The corresponding file to this .TXT file is a KiSS, (FKiSS2, to be precise) of "Sebrina Fox", a character created by Meghan Dombrowski. If you are unfamiliar with KiSS, I will tell you that it is a computer based "Paper doll" program, and suggest you take a direct detour to: to find out more and to download the necessary software to view a KiSS. On a note, the KiSS and browsers at Otakuworld, and everywhere else on the net, are meant to be freeware- they come at no cost, and take up little space on your computer! Now, for those of you already familiar with KiSS, I will continue with a brief description of this doll. It is programmed in FKiSS2, and has the following additions: -256 colour -transparent objects -animations -no graphic nudity (acceptable for all ages) -interactive reactions It consists of one doll with a few accessories and 11 unique outfits with various pieces. It also has two pokemon in it, for all you pokefans! (but mainly the character's creator, who I know to be quite fond of the two in this set) If you are wondering what I mean by, "no graphic nudity" I mean that the underwear on the doll is removable, but there is no detail, (nipples, pubic hair) on the doll's unclothed body. In other words, as long as you don't mind the doll putting on mad faces when you remove her underwear, you'll be just fine with this doll! Christine Gavlas (Meghan Dombrowski can be contacted at: )