This is a series on The Citadel. This is about my freshman year, my Knob year. Based on some true events and experiences, but for the most part fictional. Names have been changed; some events have been altered slightly. Some people might be expecting massive amounts of hazing stories; not going to happen. If there are they’re only going to be speculations of what may have happened. For the most part, hazing has been cut down to nothing at El Cid. There’s an occasional incident though it’s debatable on whether getting in someone’s face is hazing. Of course, things do happen, but they’re dealt with swiftly, usually in dismissal of a cadet or an obscene amount of punishments.
Anyway, this is my Knob year. I’m writing this as a lupine that has already gone to military school, willingly of course. It’s safe to assume that there are no humans in this story, despite the lack of mention to species. I’m not going to focus on individuals, but rather on the general experiences that most of us cadets have had and are having. Of course, the fur factor will be included, but not to the same extent as some of my other stories.
Enough though, you probably want to read something more interesting than my ramblings, so without further ado, I’ll let you go to the story.