 5 different needles on it. She begged him to stopped, but Salondrus said that it was the only way. Right before the needles touched her, Scar's sword was already drawn and was almost touching Salondrus' face. "Do anything more to her and you die!" Scar said with a serious look on his face. "I'm not hurting her!" Salondrus shouted, "She is only afraid because she doesn't want the information she has to come out. And I won't be injecting her with anything anymore." Scar withdrew his sword and said, "I'm sorry, I just, seeing her like that,being injected with stuff, it just didn't feel and look right." Salondrus asked the bat girl's name, but she refused to answer, so Scar unstrapped her and picked up, and then he put her on a strecher bed and strapped her down to that. Salondrus told Scar that he would put her in a room until she was ready to talk. They attached a crystal to the top of the strecher. They took her to Scar's room, and then they both left. Scar told Salonddrus that he needed some time to think. He left the temple and walked into the forests. Salondrus went back to Scar's room and tried to make the girl talk. "What do you want?!" The girl said. "Information..." Salondrus replied. "I can't tell you anything because they will kill me if they find out that i told anyone." She replied. Salondrus took out a scout worm and said, "We'll then, I'll have this guy here get the information for me then..." He took the worm and placed it near her nose. The worm went up her nose and she began to scream and squirm. After a few minutes of screaming, the worm came out, and then she stopped screaming, but she was terrified that she began to cry.