Hey ya'll! I put this here since Poki and Forced Conversion are two ideas that are in my head that I haven't exactly shown well in this VCL account... yet. Poki is where my name comes from, and was the original term for a type of anthro I had created that was half alien and half cat. Soon after a friend of mine gave them the names of "Splorgs" which is their offical name in the storyline I have created for them. Poki is rated PG-13 only for slight cursing and slight violence. Forced conversion is an adult story that I am currently working on. It includes two characters I had created to draw and roleplay originally, but then after speaking to a couple of friends on a few subjects I had come up with a great idea to put them in a story-line, which I am working on making into a comic. I even have the first page done. Forced Conversion is rated R and up for violence, sexual situations, and other things like that.