July 5th, 2004. (Gunshot)--WAKE UP, fool! How many times has it been?? Bull rams into brick wall. Yet again. Some fucking idiots JUST don't ever learn...ever. -You lose.- (Laughter.) Even my closest Seem to detest me. My idiocy. Boundless. Deepest bane...would they accept? (I didn't.) Plunge deeper into the abyss. Down that stairway. Artificial. THAT'S where I truly belong. For. Ever. More. ...It's over. Creative as a rock. Skilled as a child. A truly tortured artist ...wannabe. Future of nothing. Another new beginning?... ...Just an image. All a lie. For a fucking fool. I'm a fucking tool. Another sand castle crushed. Another comet fizzled. "Smile, you're on t.v." Old, dirty habits. The kind true pupils never mention. Old, pretty notches still burn. Tempting. Cherished. ...Denied. The angels rejoice. ...The angels don't give a fuck. Fuck it all. That is all...