A word on my Commissions... Occasionally I do take commissions, more on a friendly than a real commercial basis. Still people are prepared to pay some money, which I reinvest in my Artwork! Commissions helped pay for my scanner, my first homepage and so forth. I am therefore very grateful for the occasional windfall. My service to my clients is, that their artwork is unique and belongs to them alone. They decide if it is to be published or not, unless I decide to publish it myself for a portfolio or an art collection. I hope it is therefore understood that I don't post any commissions unless I have authorization by my client to do so! Portfolios containing all commissions can be asked for via eMail. All rights reserved unless mentioned! The Weirdcommissions... Views on anthropomorphic lifestyle! What is this Weird commission - series about??? Over the past three years I've been able to establish a regular commissions. Once a year, I get asked to draw scenes from film, telly and music lyrics featuring some kind of live animals in quite human situations. This series started of in 1999 with a simple question: "What if panthers were to have a quickie in a toilet?" Well the only way to answer that is to take the animals into quite anthro situations! Commission for 2000 topped the old one: "Can elephants have sex in a phone box?" Last years question was: In the song "The Bad Touch" from the Bloodhound Gang, what would the line "Let's do it doggie style while we both watch X-Files" look like? I took the challenge and presented the unsuspecting world with my suggestions how to solve these problems! Weirdcommissions by Blue_Panther 1999 - 2001