Later on he decided to fall asleep for the night and search for Zergator tomorrow. The king sent someone to assist Corra and Devistator in their search, but the servant could not find Corra. More time had past and Zergator finally decided to show himself. He went to the king's room of the castle and told the king that he had returned. The king was so happy to see him, but he was anoid that Corra went out and that Devistator stayed behind. Zergator looked out the window and said, "It's almost sunrise?! If she doesn't get back soon she'll be screwed!" The king sighed and turned around and walked back to his chair and said, "There's nothing we can do, we can't handle the sun." "I'll go and find her!" Zergator replied as he started to emote. The king just looked at him, and decided to let him go and find Corra. Zergator rushed out of the city. He ran so fast that he decided not to take a horse. The sky had already started to get brighter. Meanwhile, Corra was crying as she was running and searching for Zergator. She tripped over a rock and when she got up, there were a few people right in front of her. They all drew out their swords and pointed them at her face. She back flipped and generated her own sword. For some reason her sword was more jagged and had more curves than a regular corrupted generated sword. She told them to leave so that their lives would be spared, but they didn't listen and they charged at her. Within a few seconds she generated little daggers from her finger nails and shot them right into the 3 people's necks. More people came and then she was out numbered ten to one. As she fought them off, one of them came up to her and injected some kind of drug into her arm. She knocked him off and continued to fight them off. One of them was a huge tauren and came up to her and just grabbed her from behind. As she was held, she was drugged again, but this time it was in her neck and then she screamed. Zergator heard he cry and he smelled the air and managed to pick up her sent. Within a few seconds he found her and the other people. He kicked the tauren in the head which knocked the tauren back. The tauren dropped Corra, but the people saw him and they started fighting him instead because they wanted the bounty on his head, even though the bounty was really on Zero Henry, but they did not know that. He killed everyone in a bloody fight because he generated a sword and a few spears. He asked Corra if she was okay, but she had been drugged so she was almost about to faint. It was now day time, but it was still quite dark in the forests. The tauren came back and began to hit him. He knocked him right out of the forests and Zergator was stunned by the sun light which paralyzed him. Corra came stumbling and hopped over the tauren and tried to aid Zergator. They backed off from the tauren, but he kept closing in on them. They backed up for a while, but now they are at the edge of a cliff. The tauren ran up towards them and just rapidly pounded Zergator and then the edge of the cliff began to crumble. Before they knew it the ground collapsed and they all fell. Zergator was helpless because he was basically paralyzed and Corra was barely conscious. It looked like as if they were all going to fall into the water while rocks and pieces of the cliff fell with them. Later on, Zero got back to the temple to give Scar back his memories, but when he got there, only Salondrus was there and at the time he did not know who he was. Zero said to Salondrus, "Where is Scar and that girl..." "They had to run because a Zyther was after them." Salondrus replied. "Damn it!" Zero said was he got enraged, "How much longer do I have to go before I can let go!" Salondrus said, "So, you're Zero Henry. I don't know if they were able to escape the Zyther, but if they were captured and still alive, they would be at my master's domain in the snowy parts of the land..." Zero came up to Salondrus and began to choke him and said, "You better tell your master to let them go or you'll die!" "He doesn't care about anyone" Salondrus said was he was being choked. Zero stopped choking him and just walked away and out of the temple. Salondrus came running after Zero and told him, "Here, take these. The Zythers are weak against lightning." "I won't need it." Zero said as he continued to walk. He began to think about the ninja girl who was named Faith, but he did not know that. Meanwhile, at Salondrus' master's domain, Scar was nursed back to health and was locked in a huge room. He was given a white uniform and boots. He could not figure out why they have aided him and since his old memory was lost he was unable to figure out why. He got worried about Faith because he had not seen her ever since the Zyther had captured them both. He waited for hours and still no one had come. He began to plot and figure out what he would do if a certain situation happened. He began to get really angery because he knew that he had to protect Faith and it pained him to not know what was happening to her. Later on, Salondrus' master came into the room that Faith was in. The whole room was dark , but it had a few candles. Was lying down on the bed just in a straitjacket. The master sssaid, "You know Faith, even though you said you couldn't, I still have deep feelings for you..." "I told you, I can only love another..." Faith said as the master began to get on the bed. "Please, don't do this..." She moaned. "Don't worry, everything will be okay..." the master said. Back where Zero was, he was on his way to the snowy grounds. He began to think that if anyone had done anything to Scar and or Faith, he would make them pay. " Tyler, I have not forgotten about you! Once I get Scar back and meet up with your father, we will rescue you!" He thought to himself as he walked down the road. Elsewhere, out in space, The other strata demon crashed landed on another planet because he had to feed in order to continue his search for the other strata demon that he has been after all this time. He found some suitable food and melted it down into pure energy so that he could consume it. After feeding, he sat down and began to think. He started to meditate. Somehow he was searching the galaxy with his mental powers. He was searching for any signs of the other strata demon, but after a long search, he found nothing. He slept for several days and then he went back into space and continued his search for the other strata demon that he has been after for so long. Back at the snow base, Scar was getting very angry because he has been alone and isolated for days. Finally a door opened. He walked down the hall and opened the door at the end. When he entered, he saw Faith lying in bed. "Faith!" Scar said as he rushed over to Faith, "Are you okay?" "No... Stop it..." Faith moaned. He noticed something in the air. He took a few sniffs until he realized what it was. He was smelling her pheromones. He kept sniffing and he seemed to be shocked and enraged by the smell. He started to circle her and started to growl like a wild animal. He took another big whiff of the air and he knew that she was ready for mating. For some reason he was different. He did not try to get her out of the straitjacket, or even talk to her because it seemed like he was possessed. He howled, and then he got on top of her and he could not help but fall into temptation of his thriving biological urges. More days have past and Zero was still searching for the snow base. He searched and search, but he found nothing. So he went deeper into the blizzard in hopes to find the base and rescue Scar and Faith before anything bad happens to them. He got angry and started to fire energy blasts randomly. At that moment, someone in the underground snow base detected large energy, so he sent out a Zyther to scout it. As Zero was blowing off some steam, a Zyther came out of a shaft in the ground. He noticed that someone was there and asked him if he knew where Scar was. The Zyther was silent, and then he walked up and punched Zero. Zero tried to block the hits, but the Zyther was too quick and powerful. He jumped back and rushed the Zyther with an onslaught of punches and kicks. The Zyther blocked every hit and when Zero left himself open for an attack, he punched him. After a while of exchanging hits, the Zyther backs up and shifts and opens up to fire his laser beam. As it charged up, Zero was trying to figure what the Zyther was doing. After a few seconds passed, he realized what it was. The Zyther fires the beam laser right at Zero's face. He barely dodged the beam just as it went by his face, so he quickly turned his head to avoid the rest of it. The beam laser destroyed most of his cloak and hood. As he got back up he turned around and looked right at the Zyther. Some of his neck was eaten up by the beam laser because you could see his flesh. He got fuck pissed and rushed the Zyther and attacked him relentlessly. He managed to foot sweep the Zyther which caused it to fall down on its back. His wings opened and he took off and when high up into the air. Once he got high enough he started to fall back down. Within a few seconds he crashed right into the Zyther. He then broke the Zyther's optical lens. The Zyther broke down and leaked some of fluid. Just the make sure that it was dead, he continued to smash the Zyther to pieces. Once he knew that it was dead, he dropped down on his knees. A few seconds later the ground starts to rumble. Within seconds ten more Zyther's pop out of the ground. At that moment, he thought, "I am so fucked!" He tried to defend himself, but whenever he did anything they would counter it. They all started to beat him up. After the knocked him out and broke some bones, one of the Zyther's picked him up. He saw that his heart stopped beating. They waited right there for a few minutes, but Zero did not get back up. "No one can stop their own hear for that long." one of the Zythers said. A few more moments past by and they all started to turn around and headed back to their underground base. As they slowly walked away, they noticed something on their scanners, so they all turned around and saw Zero surging up. All of the Zythers got ready to fire their beam lasers. He continued to surge up, and then, he stood up strait and put his fists strait up into the arm and screamed like he never screamed before, His whole body sucked in a bit and all his muscles tightened and then, Spears came out of his bodies. They were generated weapons generated from his own bones. They came out of every where, his wings, his arms, his ribs etc. All of the bone spears directly hit the Zyther in the optical sensor. The spears went really deep. All the Zythers fall on their backs and after a few seconds, they all exploded. He over exerted and fell to his knees. For some reason he tried to fly. He managed to get up into the air, but after a few minutes of flying he fell down and went past the cliff and fainted in mid air. When he smacked against the bottom of the cliff, a small avalanche happened and within a few seconds, he was covered with tons of snow. Zero has fallen... Later on at the corrupted city, the king worried so much because Zergator and his daughter ahve been missing for a while now. He called for Devistator and said, "You are my daughter's guardian! If you had been with her this would have never happened!" "She always tells me to take the day off, or that she is okay and does not need anything." Devistator replied. The king got up and off of his chair and walked towards him and said, " You go out there and find them right now!" As Devistator backed away he said, "Corra does not want me as her guardian!" The king blew off some steam and sat back down and told him that he better search for them every night, or else. At night, Devistator took a steed so that he could cover more ground faster. At the end of the night he found nothing, and he was forced to return to the kingdom empty handed. After a few more days of searching, Devistator decided that he would not come back until he has found both Zergator, and Corra. He left that night and in the morning, he did not return.