The Change Walk through the woods,pear through the trees, the waxing moon shines through with ease, and darkness crawls across the fields,the sandmans spell is now unsealed. While people sleep and you tread through the forest floor, eyes fall on you. You look above and there you see,the silvery moon calls 'Come to thee'. A dagger pain shoots through your chest,a killers mind has now infest, thick fur sprouts through and muscles tense,you now pick up the faintest scents. So try,be still,to find out more,but moving bones push through your jaw. A muzzle forms,your nose turns black,you feel bones move across your back. Your spine has pushed through flesh and skin,yet muscles wrap the bone within. Your nails lengthen black and broad and thick toed paws have now been formed. Your knee caps crunch and haunches strong,now tread where man trod all along. Eyes burn like acid in your head,a werewolves iris turns them red, and as the few changes left occur,a pair of ears shoot through the fur. Black fur replaces any skin,a wolven heart now beats within. So throw up your head and bay aloud,whilst silvery rays shine through the clouds. The shift complete,a werewolf breathes,as the shadowy figure darts through the trees. No trace now left,who will believe,the blood driven canine is actually........ me. (C)Lakota,2003