A few hours later, after the scout worm incident, Salondrus began to extract the information that the scout worm gathered. He finally extracted all of the information from the scout worm and saw all of the information in a vision, due to the medium he extracted it to. He saw sorrow, sadness, darkness, and very little good and happy memories. He saw that she was a bounty hunter and she basically owed her master her live. He then saw that her master said if she told any outsider information about him, he would have to kill her. Right at that moment, somewhere far away, a person seemed to have awakened. Salondrus knew who that person was, or at least knew what that person was going to do. It was some kind of Zyther that have a mental link between people and he just found out that the girl basically gave Salondrus the information, so the Zyther was on his way to kill the girl, and any others who have received the information. Salondrus knew that the Zyther was too powerful to overcome, even for him, so he decided that the only thing he could do is kill the girl, so that the Zyther would lose the signal and would be unable to track them and their location. Scar was returning from his walk and as he was walking over the small bridge, he heard a tremendous scream that was coming from the temple. He knew that it was the girl and that Salondrus was up to something, so he ran as fast as he could and hoped that he would make it in time, if there was any time left. As he ran into his room he saw that she was unconscious, and thought that maybe she was dead. "Salondrus!!! What have you done to her?!" Scar said as he began to burst with rage. "I drugged her, so that she would fall asleep, so that, I wouldn't have to kill her while she was awake." Salondrus answered, He then told Scar the reasons for doing so, but Scar said, "I don't care if someone is coming! I won't let you lay another finger on her!? "She tried to capture you and turn you in to collect her money, and not only that, but a person stole your memory." Salondrus told Scar as he got closer to the girl. Scar dashed over to her and unstrapped her and picked her up and placed her over his left shoulder and said, "I promised Zero that I would protect her until he returns, and if you are going to stand in my way, then I'm leaving, and I am taking her with me!" "Don't do this Scar! Because if you go and let her live I won't be able to protect you." Salondrus said as he tried to reason with Scar. Scar looked at Salondrus strait in the eye for a few seconds, and then he ran and left the temple along with the girl while she was unconscious. Scar ran for many hours, and ended up deep within the dark forests. He stopped by a near by river and got a drink. After refreshing, he saw her, and she seemed to be having a nightmare of some kind because she was squirming and kept saying, "No... Stay away... Zyther... Don't do it..." Scar looked at her and couldn't help feel for her, even though she tried to capture him in the past. He didn't know why, but he knew that he was being followed by someone, or something, so he picked her up and ran. It got late, so Scar managed to seek some shelter and decided to travel again the next day. The next day he woke up and noticed that she wasn't there. He searched for her, and he finally found her stumbling around, and from the looks of it, she just woke up because she didn't seem to be fully awake. He grabbed her and ran off again. Almost another day has gone by, and now he had to find some food in order to feed her and himself. "Sorry" Scar said as he roasted a wild boar, "This was all that I could hunt." "Yeah, what ever!" the girl replied, " Why even bother eating, I won't be free, and to make matters worse, a Zyther is after me know because that person extracted the information from me." Scar got up and untied the bonds and released her, and said, "Here, your hands and arms must be tired. Don't run from me, or I will be unable to protector. Stay with me, and I'll protect you as long as I can..." After the roast, they fell asleep. The next day, Scar took the girl and ran for many hours, until the next rest stop. At the rest stop, Scar asked her about the Zyther, but she didn't know much about it. All she knew was that they kill who ever give out too much information, and that they are really powerful warriors. Scar saw some snow and he knew that he was near the snow region of the land. They walked together and when they reached the snow grounds, he gave her his coat. After another few hours of walking, Scar started to shiver. Scar told her that he needed to take a break, so they headed for a new by cave. After Scar fell asleep, she noticed that he did not get up. She waited a few hours, but he still would not get up. The next day came, and she knew that something was wrong because he would not get up. She tried to wake him up, but everything she tried didn't work. At that moment she just realized that the Zyther probably tracked her down, so she tried to lift up Scar and got out of the cave and continued to talk. After an hour of running, The Zyther appears right in front of her. She was so shocked by the Zyther that she did not try to run away. Within seconds, the Zyther grabs her by the face and began to charge up some kind of cannon, which was his hand that was holding her by the face. Scar woke up and foot swiped the Zyther and began to fight him. The Zyther told him that this was non of his concern, but Scar kept fighting anyway. The Zyther picked him up and threw him off into the distance, and then he went after the girl. Scar got back up and blocked an attack inflicted by the Zyther to the girl. He kept trying to protect her, but the Zyther was too powerful, and it kept knocking Scar out of the way. The Zyther continued to beat up Scar, and finally, he threw him off into the blizzardy snows, and he did not come back. The Zyther looked at the girl and said, "Say good bye!" The Zyther's whole body seemed to pop out and transformed a bit. He ended up crating huge laser gun that fires from his whole body. It began to charge up. The girl was too afraid to run way because she was frozen by fear. The Zyther finished charging up, and then, he fired the beam laser. It traveled really fast and as it was about to hit her, Scar races in and moves right in front of her and looks at he. At that moment the beam laser his him right in the back, and all the girl is thinking, "Why is he doing all of this for me?!" Scar began to smile as the pain surged through out his body. He told her, "I've done all that I can. I used my body as a shield. Now, it is up to you..." After the beam laser finished, Scar had smoke coming off of his back and blood dripping from everywhere, and the Zyther seemed to have overloaded, so it had to shut down. After a few moments, the Zyther cooled down and rebooted and was back online. The girl got very mad and dashed right at the Zyther. She fought him and managed to be quick enough to evade all o his attacks, but she hardly did any damage. No matter how many times she hit, it almost seemed like that there was no damage done to it. The Zyther grabbed her by the face and slammed her to the ground. He then held her legs, and then a small needle came out of his body. He told her that it was death poison. Just as the needle pierced her skin and a little bit of the serum was injected into her. Taylor zooms in and kicks the Zyther and knocks it back. He then ran up to the Zyther and inflicted some damage with some really hard punches. As they were fighting, someone came and took Scar and placed him in a wagon and left. The girl tried to run after the wagon, but she was slightly poisoned, and it was really cold. Taylor looked at the wagon, and saw that Scar was gone, so he ran off to the wagon, but the second he turned around to run, the Zyther Puts his arm around Taylor's mouth and pulls him back. The Zyther pulled Taylor in and squished him against his own chest. Taylor quickly fucked his elbow into the Zyther's chest, but nothing happened. He did it over, and over again as he was running out of air fast because the Zyther had his arm around his face. He began to hit the Zyther's body less and less due to the air loss. After a while he could hardy slam his elbow into him. He stopped and seemed to have fainted. Then he opens his eyes and gives one final slam and the Zyther recoils in pain and lets go of him. Taylor continued to pound the Zyther, hit after hit. "This isn't over!" The Zyther said. Then, a loud beep noise came from the Zyther, and then it exploded. It blasted Taylor back and was left smoking on the ground. The girl told him that they took Scar, but they both fainted. Somewhere, deep in some forest, Zergator wakes up and sees that he is in a forest and that he is under a lot of shade. He sees the light coming through the trees. He tries to get up and off the ground, he realizes that he is still in that high tech straitjacket that the bounty hunter put him in while he was trying to save the wolves. A few moments later, some wolves come to him and start to lick his face and prance around him. He asked them if they could get him out of the straitjacket, so they tried. They tried to bite it off, rip it off, but nothing worked. The wolves began to moan because they could not set Zergator free from it. He tried to get up, but he couldn't. He turned to his side and began to think about his home city. He knew that he wasn't supposed to worry the corrupted ones, but he had no choice, but to stay and play things out. One of the wolves tickled his feet for a second and he began to laugh. As he was laughing, he forgot about all of his troubles for the time being. More time has passed and he began to think about Corra, and how much that he cared her. He remembered that he made a promise to her. "No matter what happened and who ever your guardian is, I will always protect you!" He remembered himself saying. He tried to get up again, but he was still to weak and he collapsed. He decided to try and fall asleep in order to pass the time. He turned onto his side and waited. The wolves snuggled up against him and they all fell asleep together. Later the next day at city of the corrupted ones, The king asked the scouts if they have found Zergator yet, but they found nothing. He began to worry more and more. Corra asked her father (the king) if she could go out and try to find Zergator herself, but he told her no. Later that night, she snuck out of the city and hoped to find Zergator by sun rise. After many hours of searching, she decided that it was time for her to check out the pubs. When she walked in, everyone stopped talking and looked at her, because none of them had ever seen a true corrupted one before. She told everyone to fuck off. She then saw a wanted sign of Zero Henry, but she though it was of Zergator because it was a black and white picture, and Zero and Zergator appear to have almost the same helmet. She looked at the bounty reward and it was a very high amount. Right under it she saw the reason for the bounty and it said "wanted because this person is responsible for over 24 deaths. She was so shocked to see a wanted sign of Zergator, but what shocked her the most was that she never thought that Zergator would kill, unless it was a life or death situation. She came to the conclusion that all those times that Zergator went out on his own, he must have killed. She took the whole wanted/bounty sheet and saw some of thing murders that was done. Some were really graphic. After reading about 5, she was sick to her stomach. She felt as if all that she knew about him, was a lie. She left the pub and went home to sorry about what she had found out about Zergator, even though it was really Zero Henry who had murdered those people. Elsewhere, Kisler got up in the middle of the night and went to see Tyler through the view spot of the door to Tyler's asylum room. He started to have feelings for him, so he went into the room. Tyler backed up into the conner and was afraid that Kisler might do more of his mind crushing tactics. Kilser picked up Tyler and looked at him strait in the eyes. Tyler was squirming and trying to get free, but it was no use. After a few seconds of looking him in the eyes, He quickly had another flash back. At that moment he freaked out and dropped him and began to do more of his mind crushing insanity powers. Tyler started crying, and before he knew it, he was in another nightmare where he was tied down to a table while in a straitjacket while they put scout worms up his nose. After that nightmare, Kisler put him into another one where he was up against the wall. Someone came in to make him suffer and to inflict pain upon him. While the person was beating up him up, he saw his father (Taylor) and cried for his help, but his father did nothing. Nightmare after nightmare, he finally caved and gone insane. At that point, he was completely mentally insane and unstable. Kisler sealed the door and went back to his room to think. He went back to Tyler's asylum room and went in. Tyler looked at him and gave a dark smile. He tried to figure out what was going on, and then, Tyler broke out and destroyed the straitjacket and morphed into the dark black dragon. Kisler ran for the door, but Tyler grabbed him and started to punch and scratch him. He tried to unlock all the nightmares into one, but Tyler grabbed both of his hands. He then head butted him right on the face. He jabbed his knee right into his gut and he almost collapsed. He tried to get up, but Tyler stomped on his back with his foot. Kisler was in some real hard physical pain and began to moan. Tyler then took a look at his arms and began to laugh. He started to scratch himself, and then he began to hit himself. Kisler realized that this was his moment. He screwed with Tyler's mind and then Tyler reverted back to his normal self. Kisler came up and punched him in the gut a few times and made him fall asleep with one of his many abilities. He knew that Tyler would break out of the straitjacket again, so he had another one made, but this time it was made even better then the one he had before. When Tyler woke up, all he did was try to break out of the jacket. Hours after hours he kept trying, but still no luck. Usually after a few minutes of trying he would have given up, but since he was insane and mentally unstable, he lost track of time. After another few hours of trying, he started to run into the wall and tried to wound himself. Even though he was in an asylum room, he still managed to hurt himself. Kisler came back later and still found him trying to get out of the straitjacket. He drugged him which made him fall asleep. And began to toy with his mind once again. The next morning, Kisler found Tyler squirming and almost hopping around in the straitjacket trying to get out of it. He could not understand why Tyler kept trying to get out of the jacket after many, many hours. He took so much pleasure in screwing around with Tyler's mind that he began to laugh. Sometime later, Taylor was running with the bat girl, but Scar was no where to be found. Then hid behind a rock and waited for the Zyther who was chasing them to leave and pass by. The Zyther walked around and began to search the area. After a while of searching, he said, "Faith! Stop hiding and come out and face your destiny!" He then fired random laser beam shots in hope to flush them out. Taylor decided that they should make a run for it, so he took the bat girl named Faith, and dashed off. Taylor and Faith both took off and tried to fly away. Just as the Zyther began to launch off into the air, Scar comes and says, "Where the fuck do you think you are going?! We have unfinished business!" He then throws his sword and cuts off the Zyther's jet pack. The Zyther turned around and began to fight Scar. Scar tried to deal some damage wuickly, but the Zyther armor was thick, so it would take some time to deal damage. With one punch from the Zyther, Scar got knocked back right into the wall and as he hit the wall, snow fell all over him. The Zyther picked him up and began to look at him. After a few seconds of looking, he noticed that he had a huge bounty on him. Scar began to heat up and then he was engulfed in his own energy which melted the snow. He gave one punch directly at the Zyther's chest and cracked its armor slightly. The Zyther dropped Scar and stumbled back a few steps. The Zyther picked Scar up by the legs and began to smash him against the ground. Taylor saw that Scar was getting pounded and flew back. He told Faith to keep flying away. Taylor came zoominf back and rammed the Zyther right in the back and they both went sooming off into the snow mounds. The Zyther picked up Taylor and held him tightly. His body shifted and there was some kind of giant rocket. It began to luanch. Taylor tried to break free from the Zyther, but it was no good. The rocket blasted off and it hit Taylor and kocked him out. The rocket was flying off at a great speed and carrying Taylor with it. Faith saw Taylor sooming by on the rocket and off into the distance within a few seconds. The Zyther picked up Scar by the face and began to suffocate him. Faith saw them off in the distance and knew that Scar is in trouble, so she flew back towards Scar and the Zyther. Scar squirmed and kicked, but it only made things worse. The second Faith got there, Scar stopped moving. She franticly said, "Stop it Zyther! Don't kill him! Do what you want to me, but just don't kill him!" The Zyther released Scar and turned around and said, "Come with me, and we'll see what will happen to you..." Faith walked up to the Zyther and the Zyther grabbed her and Scar and began to walk because its flying devices were damage during the fight. "Why are you taking him too?! I'm the one you want!" Faith said. "I know, but there is a huge bounty on his and it says that they need him in perfect condition, so I need to take him back and bring him back to health and heal him, so that I can collect my bounty." Zyther said as he continued to walk in the snow while carrying both Scar and Faith. Meanwhile, Zero found the ragged minion who stolen Scar's memories. He thought that he would try and reason with the minion, but he didn't have time to wait and play things out. He ran up to him and grabbed his face and began to dig his nails into his face, and he said, "Give me back Scar's memories, or I will kill you!" "Fuck off!" the minion replied. All of his rags fell off and he himself disappeared. Zero quickly looked for him, but could not find any trace of him. Then, out of nowhere, all of the bandages and rags come out and start constricted all over him and began to choke him. As he was suffocating, he heard the minions voice, "You think you can just come and mess with me! I'll show you what you get for even laying a finger on me!" Zero began to kick and strubble for air, but the rags continued to constrict. He gave one last big kick, but he could'nt break free, and then, he stopped struggling all together. After a few more seconds of nothingness, Zero surges up and his wings explode out of his back and streched out and expanded all the way which broke and tore all of the rags that were choking him. He then grabbed something and the minion was visible again. He picked him up and flew up high into the air. As the blood dripped off of his wings, he told the minon, "You don't want to give me back Scar's memories, then I'll just have extract them after you're dead!" after he reached a very high altitude, he began to zoom down back towards the ground while holding on tight to the minion upside down. A few moments before they reached the ground, he let the minion go and he flew to a safe landing, but the minion, however, smacked right into the ground. After the crash, the most of the minion's body was in the ground which only left his lower body visible. Zero plucked him out of the ground like a vegetable and examined him. The wings folded back into his back and suddenly he felt a shit load of pain. He dropped the minion and fell to his knees. He surged up again and fired a beam of energy at the minion and destroying his body. He saw all the memories drift off, so he got up and ran into them all. He was overwhelmed by all the memories of multiple people. He saw many things, and finally, he found Scar's. He didn't know that he had a little sister. Then he saw Scar's little sister get crumbled by a bunch of rocks that caved in. He felt really cold and light headed due to the massive choke and the blood loss.He noticed that his back was still bleeding and it didn't seem like it was going to stop. He crawled and sat up against a rock. He continued to bleed has time passed by. Zergator woke up and tried to get up and off of the ground, but he could'nt. He inched his way over to a tree and used it as leverage to get him self up and on his feet. He started to walk around and as he got too far, the wolves came and kept pushing him back to where he woke up. He tried to walk around them, but they tripped him and dragged him back. Later on he tried it again, but it was no use because they kept bringing him back. He decided to wait until they all fell asleep. He got up and began to walk slowly away. Then, he started to run. After a few moments of running, the wolves woke up and realized that he was gone, so they began to franticly search the forests. Zergator managed to hide and the whole chase went on for more than an hour. He finally got to the open roads and he bumped into someone and knocked that person down. When the person got up, Zergator said, "Cora?!" Cora got up and said, "Zergator..." "Whats wrong? You look sad. We'll talk about it later, but you have to get me home and out of this because people are after me!" Zergator said as he began to panic. "Maybe its best if they do catch you..." Corr replied as he began to back away. Zergator walked up and said, "What?! Come on Corra, who knows what they will do to me!" "What ever they do to you I'm sure it can't be any worse than what you have doen to dozens of people!" Corra responded. "What are you talking about?!" Zergator said as they were both walking down the road. Corra stopped, and told him, "You are wanted by so many people because you are responsible for over 30 deaths! I could not believe that all those times you went out on your own you were off killing people!" "None of thats true! I can't expain why there is a bounty on my head, but all I know is I need you to trust me!" Zergator said franticly. Corra didn't say a word, and then, she started to cry and he tears were so bright. She turned around and said, "Good bye Zergator!" and she ran off. Zergator screamd, "Noooooooo!" and within seconds the wolves come and pull him to the ground as he was running after Corra. He got knocked out and the wolves dragged him back. When he woke up he saw that the wolves were trying to get him out of the straitjacket, but nothing worked. For some reason, it could not be ripped arpart because it was too gummy. When they bit it and tried to pull it back, it snapped and the wolves got flunged back, but the jacket was still in one piece. He began to weep over the fact that Corra left him because of some lie. He fell asleep and all of the wolves snuggled up right next to and over him. Corra returned to the city and when they asked her if she found Zergator, she told them that she found no one. She went to her room in the castle and just cried for hours because she felt betraded because she thought that she knew Zergator, but she guest that she was wrong. The king comes in and says, "Corra, we need to talk..." he sat down on her bed right next to her and began to talk, "I wasn't going to tell you this, but since we may never see Zergator again, it's best that you know. He isn't really a corrupted one at all!" "What?!" Corra replied. "I found him one day, he was almost dead, the only way to save him was to corrupt him, but when I tried, it failed, and most of his memory got lost. So I raised him as my own, as a corrupted one. He shares some of our many gifts and secrets, but not all of them." The king said as he rubbed her. "Daddy..." Corra said, as she was about to try, " I saw..." "What is it Corra?" the king said as he got up. "Nothing..." Corra said as she turned around on her bed." the king left the room and said, "I hope that he is okay, because he may not have been a native corrupted one, but he grew up as one..." The next morning, Taylor came too and saw that he was somewhere tropical. It took him a few seconds to recall that he was fighting with the Zyther and it launched a rocket and blasted him off into the sky. He walked around for a bit and noticed that he was on some island because he saw nothing but the ocean off into the distance. He walked across the shore until he found a city. "Fuck no!" Taylor shouted as he saw a sign indicating where he was. The sign said, "Welcome to Huesenavara!" Huesenavara is a tropical island which was off of the main continent that he was on before. He knew that it was at least a seven day trip to his continent. He looked and asked around, and found out that it would take even long to get back by means of transportation, so he decided to get some supplies and fly the whole way. He went around and got new cloths and some supplies and he was off. Around this time, the Zyther who had captured Scar and Faith, just got back to its destination. At the moment there seemed to be nothing there, but after a few seconds of waiting, a whole high tech building emerges from the ground and rased. When they all got inside the main entrance, the whole giant building submerged again and within seconds it looked like as if the building was never there. All there was, was snow. The Zyther went over to an elevator and went down. When he reached the bottom he gave Scar to someone and told him to try and repair his wounds and make sure that he will be in mint condition, and to keep him in bonds of some kind because he is power and could be a threat. The Zyther then took Faith to the master. The Zyther dropped Faith right in front of the master's feet, but everything was so dark that you couldn't really see much. The master told the Zyther to have her imprisoned and then he would figure out what to do with her later. Days past, and Zergator still could not break free. A huge wolf howl filled the air and all the wolves woke up and started to leave. Some of them helped Zergator up and then started to push him in the direction of the wolves who were leaving. Instead of resisting, he figured that he would just follow the other wolves and see what will happen. They walked for hours and soon it became night. They all fell asleep and woke up the next morning, only to travel again. They traveled for days, and finally the wolves arrived to a small field within the great forest. He saw the chieftain wolf that he had encountered from before. All of the wolves, including the chieftain, tried to bite and rip the straitjacket apart, but it was no use because the jacket was made from some kind of rubbery substance. They all tried it again. As it was being stretched from all angles, Zergator began to surge up. Within a few seconds the whole jacket broke and Zergator popped out and pulled the giant sword which was generated from his own bones, and destroyed the jacket. After that, he fainted because he did not eat ever since he was at that pub, and he used up a lot of energy and blood to generate that sword. Later that night, Corra was searching for Zergator. She was crying because she felt so bad that she left him behind and that he could have been killed. He tears were sparkling bright was they fell and splashed against the ground. She searched for hours, but she could not find him. She started to think if Zergator had been killed or not. She started to think that they could have doen anything to him. She started to cry even more and then, Devistator came and asked her if she had found anything. All Devistator found was some pieces of cloths that seemed to have been made form wraithware, which was the material they used to make their own cloths. They both went back there. All Corra saw was a bunch of grass stained with blood and more pieces of wraithware. She was so shocked to see blood because that made her believe that they have iether killed him, or seriously wounded him. The next morning, Zergator woke up and saw that all the wolves were waiting for him to awaken. He thanked them all, as if they were people. He told them that he had to get back to his home because he had been missing for days. The chieftain came up to him and held a dark purple pendant, much like the one that he got from them earlier. He grabbed it and took out his other pendant. The older one broke and shattered, and the new one Glowed. He made a necklace out of all it and put it on. The chieftain started to walk into a cave, he turned around and nodded his head because he wanted Zergator to follow him. They traveled deep into the cave and found an old armory of some kind. Everything was rusted and of no more use. The chieftain barked at a chest and tried to open it. Zergator came up to it and found a rusted key on one of the shelves. He opened the chest with it, and as he opened it, light came out of it and shined on him. When he opened it all the way he saw a dark purple armor with boots and gauntlets. The chieftain left the cave and left him wondering there. He took the equipment and adjusted it to fit himself. When he came out of the cave, the chieftain was holding his wraith cape in his mouth. He gave it to him and he put it back on. He left the forests and began his walk hom. He found a restuarant and decided to have a meal. As he came in, someone came up and asked him to leave. He asked him why and the person said, "Because you have a huge bounty on your head and are wanted." "Sorry, but I'm not that person who is wanted and has a bounty." Zergator said as he found his own table to sit at. After a few minutes of waiting, a waiter finally came and took his order. After he gave him his order, he told him that he was going to leave a big tip. Everyone was just staring at him. He finally told everyone to go back to their meals and to leave him alone. Everyone then continued with their conversations and meals. After he ate his meal, he took out his money from his wraith cloak and left a huge tip. When he got outside there was a bunch of people who appeared to be news reporters. A bunch of them asked him random questions about the corrupted city and if they are going to make peace and such. Zergator turned around and said, "You leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone." then he walked off down the road. Sun set approached and he was almost home. He came up to the main gate and shouted at the gate keeper up in the tower. The person in the tower told him to fuck off because they were not allowed to open the gate until nightfall. He yelled back at the gate keeper and told him that it was Zergator who wished to enter. The gate keeper got up and off his chair and opened the gate. When he got in, the keeper came down and punched him right in the face and said, "Good to see you!" Zergator punched him back in the gut and said, "Good to see you to!" After that they both laughed. He told him that someone tried to capture him, so he got side tracked. He told the guard not to tell anyone that he was back because he wanted some time to be alone in his own house. Around that time, Corra left teh city and searched for him, but she did not know that he came back. Devistator was busy making some new weapons and did not notice that Corra had left. He was her guardian and he is always suppose to know where she is.