Two bikers made their way up to an old barn. Tony and Gorgette hid their motor bikes behind a small group of trees. "You got the guns?" asked Tony. "Ah' got 'em." "They loaded?" "Loaded? You jus' said t' bring 'em, not load them." Gorgette fumbled in her bag and took out the pistols. "Want me t' load 'em?" "Just give them to me, I'll load them." He took the pistols and started putting the bullets in. "I just asked ya' to bring loaded guns, you couldn't even do that!" "Well ah'm sorry." "It's okay, just 'member next time." He gave her a kiss. "You 'member what to do?" "'Course! You shoot 'em and ah' wack 'em with the pipe." Gorgette takes the metal pipe out of the bag and holds it like a baseball bat. "How you know he gonna be here?" "He always comes here, dunno why, but he does. Ready? Let's go!" With that, they ran over to the barn's side and peered through the doors. ********************************************************** Connor perked up his ears at the sound of motorcycles. Panicking, he quickly covered the fresh corpse with hay, picked up his knife and went to the doors to see if anyone was there. "Not them again!" Connor said to himself recognizing the people as Tony and Gorgette. They were two members from a small gang that beat him up a while ago. He went up the ladder to hide in the upper level of the barn. Connor held his breath as the two made their way in. He tightened his grip on the knife and kept a close eye on Tony who was weilding a gun. Gorgette was keeping watch by the barn door. "Connor, we know you here! Show your face, ass baby!" Tony looked around, smiling. "We gonna kill you good!" Cackled Gorgette. "After we done with you, we gonna kill your pussyless mother and bastard father!" "You tell 'em Tony!" Connor felt very uncomfortable and scared, he didn't know what to do. He backed into a wall and stood up. Then he ran to the edge where Tony could see him. "Come get me!" He childishly stuck his tongue out at him and ran into the darkness again. Tony laughed and climbed up the ladder after him. He walked close to the wall so the he couldn't get pushed off. He saw Connor dart behind a small hay stack and walked over aiming his gun. "Ah-Ha!" he almost fired his gun but Connor wasn't there. "What the fuck?" Suddenly, Tony was stabbed in his left leg and he fell down. He screaming was muffled by Connor's hand. Connor pulled the gun from Tony's hand and put it in his pocket. Tony kicked Connor in the groin and crawled away. "Gorgie! Get up here and wack 'em before he gets up!" "You said you gonna shoot 'em then ah' wack him! You din' shoot 'em yet!" "Bitch, get up here!" Connor crawled over to Tony and bit down hard on his leg near the stab wound. "AHH!" He kicked him hard in the face. " Your parents fucked you in the head or somethin'!?" He sat up and grabbed at Connor's throat. Connor gasped for a breath, this guy was stronger than he thought. He became light headed and thought that he would surely pass out. "Gorgie! Get the fuck up here!" Tony shouted again. "You din' shoot 'em! You said-" "Forget what I said and wack him!" Connor tried to stay concious and took the gun from his pocket. BANG! He pulled the hands off his neck and caught his breath. "Ah' wack 'em now!? Tony!? You shoot 'em!?" "Gorgie......he sh...he shot me..bitch!" Tony shouted. "You okay!? Want me to wack 'em!?" Connor slit his throat. "Wack 'em already, dumbass!" Connor shouted, doing his best to mimic Tony's voice. "You din' shoot 'em yet!" "WACK 'EM!" Connor never knew such idiots existed. He stared at Goregette a while, she didn't move from her spot, he had a plan. He held Tony's limp body and dropped down to the first level into a hay pile. Gorgette trembled and held up the pipe. She stared at the pile where Tony and Connor fell. "Tony? You okay? Did 'ja get 'em?" "Yeah, you don't have to wack 'em, he's a dead fucker." Connor sat Tony's body up on the hay. "I think my leg is broken, could you help me up?" He lifted Tony's hand up as if he was calling her over. "Tony, that you over there?" "Course, who else would it be?" Gorgette slowly made her way toward Tony's body. The she dropped the pipe and ran over to help him. She lifted him up a bit then dropped him. "Ah'm sorry- AHH!" She screamed when she saw that Tony was dead. Connor jumped up from behind the hay weilding a bloody knife. Gorgette screamed again and ran for the doors. Connor chased her out of the barn. She was almost at her motocycle when she was tackled to the ground. She screamed again and again. Eventually she grew silent. ********************************************************** Freddy looked up at the sound of a motorcycle outside. Connor opened the door and walked. His parents seemed very happy to see him. His mom came over and hugged him. "You okay?" Freddy asked. Connor could tell that he was very worried. "I'm okay.." "We got threat calls from a gang-" "I got them." Connor said quickly. "You're not hurt are you?" "I'm fine." He smiled and hugged his dad. Jason stared at the bloodied clothing. "Uh..I'll wash these, mom."